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Pakistani Taliban leader possibly killed in U.S. drone strike


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'Live by the sword, die by the sword.'

Just so happens, the US has swords that are emotionless, have infinite patience, and strike with one second of prior notice - whoooosh, bang!

Hope the baddies don't get the same tech anytime soon.

But it obviously is what it is for now & we will have to see what the next group of politicians do or dont do about it.

That is of course whether or not there is a new group coming in January or more of the same.

Funny that as the current group of politicians was supposed to be the savior of the left view and policies you espouse but yet shockingly that doesn't seem to have happened? So tell us what group of politicians would suffice for your policies? It seems none of the status quo is wanted nor appreciated regardless and yet they are elected into office by the majority who obviously don't share your perspective or someone with your agenda would be elected instead.

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Yes. What a shame. thumbsup.gif


Infact sickening. Dont you know hundreds of innocent kids get killed in these drone attacks. Also many hundreds more lose parents. Your ok though sitting his infront of your pc all day oblivious to it all.

You really should be ashamed of your ignorance.

I wasn't aware the Pakistani Taliban had child commanders, I thought the children were reserved as suicide bomb fodder. P.S Whilst in front of your PC I suggest you educate yourself about the human rights abuses committed by the Taliban, but then again ignorance is bliss, or so they say. coffee1.gif

What are you talking about? Brainwashed are you?

Drone attacks kill hundreds of innocent people. FACT.

Yes brain washed indeed.. rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

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Unfortunately your naivety knows no bounds as the world is no longer disconnected like the past and one bad apple does spoil the whole bunch now theses days so it is an unfortunate reality that YES we (meaning the west as a whole in this case) have to be the worlds police until the rest catches up to the morals and civility of a modern society required to do their own..

Well it is your opinion as to who is naive but.............

this connected world as you call it is being spoiled by one bad apple?

How so?

Are they a real threat to America?

Do they have an Air Force? Navy? any real capability to reach us in numbers?

Do we police all areas the same where major injustices happen like Somalia?

Or just select areas to protect certain interests?

Not to knock you off the high horse you have set yourself on but to call others

less moral & less civil is rather weak considering who historically is doing all the invading.

Thanks but I prefer we concentrate on cleaning our own home before calling others dirty.

We The People are in seriously bad shape here in the USA & if we continue to squander 24% per year of our income

on these invasions we will be the ones needing help....In Fact we ARE the ones needing help!

If you take a look you will see that over 40 million are now on food stamps & 15 million on unemployment

with millions more not even able to get unemployment.

We are in fact spinning down a familiar tube.

Familiar to other empires who also failed while trying to rule the world.

Edited by flying
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drones not used just for war:

In June 2011, an unarmed predator was employed stateside to help catch cattle rustlers. Department of Homeland Security owns eight predators for surveillance and occasionally assists local law enforcement. The cattle rustlers had been arrested, then jumped bail and holed up on their vast ranch near Lakota, N.D., but the predator spotted their exact location on the property, leading to a raid that ended without bloodshed. [Fargo Forum, 12-11-2011]

Big bro..
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But it obviously is what it is for now & we will have to see what the next group of politicians do or dont do about it.

That is of course whether or not there is a new group coming in January or more of the same.

Funny that as the current group of politicians was supposed to be the savior of the left view and policies you espouse but yet shockingly that doesn't seem to have happened? So tell us what group of politicians would suffice for your policies? It seems none of the status quo is wanted nor appreciated regardless and yet they are elected into office by the majority who obviously don't share your perspective or someone with your agenda would be elected instead.

Sorry you have me confused with another.

If you ever saw my posts in the financial section as well as others I said way back when obama was elected we were in for more of the same.

Yes you are correct none of the status quo will suffice it is obvious.

Need proof? Go look at the top ten campaign contributors for both Obama & McCain

there you will find the same Too Big Too Fail group

Different puppets yes....same masters.

If you think they are elected by a majority you need to look at how the electoral college works.

Also sadly a very large portion of America gets its info while on the couch.

It does not help that debates like the ones between Obama & McCain did not include other presidential candidates.

But that is how it works.....for now......Hopefully not forever

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Unfortunately your naivety knows no bounds as the world is no longer disconnected like the past and one bad apple does spoil the whole bunch now theses days so it is an unfortunate reality that YES we (meaning the west as a whole in this case) have to be the worlds police until the rest catches up to the morals and civility of a modern society required to do their own..

