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Fugitive Arisman To Surrender Wednesday

Lite Beer

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To those asking why Arisman had to dodge 100,000 bullets if he could camouflage himself, I don't know./

I would love to see him prove that he could do that. Put him in front of a firing squad and give him 30 seconds to camouflage himself before shooting! :blink:

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All the same, even if I was a dyed-in-the-wool red I would still consider Arisman a scumbag for running and hiding while his mates turned themselves in.

The Red Shirts feel the opposite... more like a hero's welcome back home:


ThanongK RT @tonravee: Fugitive red shirt leader Arisman arrived at DSI, with the support from red shirts


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Arisman reports to DSI

Fugitive red shirt Arisman Pongruangrong on Wednesday surrendered himself at the Department of Special Investigation to face charges in connection with the last year's political mayhem.

"I am ready to fight every charge and will post Bt1.2 million for bail," he said.

Arisman said he was confident he would be granted a temporary release pending trial.

"I see the country as returning to normalcy and I want reconciliation to happen as per the wish of His Majesty," he said in reference to the King's birthday speech.

After completing the booking process at DSI, he will report to the Office of the Attorney General for acknowledging his charges related in five violent incidents.

The public prosecutors are in charge of bail review pending the completion of the prosecution review on cases involving Arisman.


-- The Nation 2011-12-07

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I will be curious how Mr. " Let's turn Bangkok into a sea of fire" fares under the Thai " Justice system"....... I know for sure if I lined up a bunch of farangs and told them to set Bangkok on fire, I would be in jail FOREVER.....

......and if you or I ran from Thai justice for 18 months, and came back, that we wouldn't be granted bail when we returned.

Yet, Arisman was granted bail just now - of 2 million baht. He could bolt again, and Thaksin could pay the bail amount with pocket change.

But Thaksin will fly in and the kiss the ground again on the tarmac.

Forget it Thaksin. The Pope has already worked that move to death.

To me the reason he kisses the ground is out of gratitude that the plane didn't touch the ground a million times more violently.

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We've just witnessed how Thaksin's return will happen.

The difference being that Arisman doesn't have an outstanding jail sentence, whereas Thaksin does.

Bail can be granted after sentencing. An appeal simply need be filed.

He had 30 days to appeal after sentencing, which he didn't do.

You are missing the point.

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"I see the country as returning to normalcy and I want reconciliation to happen as per the wish of His Majesty," he said in reference to the King's birthday speech.

What a deliciously evil irony.

His statement is an attempt to make it appear that his freedom is the wish of the King. It's disgusting that he would even mention the King, but I think it's an act of desparation, as he knows that it's going to be difficult to defend himself against the video evidence:


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We've just witnessed how Thaksin's return will happen.

The difference being that Arisman doesn't have an outstanding jail sentence, whereas Thaksin does.

Bail can be granted after sentencing. An appeal simply need be filed.

He had 30 days to appeal after sentencing, which he didn't do.

Maybe this was just a honest mistake and we can make an exception just for him?

(wouldn't be the first time)

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"I see the country as returning to normalcy and I want reconciliation to happen as per the wish of His Majesty," he said in reference to the King's birthday speech.

What a deliciously evil irony.

His statement is an attempt to make it appear that his freedom is the wish of the King. It's disgusting that he would even mention the King, but I think it's an act of desparation, as he knows that it's going to be difficult to defend himself against the video evidence:


Delicious irony? Just plain disgusting, this is the guy inciting people to burn down, among other things, the Siriraj hospital...

That's some weapons grade chutzpa right there.

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Fugitive Thai 'Red Shirt' leader surrenders

BANGKOK, December 7, 2011 (AFP) - A militant leader of Thailand's "Red Shirt" protest movement surrendered to authorities Wednesday on terrorism charges over his role in opposition rallies last year, after almost 20 months on the run.

