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Exiting Thailand With No Entry Stamp In Passport

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My question is about exiting from Thailand if you have no entry stamp and no departure card in your passport.

We are a small group of friends travelling in South Eastern Asia. Age 23-27, all EU citizens. Winter holidays.

We entered Thailand 2 weeks ago. We have an international flight leaving Thailand next week from Bangkok.

One of the guys in our group went by himself to Laos through a normal border crossing. He trekked around a lot and returned a few days later, but he went from Laos to Thailand without passing through any immigration.

So his passport shows:

- Entry stamp into Thailand 2 weeks ago.

- Exit stamp from Thailand 1 week ago.

- Entry into Laos 1 week ago.

- No exit from Laos.

- No re-entry into Thailand.

Our flight leaves in 1 week. The flight is other countries in Asia. He can enter legally into the next countries on our itinerary.

The others in our group stayed in Thailand the whole time and just have a normal entry stamp from 2 weeks ago. We have no issues. He is the problem obviously.

We understand that his second entry is an illegal border crossing. We realize that it's just his/our word, but no other laws were broken: no drugs, nothing. He's just an adventurous but silly guy who put himself and us into this situation.

I would appreciate if any of you have experience or advice of what to do in this situation. Is this a big problem? A little problem? No problem? A fine? Jail? No punishment?

We think about going to the airport and just going through immigration.. or going to immigration in Bangkok now to arrange... or going to the embassy of his country..

But we don't know what is best. I looked at many posts on this forum that have similar issues, but most are about visa-overstays or newborn children.

So we would appreciate any help you could offer.

Thank you. smile.png

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Indeed an illegal border crossing that must be sorted out. Right now he left Laos illegally and entered Thailand illegally and has a problem with both countries.

Never seen a case like this, but it needs to be sorted out before he travels. I would not advise him to just go to the airport, I suspect they will investigate this case as there are no entry details of him and that will probaly take longer than the time he has to catch his flight.

According to the law he can be arrested.

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Thanks for the responses so far, both here and mailed to me.

Unfortunately, some ideas won't work:

- We thought about the idea that our friend should go back to Laos the same way and re-enter Thailand legally. Unfortunately:

a) he/we really don't want him to do another illegal border crossing, as the potential problems just get worse the more he does it if he were to be caught;

b ) he probably doesn't have enough time before the flight in 4 days;

c) he doesn't really know how exactly he crossed the border (I know that might sound silly, but I believe him... he really didn't know what he was doing, doesn't know the area, and apparently just stumbled his way around with help from locals, and just ended up back in Thailand. As I wrote, he's adventurous but silly... which is why we have this problem). (And which is why we are trying to help him solve it rather than leave it to him wink.png ).

d) the story Chris links to is interesting, but I don't really want my friend to run across the border and "hope" that neither the Thai guards nor the Lao guards notice him. (Also, the story is 5,5 years old. I don't know, but I guess that it has only become stricter every year).

- His Thai exit stamp was unfortunately put directly next his only Thai entry stamp. So the idea that hopefully airport immigration will just see the entry stamp almost definitely won't work. They'll see Thai entry, exit... and no re-entry.

- Our goal is just that he is able to leave Thailand. We don't want to pay a fine, but we have enough emergency money between us that we can all help pay if it's necessary, and leaving is the most important. What we really don't want is that he is arrested, put in jail, trial. Again, we don't know if this situation is big enough that arrest and jail would be involved, or if they would just wave him through with a lecture and possible a fine, or some other consequence...?

Any other experiences or advice would really be appreciated.


Edited by peanuts
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Contact the embassy and/or a lawyer and have them talk to immigration or accompany him. It is always betetr to turn up and explain it to them and ask for the help of immigration than to wait till immigration notices it.

Notice it they will indeed as there a re no stamps and records of him entering the country, only of him leaving.

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I would have said exactly what Mario said. Not sure which to go to first though, embassy or lawyer. Perhaps the embassy can refer to a lawyer? I would also start to get prepared for the worst just in case because it may be the case. Exigencies such as can one of you stay longer and help out if he does get sent to immigration prison. Also of course contact relatives back home that a serious problem may be in the making. Good luck of course. I can relate because I have had silly friends like this too. To your friend, try not to panic but wake up because this could be serious.

Edited by Jingthing
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I've live in a couple of places near the border and it is quite easy to cross a border illegally. I've done it many times both accidentally and deliberately.

The normal recomendation is to go as soon as possible to the nearest immigration office, or police station, and report in.

It is not an unusual occurrance but just going to the airport is probably a poor idea as it takes some time to sort out and you do not want to miss a flight. In addition the airport immigration do not understand how it can happen as well as the up country immigration office.

Now whether this advice applies in Thailand? That I do not know.

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go back to the original borderpoint of your Laos exit, hope that was a approved checkpoint, and just go to the Immigration there and point out the mistake. In most cases they will make no problems and stamp you out of Laos and back into Thailand.

You might have to pay a small fine/fee.

Involving lawyer etc will be messy as you are illegaly in Thailand.

Going through the Airport is not a option at all.

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Do not pass go, go strait to your embassy for your country that issued your passport! Or at least call them! Speak with a them, have them arrange whatever the next step. Consider this, It is safer at your embassy than Thai immigration which would take you directly to jail. Visarunner's suggestion might be the right one but do not do it without speaking with you embassy first.

Edited by gosompoi
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I agree with those who say that the first point of contact should be the embassy. They will most likely have dealt with similar or identical cases before and can advise on how best to proceed and whether the use a lawyer is advisable. Next will have to be a trip to the immigration office in Chaeng Watthana, Bangkok (location on Google Maps)

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c) he doesn't really know how exactly he crossed the border (I know that might sound silly, but I believe him... he really didn't know what he was doing, doesn't know the area, and apparently just stumbled his way around with help from locals, and just ended up back in Thailand. As I wrote, he's adventurous but silly...