Well it is your opinion as to who is naive but.............

this connected world as you call it is being spoiled by one bad apple?

How so?

Are they a real threat to America?

I isolated this portion only as the rest is just tripe and baseless rhetoric but based on past results expressly being 9/11 I'd have to conclude that yes they are.. The silliness of your post reinforces my assessment of your naivety, Osama Bin Laden had none of the resources you mentioned only complacency on our part to count on and furthermore that can be very widely expanded on with nuclear bombs in the region that may fall into in the wrong hands and really not wise to be reactive instead of proactive on our parts ever again. Far too much of that going around over the ages that have spawned much larger conflicts with far more military and civilian deaths world wide, historical studies are your friend even if not a supporter of your short term memory and blinkered perspective..

As for "one bad apple" I never restricted my assessment to only one the entire region is rife.. I was merely quoting a line from a famous song for euphemistic purposes..

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But it obviously is what it is for now & we will have to see what the next group of politicians do or dont do about it.

That is of course whether or not there is a new group coming in January or more of the same.

Funny that as the current group of politicians was supposed to be the savior of the left view and policies you espouse but yet shockingly that doesn't seem to have happened? So tell us what group of politicians would suffice for your policies? It seems none of the status quo is wanted nor appreciated regardless and yet they are elected into office by the majority who obviously don't share your perspective or someone with your agenda would be elected instead.

Also sadly a very large portion of America gets its info while on the couch.

And yet your so much more enlightened? Why aren't you promoting and publicizing your much more superior sources of info and why are they so covert and not more mainstream?? Are you attempting to suggest that you're so much more superior to the masses that they aren't capable of absorbing, comprehending and disseminating what's real from what's fantasy then you are? coffee1.gif

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Osama Bin Laden had none of the resources you mentioned only complacency on our part to count on

Yes lets cut the so called tripe wink.png

Read his manifesto & see what the reasons were.

Yet also remember 15 of the 19 were Saudi's

But I agree complacency was there.

So instead of wasting trillions on foreign invasions

go home & protect America.

Do not instead take our National Guard away from the States to foreign war

as that is SURELY complacency

Go home & protect America

Gnite late here in America

do not think me rude if I do not reply for awhile to anymore of this

PS: for extra reading perhaps go read the 12 warning signs of Facism

how many would you say we (America) have achieved?


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Unfortunately your naivety knows no bounds as the world is no longer disconnected like the past and one bad apple does spoil the whole bunch now theses days so it is an unfortunate reality that YES we (meaning the west as a whole in this case) have to be the worlds police until the rest catches up to the morals and civility of a modern society required to do their own..

Well it is your opinion as to who is naive but.............

this connected world as you call it is being spoiled by one bad apple?

Not to knock you off the high horse you have set yourself on but to call others

less moral & less civil is rather weak considering who historically is doing all the invading.

Thanks but I prefer we concentrate on cleaning our own home before calling others dirty.

We The People are in seriously bad shape here in the USA & if we continue to squander 24% per year of our income

on these invasions we will be the ones needing help....In Fact we ARE the ones needing help!

First off you aren't man enough to knock me off of anything but besides that I do as does my country and western allies have a right to take a stance on the moral high ground when it comes to the middle east so you can just drop that pretense.. That's not suggesting that the west is perfect but when the 2 regions are compared it's like comparing Sodom and Gomorrah to the rest of the moral world and it's obvious to ethical people which is which..

In your second prose, who's "We" you don't speak for me nor do you even speak of the majority of anything so no business claiming "We" in your context..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Osama Bin Laden had none of the resources you mentioned only complacency on our part to count on

Yes lets cut the so called tripe wink.png

Read his manifesto & see what the reasons were.

Yet also remember 15 of the 19 were Saudi's

But I agree complacency was there.

So instead of wasting trillions on foreign invasions

go home & protect America.

Do not instead take our National Guard away from the States to foreign war

as that is SURELY complacency

Go home & protect America

Gnite late here in America

do not think me rude if I do not reply for awhile to anymore of this

PS: for extra reading perhaps go read the 12 warning signs of Facism

how many would you say we (America) have achieved?


