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1st Day Of 7 Road Accident Danger Days See 34 Deaths, 501 Injuries: Thailand


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Just compared it to the numbers in Holland:

In 2009 720 died, in 2010 'only' 640. As Holland has 4.16 times less people this would add up to 2995 casualties in 2009 and 2662 in 2010.

In short: In a western country it is about 75% saver on the road than in Thailand! So be careful out there!!!

I heared you could even 'buy' a license here. No wonder the Dutch police won't accept a Thai drivers license in Holland.

You are wrong. You forget that in Holland just 6 mill people. And in Thailand 75 mill. So in Thailand population in 12.5 times more than in Holland. If in 2009 died 720 x 12.5 =9,000 opposite 11048 in Thailand.

So in your country with more higher taxes and salaries for police just 19% saver than in Thailand.

Where are you guys getting these fictitious numbers from? Thailand has a population of ~66,720,000 while Holland's population is ~16,847,000, with Thailand being 3.96 greater.

But while sipping on a beer lets throw in a few more equations for you guys to thrash. Thailand has a land area of 513,000 sq km while Holland's is 41,543 sq km. Since Thailand has about 12.4 times more land area they also has more roads. With more roads you have more possibilities and chances of a road accident.

Now look at some other factors. Holland has a Great Mass Transit System. I have been to Schiphol Airport serveral times alone, and I don't speak Dutch, and had no problems finding a bus into town every 30 minutes. Every try that at Suvanabhumi Airport and take a normal Thai Bus into Bangkok without VIP Assistance?

Or if you are headed off to Pattaya ever take a Bus alone into Bangkok, than catch a Bus at the Depot to Pattaya? Some have, but most probably went with there GF the first time, or like I did, which was catch a Taxi there. Or take a Train to Pattaya form Bangkok. Hell, you can't even do that, and if you could the VIP Bus is bad enough. That is if you have someone to help you find it at the station and right bus. But in Holland there is no problem like this and they have great Mass Transit which you can take to any major city.

Also while I was in Ansterdam several times, and my hat is off to the Dutch for this, many people travel to work on Peddal Bikes. Great Bike Paths throughout the city, but I wouldn't recommend you stand in one while taking a picture. I hardly see a Taxi in this beautiful city and more buses than cars almost. Ever see a Bike Path here or many people riding to work on a Bicycle? Okay! Let's start off with a sidewalk then work our way up.

So my point is that with a better Mass Transit System that people use, and people riding to work on a bicycle in a protected Bike Path, less people are driving there cars. So with less cars on the roads, less taxi's to stop, and less roads to drive on, it is only common sense that you are going to have less accidents. It is also common sense that the less time you spend on a road driving the less your chances are of getting into and accident. But does any of this make the roads any safer in Holland than in Thailand when you do drive?

Well, I don't know because by statistics there is none, as you can't compare Apples with Oranges, and what both of you are trying to do. Personally I think it is much safer in the West but not for reasons mentioned. Thailand is the Land of Smiles and a Tourist Destination for many people, who come here to let their hair down and have fun. In many cases like in Pattaya, that means Bar Hopping and drinking a lot. One guy put it well when he said he drank more in those two weeks than he did at home the whole year.

So they come here to get away from the Hum Drum of everyday life and not to worry or have a care in the world. With a few drinks of courage they care even less. Almost anyone who is a man of middle age, and has been to Pattaya alone, or with male friends, knows all about it. It is all part of the adventure by doing something they normally don't do at home. This could mean driving after a few drinks as well.

Someone said part of the fault is Tuk-Tuk Drivers scamming you for 200 Baht when it should be 50 Baht. Is it really? I mean you have money to go out and drink but not enough to pay 200 Baht for a ride home because you know he is scamming you? So instead they may take there Motor Bikes or cars and teach them a lesson. A lesson in what? Ignorance! Did he look at the whole picture when he said this because if I was drinking all night and the only ride home cost me 1,000 Baht, I would take it.

I worked with a guy once in Nigeria who loved to drink. But he wasn't happy in his own bar at his camp, or the many close by, that he could walk to. He prefered to head to the Bush Bars. Perhaps a better price and choice on the Girls their, although he almost aways came home alone, but that is a different story. I have seen him come home from one of these advertures and wonder how he could drive when he could not walk straight.

