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German Man Dies After Drinking Beer

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Why would a 47 yr old tourists confide in an 18 yr old Thai child about his congenital disease? Seems a little odd but hey. I am sure the Thai authorities will make inquiries with his immeadiate family and his treating doctor back home to support the autopsy findings, very straight forward normal proceedure that any police force will carry out, as it is Step 1 in this type of investigation.

why should they?

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Makes a change from Farang TRIES to FLY from his balcolny

I wondered if anyone has a list of say the last 20 foreigners that died here, why and how-verdict, would be interesting. my sim-modem is so slow cannot get into web/google/etc without being cut off. You see were all not on broadband and in cities--in the sticks is difficult to get signal at times.

so the last 3 days....

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As with all these stories, the facts supplied are so meager, so the TV visa posters can only speculate to amuse themselves. ( Which I do often....) What I do find interesting is last week when the Thai girl fell from the balcony, the farang was detained and a massive investigation took place. With this German guy dieing , it appears to be a complete non event, with references to a mysterious congenital disease as the cause, and the case solved in minutes. Clearly the levels of investigation between a Thai death and a farang death are vastly different...... :jap:

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It used to be antibiotics, as in penicillin, were live and yes alcohol renders such inert. Sorry, I don't have a linked source for this info other than learning it around 7th grade I suppose. Probably in the women's health class.

With synthetic antibiotics, alcohol has little effect although if ill, one should refrain from stresses recreational drugs such as alcohol may cause.

This man may well have had a liver or kidney disease.


A few antibiotics — such as metronidazole (Flagyl), tinidazole (Tindamax) and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim) — should not be mixed with alcohol because this may result in a more severe reaction. Drinking any amount of alcohol with these medications can result in side effects such as flushing, headache, nausea and vomiting, and rapid heart rate. Keep in mind that some cold medicines and mouthwashes also contain alcohol. So check the label and avoid such products while taking these antibiotics.

I can well remember a time when disparaging comments re Tland would be removed from the forum. I guess a critical mass has been reached on the realities of Thailand and there's no censoring it anymore. Quite enjoyable.

The first few posters have it all figured out so no need to speculate about possibilities. They are very smart these guys donot know the victim or his companion but have it down pat.

Well done... I watch holiday makers and residents drink on antibiotics and against advice from doctors on a regular basis, I couldn't express congenital disease in Thai but could certainly get the concept across!

Slightly off topic, but well worth a mention...

Its fine to drink on antibiotics. That old wives tales comes from the days when antibiotics were commonly administered to treat syphilis... being told not to drink was simply a way to deter people from getting wasted, horny and then having reckless drunken sex whilst still being infectious with the disease.

and before anyone jumps in to refute the above info... discuss your opposing evidence with the source; Stephen Fry, QI @ BBC,

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There is no mention of any medication being located in the room or on the deceased. Surely if he was suffering from a congenital disease then he would of been on some form of prescription medication. This medication would have a label attached bearing his doctors name and he may have been carrying documentaion from his doctor to allow him to bring medications into the country. A quick phone call by Thai authorities or the German Embassy to his treating physician would confirm such a disease. The statement of the child that he told me he had a congenital disease is hearsay (nothing to support it). Had medication been located and the child stated, "He told me he was taking it for XYZ" (the congenital disease) then that may be different. Surely he would have told her that he was suffering from XYZ and not just that he had a unspecified congenital disease.

About all this story says is that a German guy (RIP) attended a party had a couple of beers and passed away sometime later, alone.

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The knockout/tranq meds they slipped into his beer most likely caused his ticker to go south. It's too bad that situations like this will never get properly investigated.

I see you have inside information. Where did you get this?

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The knockout/tranq meds they slipped into his beer most likely caused his ticker to go south. It's too bad that situations like this will never get properly investigated.

I see you have inside information. Where did you get this?

from a mute winter? :huh:

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One thing that some of the posters here need to learn about life is that not all of us make it. Some of us do die before the average age of death and for various reasons, and about 99% health realted rather than suspect. There're a whole bunch of conditions that a man aged 47 could die of particularly if he was at all overweight or on medication for an illness.

Respect to this man's relatives. Posters should learn to enjoy your life while you can. Those who hate Thailand or are overly suspicous of an 18 year old; well perhaps you should think about if you're living in the right country or not.

