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I was quite excited when I read in the Tops magazine that they had Sea Bass available....back home in UK Sea Bass is the best but very expensive nowadays.

So...went in today....dissapointed.sad.gifsad.gif

Asfar as I am concerned it was'nt Sea Bass. From the skin,more likely Grouper, or Sea Perch...and Sea Bass is'nt a Pinky colour flesh either. So...no treat for me on Friday!!


I've often wondered about this, and with many other fish breeds available here - regarding the different Thai and English names used.

The most common Thai translation I've seen for "sea bass" is pla kapong. Whether it's actually sea bass (or a close relation) I'm not sure, but it's silver in colour and looks very similar to what I've seen labled as sea perch, unless of course they're both the same fish.....

I agree that what's sold as sea bass in the UK is far superior to anything sold by that name here (and yes, expensive).


being someone who used to fish for bass off the gower in wales for me only sea bream comes anywhere close to the taste,the last 12years even bass are being farmed over fishing for bass has caused prices to rocket,i have tried sea perch not again,but i did get hold of some shark quite good no bones and it cooks well battered or in foil.


Forget Sea Bass...try Snow Fish !

I did try some Snowfish...frozen at Rimping. A nice thick cutlet at about 450 baht.Poached and served with parsley sauce and mashed potatoes

Was'nt impressed ! Hav'nt bothered since.For that price I didnt think it was value for money.The Waitrose haddock fillets seem to be the best for me and the 'Dory' fillets are good, battered and fried. ..but found the frozen Cod fillets dont have much taste either.

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