One weekend he took the company truck out to a Bush Bar, as he normally did, but this time he didn't make it home by himself. He got pulled over by the Police (Men in Black Their) as he was weaving all over the highway and hit the ditch. I notice the truck parked in it's normal spot the next morning and wondered how. But I didn't have to wait long to find out as he could hardly wait to tell a bunch of us what happened that night.

He said when the two policemen got out of there car and saw he was drunk they were very angry with him threatened him and shouted at him. He said he was pretty scared at this point and knew he was in trouble. He then said while looking in his wallet for Driver ID he pulled out 4,000 Nigerian Naira (about $25) and passed it to one of the police men. He was delighted to tell us the rest of the story in how both Police Men stopped shouting and now where smiling ear to ear. So much he could see there big white teeth from a mile, and how nice they were to him then.They were so nice that one Police man drove the truck back to the camp for him while he sat there, and the other followed in the police car.

Everyone that heard that story then thought that was great, and cool. It was like getting permission to drive drunk anytime, as long as you had $25 cash to give them, and now without a worry of getting into trouble for doing so. But like anyone who may want to defend a person for driving after drinking all night because the Tuk-tuk price was too high and was being overcharge, they to didn't see the whole picture.

I did so I rained on his big parade by asking him a few simple questions. I asked him if he thought those two big police men would still be smiling at him with a gift of $25 if instead of hitting the ditch he hit a little Nigerian Girl and killed her. I asked him if he thought he would get special treatment in prison and not have to spend it in those Hell Holes we saw, when we went to the Police Station to get finger printed for Visa's. That if he thought the company would try to help him after him killing a little girl with a company truck while drunk? I then asked him if the penalty for that in Nigeria was the same as in Saudi Arabia, which is death, as both have the death penalty.

Nope! I will preplan my trip to and from the bar and make sure I can get home without driving. If I get stuck remember that a man with money doesn't have a problem in Thailand, so carry some extra. Then you can always buy your way home from a sober Thai if need be.


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Is this thread going to be updated for the next 6 days with the death count?

I find it quite disturbing how news sites always love to update death counts.

All road deaths should be published every day to emphasize the danger that exists on the roads here. 34 deaths in one day is actually around the daily average for Thailand, so this news article isn't actually news.

Absolutely and if possible with pictures of the road victims AND the drivers !! Anyway, if the people in duty just want listen to some of the TV members they could solve the one or the other problem very easy, even with too much headache because of thinking too much giggle.gif

And Mr. TeddyFlyfisherDavis, have you made all of your 80 posts in this thread here??? ...and it has something to do with education....at least driving school education...

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34 deaths on first of seven dangerous days

The Nation


Speeding, drunk driving and not wearing helmet key reasons

More road casualties and accidents were reported in the first of the sevenday New Year period compared to the same period last year.

Up to 34 people have been killed and 501 injured in 427 road accidents on Thursday - the first of the seven dangerous days for the holiday period, Deputy Interior Minister Thanis Thienthong told the press yesterday at the Road Safety Centre.

He said the number of fatalities had risen from 24 and injuries were up from 425 in 393 accidents on December 29 last year.

The authorities will monitor traffic and all roads until January 4 to help minimise the toll. People have been driving out of the capital since Thursday, and officials have been instructed to look out for violators of traffic rules.

Thanis said the Road Safety Centre had found that drunk driving, riding motorbikes without helmets and breaking the speed limit were the common causes of the accidents.

Wiboon Sanguanpong, directorgeneral of the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department, who is also secretary of the Road Safety Centre, warned motorists to be careful when heading to the North and Northeast due to fog and poor visibility.

He urged motorists to stop frequently to rest as well as have their vehicles regularly checked at the hundreds of service stations located along highways and main roads.

Meanwhile, Provincial Police Region 3 Commander Pol LtGeneral Panu Kerdlapphol surveyed the situation of roads heading toward the eight Northeast provinces from a helicopter.

He said more police officers would be deployed to ease congestion and keep an eye out at risky areas.

In related news, tragedy struck in Lampang's Sop Prap district when a car with four passengers crashed into a tree before bursting into flames. Police say the passengers were relatives travelling from Bangkok to the North to celebrate the New Year.


-- The Nation 2011-12-31

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There appears to me to be a distinct push by Thai authority to clamp down on the shocking accident figures and errant and uneducated driving practises particularly by the motorbike / scooter riders that I have noticed over last 2 years of driving in Thai.

