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RIP the victim of this tragedy. I could ask many questions about how the 'chute was packed and by whom etc etc but we will never get satisfactory answers.

I'm sure you wouldn't have expected to get any of those answers on this board,did you.


What I might find odd is the relation [and celebration] of Children's Day and militarism.

Sad that you take the opportunity of someone's death to soapbox, and you probably claim to be a pacifist too.

No soapboxing at all, my friend.

I just find it rather barbaric to consciously romance, slobber-over, and celebrate militarism in general - and how such relates with goodness and honour. I'll tend to slide against the pack of popularism.


What I might find odd is the relation [and celebration] of Children's Day and militarism.

Sad that you take the opportunity of someone's death to soapbox, and you probably claim to be a pacifist too.

No soapboxing at all, my friend.

I just find it rather barbaric to consciously romance, slobber-over, and celebrate militarism in general - and how such relates with goodness and honour. I'll tend to slide against the pack of popularism.

Agree with you.

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What I might find odd is the relation [and celebration] of Children's Day and militarism.

Sad that you take the opportunity of someone's death to soapbox, and you probably claim to be a pacifist too.

No soapboxing at all, my friend.

I just find it rather barbaric to consciously romance, slobber-over, and celebrate militarism in general - and how such relates with goodness and honour. I'll tend to slide against the pack of popularism.

Somebody dies in an horrific accident witnessed by several thousand people and this is all you can come up with.

Sad & pathetic.

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What I might find odd is the relation [and celebration] of Children's Day and militarism.

odd indeed, especially if you are inclined to look past the obvious -- kids love planes.


What I might find odd is the relation [and celebration] of Children's Day and militarism.

Sad that you take the opportunity of someone's death to soapbox, and you probably claim to be a pacifist too.

No soapboxing at all, my friend.

I just find it rather barbaric to consciously romance, slobber-over, and celebrate militarism in general - and how such relates with goodness and honour. I'll tend to slide against the pack of popularism.

Somebody dies in an horrific accident witnessed by several thousand people and this is all you can come up with.

Sad & pathetic.

Like this. thumbsup.gif

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What I might find odd is the relation [and celebration] of Children's Day and militarism.

Sad that you take the opportunity of someone's death to soapbox, and you probably claim to be a pacifist too.

No soapboxing at all, my friend.

I just find it rather barbaric to consciously romance, slobber-over, and celebrate militarism in general - and how such relates with goodness and honour. I'll tend to slide against the pack of popularism.

Agree with you.

Agree too.

Clearly it's popular though, so any parent who thinks it's appropriate can take their kids, who I'm sure would normally enjoy it.

I think you get flamed because these are really two different issues: "What are those planes about / Military Airshow for Childrens Day" and "Accident with paratrooper". But opening a separate topic is one is also silly, and would likely be merged/closed anyway.

In a very sad way it's almost more educational for kids to see someone get killed, as that's what the military is all about. sad.png

The others can rant and bully if they think that's appropriate. Some people just have a problem with opinions different from their own, even when stated politely and respectfully.

RIP to the dead soldier.

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What I might find odd is the relation [and celebration] of Children's Day and militarism.

odd indeed, especially if you are inclined to look past the obvious -- kids love planes.

zzaa09 doesn't appear to be able to look beyond the tip of his own nose sometimes.


It has been asked nicely, and I will again.

Use some basic courtesy when posting on here...that goes for everywhere on thaivisa.com

But particularly on threads such as this one, some sensitivity is needed

Any more off topic replies will be deleted, and penalties given.


More photos and video is here: http://www.cm108.com...acaaaaecaeaeao/

For ranting and intolerance zzaa09 wins first prize amongst posters on this topic.

For shameful poor timing, bullying and lack of sensitivity you join him in the league of shame.

An air display turns into a tragic accident witnessed by thousands of people and this is used an excuse for pontificating and soapboxing.

This forum has plenty of options for airing views of every shape, form and angle.

Show some respect.

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What I might find odd is the relation [and celebration] of Children's Day and militarism.

Because kids of all ages like machines that move fast and can make loud sounds. No harm in having an airshow as it might convince someone to consider aviation as a career. Kids don't get excited over a Cessna dropping balls.

As well, the "respect" for the military in Thailand is taught at an early age. Read into it what you will. We all walk a fine line in that regard.


904 Aggressor Squadron, RTAF, is based at Chiang Mai AFB. It has F-5's. They were flying low over the city last time I was there. These guys do have to practice sometimes...

If memory serves they are the HRH Crown Prince's old outfit.

The RTAF F16 squadron where in town for childrens day and thats where all the noise came from. They are not based in CNX although the F-5s are

What I might find odd is the relation [and celebration] of Children's Day and militarism.

this occurred to me too, very strange idea indeed, but there you go where are we


I watched the aircraft over Chiang Mai yesterday, I understand it was a display however they were flying far too low over a densely populated area, any malfunction would / could have resulted in a serious loss of life. We have seen air displays go drastically wrong several times in the past.

