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Is Melatonin Illegal In Thailand?


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I use Gravol (Dimenhydrinate 50mg) Dimenhydrinate (ไดเมนไฮดริเนท), is marketed under the brand name ไดเมนนีน.

It is an anti nauseant, and does the trick on those long flights, I know some people like melatonin but it never did anything for me.

The other thing I pack a few chamomile tea bags when I arrive the first night it gives me a nice sleep to adjust to the local time.

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That's maybe the reason why OP asks.

Good point, I read it wrong.


I want to bring Melatonin into Thailand and take a small dose when i go to bed on the first night when I arrive their, followed by 2 or 3 nights. Most of the websites on Jet lag state this will supress it otherwise its several days of feeling like a Zombie!!

If its illegal in Thailand then obviously I DONT want to bring it.

My other option is to stay awake on the night flight set my watch to Thai time with the occassional snooze, lots of water, exercise etc, Plane arrives at 4 PM Thai Time.

Go to bed at 11 PM.

Just looking for options??


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What people are trying to tell you is DONT bring it in to be sure not to hit problems, but BUY IT (or similiar) IN THAILAND after you arrive.

Take it on the plane if you want but dont carry it into the country to be sure.

Edited by CharlieH
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I don't know about legality - but I have brought it in three times with other vitamins, shown it at customs and been waved on through. I've also order several boxes which have been inspected by customs with the normal fedex feeds and they've been allowed in with no problems other then the rather excessive additional fedex fees.

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I always try to declare anything that I'm remotely unsure about, even vitamins or herbs. 99% of the time they take one look at me and just wave me through. I guess they figure (quite rightly) that I'm harmless. Same as in Malaysia. If I have anything that requires a prescription I always also ask for a letter from the doctor and am ready to present both.

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Thanks for the responses!

I would like to see something Substantive supporting that Melatonin is legal. I cant find this anywhere on Thai information websites. Unless I get a definite answer i dont think its worth the hassle!

Thanks anyway

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Actually, the Boots by me does not have it. When I asked the pharmacist why, he said not Thai FDA approved – therefore not legal. True or not, I have no idea. As to a local pharmacy carrying it, the one nearest me does – they also sell other things in the grey area. However, I would never take availability to mean legality in LOS.

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I've also heard that melatonin has not been registered and approved for sale with Thai FDA. Maybe that is why I have never actuality seen it for sale anywhere, including at Boots. Others have no doubt found melatonin for sale, but there are many dodgy pharmacies here who would happily sell you benzodiazepines if you tell them you are having trouble sleeping.

All that said, I wouldn't think Customs would have any problems with your bringing it in. I travel with melatonin all the time. It's not a drug that has been scheduled as controlled, such as benzodiazepines, and those would get you into a bit of a problem if you had a quantity of them and no prescription.

By the way, as for dosage, yes you should begin taking your melatonin before you arrive. You can begin to reset your clock by taking a dose at your destination bedtime before you depart and then also on the plane. I don't really like to take it before I depart as for me, it sort of makes be foggy and spaced out. Taking it during the afternoon before you leave sort of feels like jet lag!

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