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European members of UN Security Council condemn Israeli settlements


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European members of UN Security Council condemn Israeli settlements

2011-12-21 10:00:54 GMT+7 (ICT)

TEL AVIV (BNO NEWS) -- The four European Union members of the United Nation (UN) Security Council on Tuesday strongly criticized Israel's plan to expand its settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Britain, France, Germany and Portugal issued a joint statement, saying the Israeli settlements in Palestinian occupied territories and East Jerusalem are illegal under international law. The statement was issued following the 15-country Security Council's closed-door discussion on the situation in the Middle East.

"We call on the Israeli government to reverse these steps," the statement said. "The viability of the Palestinian state that we want to see and the two-state solution that is essential for Israel's long-term security are threatened by the systematic and deliberate expansion of settlements."

The four countries also condemned recent attacks against the Palestinians by Israeli settlers, including the burning of two mosques. They reiterated support for the creation of a "sovereign, independent, democratic, contiguous and viable Palestinian state living in peace and security side by side with Israel."

As quoted by the Haaretz newspaper, Israel's UN ambassador Ron Prosor responded by saying that "while innocent citizens are being slaughtered in Syria, terrorist elements are operating freely in Gaza, UN forces are attacked in Lebanon and Iran is seeking a nuclear weapon - the Security Council is silent and paralyzed." He added that "the main obstacle to peace was and remains the Palestinians' demand to the right of return, and not recognizing Israel as a Jewish state."

Last year, Israel and the Palestinian Authority stalled the peace negotiations, which were supported by the United States and the United Nations, after the Jewish nation refused to extend a moratorium on settlement building in the occupied Palestinian territory in September.

In response, Palestinian President Abbas broke off direct talks as recommended by Hamas, which has been designated as a terrorist organization by the European Union and countries such as the United States and Israel. Israel has since resumed settlement construction even though they have been labeled as a violation of international law by the international community.

Palestine has demanded a stop to settlement construction in the disputed East Jerusalem and West Bank area as a key element for continuing peace talks, aimed at reaching a two-state solution based on the 1967 Green Line. However, Israeli authorities have rejected the Palestinian solution based on the 1967 borders as that measure would leave a large population of Israelis in Judea and Samaria outside Israel's borders.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-12-21

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More hot air from the UN and the realpolitik is the Countries issuing this statement are as usual hiding behind the U.S coattails knowing full well that any resolution mentioning sanctions will be vetoed. The truth of the matter is the UK, France, Germany and Portugal all have large and problematic immigrant populations which this is a cheap sop towards.

But Israel's U.N ambassador summed it up very nicely as follows.

As quoted by the Haaretz newspaper, Israel's UN ambassador Ron Prosor responded by saying that "while innocent citizens are being slaughtered in Syria, terrorist elements are operating freely in Gaza, UN forces are attacked in Lebanon and Iran is seeking a nuclear weapon - the Security Council is silent and paralyzed." He added that "the main obstacle to peace was and remains the Palestinians' demand to the right of return, and not recognizing Israel as a Jewish state."

Which is diplomatic speak for 'flaming hypocrites' :annoyed:

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Sanctions coupled with travel bans for Israeli citizens should be the minimum response from the EU to the building of illegal settlements.

Oh yes, a travel ban to the Eu will work. Just what every Israeli wants to do is to visit bankrupt states like Italy, Eire, Portugal etc.

There won't be any travel ban for two simple reasons; 1. Israel hasn't come close to the nastiness demonstrated by countries such as Tunisia, Algeria Egypt etc., all of whom did not suffer a travel ban despite state sanctioned massacres of their own nationals, and 2. The EU benefits from Israeli science and technology. As long as the EU benefits, they aren't going to do anything. The EU only reacts if it doesn't negatively impact their economies. In any case, the EU has bigger problems to worry about, specifically its financial condition.

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Sanctions coupled with travel bans for Israeli citizens should be the minimum response from the EU to the building of illegal settlements.

Oh yes, a travel ban to the Eu will work. Just what every Israeli wants to do is to visit bankrupt states like Italy, Eire, Portugal etc.

