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Thaksin Passport Takes Us Out Of The Water, Into The Fire:

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Thaksin passport takes us out of the water, into the fire

The Nation


Surapong's words and deeds insult the public and return discord to the fore

At the height of Thailand's flood crisis, the Yingluck government gave Thaksin Shinawatra back his passport. That's a fact that Thailand's divided people will see in different ways. One side will say Thaksin is still a criminal convict, thus the covert stunt that took advantage of a nation in flood panic was not just a betrayal, but an act of contempt for the country's rule of law. The other side must see the returned passport as another step toward restoring "justice", disregarding the manner in which the document was requested and promptly issued. The question, however, remains whether the prime minister, who was in tears on a few occasions while visiting flood victims, should have at least waited.

With the Yingluck government also pondering a "reconciliation" bill that could cover amnesty for Thaksin, it seems that Thailand has emerged from the flood waters to go straight into the political fire. The semblance of peace effected by the months-long natural disaster is threatening to disintegrate. A country reeling from staggering economic losses and mental damage from the big floods will now have no choice but try to see through a new round of potentially explosive political divisions. As a Thai saying goes, we have fled from a tiger and run straight into a crocodile.

According to the Foreign Ministry, which was under pressure to make revelations after the Democrat Party tipped off the public about the returned passport, Thaksin made a request for the travel document on October 25. One day later, the passport was sent to him via diplomatic pouch. Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul made that possible by de-listing Thaksin as a national security threat. How the minister came to that conclusion, as well as the assumption that Thaksin, who's still a fugitive, technically at least, should have more freedom to travel, we still do not know.

Due to the government's secretive manner when it comes to Thaksin, all we can do is speculate. It's notable that Thaksin got his passport before news leaked about the government attempting to include him in the list of Thai prisoners to be released to mark His Majesty the King's birthday. The "pardon plan" did not exist and was a result of media "imagination" only, according to senior figures in the Yingluck government when they were pressed with questions about it in November. Does the passport confirmation tell us that the "pardon plan" was not media imagination after all?

Surapong will cite plenty of reasons that Thaksin deserved his passport back. But he also owes the Thai public an explanation for why he had to keep the re-issuance of the passport a secret. This secret would have remained but for an unsigned letter that a Democrat spokesman read out to the media earlier this week.

The minister will have to justify the secrecy. Like the "pardon plan", Thaksin's passport issue deserves total transparency. Surapong is a state official, which means he is accountable to the Thai public. Among the first questions to Surapong is on whether he ever intended to tell the Thai people about Thaksin's new passport at all. And if he intended to tell the Thai public "at a later time", when exactly would that have been? Why couldn't he tell the Thai public immediately after the passport was issued? Did he keep silent because he thought it was a sensitive issue that could provoke national tension at a very bad time? If so, why did he do it in the first place?

Last but not least, why did Surapong say just over a week ago that he "will" give Thaksin back his passport as a New Year or even Christmas gift? Why did he use the future tense when talking about something that he had already done? Again, his actions warrant speculation because of his own suspicious manner. Perhaps he was aware that the news was about to be leaked, so the lie was a desperate effort to absorb some shocks to be generated from the Democrat disclosure.

Maybe Surapong did not think about it, but he did not insult the Thai public just once. He has done it twice already, and all indications are that he has not spoken even half the truth yet.


-- The Nation 2011-12-18

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Thaksin passport takes us out of the fire, into the water

It's about time. Just as I said would happen after the jealous thieves pulled the illegal coup. Nothing but up from here for Thailand. And to all of you who said I was wrong, let the jealousy begin. I have only seen half it,,,,, but I have heard it all.

You are not wrong, and nobody is jealous. We simply do not want the civil war that you pine away for. The very justified coup in 2006 was necessary to remove the criminal fugitive, Thaksin the Tyrant, from turning the country into his own personal kingdom.

The blood that is going to be in the streets when the civil war starts will be on your hands. I wonder how smug and satisfied you will feel then? Maybe someone you care about will be among the first to die? It could even be you. Ever consider that?

If you consider civil war and thousands of deaths "up", I pity you. You are truly a sad individual.

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Thaksin passport takes us out of the fire, into the water

It's about time. Just as I said would happen after the jealous thieves pulled the illegal coup. Nothing but up from here for Thailand. And to all of you who said I was wrong, let the jealousy begin. I have only seen half it,,,,, but I have heard it all.