Manifesto of a twisted psychotic?? Yep I'll take that to heart about as much as say Ted Kazinsky..

Why the need to read 12 warnings of anything? When you're surrounded by such bad influences it's important to remove the threat first and then work on your own house once the neighborhood is in order lest it be taken over by the very same gang members. JFYI The whole world is our neighborhood in the 21st century that is no longer deniable or avoidable..

BTW Have a nice nights rest in the comfort and safety of the country run by puppet masters you so despise as there is an entire military full of dedicated young men and women sacrificing and watching over you while you sleep..

Another point is that the troops you mention as being National guard are getting seasoned for our protection like they never would in their own home states on once monthly weekend training missions so there is value in the experience being gained beyond the obvious and no need to fret over it, in the end you'll just get more comfortable rest from their service and sacrifice..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Unfortunately your naivety knows no bounds as the world is no longer disconnected like the past and one bad apple does spoil the whole bunch now theses days so it is an unfortunate reality that YES we (meaning the west as a whole in this case) have to be the worlds police until the rest catches up to the morals and civility of a modern society required to do their own..

Well it is your opinion as to who is naive but.............

this connected world as you call it is being spoiled by one bad apple?

Not to knock you off the high horse you have set yourself on but to call others

less moral & less civil is rather weak considering who historically is doing all the invading.

Thanks but I prefer we concentrate on cleaning our own home before calling others dirty.

We The People are in seriously bad shape here in the USA & if we continue to squander 24% per year of our income

on these invasions we will be the ones needing help....In Fact we ARE the ones needing help!

First off you aren't man enough to knock me off of anything but besides that I do as does my country and western allies have a right to take a stance on the moral high ground when it comes to the middle east so you can just drop that pretense.. That's not suggesting that the west is perfect but when the 2 regions are compared it's like comparing Sodom and Gomorrah to the rest of the moral world and it's obvious to ethical people which is which..

In your second prose, who's "We" you don't speak for me nor do you even speak of the majority of anything so no business claiming "We" in your context..

Sodom and Gomorrah? Next you will be going on about Gog and Magog!
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Actually if you list your 12 warning signs of fascism and apply the same analysis to any of the groups the U.S forces are facing you find that they ALL fit the bill far better than the U.S does - Indeed the one track mindset, which refuses to conduct any even rudimentary scrutiny of the groups that threaten us invariably sends you round the same old conspiratorial loop. This is not 1821 when a hermetically sealed bubble foreign policy might have been appropriate, now is 2012 with nuclear bombs, global trade etc.

Edit: See this is how it spins off topic. Why are the U.S flying drones in Pakistan, are they fighting a sick ideology or just playing hi-tech angel of death for their own amusement?

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Unfortunately your naivety knows no bounds as the world is no longer disconnected like the past and one bad apple does spoil the whole bunch now theses days so it is an unfortunate reality that YES we (meaning the west as a whole in this case) have to be the worlds police until the rest catches up to the morals and civility of a modern society required to do their own..

Well it is your opinion as to who is naive but.............

this connected world as you call it is being spoiled by one bad apple?

Not to knock you off the high horse you have set yourself on but to call others

less moral & less civil is rather weak considering who historically is doing all the invading.

Thanks but I prefer we concentrate on cleaning our own home before calling others dirty.

We The People are in seriously bad shape here in the USA & if we continue to squander 24% per year of our income

on these invasions we will be the ones needing help....In Fact we ARE the ones needing help!

First off you aren't man enough to knock me off of anything but besides that I do as does my country and western allies have a right to take a stance on the moral high ground when it comes to the middle east so you can just drop that pretense.. That's not suggesting that the west is perfect but when the 2 regions are compared it's like comparing Sodom and Gomorrah to the rest of the moral world and it's obvious to ethical people which is which..

In your second prose, who's "We" you don't speak for me nor do you even speak of the majority of anything so no business claiming "We" in your context..

Sodom and Gomorrah? Next you will be going on about Gog and Magog!

And???? Seems applicable context doesn't it?

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Just a reminder. Statements such as this are at a minimum baiting: "first off you aren't man enough to knock me off of anything..." I strongly suggest you treat each other in a more civil manner.

Second, the thread is going off-topic, which is easy to overlook if people are civil and the discussion is intelligent and not personal. There has been some interesting and informative posts on both sides of the debate. Please try to keep it at that level.

