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Extension After 15 Days At Land Border

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Hardly. If she could do that, everyone would be doing it, instead of, whenever necessary, leaving the country by air in order to obtain 30 days. FYI, she wouldn't get a 30 day extension with a 30 day entry; she wouldn't get one with a 60 day visa, but - off the top of my head - 14 days, plus 7 more.

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Just looking for some info and arrived at this thread. To make things clear in my mind - after getting 15 days stamp for land a border crossing, can I then get another 15 days if I do another crossing 14 days later?

Its just that I arrived with visa exemption because I had to get here back quickly (normally I would have a Non O ) and I will need to stay another 3 weeks after my 30 days runs out this week. I don't really want to get a Non O or Tourist visa as it would mean a nights stay in Laos and I don't really need that amount of days. This is just to get me past New Year then I'm back to work in UK . I know I could get the first 15 days and then extend for 7 but I would prefer the first option if it is feasible.

Anyone done back to back land border crossings?

many thanks :)

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