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Rule Of Law Takes A Back Seat In Thaksin Passport Drive


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so you make the valiant point of saying that it should not all be about thaksin, yet in your first sentence you answered that reconciliation for the yellow shirts is "Having Thaksin serve is jail term and deal with his other court cases"

Supposedly for the red shirts, it isn't all about Thaksin. For the Yellow shirts, obviously it is, but a lot of it in relation to the law.

The red shirts are getting most of the things that they want, and the Yellow shirts (or others) aren't on the streets or threatening to be on the streets protesting against that.

The red shirts are talking about reconciliation. That shouldn't mean getting everything that they want.

The red shirts can have their people in power and get the handouts that they want, but they don't need Thaksin for that.

let me just ask you straight, what are the yellow shirts actively willing to do that they don't want to do, for reconciliation?

I dont remember The Yellow shirts wanting reconcilliation... That , I,m afraid will NEVER happen... What the Yellow Shirts want, and most decent Thai peoples, is the end to corruption, the end to buying votes, the right to freedom of ideas.. and the laws of this country followed to the letter... The Yellow Shirts have accepted that PTP have won this last election, and now as the country sits back to wait for all the election promises to come true.... brings to mind that old saying, give them enough rope to hang themselves... Thailand does Not need Mr T... Thailand is able to make it in this world if it can stop the rampant corruption .. if not, it will always be a third world country...

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Thaksin appears a hero to the poor because he gave them 30 baht, while he stole 30,000,000,000 baht. (cant remember the figure but it was more)

You have it figured out, explaining it to the red shirt terrorist apologists is like banging your head against a wall, they just don't get it.

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Rule of law took a back seat in Thaksin passport revocation and the coup. Welcome home Taksin.

Yes, welcome, your jail cell is waiting for you, and more court appearances, for the charges you are avoiding by hiding like a little girl in Dubai.

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Today's such an important day, a day that we all should celebrate with our family , and people in this forum is still talking about Thaksin???


Hope his majesty recover his health as soon as possible and that G-d bless him with many more years of life!!!

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Doesn't matter if this is about Thaksin or not...when has the "rule of law" ever applied to anything here? Thailand is NOT governed by the rule of law but the cirvumvention of the law. The laws are not set up to protect innocents, not enforced to maintain order. How was the last government body put in place? and the one before that? and the one before that? Look around you...does anyone think Thailand is governed by the rule of law?

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They did this in the absence of provocative actions by those they see as their opposition. Also, the criminality of the opposition grew to such a point that the instruments of government could no longer ignore them, so PAD became superfluous. IF they rise again, I would imagine that it might be because they might feel the current government would not only not be willing tocarry out their law enforcemnt duties, but might be even complicit in breaking the laws in furtherance of the interests of one man. I could be wrong but that's my general impression.

It is interesting that no PAD leaders have come out to embrace the general amnesty that is being proposed, even though they would be large beneficiaries of same.

they still have the power to assemble big groups and protest, i think you clearly know this.

what actions have they taken for the purpose of reconciling their differences with the red shirts? is the question.

1. So, are you saying that reconciliation means the reds and the yellows agreeing to some form of compromise?

2. That, amongst other points, seems to suggest your either yellow or your red. Never mind that there are many many Thais who support some aspects of both camps and are very not supportive about other aspects of what each camp espouses.

3. Do you really think that red shirt / yellow shirt 'reconciliation' is the answer to the current situation.

I suggest reconciliation is everybody getting back to some genuine highly visible work towards building a civil society with absolute respect for the law regardless of anything to do with reds or yellows. And yes, if either reds or yellows have broken laws then their cases should be processed through the proper judicial channels and steps of the law, with no interference from anybody.

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I would imagine some of the PAD Leaders have a bit more to worry about - like when are they going to pay the 552 Million Baht fine (plus 7.5% interest per year) they incurred for invading the airport. Perhaps Kasit would like to help out seeing as he got away with prosecution. Whats good enough a law for Thaksin is good enough for the PAD. What will happen first, Thaksin goes to jail or the PAD pay the fine?

Which happened first? Thaksin being sentenced or the PAD being fined?

Besides that, I doubt either will happen.