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BTW Have a nice nights rest in the comfort and safety of the country run by puppet masters you so despise as there is an entire military full of dedicated young men and women sacrificing and watching over you while you sleep..

This is what the pseudo-pacifist types continually ignore with their holier-than-thou, let's just capitulate rhetoric.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You consistently espouse the views of Ron Paul, that all the ills in the Muslim world are a direct result of U.S foreign policy. Never mind the fact that Islamic extremists have been acting in much the same way 1000 years before the founding fathers were even born.

Well thank you I take that as a compliment

As to Islamic extremist yes at it many years same as most extremist like Zionist etc.......It is what they do......Extremist are after all extreme

What does that have to do with us?

Lets face it much of what we do there is in support of another extremist.

Are we to police the world then?

I think not & if you think so......how long do you think that job will last?

In fact at times I wonder if countries like Russia smile knowingly on where we are headed having been there themselves.

For the record this guy is not Ron Paul


Unfortunately your naivety knows no bounds as the world is no longer disconnected like the past and one bad apple does spoil the whole bunch now theses days so it is an unfortunate reality that YES we (meaning the west as a whole in this case) have to be the worlds police until the rest catches up to the morals and civility of a modern society required to do their own..

Oh how i smile ! Who is naive Warpspeed? Lets just take a close look at your final words and then you better get the quality of your drinking water checked for flourine content. You said:

so it is an unfortunate reality that YES we (meaning the west as a whole in this case) have to be the worlds police until the rest catches up to the morals and civility of a modern society required to do their own

Please tell us what morals and civility our modern society possesses. The death penalty? Water boarding as a legalised form of torture? The detention of anyone for an indefinite period without trial and access to a lawyer? Absolutely failed and corrupt versions of democracy? You are deluding yourself if you truely consider that when we move in to sovereign territory illegally and establish regime change for our own commercial interests that we are making any form of improvement.

I would suggest to you that when the 'western countries' who police the world are represented on here by people who condone the mass killing of innocent women and children as 'acceptable collateral damage' in order to 'possibly kill' the odd Taliban leader, or who, even worse see it as an acceptable form of population control are the ones who have serious moral issues. It is always the same people who justify these hideous acts, and yes it is the same proponents of slaughter who justify on another thread that it isn't such a bad thing to piss on the corpses of 3 dead Taliban fighters. Now when society has resulted in these people thinking all this is ok then you please tell me who it is that is morally bereft. Is this 'morality and civility'? If so I recommend we stop spreading it around the globe. As you so rightly said in this example, one bad apple does indeed spoil the whole bunch.

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BTW Have a nice nights rest in the comfort and safety of the country run by puppet masters you so despise as there is an entire military full of dedicated young men and women sacrificing and watching over you while you sleep..
This is what the pseudo-pacifist types continually ignore with their holier-than-thou, let's just capitulate rhetoric.

It never ceases to amaze me the continuing decent of the level of intellectual argument on here. Why is it (and always the same ones again) that whenever anyone is opposed to invasion, violence and slaughter you seem to think we do not support the members of the armed forces. I was in the military for a whole career and non of my peer group agree with current foreign policy, and neither does the soldier on the ground want to be in those hell holes. Yet they are, and are forever goaded on into yet more conflicts where they are killed or maimed, just to suit the baying of ill informed civilian masses that abdicate responsibility for the well being of the military to corrupt government bodies. Does my objection to US and UK foreign policy affect my support of our military personnel?...Not one iota. So lets be quite clear on that. If you want them to 'watch over us while we sleep', that's cool, but bring them all home in order to do it.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Warpspeed. "And???? Seems applicable context doesn't it?" If you say so. I take the view that an American President quoting the activities of Gog and Magog to justify the illegal invasion of a sovereign country shows who the nutters really are!

What American President are you speaking of?? I've not quite been elected yet, in fact haven't even considered my candidacy...

What invasion were you referring to this time? It's really hard to keep up with all the countries people of your ilk have us invading..

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Warpspeed. "And???? Seems applicable context doesn't it?" If you say so. I take the view that an American President quoting the activities of Gog and Magog to justify the illegal invasion of a sovereign country shows who the nutters really are!