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Why would a 47 yr old tourists confide in an 18 yr old Thai child about his congenital disease? Seems a little odd but hey. I am sure the Thai authorities will make inquiries with his immeadiate family and his treating doctor back home to support the autopsy findings, very straight forward normal proceedure that any police force will carry out, as it is Step 1 in this type of investigation.

why should they?

Why should they what? Do you mean make inquiries into his medical history? If they are going to write thier findings in an exact manner then they will have to check with his treating physician.

Do they write it up as he died from an undiagnosed congenital disease being XYZ or he had a history of XYZ. Who can confirm his history, The thai child or his treating physician? Yes police attending an unexpected death will make these inquiries on behalf of the coroner as a standard proceedure. Well in Victoria Australia they do, can't speak for other police departments.

Edited by softgeorge
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"Narisara said the German had earlier told her that he was prohibited from drinking under medical advice as it would affect the congenital disease he had. However, she said he overlooked the advice and drank every day."

Once again the ThaiVisa idiots are psychic. There isn't any mention of any medication in the article. Right away the the psychics have the guy on antibiotics. Just curious what congenital diease requires the use of antibiotics? It is probable that the reporter called his problem congenital as they usually embellish the facts to write a more interesting report. Most reporters and police seem to think all Farang have congenital problems. The words congenital, long term and existing seem to be interchangable to them.

The guy could easily have told the girl "I have long time problem and can not drink alcohol". She wouldn't need much education to understsnd that.

This forum had become the ludicrous example of why Thais think Farang are stupid. They might even be right from what I am reading in the comments.

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The knockout/tranq meds they slipped into his beer most likely caused his ticker to go south. It's too bad that situations like this will never get properly investigated.

Whats really bad is that many people come here only to use the Thai's for what there straight laced society looks down on.

Hence go where society is less strict on their habits.

Then when they get here just indulge themselves and never miss a beat to belittle there hosts.:(

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There is no mention of any medication being located in the room or on the deceased. Surely if he was suffering from a congenital disease then he would of been on some form of prescription medication. This medication would have a label attached bearing his doctors name and he may have been carrying documentaion from his doctor to allow him to bring medications into the country. A quick phone call by Thai authorities or the German Embassy to his treating physician would confirm such a disease. The statement of the child that he told me he had a congenital disease is hearsay (nothing to support it). Had medication been located and the child stated, "He told me he was taking it for XYZ" (the congenital disease) then that may be different. Surely he would have told her that he was suffering from XYZ and not just that he had a unspecified congenital disease.

About all this story says is that a German guy (RIP) attended a party had a couple of beers and passed away sometime later, alone.

A lot of misinformation here.

The following is from the article


"Narisara said the German had earlier told her that he was prohibited from drinking under medical advice as it would affect the congenital disease he had. However, she said he overlooked the advice and drank every day."

Not a word about medications.

Aparently they had been together for more than one night. Lots of time to get the message through to her if she did not speak his language.

As for bringing in medications I do it every year for 6 years and have yet to be questioned about it.

I am not a doctor and I doubt if any one here is but I do believe that some of the congenital diseases are not active all the time and do not require medication all the time.

It amazes me that with around 15,000,000 visitors here people think the worse when one dies.

In all honesty the total is probably closer to 10,000,000 visitors.

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As for all the psychic info obtained on this article about the German man and his woman18 (not 6 YO child) friend, no psychic skills needed, just use special software that exposes all the information written between the lines. :huh: RIP

There has been nothing written about the girl being 6 yrs years old or anything to suggest that he was in a relationship with the teenager. The story states that the young girl was a friend and nothing more.

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There are 'ivory tower' overtones in the member response to this thread. For example " the deceased was stupid" . Come down!

In the eternal human condition, all of us at times have trouble coping with life. How else can one explain addictions to all kind of drugs (including alcohol and religion) throughout all of humankind?

Sometimes it only comes to the attention of the general public when a famous celebrity dies as a result of bad choices. Many of these personalities had good human qualities including high intelligence. How do you figure?

We are all human.

" That's life, that's what all the people say; Riding high in April shot down in May ".

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Why would a 47 yr old tourists confide in an 18 yr old Thai child about his congenital disease? Seems a little odd but hey. I am sure the Thai authorities will make inquiries with his immeadiate family and his treating doctor back home to support the autopsy findings, very straight forward normal proceedure that any police force will carry out, as it is Step 1 in this type of investigation.

why should they?

Why should they what? Do you mean make inquiries into his medical history? If they are going to write thier findings in an exact manner then they will have to check with his treating physician.