Condolences in regards to the parachutist, he would have set out yesterday morning looking forward to entertaining the kids and now we have this tragic result. As a young boy I was fascinated by military aircraft and I was lucky to be able to watch the aircraft train at RAF Lossiemouth when I was on holiday in Nairn as a 9 year old.

Children dont understand the reality of war.......leave them alone to enjoy their childhoods, adulthood comes soon enough.


My goodness you see anything Military on display and you have kids from everywhere, I have looked at some recent USN photographs of some different displays and there are kids with their parents watching.

I do not see the displays wether in Thailand, Australia or where ever is wrong, it is part of the community, a soldier has died which is a sad thing but also look at what benifits his family would get if he was a soldier say here in Australia, family gets a pension etc, in Thailand they get nothing.

The military is part of the community and if they want to display their planes, ships or whatever it is just another event that families can go to..


Children seem to be fasinated by uniforms, whether military, police, fire department, etc. It is a recruitment tool to get their interest when young and hopefully will bring them back as adults to enlist/join. The attention span of humans for uniforms (girly bars excepted) is not too long, thus throw in hardware display and you will have a captive audience for a longer time.

Condolenses to the families/friends, the man was probably doing what he enjoyed and it went bad wrong with a tragic outcome.


More photos and video is here: http://www.cm108.com...acaaaaecaeaeao/

For ranting and intolerance zzaa09 wins first prize amongst posters on this topic.

For shameful poor timing, bullying and lack of sensitivity you join him in the league of shame.

<Practised some self-censorship; some people can't deal rationally with opinions different from their own on topics they choose to get offended about, even when presented rationally and respectfully. No point in continuing this, so I'm back to enjoying my day, with my kids, as far away from military shows as possible.>

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i personally believe that children's day as a concept is truly redundant. It has been children's day at mine since my daughter was born 5 years ago.

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What I might find odd is the relation [and celebration] of Children's Day and militarism.

What I find odd is the endless daily parades of Military people on tv and yet another ceremony, all lined up in those ridiculous white uniforms, oh my "big face"

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What I might find odd is the relation [and celebration] of Children's Day and militarism.

Sad that you take the opportunity of someone's death to soapbox, and you probably claim to be a pacifist too.

No soapboxing at all, my friend.

I just find it rather barbaric to consciously romance, slobber-over, and celebrate militarism in general - and how such relates with goodness and honour. I'll tend to slide against the pack of popularism.

Somebody dies in an horrific accident witnessed by several thousand people and this is all you can come up with.

Sad & pathetic.

Those "kids" will see more death and carnage on a Thai road i n their lifetime than they saw today.


i personally believe that children's day as a concept is truly redundant. It has been children's day at mine since my daughter was born 5 years ago.

As it relates to parents, yes of course: every day you try to make it the best possible day for your kids. Children's Day in Thailand however typically means that many businesses and government institutions do something special for kids, which can be very fun and educational. Never mind if it's the local district office, or the State Railway, or some local business, many organize a family-friendly open day to see stuff, play and have fun.

That's the concept anyway. I often steer clear of the major Children's Day events because they cause a traffic nightmare. (Especially around shopping malls. And in Chiang Mai that's worse, because the biggest shopping mall is also near the airport where the airforce show was held. )


On Children's Day every year, the military go out of their way to put on impressive shows for the children, and the shows are indeed impressive. Big fun for the kids. Very very sorry to hear one of the men lost his life hoping to give the kids a treat. RIP the parachutist.


Reading this thread it is quite clear that some people always have an agenda. Kids like to see planes. They like to see stunts etc. At my school fair there was always an army display that got the biggest crowd. How I would love to have seen a display by the air force. Yes I had toy guns as a kid and yes I am now totally anti war. Some of you on here are obviously far to old and grumpy and have totally forgotten what it is like to be a kid.

RIP to the dead soldier. I am sure it was not his aim to indoctrinate the kids today. Just to give them a bit of excitement.

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i personally believe that children's day as a concept is truly redundant. It has been children's day at mine since my daughter was born 5 years ago.

As it relates to parents, yes of course: every day you try to make it the best possible day for your kids. Children's Day in Thailand however typically means that many businesses and government institutions do something special for kids, which can be very fun and educational. Never mind if it's the local district office, or the State Railway, or some local business, many organize a family-friendly open day to see stuff, play and have fun.

That's the concept anyway. I often steer clear of the major Children's Day events because they cause a traffic nightmare. (Especially around shopping malls. And in Chiang Mai that's worse, because the biggest shopping mall is also near the airport where the airforce show was held. )

So whats your point? The thread is about the Chiang Mai airshow? What are you trying to say?

By the way, there is only one problem with being a pacifist........you better hope everyone else is a pacifist too, otherwise your in trouble.

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