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Hairy Faces


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Hi everyone,

Something for a slow Wednesday afternoon.

My driver has facial hair and he was telling me that he gets funny looks here in Chiang Mai. He's lived in Bangkok before and he said he didn't get these funny looks there. He has a normal moustache.

Who of you have facial hair and what are your experiences here in Chiang Mai?

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You'll notice that most Thais - other than bikers or rasta boys - don't have any facial hair. And on tv it's always the bad guys who do. It's generally not associated with being handsome.

Edited by realthaideal
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There is also a tradition in Thai culture for fathers (of daughters) to grow beards to scare off young boy suitors.

Chiang Mai isn't known for its high culture or diversity. BKK anything is acceptable and most people don't even bother noticing those around them if they do it is at a distance. Here things are more connected to everyone.

Like with all things there are those that will accept others and those that don't. I would think that it is a non issue. However if you are going for a job, trying to meet someone for the first time a clean shave can't go wrong.

Overall in Asia beards are consdiered scruffy and dirty and those that wear them if they are not rock stars are not considered main stream.

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Facial hair is not a good idea here. You may notice that Thais don't generally like nords and tend to look down on nord wearers even if they are farrang. I would advise you to talk to your driver about it or you may find your self guilty by association.

It's funny this should come up now as my boy and I were just talking last night about farrang fathers that pick up their kids from school with nords even at the more expensive private schools.

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You are from somewhere where facial hair is called "nord" ?

But anyway, yeah, it's true - very few people can pull off facial hair here. It has its consequences. I'm imagining it's similar to the way 80% of the young men's hairstyles look completely effeminate to me, but to the girls here, they're the handsome (and masculine ?)ones.

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re .. very few people can pull off facial hair here.

this fella did !

he had dreadlocks tied up on top and was surrounded by thais wanting their photo taken with him

and was loving the attention at loy kratong


ps ... faces blurred !



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re .. very few people can pull off facial hair here.

this fella did !

he had dreadlocks tied up on top and was surrounded by thais wanting their photo taken with him

and was loving the attention at loy kratong


ps ... faces blurred !

He must have smelled like a goat!

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Facial hair is not a good idea here. You may notice that Thais don't generally like nords and tend to look down on nord wearers even if they are farrang. I would advise you to talk to your driver about it or you may find your self guilty by association.

It's funny this should come up now as my boy and I were just talking last night about farrang fathers that pick up their kids from school with nords even at the more expensive private schools.

What is a NORD, and is this creature exclusive to expensive private schools?

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Facial hair is not a good idea here. You may notice that Thais don't generally like nords and tend to look down on nord wearers even if they are farrang. I would advise you to talk to your driver about it or you may find your self guilty by association.

It's funny this should come up now as my boy and I were just talking last night about farrang fathers that pick up their kids from school with nords even at the more expensive private schools.

What is a NORD, and is this creature exclusive to expensive private schools?

Time you entered a vigorous defence of facial hair John!!

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Facial hair is not a good idea here. You may notice that Thais don't generally like nords and tend to look down on nord wearers even if they are farrang. I would advise you to talk to your driver about it or you may find your self guilty by association.

It's funny this should come up now as my boy and I were just talking last night about farrang fathers that pick up their kids from school with nords even at the more expensive private schools.

What is a NORD, and is this creature exclusive to expensive private schools?

Maybe you need a beard like this to be allowed near a private school?


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You are from somewhere where facial hair is called "nord" ?

I think he must have agreed to a different set of Thai visa rules than everyone else, his rules must have included " you must put at least 1 English version of a Thai word in every post"

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Facial hair is not a good idea here. You may notice that Thais don't generally like nords and tend to look down on nord wearers even if they are farrang. I would advise you to talk to your driver about it or you may find your self guilty by association.

It's funny this should come up now as my boy and I were just talking last night about farrang fathers that pick up their kids from school with nords even at the more expensive private schools.

What is a NORD, and is this creature exclusive to expensive private schools?

Time you entered a vigorous defence of facial hair John!!

I would Pedr if I new what a NORD was and if I qualify as one. I also have the problem of having no connection with expensive private schools!

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I've found the opposite to be true in Thailand. No one other than my wife has disparaging words against my "stash" .Trim and short now, the ends barely reach to my collar bone. But I've had many Thais say they like it, women want to pull on it and even the Burmese (old name I know, but I'm old ok)border guards at Mai Sai have liked it. Mostly I want it on my face and don't give a rats butt what others think. I know of the general feeling that we westerners feel of a facial hair dislike by Asians, but look at them closely, not the city hiso but the average man. You'll see light stashes everywhere, they just can't or don't grow a real one but lots sure try hard as hell to sport one.

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I think that only if one's driver were femail would facial hair create attention.

I have had a beard since 1976. I have lived in Asia since 1982. (Chiang Mai since 2000)

When I was younger, the beard was quite bushy, but now I keep it trimmed short - for my own preference.

My wife of 10 years (Thai) likes it and has never suggested that I remove it.

I have never sensed any negative reaction from an Asian to my beard. (perhaps I am just insensitive).

(However, those who know bahasa Malay will know how I got my nickname..but it was in a friendly teasing way).

Fortunately, my income does not rely on my satisfying other people's opinion of what I should look like.

I hate shaving, especially in a hot climate where sweat stings a razor burn. My beard stays.

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I think that only if one's driver were femail would facial hair create attention.

I have had a beard since 1976. I have lived in Asia since 1982. (Chiang Mai since 2000)

When I was younger, the beard was quite bushy, but now I keep it trimmed short - for my own preference.

My wife of 10 years (Thai) likes it and has never suggested that I remove it.