There won't be any travel ban for two simple reasons; 1. Israel hasn't come close to the nastiness demonstrated by countries such as Tunisia, Algeria Egypt etc., all of whom did not suffer a travel ban despite state sanctioned massacres of their own nationals, and 2. The EU benefits from Israeli science and technology. As long as the EU benefits, they aren't going to do anything. The EU only reacts if it doesn't negatively impact their economies. In any case, the EU has bigger problems to worry about, specifically its financial condition.

Israel has demonstrated numerous times the same nastiness towards the Palestinians as we are witnessing in Syria, Yemen etc.

Sanctions and a travel ban would be appropriate.

Israeli cherry picking of UN resolutions to suit itself is the very hight of hypocrisy.

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Israel has demonstrated numerous times the same nastiness towards the Palestinians as we are witnessing in Syria, Yemen etc.

Sanctions and a travel ban would be appropriate.

Israeli cherry picking of UN resolutions to suit itself is the very hight of hypocrisy.

Yes silly me, there is obviously a clear equivalence between killing the odd terrorist in a retaliatory strike or God forbid building a house on so called 'disputed' land and turning your tanks on your own people killing 4000 in a matter of months. I'm sure the U.N has it's priorities right; as dictated by the UNHRC or OIC block vote and there barrels of petrodollars. :rolleyes:

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Travel ban for all citizens of any country because of their government policies? What an ignorant, hateful idea. Happily, except for rabidly antisemitic countries like Malaysia, that's not going to happen.

Well we can impose sanctions on other countries because of their governments policies that result in nothing other than the starving of the population such as N Korea, Libya, and...Palestine and lots more, Travel restrictions seem quite a humane sanction actually.

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Travel ban for all citizens of any country because of their government policies? What an ignorant, hateful idea. Happily, except for rabidly antisemitic countries like Malaysia, that's not going to happen.

Well we can impose sanctions on other countries because of their governments policies that result in nothing other than the starving of the population such as N Korea, Libya, and...Palestine and lots more, Travel restrictions seem quite a humane sanction actually.

Give it up. Its a stupid idea. Who is banning all Iranian citizens from traveling because of Iranian government policies.
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Travel ban for all citizens of any country because of their government policies? What an ignorant, hateful idea. Happily, except for rabidly antisemitic countries like Malaysia, that's not going to happen.

Well we can impose sanctions on other countries because of their governments policies that result in nothing other than the starving of the population such as N Korea, Libya, and...Palestine and lots more, Travel restrictions seem quite a humane sanction actually.

Give it up. Its a stupid idea. Who is banning all Iranian citizens from traveling because of Iranian government policies.

Straight over your head Jingthing. I never said it wasn't a stupid idea, I was mildly amused at your consternation that a sanction should be imposed on a nations citizens because of a Government policy. But i guess you weren't thinking straight as there haven't been many posts on the thread but you still managed to get the term antisemitic in your first post.

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Travel ban for all citizens of any country because of their government policies? What an ignorant, hateful idea. Happily, except for rabidly antisemitic countries like Malaysia, that's not going to happen.

Well we can impose sanctions on other countries because of their governments policies that result in nothing other than the starving of the population such as N Korea, Libya, and...Palestine and lots more, Travel restrictions seem quite a humane sanction actually.

I know you have your starving Palestinians lie on an infinite loop, but actually they are rather obese, according to the WHO or indeed the red cross who recently declared there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Whereas by comparison the North Koreans are six inches shorter than the South Koreans, such is the starvation there, but don't ever let facts get in the way of your hyperbole.

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Travel ban for all citizens of any country because of their government policies? What an ignorant, hateful idea. Happily, except for rabidly antisemitic countries like Malaysia, that's not going to happen.

Well we can impose sanctions on other countries because of their governments policies that result in nothing other than the starving of the population such as N Korea, Libya, and...Palestine and lots more, Travel restrictions seem quite a humane sanction actually.