What American President are you speaking of?? I've not quite been elected yet, in fact haven't even considered my candidacy...

What invasion were you referring to this time? It's really hard to keep up with all the countries people of your ilk have us invading..

I didn't realise i was of an ilk, thank you. Google. GW Bush, Jacques Chirac, Gog and Magog. Hope you will indulge me just this once Scott!jap.gif
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Don't forget the Lizard people and the Illuminati!

The drone strikes are a powerful tool against terrorism and the terrorist leaders are being decimated. This program should be continued with lots of attention on preventing collateral damage.

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Don't forget the Lizard people and the Illuminati!

The drone strikes are a powerful tool against terrorism and the terrorist leaders are being decimated. This program should be continued with lots of attention on preventing collateral damage.

It's also been lost that it was no drone strike that actually took out OBL in a masterfully executed special forces strike within where again??? Plenty of whining about that too as it required "violating" a sovereign countries borders who SUPPOSEDLY had no idea he was there only miles from their primary military training academy.. They have been granted millions in aid and are supposedly an ally working so hard to eradicate terrorism but when REAL effort is made to do the job they've fallen short of by forces outside their own borders all they do is complain at the result and the incursion. I guess that's to be expected though as it really does paint them in a completely incompetent light within their own borders security wise so no wonder they're offended..

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Please tell us what morals and civility our modern society possesses. The death penalty? Water boarding as a legalised form of torture? The detention of anyone for an indefinite period without trial and access to a lawyer? Absolutely failed and corrupt versions of democracy? You are deluding yourself if you truely consider that when we move in to sovereign territory illegally and establish regime change for our own commercial interests that we are making any form of improvement.

I would suggest to you that when the 'western countries' who police the world are represented on here by people who condone the mass killing of innocent women and children as 'acceptable collateral damage' in order to 'possibly kill' the odd Taliban leader, or who, even worse see it as an acceptable form of population control are the ones who have serious moral issues. It is always the same people who justify these hideous acts, and yes it is the same proponents of slaughter who justify on another thread that it isn't such a bad thing to piss on the corpses of 3 dead Taliban fighters. Now when society has resulted in these people thinking all this is ok then you please tell me who it is that is morally bereft. Is this 'morality and civility'? If so I recommend we stop spreading it around the globe. As you so rightly said in this example, one bad apple does indeed spoil the whole bunch.

Sigh, moral relativism debunked, again, saai.gif

i/ The death penalty - Yes for multiple murder on one hand or for apostacy, adultery or being gay on the other.

ii/ Torture - Something borderline agonized over ad nauseum by the left wing press versus systematic brutality where the torturers are rewarded for their inventiveness and cruelty by the Taliban.

iii/ Detention without trial, for Al Qaeda operatives, I should hope so - Versus no trial straight onto the raping and killing.

iv/ Failed systems of democracy? Well lets just say flawed and it's still infinitely better than full blown sharia law from a human rights perspective.

v/Collateral damage - Yes regrettable, but better than slaughtering people deliberately due to the command of your sky fairy.

Finally the ad hominim bit, population control? Nope not condoning it or suggesting it, just observing from an evolutionary perspective it would make sense in marginal territories, as oppose to fertile temperate areas with good water supplies, like all the great western civilizations benefited from.

The point is Steely that none of the things listed are attributes that could be claimed as being part of a moral or civil society, but Warspeed considers the world would be great under such a society. I never compared things in terms of moral relativity did I. Incidentally and sadly it is not just Al Qaeda operatives that are incarcerated for an indeterminate time. Hell Bradley Manning hasn't even been charged yet, and he has done a year in solitary.

The situation in Pakistan is dire and yet you still make reference to bombing as a form of population control, an odd angle to suggest that bombing is a part of the evolutionary process. Don't bother replying, we wont agree.

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This topic has attracted a number of reports, and requests from board moderators to stay on topic and out of each other's faces, ie. be civil.

If you cannot comply, do not post or risk losing your posting privileges for a period of time that board mods will arbitrarily decide that you need to compose yourselves.


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Also sadly a very large portion of America gets its info while on the couch.

And yet your so much more enlightened? Why aren't you promoting and publicizing your much more superior sources of info and why are they so covert and not more mainstream?? Are you attempting to suggest that you're so much more superior to the masses that they aren't capable of absorbing, comprehending and disseminating what's real from what's fantasy then you are? coffee1.gif

Good Morning

Sorry I did not see this last night.

