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Are Thais Unfit?


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Speaking of which the fitness center I frequent has some amusing sights. You see the same set of Thais show up at the crack of dawn but all they do is slow walk on the treadmill. It's usually a couple of fat ladies who do this too. I applaud taking the initiative to work out but what they are doing is an ineffective waste of time.

I often wonder at some of the techniques I see at the gym as done by Thais. I see people using elliptical crosstrainers where the stride amplitude is about an inch or maybe two. I see people doing bench presses where only the elbow is slightly bent before pushing back up to lockout. Like on the ellipticals, many Thais seem to like the gliders, but once again, having a range of motion of maybe two inches.

I have never questioned them, but I sure want to ask them what benefit they are supposed to be getting.

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I sometimes see westerners jogging along the most polluted roads in Bangkok and can't believe they would actually think that would be beneficial to their health. Any benefit from the exercise would be offset by the damage from the pollution. A lot of Thais go to gyms or badminton courts which is a lot more healthy.

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i guess I am in a poor position to judge, in regular gyms there are many fat people, and unfit people, in the muay thai camps i lived everyone is superfit so i am used to that.

nearly all my friends are fighters also so i may be blinded a little, the farang i teach are fit but not by thai camp stards, i need to stop comparing normal people to camp fighters.

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i guess I am in a poor position to judge, in regular gyms there are many fat people, and unfit people, in the muay thai camps i lived everyone is superfit so i am used to that.

nearly all my friends are fighters also so i may be blinded a little, the farang i teach are fit but not by thai camp stards, i need to stop comparing normal people to camp fighters.

JT might be interested in camp fighters...

I'll be off now,..


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i guess I am in a poor position to judge, in regular gyms there are many fat people, and unfit people, in the muay thai camps i lived everyone is superfit so i am used to that.

nearly all my friends are fighters also so i may be blinded a little, the farang i teach are fit but not by thai camp stards, i need to stop comparing normal people to camp fighters.

The gyms are full of fat and unfit people because they dont want to be fat and unfit anymore.

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i guess I am in a poor position to judge, in regular gyms there are many fat people, and unfit people, in the muay thai camps i lived everyone is superfit so i am used to that.

nearly all my friends are fighters also so i may be blinded a little, the farang i teach are fit but not by thai camp stards, i need to stop comparing normal people to camp fighters.

Quite easy to explain a gym is easier to join for someone fat then a fighting camp. So yes i guess your a little blinded. If the only thing you have to do is train (not make a living) then its also easier to get in shape.

For me its a constant struggle often when i get in perfect shape something bad happens... like a flooding. Making sure i cant train or my parents come for a month. Once i loose the rythm i get out of shape easy. Hope it will be better this time.

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i guess I am in a poor position to judge, in regular gyms there are many fat people, and unfit people, in the muay thai camps i lived everyone is superfit so i am used to that.

nearly all my friends are fighters also so i may be blinded a little, the farang i teach are fit but not by thai camp stards, i need to stop comparing normal people to camp fighters.

The gyms are full of fat and unfit people because they dont want to be fat and unfit anymore.

Good point.

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I see some Thais who are very fit. That said, the Thais I know are the most unfit people I've ever seen in all my life. Walking up 2 flights of stairs leaves them knackered.

That is the remarkable thing about it, and in my case I am talking about people I know in their twenties who are so cardiovascularly unfit. It doesnt bode well for the future.

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  • 3 months later...

I really was thinking of this thread because i was trying to motivate my gf to do some exercise. She has access to a complete gym and someone who knows how to work out (me) but its almost impossible to get her to do a workout.

I was then checking how many thai girls i knew that really did any kind of sport and i must say the total was real low, almost zero if i only counted vigorous exercise. Still in the park in front of the house they got some gym machines and i do see some people using them during the evening.

I think generally here there is really not much knowledge about exercise and eating healthy. Then again when i read the weight loss forums on sites all the knowledge i take for granted on this field seems to be limited in the average overweight person. (Europeans / Americans).

Most people i used to know back in the Netherlands were in reasonable shape because they biked a lot. But now when i look around me almost everyone Thai / foreigner is out of shape. Might be that im looking at older people then i used to do.

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I really was thinking of this thread because i was trying to motivate my gf to do some exercise. She has access to a complete gym and someone who knows how to work out (me) but its almost impossible to get her to do a workout.

I was then checking how many thai girls i knew that really did any kind of sport and i must say the total was real low, almost zero if i only counted vigorous exercise. Still in the park in front of the house they got some gym machines and i do see some people using them during the evening.

I think generally here there is really not much knowledge about exercise and eating healthy. Then again when i read the weight loss forums on sites all the knowledge i take for granted on this field seems to be limited in the average overweight person. (Europeans / Americans).

Most people i used to know back in the Netherlands were in reasonable shape because they biked a lot. But now when i look around me almost everyone Thai / foreigner is out of shape. Might be that im looking at older people then i used to do.

What can I say except that I totally agree with you that too many Thai ladies are allergic to exercise, my OP came about as my slim gf was out of breath so rapidly it was worrying for me. She appears to be perfectly fit, but her cardiovascular health is ( was ) quite frankly diabolical. Luckily now she does 30 minutes of cardio exercise 3 times a week in the gym and she enjoys it, and now her mum is going along now too.

