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The day we get through a lengthy, unrelated topic without the Brits talking about their bloody local soccer competion will be the day the earth ends! wink.png

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last year Scotland had the best skiing since the 70s.

That wouldn't take much. :cheesy:

Skied their one day - sheet ice in the morning, complete slush in the afternoon. Best skiing was when there was a blizzard.


last year Scotland had the best skiing since the 70s.

That wouldn't take much. cheesy.gif

Skied their one day - sheet ice in the morning, complete slush in the afternoon. Best skiing was when there was a blizzard.

i got a perfect day there once with fresh snow and blue skies, apart from the 30mph wind, 20min queu for a 2min run and the rocks i hit that is! Not exactly the Alps.

saying that, it doesn't get sticky with sun late on in the season so back in the early 80s i remember skiing the White Lady bumps in May in T-shirts and the snow was perfect for bumps.


F1fanatic, as a Formula 1 Fanatic, you probably appreciate engineering and applied science, which will show repeatable results.

So do I.

But it seems to me that you take Holywood way too serious and all these doomsday prophets too. I know, there are many of them, almost a new one every day. Even so-called scientific TV programs broadcast shows about the end of the world in 2012, without a single critical voice there. Well, only bad new sell.

Whether or not there are more storms, more earthquakes etc, is debatable. We do not have all the necessary data. What we do know is that Global Warming is a fact. What we don't know (for sure) is why. And as always in such a case, there are groups who claim loudly that they know. Cars and CO2 emissions, methane from rice fields and cattle, sun spots, neutrinos and what not.

Let's get back to common sense and put these prophets where they belong: In the box of oddities.

Turn on your music box, listen to Mozart's 40th Simphony, take your glas of Glenmorangie and light your Trinidad and enjoy life! Cheers my friend and until March in Melbourne.


I dunno about you guys, but I've decided to play it safe and max out my credit cards. Just to be on the safe side...

Your gonna be p*ssed off if it doesnt end then biggrin.png


I dunno about you guys, but I've decided to play it safe and max out my credit cards. Just to be on the safe side...

Your gonna be p*ssed off if it doesnt end then biggrin.png

Maybe they're UK credit cards...

I'm a realist that believes nothing unless 1) it is proven or 2) I have personal experience that makes me believe it is true.

Therefore... I treated all the 2012 'end of the world' theories as laughable - but lately I'm beginning to wonder....

There can be little doubt that every country is experiencing 'odd' weather over the last year or so.

I would be interested to hear others' thoughts - but not those who for whatever reason have always taken the 'imminent end of the world' seriously.

When I talked to my 72yo father about the wierd weather, he said it is just as it was fifty years ago, a lot of science is financed to prove global warming, I have heard more than once that much of the science isn't submitted for peer scrutiny before being reported on, and any scientists who bring forward evidence to the contrary are shouted down.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

England was so warm in the 17th Century that it had malarial mosquitos and they were growing grapes in Newcastle, 12,000 years ago you could have had the best skiing ever in Scotland as it was under 100 metres of Ice and snow.

I dont think cars were to blame for either event, but I suppose the cave men with all their fancy barbecues may have had something to do with global warming.

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So just so I can plan, this doomsday is gonna happen this month or Dec 21? I don't think I can take another 11 months of this topic and nothing happens. licklips.gif


I'm just going to disregard all the predictions made by Mayans or whatever, just as I'm going to disregard 2012, but in all honest truth, things that are happening around us do not indicate a very jolly future. My most imminent concern would be the tensions between US and Iran and then considering China's and North Korea's position in the unfortunate eventuality...that doesn't look unreal or impossible to me at all, not mentioning that most of the biggest wars in history were preceded by a financial crisis and all the chaos that we're living in now...doesn't look good at all, folks, that's all I'm saying


this is the best book on WHY all the who-ha about 21 12 12.

The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies


I am slow reader and fear I won't be able to finish it in time. You got a copy of End of the World for Dummies?

lol me too so I got the audiobook from bittorrent. it is mostly about how a golden age was predicted. The end of the world stuff is just fear mongering. For example the Greek translation of rapture is 'the revealing'.