You are not wrong, and nobody is jealous. We simply do not want the civil war that you pine away for. The very justified coup in 2006 was necessary to remove the criminal fugitive, Thaksin the Tyrant, from turning the country into his own personal kingdom.

The blood that is going to be in the streets when the civil war starts will be on your hands. I wonder how smug and satisfied you will feel then? Maybe someone you care about will be among the first to die? It could even be you. Ever consider that?

If you consider civil war and thousands of deaths "up", I pity you. You are truly a sad individual.

+1 my sentiments exactly.

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Thaksin passport takes us out of the fire, into the water

It's about time. Just as I said would happen after the jealous thieves pulled the illegal coup. Nothing but up from here for Thailand. And to all of you who said I was wrong, let the jealousy begin. I have only seen half it,,,,, but I have heard it all.

What does this tripe mean....... can you speak in plain English please... about time for what..? seen half of what..? heard all of what...? keep taking your medicine for Gods sake..!

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Thaksin passport takes us out of the fire, into the water

It's about time. Just as I said would happen after the jealous thieves pulled the illegal coup. Nothing but up from here for Thailand. And to all of you who said I was wrong, let the jealousy begin. I have only seen half it,,,,, but I have heard it all.

What in your mind would have made it a legal coup?

What was it that the "jealous thieves" stole?

Are you talking about the ability to drain public money into one's own bank account?

If I remember correctly was Thaksin also in addition to killing people because they looked like a drug dealer also trying to take away some of the kings authority.

[ I might have misunderstood every thing that happened at that time as I was in the process of moving here.]

Please be a little more specific.

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This is not good news for Thailand thats for sure, civil war? A possibility but not in the near future they will have to m ake the people a lot more angry before that happens, more likely a military coup again not imminent, but I am sure someone is marking done all of things that are being done from the incumbent government, when they think they have enough to justify a move then it will happen, sad to say but if the government is circumbenting the law then what have you got left.

What this lot do is astounding and I continue to be amazed what they do next, is there one crisis they can handle right? They are just a bunch of meddling amateurs who think they can walk on water.

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I liked this part

"Maybe Surapong did not think about it, but he did not insult the Thai public just once. He has done it twice already, and all indications are that he has not spoken even half the truth yet."

He never thought about it because he holds the Thai people in contempt.

He wil not now or ever speak the truth to do so would get him thrown out of the TP.

To them government is all about getting rich nothing to do with the needs of the people. If the people receive some thing as a result of their goals well and good.

But if they can not line their pockets first aint going to happen.

Munch as I was against them getting in power I held hopes that Yingluck would do a turn around and work for the People of Thailand.

More dashed hopes. once a pickle never a cucumber again.:(

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Thaksin passport takes us out of the fire, into the water

It's about time. Just as I said would happen after the jealous thieves pulled the illegal coup. Nothing but up from here for Thailand. And to all of you who said I was wrong, let the jealousy begin. I have only seen half it,,,,, but I have heard it all.

You are not wrong, and nobody is jealous. We simply do not want the civil war that you pine away for. The very justified coup in 2006 was necessary to remove the criminal fugitive, Thaksin the Tyrant, from turning the country into his own personal kingdom.

The blood that is going to be in the streets when the civil war starts will be on your hands. I wonder how smug and satisfied you will feel then? Maybe someone you care about will be among the first to die? It could even be you. Ever consider that?

If you consider civil war and thousands of deaths "up", I pity you. You are truly a sad individual.

+1 my sentiments exactly.

It is obvious that Thaksin doesn't have the country's best interests at heart.

In fact he repeatedly makes it obvious he acts in the exact opposite.

This is just one more example of an increasing pattern.

That acceleration of actions counter to the general interest,

does not bode well for Thailands future.

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Thaksin passport takes us out of the fire, into the water

It's about time. Just as I said would happen after the jealous thieves pulled the illegal coup. Nothing but up from here for Thailand. And to all of you who said I was wrong, let the jealousy begin. I have only seen half it,,,,, but I have heard it all.

You are not wrong, and nobody is jealous. We simply do not want the civil war that you pine away for. The very justified coup in 2006 was necessary to remove the criminal fugitive, Thaksin the Tyrant, from turning the country into his own personal kingdom.

The blood that is going to be in the streets when the civil war starts will be on your hands. I wonder how smug and satisfied you will feel then? Maybe someone you care about will be among the first to die? It could even be you. Ever consider that?