Somehow I just don't buy this. Not to be insenstive or anything, but it just doesn't seem credible. If it doesn't seem credible to me, I son't think Thai customs is just going to say, "Oh just a little mistake; mai bpen rai." Your friend, who isn't even seeking this advice for himslef, may very well not be on the flight in four days, but he created the problem and now must deal with it. There will definitely be fines involved. The best advice given on this thread so far is this:

Do not pass go, go strait to your embassy for your country that issued your passport! Or at least call them! Speak with a them, have them arrange whatever the next step. Consider this, It is safer at your embassy than Thai immigration which would take you directly to jail. Visarunner's suggestion might be the right one but do not do it without speaking with you embassy first.

If I were your friend, I would DO IT NOW!

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if he does not know anything, than it's best if he goes back to the borderpoint where he exited Thailand and tell the people he just came from Laos, but might have forgot to stamp.

Believe me, the border officilas will help more that Embassy.

What your Embassy can do? He exited Laos illegaly and entered/stay Thailand illegaly.

Your Embassy/Thai Immigration in BKK might help if he would have a stamp that he exited Laos and just forgot to stamp into Thailand.

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A solution - if you can't swimm - can be seek to travel by car to Laos and back. Until nobody checked how many sit in car or walk through along the car line because there most people are busy. To not walk on the bridge meet your driver after border.

This idea come me over because many time theyy forgot or don't care stamp my passport because they are occipited with my ITP entrance (car passport). By this few time I walked back fm Laos side to Thai and asked to stamp my PP. Same for my passenger. Of course in case of more question I could show stamped ITP and car documents. wink.png

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Go to police and declare that you have LOST the passport......no passport.....no stamps to check!

You mean making a false police report as well. In addition, when he has his new passport, he still has to go to immirgaiton where they will look up his details to transfer his entry details into the new passport. And they will not be able to find his entry details.........

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Go to police and declare that you have LOST the passport......no passport.....no stamps to check!

Some times the answer is to obvious. Lost passport makes sense.

Until you read Mario2008's post above, really not a smart move.

I still find it difficult to believe that someone could just stumble around and accidentally enter Thailand, did the man not even have a map? And, why did he not immediately stumble back over the border the way he came? He must have realised (or maybe not) that he was in for a world of hurt.

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Sorry but.....what happen to those REALLY lost the passport? Or have the passport stolen?? How can immigration officer object against a police report of lost passport?

Every day in every Country this happens......lost or stolen passport......all these unfortunate people end up in jail?
Edited by greenwater
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The others in our group stayed in Thailand the whole time and just have a normal entry stamp from 2 weeks ago. We have no issues.

It seems strange that your posting IP is being reported as in Cambodia. Are you sure you are in Thailand?

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A few years ago i traveled to Laos with a Thai friend.He entered Thailand without going thru immigration.....can be easily done at friendship bridge crossing especially at busy times.A bit chaotic to say the least.

When we exited thru airport a few months later ,he was pulled aside and fined ,i think 2,000 baht.But that was it.

My advice would be to go to the airport to take your flight.Chances are ,you will get a fine,but be allow to exit.

i really don't think the thai's will be interested in exiting Laos without stamp.But as you are leaving Thailand anyway i think they will just fine you.Good luck.

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Go to police and declare that you have LOST the passport......no passport.....no stamps to check!

You mean making a false police report as well. In addition, when he has his new passport, he still has to go to immirgaiton where they will look up his details to transfer his entry details into the new passport. And they will not be able to find his entry details.........

Not a false police report if you throw your passport in a sewer before to go to police......no matter how you lost your passport.

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Sorry but.....what happen to those REALLY lost the passport? Or have the passport stolen?? How can immigration officer object against a police report of lost passport?

Every day in every Country this happens......lost or stolen passport......all these unfortunate people end up in jail?

No, they report their passport stolen, go to their embassy for a enw passport and then go to immirgation. At immigraiton they will look up the entry details in their computer system, which they then enter into the new passport.

In this case, there is no record of his entry. Meaning questions will be raised, and you will not want them to look for things that are not there. It doesn't make them happy and they will have to decide what to do with you next. Now it will not only be an illegal entry, but also making a false police report.

I think it won't be a happy start of the new year.

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Go to police and declare that you have LOST the passport......no passport.....no stamps to check!

You mean making a false police report as well. In addition, when he has his new passport, he still has to go to immirgaiton where they will look up his details to transfer his entry details into the new passport. And they will not be able to find his entry details.........

Not a false police report if you throw your passport in a sewer before to go to police......no matter how you lost your passport.

So you are gong to truthfully state that you just threw your passport away when they ask you what happend? Maybe in that case a correct police report, but your passport is government property, which you just damaged...........

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Sorry but.....what happen to those REALLY lost the passport? Or have the passport stolen?? How can immigration officer object against a police report of lost passport?

Every day in every Country this happens......lost or stolen passport......all these unfortunate people end up in jail?

Fraudulent claim mean anything? It's a PASSPORT not a bloody bank pass book! People that REALLY lose their passports or have them stolen are totally different from some dumb irresponsible kid who wanders in and out of the border jungle and reckons that FALSELY claiming a lost passport is the solution.

Unless he actually does lose the passport of course. However, as Mario pointed out, his original Thai entry and Thai EXIT dates are already on file in the computer system so he is still buggered turning up with a new passport.

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The others in our group stayed in Thailand the whole time and just have a normal entry stamp from 2 weeks ago. We have no issues.

It seems strange that your posting IP is being reported as in Cambodia. Are you sure you are in Thailand?

Hello peanuts? Hello Cambodia? Hello.... hello? Anyone there?

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