I know you have your starving Palestinians lie on an infinite loop, but actually they are rather obese, according to the WHO or indeed the red cross who recently declared there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Whereas by comparison the North Koreans are six inches shorter than the South Koreans, such is the starvation there, but don't ever let facts get in the way of your hyperbole.

So are you saying the N Koreans are not starving? Are you saying sanctions do not affect the citizens? We should be told! And it is the season of good will!

I assume from your comment concerning "There is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza", you are referring to the comment published in April on an IDF's spokepersons website claiming a Mathilde Redmatn, a Deputy Director of the Red Cross said that. Well the real news is no such person works for the red cross. I will let you educate yourself honestly here


remember to read the 'about' section. It is a Jewish site published and written on by Jews. Happy reading. Boy no wonder you Americans are getting in so much trouble. Blowback indeed!

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remember to read the 'about' section. It is a Jewish site published and written on by Jews.

There are a lot of Jewish wackos as there are wackos from pretty much everywhere. The fact that they say that they are Jewish proves nothing at all. rolleyes.gif

So who are the Jewish wacko's? The ones writing the truth or the ones writing made up stuff? You want more references that the statement about the Red Cross is a lie? You people are unbelievable sometimes.

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You people are unbelievable sometimes.


Pretty consistent IMO....ie: always the same

They can do no wrong.....all others can do no right

*They* will claim no peace can be found & the illegal settlements continue because the

Palestinians keep attacking....

Yet the Palestinians keep attacking because of the illegal settlements.

Also note the Palestinians are not alone in seeing these as illgal settlements...

The world see's it as the same & the only reason it is not stopped is the illogical support given by one country bought & paid for in exchange for a bought & paid for alliance/presence.

No solution in sight as long as the illegal settlements keep expanding.

**they* claim the others want to destroy them & push them into the sea...

Yet the reality is only one side is pushing the other off their rightful lands

Edited by flying
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You can rest assured that I am dying to find out if the suspension function works on this new upgrade. I see this is the perfect thread to try it out.

Everyone is welcome to his/her own opinion. Some posters are permitted to be stubborn. You are permitted to ignore them and not respond.

You are, however, not permitted to bait or inflame. Please keep it civil.

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Please keep it civil, the gentle one asks. How about keep it sane? Some of these comments are way beyond rational thought. The EU cannot and will not impose a travel ban on Israel for this case. There is no legal basis upon which to do so. Even the most die hard of haters can't make a case to support such an edict particularly when some of Israel's neighbours are demonstrating far worse actions. A travel ban isn't even supported by Israel's arab neighbours as it would hurt them as well. The region has a bigger problem and its called Iran and despite all the hot air about Palestinians, Iran's arab neighbours have basically sent a message to Israel, keep it quiet and we'll leave you alone, and now let's all work together to deal with the Persian threat.

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Thank you for your considered response, Geriatrickid. The OP makes no mention of a travel ban. Basically, such a discussion is to the first post after the OP.

Sanity would be nice, but I will settle for civility.

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Your comment regarding the ICRC stating there is no Humanitarian Crisis in Palestine is based on a fabrication. It appeared on an IDF website and was never verified. An independent, objective group of progressive Jewish researchers asked the ICRC for clarification on the issue. The ICRC replied as follows

‘the article was edited and therefore, does not reflect ICRC’s view of the current humanitarian situation in Gaza. Independently from what has been reported, what is important is that the situation is grave and serious.’

and continued

‘Regarding the article published by IDF web site please be aware that it contains many inaccuracies and, as such, does not fully reflect ICRC’s view of the situation in Gaza. The life of 1.5 million people in the Strip is far from being a normal and dignified life. The extremely high unemployment rate, the lack of freedom of movement, the problematic access to healthcare, clean water and sanitation, as well as the continuous threat of violence affects the lives of Gaza people on a daily basis. In addition, an almost absolute ban on exports and limited imports hamper a sustainable economic recovery, which is essential to any viable development.’

full article here


Edited by GentlemanJim
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Your comment regarding the ICRC stating there is no Humanitarian Crisis in Palestine is based on a fabrication. It appeared on an IDF website and was never verified. An independent, objective group of progressive Jewish researchers asked the ICRC for clarification on the issue. The ICRC responded by saying