The road and license checks have become far more frequent over this period although I have at present only been stopped once in that time while driving a vehicle.

This push maybe for the as yet untapped resource of fines from this area as already happens in all most all Western societies or the Thai authorities may really be trying to reduce the horrendous toll on Thai roads and many associated costs.

I think I detect the start of driver education coming to Thai be it one way or another.

If you err you will pay,sounds so familar????

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60+ posts so-far...............This thread could go for 600+ posts................. What will be the result?

All here know the answer to that, even though we graciously tap away at our keyboards!

All here know that absolutely nothing will change WHATSOEVER!

If it does change, I'll promptly re-open the thread and apologize.

I love Thailand, have a TW and spend a considerable part of each year here.

My biggest fear.............The roads and those on them, from ordinary citizens to what should be, responsibly trained and monitored bus and truck drivers.

Back in the early 1980's I used to buy from a tailor in the Landmark Hotel, it was early days for me in Thailand at that time.

When chatting at one stage, knowing I was a "Newbie", he said the most important thing to always keep in the forefront of your mind here, is to never forget for one moment that your life and everyone else's and the continuance of it is totally unimportant here, it's just not a prominent issue in the culture.

I have always hoped that he was over emphasising this.

Now at 65+ years and 30+ years later, I'm afraid that for a very major part of the community he was and is spot-on.

Nothing will change guys, the fact is here and is as sure as a New Year will start tomorrow nothing will change.

The BEST of it to all.

Edited by fishhooks
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Just compared it to the numbers in Holland:

In 2009 720 died, in 2010 'only' 640. As Holland has 4.16 times less people this would add up to 2995 casualties in 2009 and 2662 in 2010.

In short: In a western country it is about 75% saver on the road than in Thailand! So be careful out there!!!

I heared you could even 'buy' a license here. No wonder the Dutch police won't accept a Thai drivers license in Holland.

You are wrong. You forget that in Holland just 6 mill people. And in Thailand 75 mill. So in Thailand population in 12.5 times more than in Holland. If in 2009 died 720 x 12.5 =9,000 opposite 11048 in Thailand.

So in your country with more higher taxes and salaries for police just 19% saver than in Thailand.

Where are you guys getting these fictitious numbers from? Thailand has a population of ~66,720,000 while Holland's population is ~16,847,000, with Thailand being 3.96 greater.

But while sipping on a beer lets throw in a few more equations for you guys to thrash. Thailand has a land area of 513,000 sq km while Holland's is 41,543 sq km. Since Thailand has about 12.4 times more land area they also has more roads. With more roads you have more possibilities and chances of a road accident.

Now look at some other factors. Holland has a Great Mass Transit System. I have been to Schiphol Airport serveral times alone, and I don't speak Dutch, and had no problems finding a bus into town every 30 minutes. Every try that at Suvanabhumi Airport and take a normal Thai Bus into Bangkok without VIP Assistance?

Or if you are headed off to Pattaya ever take a Bus alone into Bangkok, than catch a Bus at the Depot to Pattaya? Some have, but most probably went with there GF the first time, or like I did, which was catch a Taxi there. Or take a Train to Pattaya form Bangkok. Hell, you can't even do that, and if you could the VIP Bus is bad enough. That is if you have someone to help you find it at the station and right bus. But in Holland there is no problem like this and they have great Mass Transit which you can take to any major city.

Also while I was in Ansterdam several times, and my hat is off to the Dutch for this, many people travel to work on Peddal Bikes. Great Bike Paths throughout the city, but I wouldn't recommend you stand in one while taking a picture. I hardly see a Taxi in this beautiful city and more buses than cars almost. Ever see a Bike Path here or many people riding to work on a Bicycle? Okay! Let's start off with a sidewalk then work our way up.

So my point is that with a better Mass Transit System that people use, and people riding to work on a bicycle in a protected Bike Path, less people are driving there cars. So with less cars on the roads, less taxi's to stop, and less roads to drive on, it is only common sense that you are going to have less accidents. It is also common sense that the less time you spend on a road driving the less your chances are of getting into and accident. But does any of this make the roads any safer in Holland than in Thailand when you do drive?

Well, I don't know because by statistics there is none, as you can't compare Apples with Oranges, and what both of you are trying to do. Personally I think it is much safer in the West but not for reasons mentioned. Thailand is the Land of Smiles and a Tourist Destination for many people, who come here to let their hair down and have fun. In many cases like in Pattaya, that means Bar Hopping and drinking a lot. One guy put it well when he said he drank more in those two weeks than he did at home the whole year.

