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Fragrant Oil


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i see everywhere in Bangkok, Carefour Tesco MBK mixed Fragrant/perfumes are sold in small bottles with wide range of selection to choose from, Does anyone knows where can i buy bulk Fragrant oil in Bangkok, Anyone knows any supplier ?

And also can i get pheromone oil here ?



Edited by ManOnTheRoad
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Don't have exact details, but I once found such a place in the Pahurat area. It was on a big street (as opposed to a side street or a stall in the market). It was a wholesaler, no nice decor just boxes bottles etc in an open store front. I recall one wall was all shelves with bottles, bought a bottle of good sandalwood oil (app. 4 ounces) for a ridiculously low price.

Sorry I can't give a more specific location, but I always get lost in that area.

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Don't have exact details, but I once found such a place in the Pahurat area. It was on a big street (as opposed to a side street or a stall in the market). It was a wholesaler, no nice decor just boxes bottles etc in an open store front. I recall one wall was all shelves with bottles, bought a bottle of good sandalwood oil (app. 4 ounces) for a ridiculously low price.

Sorry I can't give a more specific location, but I always get lost in that area.

Thank you at lease its a start :) May i know how approximately how much is 4 ounce whats the cost ?

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Really can't recall, and anyway I'd assume different oils have different prices. It was maybe 2 years ago.

What impressed me was that the sandalwood I got was the good, old-fashioned type (like you get in India) before China got in the business and flooded the market with whatever it is they pass off with same name and smells completely different.

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