That was along the lines of my thinking strangely enough - what I would call mexican standoff rhetoric.

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How to spot a Red Shirt-apologist: Starts talking about Yellow Shirts in a topic that has nothing to do with them.

On one hand they claim the Yellow Shirts are a spent force, irrelevant, couldn't put up any force in the street. On the other hand they use the Yellow Shirt as a deflector as to why Red Shirts, PTP and Thaksin don't have to follow the law, the spirit of the law or act within the boundaries of good moral.

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Can anyone clarify what the law is regarding the seizure of someones passport as the article seems very vague on what actual law they are refering to.

The statement from the Foreign Ministry at the time it was taken was not clear in the subject:

"If we believe the person who holds the passport is doing anything that could undermine the security of the nation, then we have the right to revoke the passport," said Tharit Charungvat, a spokesman for the foreign ministry.

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I dont remember The Yellow shirts wanting reconcilliation... That , I,m afraid will NEVER happen... What the Yellow Shirts want, and most decent Thai peoples, is the end to corruption, the end to buying votes, the right to freedom of ideas.. and the laws of this country followed to the letter... The Yellow Shirts have accepted that PTP have won this last election, and now as the country sits back to wait for all the election promises to come true.... brings to mind that old saying, give them enough rope to hang themselves... Thailand does Not need Mr T... Thailand is able to make it in this world if it can stop the rampant corruption .. if not, it will always be a third world country...

Reconcilliation certainly doesn't appear to be part of their agenda, I agree with you there.

According to their website, the unambiguously named "antithaksin.com", their ultimate objective is

we have to get rid of Thaksin and his proxy politicians and punish them according to the laws.

Definitely no reconciliation there.......

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Reconcilliation certainly doesn't appear to be part of their agenda, I agree with you there.

According to their website, the unambiguously named "antithaksin.com", their ultimate objective is

we have to get rid of Thaksin and his proxy politicians and punish them according to the laws.

Definitely no reconciliation there.......

At least they have said "according to the laws".

If the red shirts could apply the same standards, maybe things could move forward.

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Don't you guys see how tiring this is talking about one man? Him and his government keeps opening the can of worms even when there are other important things such as flooding. There's someone more deserving a gift than Thaksin this month but instead we hear about him AGAIN. Is it so much to ask of one very rich man to face his charges so that the issue about him can be history?

Well!!! There is a rather BIG photo of him adorning the intro to this particular article so that tells me that we shoud be giving our points of view on Thaksin!!!!! What do you want to discuss???? "the weather in Alaska at the moment" or "how about the number of shots Rooney had on target in the weekends game":lol:.

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Surapong said the move would help reconcile Thai people on both sides of the political divide.

For the red shirts, reconciliation is about doing everything that the red shirts want and stuff what everyone else thinks.

EXACTLY! So long as the rule of law does not run contrary to their (red shirt) preconceived notion of what the rule of law actually is....

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I look at Thaksin, and he looks like crumpled up plastic piece of madcap.

Look at his face. His face spells bad things.

Go on look at his awful face.

I do not believe Thai people will accept this evil man much longer.

People saved by no floods are beginning to think differently.

t\heir daughters in Bangkok have told them things, reality strikes

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let me just ask you straight, what are the yellow shirts actively willing to do that they don't want to do, for reconciliation?

I have no idea. Go and ask a yellow shirt.

But a lot of people don't want Thaksin to be whitewashed of his crimes and charges. A lot of people are prepared to accept a Thaksin proxy government, and want to get rid of double standards (from all sides).

There won't be reconciliation with Thaksin in the picture. Whether you think that is right or wrong is irrelevant.

oh i just asked because you seem to know about what the red shirts want to do for reconciliation, so i guessed that you knew about what the yellow shirts want to do too.. are you a red shirt then maybe?...... since you have to go and ask a yellow shirt to know, i take it you have to go and ask a red shirt to know too.

but all pettiness aside, yeah there won't be reconciliation with thaksin looming.

Thaksin or no Thaksin makes no difference.

The red shirts are in power now and they could care less about it.

The only time they will be interested is if it serves their ends.

