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President Peres urges Israelis to protest against religious extremism


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You missing the point. Their outfit is not funny and deserves a "fair" teasing just because its different from the outfit the people wear in your village. your dress code is not the norm and not superior.

And in this case its specially not funny because we all know what the Nazis did with this bearded people their considered so backward 19th Russia and untermensch alike.

Some people seems to tolerate Jews only when the are assimilated to their western culture or fight imperialistic proxy wars. But please dont do anything that reminds us that you are from eastern Europe,

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I reserve the right to internally giggle at anyone dressing funny, including foreign men in white shirts, kaki-shorts and sandals and be-socked feet.

Got a problem with that?

A recently meet an engineer that looked like a russian ZZ Top. Brilliant guy. Still looked funny.

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The idea isn't opposite here. The idea isn't that they are not good 'fellas' because they dress funny. They are not good fellas because they are nuts and attack 8 year old girls.

And ohh horror they look like Eastern European ghetto Jews. That all what Antisemites need to know to get the whole picture and know everything about them.

Your example was about that look doesn't matter and not that just the look alone says it all.

Real antisemites hate all Jews no matter the dressing style. What we do know about Haredim is that they are members of an ultra religious community. Same kind of thing as funny dressing Amish in America, etc.
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The idea isn't opposite here. The idea isn't that they are not good 'fellas' because they dress funny. They are not good fellas because they are nuts and attack 8 year old girls.

And ohh horror they look like Eastern European ghetto Jews. That all what Antisemites need to know to get the whole picture and know everything about them.

Your example was about that look doesn't matter and not that just the look alone says it all.

Again, read my post if you are going to respond to it.

They are nuts because they attack a 8 year old girl.

Their funny dressing style doesn't make them nutty - if they were kind people they would merely be kind people that dressed funny. Kinda like Santa Clause.

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I think Israel has far more pressing existential threats to worry about than some zealots resembling ZZ Top on a tour of 19th century Russia.

I see, old school antisemitism is still alive and kicking.

I suggest you look at the following post I made to the one you quoted, I normally back Israel to the hilt, however I do have a problem with the behaviour of some orthodox Jews. If you read the link I refer to you will be aware that this may actually be down to extreme leftist groups deliberately trying to spread discord. As for their attire, I would also state that the traditional Islamic tendency to dress women like walking post boxes is funny, so do try to view things in context.

P.S It is a refreshing change being called an antisemite though as I normally get accused of Islamophobia, whatever that means.

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The idea isn't opposite here. The idea isn't that they are not good 'fellas' because they dress funny. They are not good fellas because they are nuts and attack 8 year old girls.

And ohh horror they look like Eastern European ghetto Jews. That all what Antisemites need to know to get the whole picture and know everything about them.

Your example was about that look doesn't matter and not that just the look alone says it all.

Real antisemites hate all Jews no matter the dressing style. What we do know about Haredim is that they are members of an ultra religious community. Same kind of thing as funny dressing Amish in America, etc.

I know some folks who generally refer to themselves as anti-semites. None of those individuals hate all Jews.

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I know some folks who generally refer to themselves as anti-semites. None of those individuals hate all Jews.

Maybe your friends don't. but most anti-Semites do and many will not admit what they are.

And the worst Anti-semites hates Jews only when they are 'jewish' too much.

Like in this case. If they see a Jew in traditional dress the bad thought come up in their minds. They love Jews only when they are not in their neighboorhood and but should all immigrate to Israel and fight there with the Arabs, that are the other people they hate.

I am certain that the percentage of Jews who are anti-goyim excedes the percentage of Goyim who are anti-semites.

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I know some folks who generally refer to themselves as anti-semites. None of those individuals hate all Jews.

Maybe your friends don't. but most anti-Semites do and many will not admit what they are.

And the worst Anti-semites hates Jews only when they are 'jewish' too much.

Like in this case. If they see a Jew in traditional dress the bad thought come up in their minds. They love Jews only when they are not in their neighboorhood and but should all immigrate to Israel and fight there with the Arabs, that are the other people they hate.

I am certain that the percentage of Jews who are anti-goyim excedes the percentage of Goyim who are anti-semites.