So they come here to get away from the Hum Drum of everyday life and not to worry or have a care in the world. With a few drinks of courage they care even less. Almost anyone who is a man of middle age, and has been to Pattaya alone, or with male friends, knows all about it. It is all part of the adventure by doing something they normally don't do at home. This could mean driving after a few drinks as well.

Someone said part of the fault is Tuk-Tuk Drivers scamming you for 200 Baht when it should be 50 Baht. Is it really? I mean you have money to go out and drink but not enough to pay 200 Baht for a ride home because you know he is scamming you? So instead they may take there Motor Bikes or cars and teach them a lesson. A lesson in what? Ignorance! Did he look at the whole picture when he said this because if I was drinking all night and the only ride home cost me 1,000 Baht, I would take it.

I worked with a guy once in Nigeria who loved to drink. But he wasn't happy in his own bar at his camp, or the many close by, that he could walk to. He prefered to head to the Bush Bars. Perhaps a better price and choice on the Girls their, although he almost aways came home alone, but that is a different story. I have seen him come home from one of these advertures and wonder how he could drive when he could not walk straight.

One weekend he took the company truck out to a Bush Bar, as he normally did, but this time he didn't make it home by himself. He got pulled over by the Police (Men in Black Their) as he was weaving all over the highway and hit the ditch. I notice the truck parked in it's normal spot the next morning and wondered how. But I didn't have to wait long to find out as he could hardly wait to tell a bunch of us what happened that night.

He said when the two policemen got out of there car and saw he was drunk they were very angry with him threatened him and shouted at him. He said he was pretty scared at this point and knew he was in trouble. He then said while looking in his wallet for Driver ID he pulled out 4,000 Nigerian Naira (about $25) and passed it to one of the police men. He was delighted to tell us the rest of the story in how both Police Men stopped shouting and now where smiling ear to ear. So much he could see there big white teeth from a mile, and how nice they were to him then.They were so nice that one Police man drove the truck back to the camp for him while he sat there, and the other followed in the police car.

Everyone that heard that story then thought that was great, and cool. It was like getting permission to drive drunk anytime, as long as you had $25 cash to give them, and now without a worry of getting into trouble for doing so. But like anyone who may want to defend a person for driving after drinking all night because the Tuk-tuk price was too high and was being overcharge, they to didn't see the whole picture.

I did so I rained on his big parade by asking him a few simple questions. I asked him if he thought those two big police men would still be smiling at him with a gift of $25 if instead of hitting the ditch he hit a little Nigerian Girl and killed her. I asked him if he thought he would get special treatment in prison and not have to spend it in those Hell Holes we saw, when we went to the Police Station to get finger printed for Visa's. That if he thought the company would try to help him after him killing a little girl with a company truck while drunk? I then asked him if the penalty for that in Nigeria was the same as in Saudi Arabia, which is death, as both have the death penalty.

Nope! I will preplan my trip to and from the bar and make sure I can get home without driving. If I get stuck remember that a man with money doesn't have a problem in Thailand, so carry some extra. Then you can always buy your way home from a sober Thai if need be.

Have you not used the sky train and mrt-- the most modern than some countries--- 100's of 1000's use these everyday-- most deaths are caused in the country.


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Just compared it to the numbers in Holland:

In 2009 720 died, in 2010 'only' 640. As Holland has 4.16 times less people this would add up to 2995 casualties in 2009 and 2662 in 2010.

In short: In a western country it is about 75% saver on the road than in Thailand! So be careful out there!!!

I heared you could even 'buy' a license here. No wonder the Dutch police won't accept a Thai drivers license in Holland.

You are wrong. You forget that in Holland just 6 mill people. And in Thailand 75 mill. So in Thailand population in 12.5 times more than in Holland. If in 2009 died 720 x 12.5 =9,000 opposite 11048 in Thailand.

So in your country with more higher taxes and salaries for police just 19% saver than in Thailand.

Where are you guys getting these fictitious numbers from? Thailand has a population of ~66,720,000 while Holland's population is ~16,847,000, with Thailand being 3.96 greater.

But while sipping on a beer lets throw in a few more equations for you guys to thrash. Thailand has a land area of 513,000 sq km while Holland's is 41,543 sq km. Since Thailand has about 12.4 times more land area they also has more roads. With more roads you have more possibilities and chances of a road accident.

