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Thai Elephant Killed, Mutilated 'For Restaurants'


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The newspaper makes out that the "stateless gang" of poachers operates near the Myannmar/Thai border implying and deflecting guilt to non-Thais. What the newspaper should be doing is a good piece of investigative journalism on the market destination for this trade. For example, the dealers and restaurant end destinations. It wouldn't take the newspaper much imagination to send a "skilled" investigative journalist to smoke out the end user restaurants and medicinal herb shops and then back into the poachers. The fact is if the end users and distribution channels were eliminated, the poachers would find something else to do and the elephants would live happily ever after. You never see anything close to this sort of investigative, useful journalism in Thai press.

Of course you don't see investigative journalism. First will have to come journalism and there are no indications of that being anywhere on the horizon. Even if journalism should ever make its way to LOS, investigative journalism is a preposterous thought and you'd better be careful advocating it in public because investigative journalism nearly always spotlights somebody doing misdeeds and like all miscreants in LOS they blame whoever points out their misdeeds for causing them a loss of face--oddly enough LOS society agrees--that they themselves actually perpetrated by their own actions. In fact, just suggesting that there ought to be investigative journalism is sure to be interpreted as loss of face by any number of so-called journalists (in name only) that have never asked a pertinent interview question in their lives. So-called news people hold the mic and caa, caaa, ca, ca, caaaa, with obedient head nods while whoever bought the new time speaks at length in their own interest.

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Who would eat an elephants penis? Are you sure it's used in Thai cuisine? And if it is how do you prove it's an elephants and not a buffalos? Plus how much would you have to pay for it?

The Chinese.

Please don't try to be raicist.

I also know a lot of Farangs (in person) who loves Durians.

We are not talking about durians here, which I also love to eat and I'm farang, we are talking about mammals being killed for the sole purpose of some Ahole thinking it does something for them to eat the penis. It's not racists to say they are Chinese because they are. I guess if you were in a group known for having small penises you might feel the new to try anything, no thus racist :)

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And the scum who killed the elephant didn't have a second thought in doing so....absolute scumbags.

the killers are poor ignorant hunters. the scumbags as you put it are the ones who eat the bits from the animals

" And the scum who killed the elephant didn't have a second thought in doing so." - really? - I think it is unlikely that this poster knows the "hunters" personally so one has to come to the conclusion that it is pure prejudice. It also underlines how profoundly ignorant many expats are on the issues surrounding conservation.....yet they still feel they can comment.

Edited by cowslip
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It's not being racist to state that the Chinese(Triads) are behind most of of these useless killings. In Australia the triads fund the wholesale slaughter of sharks for their fins and the taking of trepang(seaslug)from Australias waters . They Actually loan money /boats to the Indonesian fishermen so the can come down and plunder Australia's fishing grounds because they have already raped/blown up/poisened their.own fisheries.. Tiger penis,Elephant penis, Bear bile, you name it...I don't remember seeing that on the menu in any restaurant I frequent...

This is what happens when the ignorant become affluent.

Edited by nukehunt
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This story shows the Thai Govt has as much contol of it's border area c/w Myanmar, as the USA has with Mexico. A simple solution is to mount a few .50 cal Machine Guns in critical areas and shoot a few illegal border crossers. That would end the cross border traffic. However both Thailand & the USA want a porous border. This allows endless opportunities for monetary profit by local, state/province and federal authorities. Always follow the money.

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Let's face it, it is extremely likely that there are a lot of high-ranking people in Thailand who believe in this sort of thing and support it or even take part in it.

It's disgusting that such a beautiful creature has to be destroyed so that some ignorant humans can have something they don't even need. It is a fact that, on average, penis size in Thailand is on the small end of the scale so maybe they think by eating elephant penis it will give them some kind of help? pathetic

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As China gets wealthier so uneducated (and often educated) people have the finances to indulge their superstitions. Often this involves eating parts on animals considered to have 'special powers' A walk through many markets especially in Southern China and you will see bags of dried snakes, dried star fish, dried seahorses. Other animal parts from tigers, bears, deer etc are there but kept out of sight.

Millions of sharks are slaughtered each year for only their fins --- to make the tasteless yet 'status giving' shark fin soup.

The solution, already begun, is to try to educate the Chinese (and perhaps Thai) consumers of these animal parts. Yi Ming the basketball star is already involved in campaigning --- perhaps Thailand needs some high profile celebs to become involved. Hopefully Thai schools will also start to make Thai kids more environmentally aware.

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The newspaper makes out that the "stateless gang" of poachers operates near the Myannmar/Thai border implying and deflecting guilt to non-Thais. What the newspaper should be doing is a good piece of investigative journalism on the market destination for this trade. For example, the dealers and restaurant end destinations. It wouldn't take the newspaper much imagination to send a "skilled" investigative journalist to smoke out the end user restaurants and medicinal herb shops and then back into the poachers. The fact is if the end users and distribution channels were eliminated, the poachers would find something else to do and the elephants would live happily ever after. You never see anything close to this sort of investigative, useful journalism in Thai press.

A skilled investigative journalist? You mean here, in Thailand??? Don't hold your breath, friend.

The few that exist usually have a very short career and/or lifespan. Even when there are some, their editors are usually too scared or lazy to publish anything controversial worth knowing.