Again interesting theory, if somewhat off topic. I would just observe that since 1948 the Christian population in Israel has increased 400% yet decreased dramatically everywhere in the middle east so replace the words Jews and goyim with Muslims and infidels and you would possibly be onto something.

Edited by Steely Dan
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I counsel the security forces to use live fire. The founding principles of the State of Israel are at stake and this cult of zealots poses a threat to the security of the nation.

So, zealot insurrectionists that pose a threat to Israel = Bad and deserving of "live fire". But zealot insurrectionists that pose a threat to the founding principles of the Kingdom of Thailand = Good , freedom fighters, and deserving of confered parliamentary positions.

Very different circumstances The IDF has never engaged in a military coup, nor would such reprehensible behaviour be tolerated. Protests in Israel can be quite vigorous, particularly those that occur when the Israeli government enforces the law against both Hebrew and Arab. However, these protests typically do not target children or those unable to defend themselves such as lone females. Even the recent robust popular uprising of the poor and new poor was not an attempt to impose specific religious rules on others. These religious zealots have absolutely no loyalty to the state of Israel as they put their own interpretation of the bible first. There is no comparison between the broad based protests that occurred throughout Thailand in respect to a repressive government that did not win a specific mandate from the people to govern. The Thai protestors were not trying to target children, nor deny anyone their basic civil rights as guaranteed under law. Please show me where the Thai protestors wanted to seperate men and women or to force little kids to vassal status. Please show me where the Thai protestors benefited from generous social benefit polcies and where they held sway over the lives of the majority in terms of religious and some aspects of family law? These haredim are a cancer on Israeli civil society and are not even part of the national fabric. They are parasites that are sucking the life out of Israel and are one of the major causes of civil strife on practically every issue.

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In respect to the wardrobe and customs of these zealots, I do not believe that their customs and behaviours have any link to Israel. The clothing and customs are the product of living in eastern European ghettos. No Israelite ran about in a long black coat or white knee socks and knickerbockers. If anything, the oriental or sephardic jews that suffer from the policies exacted by these zealots, have customs more in keeping with the historical customs of israel. The mindset of the zealots and their behaviours are those of a cult that sees anyone not part of their cult as an enemy. It is a culture of hypocrisy that I won't go off on a tangent about, particularly as it can be misinterpeted. Suffice to say, that the majority of Israelis and of the jewish faith are losing patience with this small group that pops out progeny that exceeds the rate of the UK and USA's best welfare families living on the dole. In a nation where everyone has to do national service, the dispensation for religious studies grates the national conscience and will eventually lead to the cult's taming. They can throw rocks and can even discharge weapons at unarmed or vulnerable people, but they are no match for a bunch of well trained commandos from Russia or South Africa that won't bat an eye when they kick some butt. And yes, I don't like them or their racist, bigoted, backward philosophy.

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All fundamentalists of any religion are dangerous. Peres's call to arms against extremism will just fuel their self belief even more. It's a no win situation.

You are quite correct, all religious fundamentalists are dangerous, as well as being crazy. None more so than G W Bush. Anyone in any doubt about this just google,' Jacques Chirac - G W Bush- Gog and Magog.
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Crazy is a bit strong. But I could go with irrational. It hardly matters, fundamentalists in many religions are a force to be reckoned with which isn't going away. Look at the US republican party "primary" coming up in Iowa. It isn't even a real election, it's an antiquated caucus scheme involving a small percentage of a small state. In Iowa the majority of these republican caucus "voters" are always far right wing Christian fundamentalists. They demand we take their shockingly unrepresentative decision seriously. This over stepping of fundamentalist power has become international. Here we have been talking about the Israeli version.

Edited by Jingthing
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I am certain that the percentage of Jews who are anti-goyim excedes the percentage of Goyim who are anti-semites.

More nonsense. I have never heard of Jews burning down churches or putting Christians in concentration camps. jerk.gif

No way to prove it but we are talking about roughly 15 million against 7 billion.

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I am certain that the percentage of Jews who are anti-goyim excedes the percentage of Goyim who are anti-semites.

More nonsense. I have never heard of Jews burning down churches or putting Christians in concentration camps. jerk.gif

No way to prove it but we are talking about roughly 15 million against 7 billion.