To be honest with you that 30 minutes equates to about 10 minutes of exercise and 20 minutes of gossip but it has made a difference already. I have seen her voluntarily walk 200 metres to 7/11, which before would have been an impossibility. Shock developments. biggrin.png

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Sure but its improvement at least she is doing something now and its better as nothing. We got one body and you can keep it healthy by taking care what you eat and doing some exercise. Most people only realize that when its too late.

The thing is fun things are usually bad for you (getting drunk all the time and eating great food all the time) You can't have it both ways.

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I see some Thais who are very fit. That said, the Thais I know are the most unfit people I've ever seen in all my life. Walking up 2 flights of stairs leaves them knackered.

That is the remarkable thing about it, and in my case I am talking about people I know in their twenties who are so cardiovascularly unfit. It doesnt bode well for the future.

Well, as soon as there will be a lot of obese people around, like in western countries, they will probably start to reconsider their " allergy" to exercise...

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I see some Thais who are very fit. That said, the Thais I know are the most unfit people I've ever seen in all my life. Walking up 2 flights of stairs leaves them knackered.

That is the remarkable thing about it, and in my case I am talking about people I know in their twenties who are so cardiovascularly unfit. It doesnt bode well for the future.

Well, as soon as there will be a lot of obese people around, like in western countries, they will probably start to reconsider their " allergy" to exercise...

Too bad that it has to become bad before people realize the problems. But you can have loads of health related problems and being slim, exercise just helps you ward of many of those.

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I live in Chiang Mai also and am also a keen walker, but one of the first things that struck me about the city when I arrived was that it just isn't designed for pedestrians. Unnecessarily high kerbs, potholes, poorly maintained infrastructure, ignorant parking of cars and motorcycles and in many cases, no pavement whatsoever all led me to believe that Thai people simply don't walk anywhere. When was the last time you ever saw a Thai with a pram or a pushchair in Chiang Mai? They'd be carrying it more often than they'd be pushing it. And as for disabled Thai's in wheelchairs...? Oh wait, they don't exist. Phew.


This is something i find very sad about Chiang Mai. Its a beautiful city, but near impossible to walk around. Tried it a couple of times, but just no fun, because my eyes had to be everywhere in order to prevent damaging myself. Metal bits of whatever poking out the ground tripping me over or stabbing me, broken bits of pavement or curb, etc. ..and thats just at ground level. Of course, if im looking down, the metal sign placed at 5'4" is going to slap me right in the face. Then theres the cables of course, including the lovely jutting electrical wires occasionally poking out from the lamposts and electrical boxes etc.

I cant stroll and people watch. Too busy just trying to get from A to B without injury. :/

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I live in Chiang Mai also and am also a keen walker, but one of the first things that struck me about the city when I arrived was that it just isn't designed for pedestrians. Unnecessarily high kerbs, potholes, poorly maintained infrastructure, ignorant parking of cars and motorcycles and in many cases, no pavement whatsoever all led me to believe that Thai people simply don't walk anywhere. When was the last time you ever saw a Thai with a pram or a pushchair in Chiang Mai? They'd be carrying it more often than they'd be pushing it. And as for disabled Thai's in wheelchairs...? Oh wait, they don't exist. Phew.


This is something i find very sad about Chiang Mai. Its a beautiful city, but near impossible to walk around. Tried it a couple of times, but just no fun, because my eyes had to be everywhere in order to prevent damaging myself. Metal bits of whatever poking out the ground tripping me over or stabbing me, broken bits of pavement or curb, etc. ..and thats just at ground level. Of course, if im looking down, the metal sign placed at 5'4" is going to slap me right in the face. Then theres the cables of course, including the lovely jutting electrical wires occasionally poking out from the lamposts and electrical boxes etc.

I cant stroll and people watch. Too busy just trying to get from A to B without injury. :/

I totally agree with that eek, the best walk I can do is around the moat on the moat side, that seems to be relatively smooth going but then you are subjected to the constant road noise and pollution from poorly serviced tuk tuks belching out oil particles a plenty.

The other annoying thing is that tuk tuk drivers seem to think its a criminal offence for anyone to walk anywhere, and at any given time on a lap around the moat you need to fight off at least 20 drivers. Not conducive to relaxing wacko.png

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^ Heck yeh, missed out the tuktuks calling out and and songtaew drivers honking. I recall sometimes replying "เดินเล่นคะ" / Just walking, and being looked at aghast :D Actually recall wayyy way back a tuktuk driver quoting me a stupid price. Said never mind ill walk. He burst out laughing, and repeated what i said to the tuk tuk drivers next to him. They all burst out laughing. Guess they couldnt fathom anyone walking the distance. :P

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^ Heck yeh, missed out the tuktuks calling out and and songtaew drivers honking. I recall sometimes replying "เดินเล่นคะ" / Just walking, and being looked at aghast biggrin.png Actually recall wayyy way back a tuktuk driver quoting me a stupid price. Said never mind ill walk. He burst out laughing, and repeated what i said to the tuk tuk drivers next to him. They all burst out laughing. Guess they couldnt fathom anyone walking the distance. tongue.png

Well, if there is 1 thing in Thai culture that i can't understand is their aversion to walking, factually the best and easiest exercise to keep healthy and fit.