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Seems like a lot of emotive rubbish here. Just because the animal carcass was left in the jungle wherever, doesnt mean it was inhumanely killed. Would the posters feel happier if the animal was completely consumed. Is the animal being put on the same sentimental level as our own pet canary,kitten puppy.

I think its appalling that so large an animal is killed for such a small take off. However Its just meat. I would have no problem if it was totally consumed. Would it make the same headlines if a kansas steer is turned into steaks and dog food while its horns live over someone's fireplace and a purse is made out of the ball sack.

I guess a lot of hungry animals unable to bring down an elephant would still enjoy snacking on the flesh.

What exactly are the posters griping on about. I have been in Africa and eaten of many animals not available in UK restaurants so to me its not about the food.

Is the problem about apparent fertility benefits of eating exotic animals. If so scholarship seems to be lacking from most posters arguments...

Problems with poachers, endangered species?

In all a very poor response to a news item

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snapback.pngCockneyGit, on Today, 09:58 , said:

Elephant penis on toast anyone..??


Even if the subject warranted a witty quip that still wouldn't be funny.

Why the cynical response? Things that upset people a great deal often elicit a smile or attempt at humour just to cover their true reaction!

Anyway it's just a paraphrased version of an old (and I thought funny) UK joke "Elephant ears on toast ... sorry we've run out of bread"

Please flame the poachers not the posters - in fact BBQ the bl**dy poachers - and the obnoxious HiSo customers too.

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"They cut its tusks, trunk, sexual organ and tail. Those parts must be sold to the middleman and will be sent to restaurants in the main tourist spots like Phuket, Surat Thani and Hua Hin," park head Chaiwat Limlikhitaksorn told AFP.

Oh what a bull! Why do they have to stir up anti-foreigner, anti-tourist feelings even over the case of the elephant killing? I don't see any tourist restaurants serving elephant parts and I'd rather believe that the park head ordered the "sexual organ" for himself as a kick-back for closing his eyes on what went on.

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And the scum who killed the elephant didn't have a second thought in doing so....absolute scumbags.

the killers are poor ignorant hunters. the scumbags as you put it are the ones who eat the bits from the animals

The killers are not ignorant; they know exactly what they are doing and that it's illegal.

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I would quite simply pursue and arrest these "poachers" In additon, do to them as they did to the elephant; then release them, if they can survive. If not, leave them exactly where they died, to rot and left for display to would-be future "poachers". I believe that would finally put an end to this apparently on-going problem.

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Who would eat an elephants penis? Are you sure it's used in Thai cuisine? And if it is how do you prove it's an elephants and not a buffalos? Plus how much would you have to pay for it?

The Chinese.

Please don't try to be raicist.

I also know a lot of Farangs (in person) who loves Durians.

It isn't racist to answer "The Chinese" to the question "Who would eat an elephant penis?" It is most certainly the answer.

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The newspaper makes out that the "stateless gang" of poachers operates near the Myannmar/Thai border implying and deflecting guilt to non-Thais. What the newspaper should be doing is a good piece of investigative journalism on the market destination for this trade. For example, the dealers and restaurant end destinations. It wouldn't take the newspaper much imagination to send a "skilled" investigative journalist to smoke out the end user restaurants and medicinal herb shops and then back into the poachers. The fact is if the end users and distribution channels were eliminated, the poachers would find something else to do and the elephants would live happily ever after. You never see anything close to this sort of investigative, useful journalism in Thai press.

Exactly. Because surely no Thai would ever do such a thing as ... it would be against Thai culture.

Btw, what makes people feel so sorry for elephants? I'm not trying to get under anyone's skin, but they are just animals. Just as we eat cows, sheep, etc. Nobody feels sorry for the slaughtered pigs?

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THe poachers get very little for their efforts, it is these higher up the chain that make the REAL money.

Eating animal parts is only financially viable as long as the CONSUMERS know what they are eating....they are the ones to blame.

True, if there was no demand there would be no need to supply.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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One of my Thai gfs admitted eating elephant steak, it's not just foreigners.

I don't see anything wrong with eating elephant, it's just another animal

(although I don't agree with waste either, they should have eaten it all).

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If we treated beasts like we treated food crops, then yes, there would be no problem except with the anthropomorphists.

Raise the beasts specifically for the purpose that they are needed to serve man. Leave the wild things alone. Simply culling animals without replacing the stock is stupid and one of the regrettable characteristics of man's evil nature.

Attempting to arrive at a solution here is impossible when you consider the animism in the Thai culture and the anthropomorphic attitude of foreigners who want to take my T-bone steak off my plate and replace it with a gelatinous blob of chemicals, because they have a tear in their eye and would see me dead rather than suffer one more cow to be butchered.

People are messed up nowadays more than ever.

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" I guess if you were in a group known for having small penises you might feel the new to try anything, no thus racist"

Is it proven? I thought the prize should go the the Farang hobbits.

yeah it's a fact. I would provide the link but too lazy. Thais and South Koreans have, on average, the smallest junk in the world.

Please keep off Thais and Soth Koreans. We are talking about the CHINESE or Farang Hobbits having the world's smallest part.

i wans't trying to bash thais or South Koreans just passing on the results of the study. What are farang hobbits? Don't know too many farangs, thankfully, that would indulge in elephant penis.

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