Do they write it up as he died from an undiagnosed congenital disease being XYZ or he had a history of XYZ. Who can confirm his history, The thai child or his treating physician? Yes police attending an unexpected death will make these inquiries on behalf of the coroner as a standard proceedure. Well in Victoria Australia they do, can't speak for other police departments.

One German died drunk....if you want to investigate all these drunk dead cases you need a million policemen. The Austrian embassy told me that they are busy with all the body bags flying back to Austria. Austria has just 8 Million people. So I guess there are xx dead foreigner every day and no money in investigate why they died.

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The first few posters have it all figured out so no need to speculate about possibilities. They are very smart these guys donot know the victim or his companion but have it down pat.

Well done... I watch holiday makers and residents drink on antibiotics and against advice from doctors on a regular basis, I couldn't express congenital disease in Thai but could certainly get the concept across!

Knowing my luck if I tried for congenital disease I'd end up in the papers misquoted as having an STD!

Or worse a Con with a Genital Disease.

I suspect he told her he shouldn't drink

because he has a bad heart or diabetes or the like, and it could kill him,

and so the reporter just calls it the catch all phrase Congenital Disease.

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With all the side steps, 'obvious' remarks on sex-pats, and more nonsense, let's return to the OP

A 47-year-old German DJ died in his room after drinking beer with his Thai and foreign friends in Chon Buri's Sattahip district.

Till now no further information available, apart from what was written in the OP.

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As for all the psychic info obtained on this article about the German man and his woman18 (not 6 YO child) friend, no psychic skills needed, just use special software that exposes all the information written between the lines. :huh: RIP

There has been nothing written about the girl being 6 yrs years old or anything to suggest that he was in a relationship with the teenager. The story states that the young girl was a friend and nothing more.

The article says nothing about "young girl" or "child" either. It does say: "Thai friend Narisara Kansao, 18" The 18 YO woman later turned into child and little girl or young girl implying an age of single digits or very early teens. Thus seeming to discredit her testimony by making her seem sooooooo young her words can't be trusted.

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Why would a 47 yr old tourists confide in an 18 yr old Thai child about his congenital disease? Seems a little odd but hey. I am sure the Thai authorities will make inquiries with his immeadiate family and his treating doctor back home to support the autopsy findings, very straight forward normal proceedure that any police force will carry out, as it is Step 1 in this type of investigation.

why should they?

Why should they what? Do you mean make inquiries into his medical history? If they are going to write thier findings in an exact manner then they will have to check with his treating physician.

Do they write it up as he died from an undiagnosed congenital disease being XYZ or he had a history of XYZ. Who can confirm his history, The thai child or his treating physician? Yes police attending an unexpected death will make these inquiries on behalf of the coroner as a standard proceedure. Well in Victoria Australia they do, can't speak for other police departments.

One German died drunk....if you want to investigate all these drunk dead cases you need a million policemen. The Austrian embassy told me that they are busy with all the body bags flying back to Austria. Austria has just 8 Million people. So I guess there are xx dead foreigner every day and no money in investigate why they died.

Well I don't know about Austria, but in Australia every death is investigated to a degree. In many cases a medical praticioner will issue a certificate of death (different to a death certificate). All sudden deaths and deaths where no certificate of death is issued then a full investigation is conducted and inquest briefs forwarded to the coroner. That is NOT to say that an inquest will be conducted for every brief. That is a lot of Austrians dying in Thailand. I guess Australians are more careful when overseas.

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As for all the psychic info obtained on this article about the German man and his woman18 (not 6 YO child) friend, no psychic skills needed, just use special software that exposes all the information written between the lines. :huh: RIP

There has been nothing written about the girl being 6 yrs years old or anything to suggest that he was in a relationship with the teenager. The story states that the young girl was a friend and nothing more.

The article says nothing about "young girl" or "child" either. It does say: "Thai friend Narisara Kansao, 18" The 18 YO woman later turned into child and little girl or young girl implying an age of single digits or very early teens. Thus seeming to discredit her testimony by making her seem sooooooo young her words can't be trusted.

Let's just call her a teenager then, there is no disputing that fact so end of argument.;)

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I didn't realize stupidity was congenital. RIP <_<

Please all you Germans and English that love to drink beer. Give it up

For New Year's I hate to see such fools died so please stop drinking.

I am afraid he will not be the last to die from drinking beer.

Oh how I pray for these poor souls.

Next time any of us see a drunk German take away his beer so he can live.

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