Arisman Pongruangrong, who narrowly avoided capture by police commandos in April 2010 by climbing out of the third-floor window of a Bangkok hotel, turned himself in to the justice ministry's department of special investigation (DSI).

"I acknowledged and denied all the charges and will give more testimony in a written statement," he told reporters.

Arisman is believed to have hidden in neighbouring Cambodia after fleeing the capital in the wake of the bungled attempt to arrest him in connection with mass anti-government protests which turned deadly.

More than 90 people, mostly civilians, were killed and nearly 1,900 were wounded during the two months of rallies, which drew about 100,000 Red Shirts, many of whom support fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

The controversial ex-leader's sister Yingluck Shinawatra is now prime minister after a resounding election victory by his party earlier this year.

Arisman was due to appear later Wednesday before the Criminal Court where he was expected to seek release on bail.

The hardliner led thousands of protesters who stormed the venue of an Asian summit in the Thai resort city of Pattaya in 2009, forcing its cancellation as leaders were evacuated.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2011-12-07

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"I acknowledged and denied all the charges and will give more testimony in a written statement," he told reporters.

Of course. The whole lot was photoshopped and faked. He didn't say "tonight we'll be ready" the night battlefield war weapons were fired from Lumpini park into a crowd of unarmed opposing demonstrators, and reinstatement of the 1997 constitution will prove that. Duh.

I could respect this scum just an inch more if they would turn around and say "yeah, we done it, and here's why..." - but they clearly can't even manage that.

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Red-shirt Hardliner Surrenders to DSI

Red-shirt hardliner Arisman Pongruengrong has surrendered to the authorities and denied all charges against him.

Arisman said he fled the country during last year's unrest because he was not confident in the judicial system then.

Arisman Pongruengrong, a pop singer turned red-shirt fugitive, accompanied by his lawyer, turned himself into the Department of Special Investigation earlier today.

Arisman is wanted on multiple arrest warrants -- for trespassing at Thaicom Satellite Station, terrorism, seizing military weapons by force and taking law enforcement officers as hostages at a a Bangkok hotel.

After 40 minutes of processing Arisman's surrender, his custody was transferred to the special prosecutor as he was assigned this case.

The prosecutor will decide whether the red-shirt hardliner is allowed to be released on bail.

Initially, Arisman denied all of charges and said he decided to turn himself in because the judicial system is now more transparent.

He also vowed to fight all charges against him and posted 1.2 million bond as bail.

Arisman fled from authorities during the red-shirt unrest last year.

He was reportedly hiding in Cambodia along with other red-shirt fugitives.


-- Tan Network 2011-12-07


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"I see the country as returning to normalcy and I want reconciliation to happen as per the wish of His Majesty," he said in reference to the King's birthday speech.

What a deliciously evil irony.

His statement is an attempt to make it appear that his freedom is the wish of the King. It's disgusting that he would even mention the King, but I think it's an act of desparation, as he knows that it's going to be difficult to defend himself against the video evidence:


Delicious irony? Just plain disgusting, this is the guy inciting people to burn down, among other things, the Siriraj hospital...

That's some weapons grade chutzpa right there.

This country absolutely floors me. Except for some African nations, what other country would put up with this kind of crap? Amazing Thailand - Every day is a new experience in democratic mockery.

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Arisman denied bail, to be held in remand cell

The Nation

The Criminal Court on Wednesday's afternoon rejected the bail application of red shirt Arisman Pongruangrong although he reported himself in the morning to face charges on terrorism in connection with the last year's political mayhem.

The court ruled that in light of the severity of the charges and punishment, Arisman still posed a flight risk despite his surrender and Bt1.2 million posted as surety.

The defence plans to appeal the bail ruling and will increase his surety to Bt2 million.

Arisman is facing charges related to five violent incidents. On Tuesday he reported to the Pattaya Provincial Court and received Bt2 million bail pending trial on charges related to his involvement in the raid of Asean Summit in 2009.