Now look at some other factors. Holland has a Great Mass Transit System. I have been to Schiphol Airport serveral times alone, and I don't speak Dutch, and had no problems finding a bus into town every 30 minutes. Every try that at Suvanabhumi Airport and take a normal Thai Bus into Bangkok without VIP Assistance?

Or if you are headed off to Pattaya ever take a Bus alone into Bangkok, than catch a Bus at the Depot to Pattaya? Some have, but most probably went with there GF the first time, or like I did, which was catch a Taxi there. Or take a Train to Pattaya form Bangkok. Hell, you can't even do that, and if you could the VIP Bus is bad enough. That is if you have someone to help you find it at the station and right bus. But in Holland there is no problem like this and they have great Mass Transit which you can take to any major city.

Also while I was in Ansterdam several times, and my hat is off to the Dutch for this, many people travel to work on Peddal Bikes. Great Bike Paths throughout the city, but I wouldn't recommend you stand in one while taking a picture. I hardly see a Taxi in this beautiful city and more buses than cars almost. Ever see a Bike Path here or many people riding to work on a Bicycle? Okay! Let's start off with a sidewalk then work our way up.

So my point is that with a better Mass Transit System that people use, and people riding to work on a bicycle in a protected Bike Path, less people are driving there cars. So with less cars on the roads, less taxi's to stop, and less roads to drive on, it is only common sense that you are going to have less accidents. It is also common sense that the less time you spend on a road driving the less your chances are of getting into and accident. But does any of this make the roads any safer in Holland than in Thailand when you do drive?

Well, I don't know because by statistics there is none, as you can't compare Apples with Oranges, and what both of you are trying to do. Personally I think it is much safer in the West but not for reasons mentioned. Thailand is the Land of Smiles and a Tourist Destination for many people, who come here to let their hair down and have fun. In many cases like in Pattaya, that means Bar Hopping and drinking a lot. One guy put it well when he said he drank more in those two weeks than he did at home the whole year.

So they come here to get away from the Hum Drum of everyday life and not to worry or have a care in the world. With a few drinks of courage they care even less. Almost anyone who is a man of middle age, and has been to Pattaya alone, or with male friends, knows all about it. It is all part of the adventure by doing something they normally don't do at home. This could mean driving after a few drinks as well.

Someone said part of the fault is Tuk-Tuk Drivers scamming you for 200 Baht when it should be 50 Baht. Is it really? I mean you have money to go out and drink but not enough to pay 200 Baht for a ride home because you know he is scamming you? So instead they may take there Motor Bikes or cars and teach them a lesson. A lesson in what? Ignorance! Did he look at the whole picture when he said this because if I was drinking all night and the only ride home cost me 1,000 Baht, I would take it.

I worked with a guy once in Nigeria who loved to drink. But he wasn't happy in his own bar at his camp, or the many close by, that he could walk to. He prefered to head to the Bush Bars. Perhaps a better price and choice on the Girls their, although he almost aways came home alone, but that is a different story. I have seen him come home from one of these advertures and wonder how he could drive when he could not walk straight.

One weekend he took the company truck out to a Bush Bar, as he normally did, but this time he didn't make it home by himself. He got pulled over by the Police (Men in Black Their) as he was weaving all over the highway and hit the ditch. I notice the truck parked in it's normal spot the next morning and wondered how. But I didn't have to wait long to find out as he could hardly wait to tell a bunch of us what happened that night.

He said when the two policemen got out of there car and saw he was drunk they were very angry with him threatened him and shouted at him. He said he was pretty scared at this point and knew he was in trouble. He then said while looking in his wallet for Driver ID he pulled out 4,000 Nigerian Naira (about $25) and passed it to one of the police men. He was delighted to tell us the rest of the story in how both Police Men stopped shouting and now where smiling ear to ear. So much he could see there big white teeth from a mile, and how nice they were to him then.They were so nice that one Police man drove the truck back to the camp for him while he sat there, and the other followed in the police car.

Everyone that heard that story then thought that was great, and cool. It was like getting permission to drive drunk anytime, as long as you had $25 cash to give them, and now without a worry of getting into trouble for doing so. But like anyone who may want to defend a person for driving after drinking all night because the Tuk-tuk price was too high and was being overcharge, they to didn't see the whole picture.

