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What'S A Typical Price For A Second Hand Fridge?

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A friend is selling a refrigerator, probably cost about 6000 baht new and is most likely not more than 2-3 years old. They kindly said to just pay them whatever I think is right. I would not want to offer them too little and cause offence. In addition, my finances are extremely tight until the end of Feb.

I was thinking of offering 3000bht. My gf thinks 1500bht is enough. Although just a small difference I am on a tight budget until the end of Feb when financial situation will be back to normal, any extra baht would go a long way until then.

I would welcome any TV members experience of second hand fridges. I would rather wait another 6 weeks and buy a new one rather than cause offence offering a small figure permitted by my current budget.



When I need to employ local labour I am often faced with the same "up to you" dilemma as regards wages. I start with what I know is way too low and then the banter begins (with a smile) until eventually we arrive at a fair price. This has been going on for some years and often with the same people. Thais find it hard to name their price and it can become tiresome at times. If your GF thinks 1500 is a fair price, offer 1000.


So if 1000 Baht sounds right I would start at 500 then.coffee1.gif

If this trend goes on,I'm sure the right price will be 150 Baht in about another 4 posts.

If it is 2 - 3 years old it may need a new motor/compressor soon which will set you back nearly 3,000 baht (with less than 1 year's guarantee)

Therefore paying more than 2,000 baht is crazy. Pay between 1,000 to 2,000 baht depending on how lucky you feel.


So if 1000 Baht sounds right I would start at 500 then.coffee1.gif

If this trend goes on,I'm sure the right price will be 150 Baht in about another 4 posts.

If it is 2 - 3 years old it may need a new motor/compressor soon which will set you back nearly 3,000 baht (with less than 1 year's guarantee)

Therefore paying more than 2,000 baht is crazy. Pay between 1,000 to 2,000 baht depending on how lucky you feel.

Bunk, both of ours are more then 10 years old and still work just fine, one is almost 15 years old, people tend to take them for granted and really have little idea how long they've actually had them...

OP you didn't mention if the neighbor is Thai or foreign? If Thai I think your Gf is slightly low, 2000 would be a reasonable compromise, if foreign I'd go with your price..


So if 1000 Baht sounds right I would start at 500 then.coffee1.gif

If this trend goes on,I'm sure the right price will be 150 Baht in about another 4 posts.

Sorry to break the threads trend and post something sensible tongue.png ...


We dont even know what condition the thing is in. How can anyone estimate a value without knowing that?

My fridges last decades and look perfect after 10 years' use because I treat them properly and take care of them. Some other people I know here completely destroy fridges within 6 months of purchase, by misuse and overloading.

I would say that a really good 3-year old fridge is worth perhaps 40-50% the new price, and a poor one hardly anything.


If it is ''as new'' then 2K is fair, if it's knocked about 1K. Fridges go on for many, many years, unless your unlucky, so this buy will give you great service for little money. wai.gif

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