In keeping with what Scott & Soundman advised I will keep this brief & on topic.

your question of where folks like myself get our information is valid & important in regards to

subjects such as these drones in Pakistan

First let me clarify my statement about "getting info while on the couch"

No I am sorry if you interpreted that as a stance of superiority.

That is not how it was meant at all...............

That expression here is used to imply that too many folks these days

get all of their information while watching it thru a media prism.

While it is nice to think of the days of free press it is no longer true.

That should be obvious if one looks at things like Fox news or MSNBC

They support *their* side or *their* sponsors.

So what I meant is that folks need to go & look for themselves at the actual

issues & the stance of various officials & their track record....yes even their campaign


As for promoting my sources...I do so often

As for publicizing them....I do so often

One of the main sources I use is the US Constitution.

It is freely available to all & can even be downloaded onto your phone or tablet,laptop etc

for relaxed study.

In another post you asked me who is We The People

Obvious now I am sure?

As for speaking for you that was not my intent.

I used it in the context of ............

"We The People are in seriously bad shape here in the USA"

That is financial fact I was stating.

No I am not superior to any other & we are all free to have an opinion & I support that.

I believe we all love our country & should be able to discuss these things in a civil manner.

The drones are a big issue here in the US & the number of civilian casualties is a hotly contested issue here.

Hope that clears up any misunderstandings.

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Also sadly a very large portion of America gets its info while on the couch.

And yet your so much more enlightened? Why aren't you promoting and publicizing your much more superior sources of info and why are they so covert and not more mainstream?? Are you attempting to suggest that you're so much more superior to the masses that they aren't capable of absorbing, comprehending and disseminating what's real from what's fantasy then you are? coffee1.gif

Good Morning

Sorry I did not see this last night.

In keeping with what Scott & Soundman advised I will keep this brief & on topic.

your question of where folks like myself get our information is valid & important in regards to

subjects such as these drones in Pakistan

First let me clarify my statement about "getting info while on the couch"

No I am sorry if you interpreted that as a stance of superiority.

That is not how it was meant at all...............

That expression here is used to imply that too many folks these days

get all of their information while watching it thru a media prism.

While it is nice to think of the days of free press it is no longer true.

That should be obvious if one looks at things like Fox news or MSNBC

They support *their* side or *their* sponsors.

So what I meant is that folks need to go & look for themselves at the actual

issues & the stance of various officials & their track record....yes even their campaign


As for promoting my sources...I do so often

As for publicizing them....I do so often

One of the main sources I use is the US Constitution.

It is freely available to all & can even be downloaded onto your phone or tablet,laptop etc

for relaxed study.

In another post you asked me who is We The People

Obvious now I am sure?

As for speaking for you that was not my intent.

I used it in the context of ............

"We The People are in seriously bad shape here in the USA"

That is financial fact I was stating.

No I am not superior to any other & we are all free to have an opinion & I support that.

I believe we all love our country & should be able to discuss these things in a civil manner.

The drones are a big issue here in the US & the number of civilian casualties is a hotly contested issue here.

Hope that clears up any misunderstandings.

It doesn't but I've no choice but to leave it at that.

But in terms of the drones once again it is the current president who promised in his campaign to use them more so and bring home the troops so, if you voted for him he's your baby and if not we both saw that one coming as neither did I and I was saying as emphatically as I could to any/all who would listen (and sadly that wasn't very many sad.png ) that he was naive and short sighted and so were they for believing he could deliver even a small amount of what he promised. His world view was naive at best and so goes his approach to using drones which to his credit is one of his promises accomplished but obviously not a popular one though he got in office on it.

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Osama Bin Laden had none of the resources you mentioned only complacency on our part to count on

Read his manifesto & see what the reasons were.

Yet also remember 15 of the 19 were Saudi's

Way too much is made of the "15 were Saudis" but. There were more of them simply because of the ease in which they could get visas and their ability to speak English. Not that the Taliban were interested in flying planes into the WTC but even if this guy who was just taken out by a drone had wanted to it is doubtful he could have gotten a visa and if he could, it's doubtful he could speak the language.

Edited by koheesti
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      I Love Donald Trump

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