I have never sensed any negative reaction from an Asian to my beard. (perhaps I am just insensitive).

(However, those who know bahasa Malay will know how I got my nickname..but it was in a friendly teasing way).

Fortunately, my income does not rely on my satisfying other people's opinion of what I should look like.

I hate shaving, especially in a hot climate where sweat stings a razor burn. My beard stays.

Does your beard enjoy the hot weather?

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When I first came here I shaved my goatee because everyone told me Thais would not like it

When I got into a small motorbike accident I split my chin and so I didnt shave and grew it out again and received compliments from many, many Thais

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I think that only if one's driver were femail would facial hair create attention.

I have had a beard since 1976. I have lived in Asia since 1982. (Chiang Mai since 2000)

When I was younger, the beard was quite bushy, but now I keep it trimmed short - for my own preference.

My wife of 10 years (Thai) likes it and has never suggested that I remove it.

I have never sensed any negative reaction from an Asian to my beard. (perhaps I am just insensitive).

(However, those who know bahasa Malay will know how I got my nickname..but it was in a friendly teasing way).

Fortunately, my income does not rely on my satisfying other people's opinion of what I should look like.

I hate shaving, especially in a hot climate where sweat stings a razor burn. My beard stays.

Does your beard enjoy the hot weather?

Can you wait while I ask it?

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I have some facial hair and many Thais like it. Often they will even roll down their window or get my attention from their bike while we're stopped at a light to comment or give me a thumbs up. However, I've been told by other falang repeatedly that the Thais don't like facial hair. :blink:

Maybe in the past this was the way of thinking, but times change, even in Thailand. And just like our grandparents who don't like "long haird hippies" I'm sure there are many Thais still stuck in their ways. But at the end of the day, I'm not living my life or changing how I look for anyone but myself. Even if every Thai in Thailand hated it, they would all still gladly accept my money regardless of how ugly and dirty my NORD is.

Be proud of your NORDS gentlemen.

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I think the operative word is neatness. If you look disheveled in general and have rough facial hair on top, they'll think you're a reprobate; if you have a smart goatee (+ nice shoes and don't smell), they'll probably think you're cool. Problem is with most Asians not being able to grow facial hair, that when they do it comes out all bum-fluffy and they look untidy and just ridiculous. :D

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I think the operative word is neatness. If you look disheveled in general and have rough facial hair on top, they'll think you're a reprobate; if you have a smart goatee (+ nice shoes and don't smell), they'll probably think you're cool.

That is probably a very accurate statement. Men can have facial hair and still look clean, and in some cases very fashionable or "hip." Others look like they just woke up in a back ally after a 7 day bender.

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How I love threads like this, it really brings out that special something..... :lol:

I've sported a beard for the last 50 odd years, travelled widely in SE Asia and never found the slightest problem from the locals. Quite the opposite in fact. My Thai boyfriend loves it, my main business associate (Sino-Thai) adores it, and all my Thai friends and neighbours just get on with their lives.

But then along comes ThaiVisa and all those beardless farangs full of their preconceived notions of what Thais really believe, most of it outdated twaddle that was possibly the case in their grandfather's time, though even that would be debateable. Some of it just hilariously perverse, but then I've never been near a fashionable private school, nor have I ever encountered a Nord (MakMak or otherwise).

So keep up the good work Jangot, Worgeordie, Mogoso and all you other free-thinkers. :rolleyes:

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I also think that it is funny that people who live here long enough cannot realize just because someone doesn't say negative that means it is positive. Thais will rarely confront someone or mention anything that they don't like. In fact people will give a compliment to you and then talk behind your back.

I have worn both. I will say that when I was single I got more dates clean shaven. I also had better luck with job interviews. People don't care and don't comment but there is subtle differences. Some people just look better with a beard than without.

But don't think that just because your boyfriend/girlfriend likes your beard that he/she is the standard average voice of Thai people. I don't think that any of us really know what the average thai person thinks that goes for those that are Thai. There as many different perspectives and opinions as there are people. For every foreigner that I have met in this country I have heard a different perspective of what they think is typical Thai culture and ettiquitte. There are way to many variables.

I just doubt the OP because it is not common for any Thai person to be blatantly disrespectful to someone over something minor like a beard.

is it me or is maipoot and maak maak the same person. There cannot be two people as ... them.

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How I love threads like this, it really brings out that special something..... :lol:

I've sported a beard for the last 50 odd years, travelled widely in SE Asia and never found the slightest problem from the locals. Quite the opposite in fact. My Thai boyfriend loves it, my main business associate (Sino-Thai) adores it, and all my Thai friends and neighbours just get on with their lives.

But then along comes ThaiVisa and all those beardless farangs full of their preconceived notions of what Thais really believe, most of it outdated twaddle that was possibly the case in their grandfather's time, though even that would be debateable. Some of it just hilariously perverse, but then I've never been near a fashionable private school, nor have I ever encountered a Nord (MakMak or otherwise).

So keep up the good work Jangot, Worgeordie, Mogoso and all you other free-thinkers. :rolleyes:

Please tell us, what is a NORD?

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What was valid 100 years ago, is your argument.

My only point is that Thais will not tell you directly if you look stupid to them. They are far to polite on a general basis. I did not say that Thais dislike facial hair. I just said that between a clean shaven face and a full beard, I would opt for the clean face as it usually is met more receptively. Not that having a beard is bad just between the two for most people it looks cleaner.

Job interviews and first dates a clean shaven face would usually do better. Having long hair is the same. Many love it but if you are to go for a job interview you would do better with a clean cut look. It is just more common.

Edited by sbk
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