I did so I rained on his big parade by asking him a few simple questions. I asked him if he thought those two big police men would still be smiling at him with a gift of $25 if instead of hitting the ditch he hit a little Nigerian Girl and killed her. I asked him if he thought he would get special treatment in prison and not have to spend it in those Hell Holes we saw, when we went to the Police Station to get finger printed for Visa's. That if he thought the company would try to help him after him killing a little girl with a company truck while drunk? I then asked him if the penalty for that in Nigeria was the same as in Saudi Arabia, which is death, as both have the death penalty.

Nope! I will preplan my trip to and from the bar and make sure I can get home without driving. If I get stuck remember that a man with money doesn't have a problem in Thailand, so carry some extra. Then you can always buy your way home from a sober Thai if need be.

Have you not used the sky train and mrt-- the most modern than some countries--- 100's of 1000's use these everyday-- most deaths are caused in the country.


Your logic makes about as much sense as.............err, are you Thai?

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HarryKleinsmit, on Yesterday, 13:45 , said:

Just compared it to the numbers in Holland:

In 2009 720 died, in 2010 'only' 640. As Holland has 4.16 times less people this would add up to 2995 casualties in 2009 and 2662 in 2010.

In short: In a western country it is about 75% saver on the road than in Thailand! So be careful out there!!!

I heared you could even 'buy' a license here. No wonder the Dutch police won't accept a Thai drivers license in Holland.

You are wrong. You forget that in Holland just 6 mill people. And in Thailand 75 mill. So in Thailand population in 12.5 times more than in Holland. If in 2009 died 720 x 12.5 =9,000 opposite 11048 in Thailand.

So in your country with more higher taxes and salaries for police just 19% saver than in Thailand.

You Are both wrong. Number of vehicles per capita have more impact on numbers of accidents then the population itself. Measured this way Holland is much larger the Thailand, ie much safer then you indicate

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Provinces Launch Road Safety Centers

Many provinces are opening road assistance centers to welcome the New Year holiday.

Motorists will be encouraged to wear helmets, fasten seat belts, to drive within the speed limit, to drive only with a license, and not to drink and drive.

Encouraged?? They should be forced with horrendous penalties if found in breach. It is after all the LAW!!!

The roads would be empty and why would i want to drive my car wearing a crash helmet?

Have a safe new years eve and beyond, happy new year everybody


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It's okay to ride a motorcycle without a helmet.

It's okay to ride with three, four or even five on a motorcycle built for two.

It's okay if the person at the front is probably not the one in control.

It's okay to ride against the flow of traffic.

It's okay to fly out of a side road and turn left without stopping or looking.

It's okay to drive a motorcycle while holding an umbrella or a phone or both.

It's okay to sit side-saddle on a motorcycle.

It's okay to ride at night with defective lights.

It's okay to cram six people into a pick-up and another fifteen in the bed.

It's okay to cram a songthaew full of schoolkids, then six more on the home-made extension at the rear.

It's okay to pack a mini-bus full of people and drive as fast as you can five metres behind the bus in front.

It's okay to drive at 25kms an hour in the outside lane in a decrepit old pickup stacked 5m high with pineapples.

It's okay to fill old buses with obviously twisted chassis' full of people from one end of the country to another.

All of which can be done without a licence or insurance.

Mai pen rai.

& text whilst driving a motorbike/car/lorry/train/airplane..........

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Just compared it to the numbers in Holland:

In 2009 720 died, in 2010 'only' 640. As Holland has 4.16 times less people this would add up to 2995 casualties in 2009 and 2662 in 2010.

In short: In a western country it is about 75% saver on the road than in Thailand! So be careful out there!!!

I heared you could even 'buy' a license here. No wonder the Dutch police won't accept a Thai drivers license in Holland.

You are wrong. You forget that in Holland just 6 mill people. And in Thailand 75 mill. So in Thailand population in 12.5 times more than in Holland. If in 2009 died 720 x 12.5 =9,000 opposite 11048 in Thailand.

So in your country with more higher taxes and salaries for police just 19% saver than in Thailand.