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^ Heck yeh, missed out the tuktuks calling out and and songtaew drivers honking. I recall sometimes replying "เดินเล่นคะ" / Just walking, and being looked at aghast biggrin.png Actually recall wayyy way back a tuktuk driver quoting me a stupid price. Said never mind ill walk. He burst out laughing, and repeated what i said to the tuk tuk drivers next to him. They all burst out laughing. Guess they couldnt fathom anyone walking the distance. tongue.png

Well, if there is 1 thing in Thai culture that i can't understand is their aversion to walking, factually the best and easiest exercise to keep healthy and fit.

Correct, and also extremely good for your mental health too.

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^ Heck yeh, missed out the tuktuks calling out and and songtaew drivers honking. I recall sometimes replying "เดินเล่นคะ" / Just walking, and being looked at aghast biggrin.png Actually recall wayyy way back a tuktuk driver quoting me a stupid price. Said never mind ill walk. He burst out laughing, and repeated what i said to the tuk tuk drivers next to him. They all burst out laughing. Guess they couldnt fathom anyone walking the distance. tongue.png

Well, if there is 1 thing in Thai culture that i can't understand is their aversion to walking, factually the best and easiest exercise to keep healthy and fit.

Correct, and also extremely good for your mental health too.

Now you got me thinking..Maybe i should walk a bit more..blink.png

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I'm always amazed while exercising at Fitness Thailand. I climb on a treadmill for a 30 or 40 minute run. While exercising, I'll watch half a dozen Thais get on the machines, exercise for 5 to 7 minutes, and leave.

Yeah, good for a laugh.

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I live in Chiang Mai also and am also a keen walker, but one of the first things that struck me about the city when I arrived was that it just isn't designed for pedestrians. Unnecessarily high kerbs, potholes, poorly maintained infrastructure, ignorant parking of cars and motorcycles and in many cases, no pavement whatsoever all led me to believe that Thai people simply don't walk anywhere. When was the last time you ever saw a Thai with a pram or a pushchair in Chiang Mai? They'd be carrying it more often than they'd be pushing it. And as for disabled Thai's in wheelchairs...? Oh wait, they don't exist. Phew.


This is something i find very sad about Chiang Mai. Its a beautiful city, but near impossible to walk around. Tried it a couple of times, but just no fun, because my eyes had to be everywhere in order to prevent damaging myself. Metal bits of whatever poking out the ground tripping me over or stabbing me, broken bits of pavement or curb, etc. ..and thats just at ground level. Of course, if im looking down, the metal sign placed at 5'4" is going to slap me right in the face. Then theres the cables of course, including the lovely jutting electrical wires occasionally poking out from the lamposts and electrical boxes etc.

I cant stroll and people watch. Too busy just trying to get from A to B without injury. :/

Walk around the moat. It's the flattest ground around. I walk it 4 or 5 times a week.

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I am a 59 year old ex soldier (25 years service) and have always kept myself fit. When I arrived here 7 months ago my 72 year old father in law ran me into the ground. He has done it just about every week since.

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I suggest the OP buys a pushbike and joins one of the Chiang Mai bike clubs - He'll soon realise the meaning of fitness, how many Thais are super fit and how friendly Thais can be when one of them takes pity on him and gives him a lift home in the back of their pick-up.

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I suggest the OP buys a pushbike and joins one of the Chiang Mai bike clubs - He'll soon realise the meaning of fitness, how many Thais are super fit and how friendly Thais can be when one of them takes pity on him and gives him a lift home in the back of their pick-up.

Did you actually read the OP Guesthouse?.....the issue is not my fitness, the issue is my girlfriends fitness.....she couldn't do a couple of lengths of a 20 metre pool without nigh on needing oxygen.

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walking is something only poor people do (school children dont even walk to school )

i used to live a mile from the MRT

every few minutes another taxi ,tuk tuk or motorcycle would stop to offer me transportation

they could hardly believe someone would walk a mile ........:)

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I suggest the OP buys a pushbike and joins one of the Chiang Mai bike clubs - He'll soon realise the meaning of fitness, how many Thais are super fit and how friendly Thais can be when one of them takes pity on him and gives him a lift home in the back of their pick-up.

Did you actually read the OP Guesthouse?.....the issue is not my fitness, the issue is my girlfriends fitness.....she couldn't do a couple of lengths of a 20 metre pool without nigh on needing oxygen.

Once again we have an expat expert on all things Thai (not) extrapolating his experience with his girlfriend into a generalization applied to all Thais - In this case asking "Are Thais unfit".

I take the OP at his word when he describes the sloth of his g/f, but if he's not happy with this aspect of her he might give her a piggy back down to the local exercise park where he'll find plenty of Thai women taking regular exercise. If his g/f is not inclined to take it up herself he might trade her in for one who does exercise.

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