As it is they are in the driver seat and have nothing to gain from it so kiss it goodby.:(

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They did this in the absence of provocative actions by those they see as their opposition. Also, the criminality of the opposition grew to such a point that the instruments of government could no longer ignore them, so PAD became superfluous. IF they rise again, I would imagine that it might be because they might feel the current government would not only not be willing tocarry out their law enforcemnt duties, but might be even complicit in breaking the laws in furtherance of the interests of one man. I could be wrong but that's my general impression.

It is interesting that no PAD leaders have not come out to embrace the general amnesty that is being proposed, even though they would be large beneficiaries of same.

they still have the power to assemble big groups and protest, i think you clearly know this.

what actions have they taken for the purpose of reconciling their differences with the red shirts? is the question.

As far as I know they have no major differences with the Red Shirts beyond the Thaksin issue. When that particular item of the Red Shirt agenda is off the table the PAD seem to be non existant.

well that's of course the foundation

but i believe it's also on the human level and whether it's the correct case or not, there is a degree of reds looking at yellows as 'snobs and bangkok elite' etc and vice versa as 'simpletons and country bumpkins'... and that kind of opinion of each other goes beyond thaksin.

I've got a friend that lives in New York City. he thinks everyone who lives outside NYC is a bumpkin. Other than make jokes about him behind his back (and to his face sometimes), I'm not going to change his viewpoint much.

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They did this in the absence of provocative actions by those they see as their opposition. Also, the criminality of the opposition grew to such a point that the instruments of government could no longer ignore them, so PAD became superfluous. IF they rise again, I would imagine that it might be because they might feel the current government would not only not be willing tocarry out their law enforcemnt duties, but might be even complicit in breaking the laws in furtherance of the interests of one man. I could be wrong but that's my general impression.

It is interesting that no PAD leaders have not come out to embrace the general amnesty that is being proposed, even though they would be large beneficiaries of same.

they still have the power to assemble big groups and protest, i think you clearly know this.

what actions have they taken for the purpose of reconciling their differences with the red shirts? is the question.

As far as I know they have no major differences with the Red Shirts beyond the Thaksin issue. When that particular item of the Red Shirt agenda is off the table the PAD seem to be non existant.

well that's of course the foundation

but i believe it's also on the human level and whether it's the correct case or not, there is a degree of reds looking at yellows as 'snobs and bangkok elite' etc and vice versa as 'simpletons and country bumpkins'... and that kind of opinion of each other goes beyond thaksin.

Thaksin's the foundation? Well, knock me over with a feather. I had no idea. I thought it was about no more double standards, the rule of law, the pillars of democracy, etc.

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I dont remember The Yellow shirts wanting reconcilliation... That , I,m afraid will NEVER happen... What the Yellow Shirts want, and most decent Thai peoples, is the end to corruption, the end to buying votes, the right to freedom of ideas.. and the laws of this country followed to the letter... The Yellow Shirts have accepted that PTP have won this last election, and now as the country sits back to wait for all the election promises to come true.... brings to mind that old saying, give them enough rope to hang themselves... Thailand does Not need Mr T... Thailand is able to make it in this world if it can stop the rampant corruption .. if not, it will always be a third world country...

Reconcilliation certainly doesn't appear to be part of their agenda, I agree with you there.

According to their website, the unambiguously named "antithaksin.com", their ultimate objective is

we have to get rid of Thaksin and his proxy politicians and punish them according to the laws.

Definitely no reconciliation there.......

Well, that depends. If they are willing to subject themselves to those same laws then that is indeed reconciliatory. To my way of thinking reconciliation works better if all those judged to have committed unlawful acts go to jail, rather than none going to jail.

Edited by lannarebirth
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Problem is, Thaksin remains technically and legally a convicted criminal.

I don't think people realise how much of a hurdle this is. He was fairly convicted; there is no doubt in anyones mind about that. Thus, why should he be allowed to get away with it? He should have played the legal games and either appealed or served minimal time. The fact that he has done neither, and has become a fugative looks very bad in the eyes of the law. Was it politically motivated? Most likely, BUT there is no question as to whether he commited the crime.

Edited by MaiChai
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Surapong said the move would help reconcile Thai people on both sides of the political divide.

For the red shirts, reconciliation is about doing everything that the red shirts want and stuff what everyone else thinks.



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