-- The Nation 2011-12-07

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Arisman denied bail, to be held in remand cell

The Nation

The Criminal Court on Wednesday's afternoon rejected the bail application of red shirt Arisman Pongruangrong although he reported himself in the morning to face charges on terrorism in connection with the last year's political mayhem.

The court ruled that in light of the severity of the charges and punishment, Arisman still posed a flight risk despite his surrender and Bt1.2 million posted as surety.

The defence plans to appeal the bail ruling and will increase his surety to Bt2 million.

Arisman is facing charges related to five violent incidents. On Tuesday he reported to the Pattaya Provincial Court and received Bt2 million bail pending trial on charges related to his involvement in the raid of Asean Summit in 2009.


-- The Nation 2011-12-07

So, it looks pretty normal to me.

He is a terrorist, and the Thai courts won't let him have bail, isn't that correct?

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Thai "red shirt" surrenders after over a year on the run

After his surrender, the Criminal Court said it would pursue the charge of terrorism related to events during the protests in 2010 and denied him bail. Other charges could be pursued later.

"The reason the court did not grant bail was due to the fact there was a warrant for his arrest and he evaded it for a long period of time before turning himself in," Suthem Srisoda, Arisman's lawyer, told reporters.

"They're afraid that if they grant him bail this time, he may evade the law again."


-- Reuters 2011-12-07

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All the same, even if I was a dyed-in-the-wool red I would still consider Arisman a scumbag for running and hiding while his mates turned themselves in.

The Red Shirts feel the opposite... more like a hero's welcome back home:

Of course the Red Shirts and their benefactor still love Arisman. He's a bad boy, and the badder you are (and the more you lie) the more the Reds like you.

Reminds me of the Gadaffi crowd who greeted the Lockerbie bomber back to Libya with a hero's welcome.

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All the same, even if I was a dyed-in-the-wool red I would still consider Arisman a scumbag for running and hiding while his mates turned themselves in.

The Red Shirts feel the opposite... more like a hero's welcome back home:

Of course the Red Shirts and their benefactor still love Arisman. He's a bad boy, and the badder you are (and the more you lie) the more the Reds like you.

Reminds me of the Gadaffi crowd who greeted the Lockerbie bomber back to Libya with a hero's welcome.

Yes, that's why the likes of Jatuporn and Natthawut draw so much attention. I noticed Issan Rambo was side by side with Arisaman in the first photo I posted.

It'll be interesting to see how his bail being refused is received by the Red Shirts.

Maybe they will surprise us and look on the positive side and view his incarceration as something very beneficial for Arisaman, who more so than others really does need to avail himself of the benefits derived from the well-regarded Bangkok Remand Prison Obesity Reduction Program that fellow Red Shirt Leader Natthawut enjoyed during his nine month imprisonment:


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Thai "red shirt" surrenders after over a year on the run

After his surrender, the Criminal Court said it would pursue the charge of terrorism related to events during the protests in 2010 and denied him bail. Other charges could be pursued later.

"The reason the court did not grant bail was due to the fact there was a warrant for his arrest and he evaded it for a long period of time before turning himself in," Suthem Srisoda, Arisman's lawyer, told reporters.

"They're afraid that if they grant him bail this time, he may evade the law again."


-- Reuters 2011-12-07

Well at least he has a lawyer with a brain in his head biggrin.gif

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Fugitive Red Shirt Leader Surrenders

BANGKOK—A fugitive leader of Thailand's so-called Red Shirts protesters surrendered to police in Bangkok on Wednesday after 20 months on the run.

Former pop singer Arisman Pongruangrong escaped a police raid by rappelling down a hotel façade during a government crackdown on a Red Shirt encampment in the capital in last year, capping several months of increasingly violent street protests.

``I only called for democracy, not the destruction of anyone or anything, but now there is no more necessity to stage a rally because we have a government that comes from the people's voice,'' he said.


-- (c) Associated Press 2011-12-07

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