I'm just going to disregard all the predictions made by Mayans or whatever, just as I'm going to disregard 2012, but in all honest truth, things that are happening around us do not indicate a very jolly future. My most imminent concern would be the tensions between US and Iran and then considering China's and North Korea's position in the unfortunate eventuality...that doesn't look unreal or impossible to me at all, not mentioning that most of the biggest wars in history were preceded by a financial crisis and all the chaos that we're living in now...doesn't look good at all, folks, that's all I'm saying

a lot of the nutters like Bush want to fulfil what they think is the prophecy. IF a golden age is coming - which with the Internet, technological advances etc is very possible, those in power will not have any power in a golden age. It is plausible that they want to stop that from happening. How? Divide and rule through fear/war.


I'm just going to disregard all the predictions made by Mayans or whatever, just as I'm going to disregard 2012, but in all honest truth, things that are happening around us do not indicate a very jolly future. My most imminent concern would be the tensions between US and Iran and then considering China's and North Korea's position in the unfortunate eventuality...that doesn't look unreal or impossible to me at all, not mentioning that most of the biggest wars in history were preceded by a financial crisis and all the chaos that we're living in now...doesn't look good at all, folks, that's all I'm saying

a lot of the nutters like Bush want to fulfil what they think is the prophecy. IF a golden age is coming - which with the Internet, technological advances etc is very possible, those in power will not have any power in a golden age. It is plausible that they want to stop that from happening. How? Divide and rule through fear/war.

If you haven't heard? Bush isn't office anymore and hasn't been for almost 4 years now.. So what was your point again coffee1.gif ?


The only special thing about 2012 is that it is a very significant day for a religion that died out a few thousand years ago. In 2012, as seen from a specific city in South America, both the moon and the sun, 2 very important gods in the Mayan religion, traverse the plane of the ecliptic during a single winter solstice, a religious holy day for them. This event repeats every 26,000 years, corresponding to their long count calendar. Note that the sun and the moon are constantly crossing the plane of the ecliptic every year, just not at the exact same time on the holy day of the winter solstice. Some other years come close, but either the sun or the moon winds up beginning or ending its transition after midnight.

If the Mayans were still around it would represent a huge festival. There is no new consciousness, unless you happen to be a follower of the Mayan pagan religion. This 2012 apocalypse is a scam and every one with even an ounce of intelligence who has studied the issue knows it is a scam. It is nothing more than Hollywood and a bunch of gullible, new age scam artists that are using terms like "end of the world".

Jan. 1 2000 was just another day, and Dec. 22 2012 will be just another day.


I'm just going to disregard all the predictions made by Mayans or whatever, just as I'm going to disregard 2012, but in all honest truth, things that are happening around us do not indicate a very jolly future. My most imminent concern would be the tensions between US and Iran and then considering China's and North Korea's position in the unfortunate eventuality...that doesn't look unreal or impossible to me at all, not mentioning that most of the biggest wars in history were preceded by a financial crisis and all the chaos that we're living in now...doesn't look good at all, folks, that's all I'm saying

a lot of the nutters like Bush want to fulfil what they think is the prophecy. IF a golden age is coming - which with the Internet, technological advances etc is very possible, those in power will not have any power in a golden age. It is plausible that they want to stop that from happening. How? Divide and rule through fear/war.

If you haven't heard? Bush isn't office anymore and hasn't been for almost 4 years now.. So what was your point again coffee1.gif ?

i think I said nutters LIKE Bush. Obviously he was the only neo-con that was a nutter. Bush was a puppet any way.


Yes it is the END !!!!

dam_n I dont have clean underwaer or socks.... do you reckon St Peter will mind.... make sure all of you go to the toilet real quick... if you read your bible and you end up in Hell.. it's damnation without relief....


I'm just going to disregard all the predictions made by Mayans or whatever, just as I'm going to disregard 2012, but in all honest truth, things that are happening around us do not indicate a very jolly future. My most imminent concern would be the tensions between US and Iran and then considering China's and North Korea's position in the unfortunate eventuality...that doesn't look unreal or impossible to me at all, not mentioning that most of the biggest wars in history were preceded by a financial crisis and all the chaos that we're living in now...doesn't look good at all, folks, that's all I'm saying

a lot of the nutters like Bush want to fulfil what they think is the prophecy. IF a golden age is coming - which with the Internet, technological advances etc is very possible, those in power will not have any power in a golden age. It is plausible that they want to stop that from happening. How? Divide and rule through fear/war.

If you haven't heard? Bush isn't office anymore and hasn't been for almost 4 years now.. So what was your point again coffee1.gif ?

i think I said nutters LIKE Bush. Obviously he was the only neo-con that was a nutter. Bush was a puppet any way.

Still missing the point somehow, is there one? Off topic anyways which was really my point..

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