And therein lies the problem. "against'! everyone is against each other. I really don't care if you believe that elephant faries rule the cosmos, just keep it to yourselves. Religion should be a private thing, and not force fed to others, used to indoctrinate or used as an excuse to steal land, kill, maime. All religions are a pox on the planet. The concept of the monotheistic religions betting all on a book that was written by the then Wilbur Smith (actually probably more like Stephen King) of the 3rd millenium BC is simply absurd.

The costumes are funny, in fact very funny, especially the hats, particularly the big round cake shaped ones, and the funny hairdo's. That is not racist at all, I just think it funny that grown men walk around in funny clothes. And don't claim it is religious requirements. Where in the Torah does it say that the men have to wear little pigtails, black trench coats and big cake shaped hats

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Mormon underwear is even funnier but you have to work harder to see it.

Now that is a fact. How hilarious is that. I wonder if Mitt Romney wears his protective underwear when he is campaigning? It would be a bit strange to think of the next POTUS wandering around the oval office stitched in to his anti satanic under garments.

I wonder when the Scientologists will push Tom Cruise to run for office! They don't have any funny clothes though.

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I am certain that the percentage of Jews who are anti-goyim excedes the percentage of Goyim who are anti-semites.

More nonsense. I have never heard of Jews burning down churches or putting Christians in concentration camps. jerk.gif

No way to prove it but we are talking about roughly 15 million against 7 billion.

And therein lies the problem. "against'! everyone is against each other. I really don't care if you believe that elephant faries rule the cosmos, just keep it to yourselves. Religion should be a private thing, and not force fed to others, used to indoctrinate or used as an excuse to steal land, kill, maime. All religions are a pox on the planet. The concept of the monotheistic religions betting all on a book that was written by the then Wilbur Smith (actually probably more like Stephen King) of the 3rd millenium BC is simply absurd.

The costumes are funny, in fact very funny, especially the hats, particularly the big round cake shaped ones, and the funny hairdo's. That is not racist at all, I just think it funny that grown men walk around in funny clothes. And don't claim it is religious requirements. Where in the Torah does it say that the men have to wear little pigtails, black trench coats and big cake shaped hats

Yet it doesn't seem to deter atheists from trying to force feed their own particular brand of religion on the planet either.

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Yet it doesn't seem to deter atheists from trying to force feed their own particular brand of religion on the planet either.

Yes, so many casualties from their War On Christmas. It's a crying shame.

What was the atheist war on Christmas, I haven't read/heard that one?


Are there any radical fundamental atheists that kill in the name of their belief?

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Yet it doesn't seem to deter atheists from trying to force feed their own particular brand of religion on the planet either.

Yes, so many casualties from their War On Christmas. It's a crying shame.

What was the atheist war on Christmas, I haven't read/heard that one?


Are there any radical fundamental atheists that kill in the name of their belief?

Your question has nothing to do with your statement.

You claim religion should be a private thing. Why, then, should non-religion not be a private thought as well?

You criticize religions for spreading their doctrine yet seem to feel you have open season on spreading your doctrine. Rather fits the description of hypocrisy, wouldn't you think?

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Yet it doesn't seem to deter atheists from trying to force feed their own particular brand of religion on the planet either.

Yes, so many casualties from their War On Christmas. It's a crying shame.

What was the atheist war on Christmas, I haven't read/heard that one?


Are there any radical fundamental atheists that kill in the name of their belief?

Your question has nothing to do with your statement.

You claim religion should be a private thing. Why, then, should non-religion not be a private thought as well?

You criticize religions for spreading their doctrine yet seem to feel you have open season on spreading your doctrine. Rather fits the description of hypocrisy, wouldn't you think?

How strange. I haven't spread any doctrine, I have simply said stop ramming religious doctrine down other peoples throats. Is that a doctrine? You're clutching at straws there!


Funny video. Tell me you're not serious about it being a crying shame. In the UK the ones that seem to be trying to ban the word 'Christmas' are Christians who don't want to upset the sensitivities of Muslims. I was in Dubai just before Christmas. Lots of tree's, decorations and Merry Christmas signs everywhere. Even had a Santa's grotto where the kids could all queue up and get a gift from Santa, but we cant do that in the west anymore as Santa might be a kiddy fiddler. The Muslims really seem to enjoy Christmas there. We ought to be careful not to abandon it otherwise they will pick it up themselves.

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