‘the article was edited and therefore, does not reflect ICRC’s view of the current humanitarian situation in Gaza. Independently from what has been reported, what is important is that the situation is grave and serious.’

they went on to add

‘Regarding the article published by IDF web site please be aware that it contains many inaccuracies and, as such, does not fully reflect ICRC’s view of the situation in Gaza. The life of 1.5 million people in the Strip is far from being a normal and dignified life. The extremely high unemployment rate, the lack of freedom of movement, the problematic access to healthcare, clean water and sanitation, as well as the continuous threat of violence affects the lives of Gaza people on a daily basis. In addition, an almost absolute ban on exports and limited imports hamper a sustainable economic recovery, which is essential to any viable development.’

I'm sure it's no holiday camp, but the blame for that lays squarely on the shoulders of it's leaders. Incidentally you have not commented on the world health organization statistics, have radical Zionists infiltrated that organization as well? licklips.gif

As for the Gazan economy, it's actually growing very quicky, like 28% in a year - so much for the so called blockade, but sorry if facts get in the way of your narrative.


UNLIKE Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority—scattered under Israel’s occupation like inkspots on paper—Hamas, the Islamist group that runs Gaza, controls its territory, borders, security and trade. Depending less on capricious foreign aid, Gaza also enjoys “exceptionally high” economic growth, according to the latest World Bank report.

I think exceptionally high growth is consistent with the videos of shopping malls and 5 star hotels you can readily find online if you care to look.

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I'm sure it's no holiday camp, but the blame for that lays squarely on the shoulders of it's leaders. Incidentally you have not commented on the world health organization statistics, have radical Zionists infiltrated that organization as well? licklips.gif

As for the Gazan economy, it's actually growing very quicky, like 28% in a year - so much for the so called blockade, but sorry if facts get in the way of your narrative.


UNLIKE Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority—scattered under Israel’s occupation like inkspots on paper—Hamas, the Islamist group that runs Gaza, controls its territory, borders, security and trade. Depending less on capricious foreign aid, Gaza also enjoys “exceptionally high” economic growth, according to the latest World Bank report.

I think exceptionally high growth is consistent with the videos of shopping malls and 5 star hotels you can readily find online if you care to look.

You say, the blame lays squarely on the leaders...agreed. But that brings us full circle remember. The point was that sanctions were made because of the actions of Governments, yet sanctions only hurt the citizens of the respective nation. For the ordinary citizens of Palestine life is a crock of s**t. The Spaniards have built a hotel on the beach, there are countless 5 star hotels in North Korea also, it does not detract from the fact that the normal folk are living in abject poverty in squalid conditions. Remember this hotel started to be built 12 years ago before Israel instigated the blockade and was financed by a private billionaire.


Also you need to do a little research on what you read as 28% growth. The article in the Economist was criticized heavily for offering no baseline for the calculations nor even defining what and how the GDP of Gaza was arrived at. How Hamas can be described as controlling trade boggles the mind, I accept that what goes on inside the borders will be under its control but at the end of the day Israel blocks the ports, the trade routes, controls water, electricity and bans exports.

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How things change.

In another thread there were certain posters shouting from the heavens about how good the Israeli economy is and how pathetic Gaza's economy was. Posts basically saying the Palestinians couldn't run a chicken raffle so weren't worthy of consideration for their own homeland.

Yet now I see posters claiming that Gaza is flourishing.

Seems to be the standard modus operandi of saying whatever it takes to deflect where the blame really lies, with Israel.

The ever growing majority of the world agrees with Palestine and no matter how many times some posters jump up and down and change their story to suit their agenda, that fact is just too much for them to overcome.

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The ever growing majority of the world agrees with Palestine and no matter how many times some posters jump up and down and change their story to suit their agenda, that fact is just too much for them to overcome.

Agrees with "Palestine" about what exactly? You do realize the majority of Palestinians won't budge on their unreasonable demand for unlimited, unconditional right of return into Israel (any future borders) which of course means the end of Zionist Israel.
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