If you consider civil war and thousands of deaths "up", I pity you. You are truly a sad individual.

"the very justified coup in 2006"??!! Anytime any group unilaterally throws away the constitution and ignores the rule of law they only contribute and encourage future acts similar to that.

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Removed a post that claimed another member was a plant (paid to post). If you have any actual evidence please forward it to support. If it's just a lame debating tactic, further references like that may find you without posting rights.

Another post with inflammatory disguised profanity has been removed.

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"Like the "pardon plan", Thaksin's passport issue deserves total transparency. Surapong is a state official, which means he is accountable to the Thai public." Transperancy and accountability is a contradiction in itself in Thailand

"Maybe Surapong did not think about it, but he did not insult the Thai public just once. He has done it twice already, and all indications are that he has not spoken even half the truth yet."

Just continuing two very old and favourite traditions in the LOS

Edited by hanuman2543
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he will be back and do no time in prision , any Democratic leader ousted in a Coup should have that right. All western countires have the democracy so why not thiland. i for one along with millions of thais will be happy he has his passport back and does return home. the nation is so biased, must have Murdochs infulence in there some where.

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he will be back and do no time in prision , any Democratic leader ousted in a Coup should have that right. All western countires have the democracy so why not thiland. i for one along with millions of thais will be happy he has his passport back and does return home. the nation is so biased, must have Murdochs infulence in there some where.

Democratic leaders that break the law still should go to jail.

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Thaksin passport takes us out of the fire, into the water

It's about time. Just as I said would happen after the jealous thieves pulled the illegal coup. Nothing but up from here for Thailand. And to all of you who said I was wrong, let the jealousy begin. I have only seen half it,,,,, but I have heard it all.

You are not wrong, and nobody is jealous. We simply do not want the civil war that you pine away for. The very justified coup in 2006 was necessary to remove the criminal fugitive, Thaksin the Tyrant, from turning the country into his own personal kingdom.

The blood that is going to be in the streets when the civil war starts will be on your hands. I wonder how smug and satisfied you will feel then? Maybe someone you care about will be among the first to die? It could even be you. Ever consider that?

If you consider civil war and thousands of deaths "up", I pity you. You are truly a sad individual.

"the very justified coup in 2006"??!! Anytime any group unilaterally throws away the constitution and ignores the rule of law they only contribute and encourage future acts similar to that.

Agreed Thaksin's ignoring the rule of law led to the army doing the same.

Yingluck I know you read this so beware. You have been informed.:D

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he will be back and do no time in prision , any Democratic leader ousted in a Coup should have that right. All western countires have the democracy so why not thiland. i for one along with millions of thais will be happy he has his passport back and does return home. the nation is so biased, must have Murdochs infulence in there some where.

Democratic leaders that break the law still should go to jail.

should, but don't. Nixon pardoned by his former VP, and more up-to-date, this :

Chirac guilty of embezzlement, but avoids jail

At the moment, I cannot think of a single former Head of State in a democracy who has served time in jail ...

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Is it really such a big deal Thaksin gets his Thai passport back? All sorts of people have passports after all.

If we took the whole Thaksin factor out of all this, and did a poll on who thinks that convicted criminals with prison sentences, that flee to other countries, should not only be issued passports by their home country from which they have fled, but also have them personally delivered to their doorstep, i guarantee you 99% of people - all the sane law-abiding ones - i assume that includes you - would say absolutely not. But because this is about Thaksin, suddenly we have a significant number of people suddenly arguing that this is only fair and that to deprive him of the right to travel would be inhumane, or some such complete nonsense.

But all that aside, the issue here is not simply that he was issued a passport - agree with that or disagree with that as you wish - but the underhanded, blatantly lying method in which it all happened.

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he will be back and do no time in prision , any Democratic leader ousted in a Coup should have that right. All western countires have the democracy so why not thiland. i for one along with millions of thais will be happy he has his passport back and does return home. the nation is so biased, must have Murdochs infulence in there some where.

Democratic leaders that break the law still should go to jail.

should, but don't. Nixon pardoned by his former VP, and more up-to-date, this :

Chirac guilty of embezzlement, but avoids jail

At the moment, I cannot think of a single former Head of State in a democracy who has served time in jail ...

There's an Israeli chap, former president, Moshe Katsav, just gone in pokey for rape. He was offered a plea bargain to avoid jail but took his chances in a court.

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