Sorry, but I did my reseach. You obviously did not. There are 16.612.213 people in Holland compared to 69.122.234 in Thailand! So the factor is indeed exactly 4,16 ! And for that matter: In Holland people live a lot closer together than the Thai. After Malta the Dutch are the most populated country in the EU (484 per square kilometer) as to Thailand (124 per square kilometer). So, I think you can even add to to this factor because the roads in Holland are a lot busier.

and the UK has figures showing it is 6 x safer than thai roads, ......600% , and the numbers are pretty accurate , .......only yesterday an op on here stated three fatalities that were never reported/accounted for bye the BIB , i have spent about 9 yrs of my life in thailand over 13 yrs and witnessed at least 20 road deaths,....... ive seen one in the UK in the remaining 36 yrs , .. To me , the answer is simple; MAKE THE DRIVING TEST COMPARABLE TO WESTERN STANDARDS; , if you are caught by the police with no license, your car will be confiscated until you pass the test which can be arranged in the next 48 hrs, if there were independant monitors { preferably someone who has lost a child through bad driving} at these test centers to check the new test rules are correctly followed , and with better trained traffic police this would go a looooooong way to cutting the fatalities at little cost...........but who cares ??...............mai penrai !

" we dont need no education".......

You can make a driving test as hard as possible, I.E. the same as UK traffic Police, but it only has to be passed once! You could train the worst Pukers Tuk Tuk "driver" to pass any test. THe very next day Somchai Homicidalsak hits the road driving? in his usual lunatic manner. As Police corruption / apathy is beyond a joke the death toll will continue to rise.

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34 road accident deaths reported on first travel day of seven day New Year holiday


BANGKOK, Dec 30 – Thirty-four deaths, and 501 injuries in 427 road accidents were reported yesterday (Dec 29), the first day of the seven-day travel period of the New Year holiday, according to the holiday traffic safety centre.

The major causes of road accidents are driving under the influence of alcohol and speeding, said Deputy Interior Minister Thanit Thienthong in a news conference on Friday.

The 427 road accident total for Dec 29 was 8.65 per cent higher than the 393 accidents recorded on the same day last year. The number of fatalities was 34, up 41.67 per cent from last year while injuries increased by 76 or 17.88 per cent from 425 injuries in the previous year.

As Friday is the last working day before the New Year holiday, he said most travelers are expected to leave Bangkok for their hometowns upcountry today and major roads, particularly highways, connecting the capital and regions are likely to be congested.

Meanwhile, Vibul Sanguanpong, director-general of the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department as secretary-general of the holiday traffic centre warned motorists to beware of poor visibility in the morning, from thick fog in the North and the Northeast to heavy rain and slippery roads in the South.

Special traffic lanes will be provided to increase traffic flow and officials have been deployed to accident prone areas to check drunken and speeding drivers as well as overloaded vehicles.

In the northern province of Lampang, Pol Col Songkwan Ratchadathanawat, superintendent of Sopprab police station said four people were killed in an accident on the Lampang-Tak Asian Highway in his province.

The driver of a speeding car lost control and swerved, hitting a roadside tree and was engulfed in flames. It is believed that the driver fell asleep at the wheel.

Two men and two women were killed in the accident. Only one person could be identified, that being Sirilak Kitwanit, 34. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2011-12-30

Id dispute the speeding part, they are simply TOO close, no planning no forethought, no hope, best not go out in holidays.

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Is this thread going to be updated for the next 6 days with the death count?

I find it quite disturbing how news sites always love to update death counts.

All road deaths should be published every day to emphasize the danger that exists on the roads here. 34 deaths in one day is actually around the daily average for Thailand, so this news article isn't actually news.

More it appears daily more chance people ignore it, familiarity etc..................until it happens to them and even then am sure many of the idiots carry on, after all it "wasnt there fault"

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Terrible numbers !

Uneducated, drunk and reckless driving causing the death of many innocent people on the streets here every day.

More and more Farangs are hitting the streets day by day, the main reason are the insane TukTuk and Taxi fares and no busses at all in

the tourism centers. For driving by TukTuk in Phuket about 500meters one will pay up to 200.-Baht....so for 200.-Baht, many tourists renting

motobikes the whole day, sometimes it is even cheaper. Traffic in Thailand is insane...and nobody start solving the problem on its roots.

This is only valid for Phuket. In Bangkok you can always catch a taxi meter for cheap travel, or bus if you are backpacker.

Why do you have to be a backpacker to catch a bus ? I take a bus all the time, Air bus is good, even take the free bus sometimes, bus service is good in Bangkok, cheap, clean and very frequent, but you do need to tell them where you want to go in Thai.

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