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What Women Say About PM Yingluck


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What women say about Yingluck

The Nation


Four women voice their thoughts about Thailand's first female premier and her performance over the past five months

Thida Thawornseth, red-shirt caretaker chairwoman

There are no one-man shows. There should be a team of principled people helping the leader make the right decisions. It is Pheu Thai's responsibility to help Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra do her job. She has been called a "parrot premier", among other things. That's not fair. It's necessary to have a good strategic team to back her.

Yingluck knows when to speak and when to keep quiet. We are certain that she thinks carefully before making a decision.

Though she has not been too outstanding so far, she has passed the test. She worked hard during the flood crisis, though her strategic team should have worked harder to support her.

I would like to offer moral support to PM Yingluck as a fellow woman, not just a red-shirt supporter. Despite having no experience in politics, she has passed the test. I think she needs more time - maybe a year or two - to improve and develop her abilities. I'm sure she would become an admirable leader.

Rosana Tositrakul, Bangkok senator

Prime Minister Yingluck had to deal with the flood crisis, which was a very difficult job. It was like getting an amateur driver to drive up a cliff - she was not able to do too well. But since then, she's had more chances to make up, but she seems to keep failing.

After the floods, she should have focused on solving people's problems and boosting the economy. Instead, she allowed politicians to instigate problems by pushing for things such as Constitution amendments. These are not urgent issues and could end up worsening the economy.

Yingluck has not proved her capabilities, but instead has allowed people around her, including her older brother, former PM Thaksin, to direct her too much.

She also seems to avoid problems by refusing to answer questions at House meetings and is seen as a "ribbon cutter" or someone who just presides over events. Initially, as a woman, Yingluck might have softened the political atmosphere, but now, after voicing support for charter amendments, she seems to be joining other factors to shake Thai politics.

Duangkamol Chotana, president, Thai News Business Unit, Nation Multimedia Group

Prime Minister Yingluck's gentle personality is one of her most outstanding qualities. With a character like that, she could have many people help her out. For instance, Sumet Tantivejkul, secretary-general of the Chaipattana Foundation, and other academics were delighted to step in and help out during the flood crisis.

Yingluck dealt with the crisis better than many men would have done. She is new in politics and with barely four months at the job, and especially with such a big crisis, it's difficult to say how successful she is as a premier.

With her gentle personality, she can easily avoid confrontation. For instance, a male leader might show anger or react aggressively, but Yingluck just pouted a bit and then returned.

Another of my impressions is that Yingluck is a very patient, determined person and a strong woman. She is also an open-minded person and I believe she listens to all comments and advice. Being an executive doesn't mean the person needs to know everything. Yingluck has proved that she knows how to delegate duties and that is one of the key qualities of a good leader.

Yingluck came from an election and yes, she represents Pheu Thai Party. But she has the right to consider her priorities and work for the interest of the public. The difficult part is how this work is done.

Chalidaporn Songsamphan, Thammasat University political science lecturer and author of "The Political and Gender Power Relations"

It has been quite "still" over the past four months and it is not clear which direction the important issues, that have been waiting for the prime minister since before the election, will take.

For now, I think Prime Minister Yingluck is just standing on the verge of passing or failing her tests.

She should be more independent and tell the society what she wants to see in relation to main issues, such as the divisions in the country. Yet, so far, we have not seen the premier's vision in relation to any issue. Others dominate the direction she takes.

She might have introduced a feminine style of leadership, in contrast to someone who thumps the table when making decisions. But we cannot really say that she is moving toward conciliation, because she only seems to deal with the same set of politicians or people, not the entire society.

A key womanly trait, which can be applied beautifully to the administration of a country, is the ability to draw people together.

I have heard from the people close to the premier that she is open minded and listens to other people. But my point is, why doesn't she make this character clear to the public?


-- The Nation 2012-01-18

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Yingluck dealt with the crisis better than many men would have done. She is new in politics and with barely four months at the job, and especially with such a big crisis, it's difficult to say how successful she is as a premier.

With her gentle personality, she can easily avoid confrontation. For instance, a male leader might show anger or react aggressively, but Yingluck just pouted a bit and then returned

Ahh, nothing like a bit of feminism to dull an already parky CM morning. saai.gif

I see none of them mentioned inept.

And gentle? Anyone see the rabid chihuahua-like retort on the US Emb terror issue?

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I'm all for feminism and the 'sisterhood' but Yingluck sucks at her job, not because she's female but she just sucks at it. Someone like her wouldn't make it past middle mangement if it weren't for her brother. It's nice to have a rich and powerful family member!

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After the floods, she should have focused on solving people's problems and boosting the economy. Instead, she allowed politicians to instigate problems by pushing for things such as Constitution amendments. These are not urgent issues and could end up worsening the economy.

Yingluck has not proved her capabilities, but instead has allowed people around her, including her older brother, former PM Thaksin, to direct her too much.

The Senator puts forth a fair and realistic assessment.


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Her ineptness is staggeringly breathtaking - even by Thai standards. She hasn't got a clue about politics and cutting ribbons and pouting isn't going to solve Thailands problems, is it!!!!!

She should butt out and clear off and do something useful like........well anything else!! A major cabinet reshuffle doesn't suggest that it has been a successful 5 months to me - I want someone to tell me one thing she has done well, although this will be an almost impossible task, I realise that!!!giggle.gif.

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My Thai GF refers to Yingluck as my girlfriend because I like her. My Thai GF says all the usual negative stuff and adds that she speaks Thai very poorly and is a bad representative of her country because of her language skills.

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"Though she has not been too outstanding so far, she has passed the test. She worked hard during the flood crisis, though her strategic team should have worked harder to support her.

Which means: "She actually did nothing at all, but her powerful brother always told her what she shouldn't do.....and the nonstrategic team called frogs was superb as they always did what they shouldn't have done..... jap.gif

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My Thai GF refers to Yingluck as my girlfriend because I like her. My Thai GF says all the usual negative stuff and adds that she speaks Thai very poorly and is a bad representative of her country because of her language skills.

Is there any positive stuff to say about her? Is your Thai GF from the northeast????? drunk.gif

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This is an incredibly poor article because of the people chosen to be interviewed ... which was a shame because this article could have been so much more.

A balanced view isn't about getting people with known ideological views to comment on a theme. 1 + 1 = 0 (1 red + 1 yellow = zero political insight)

Of course the Red shirt would support and the Yellow shirt would 'bag' her performance.

The Nation would, of course, take a neutral stance so not to upset either political party and hence any future revenue.

The one true voice was left to the University political science lecturer ... who was neutral again, and has to be given her public position.

After reading this I was left with the feeling of ... why did The Nation' bother ?

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My Thai GF refers to Yingluck as my girlfriend because I like her. My Thai GF says all the usual negative stuff and adds that she speaks Thai very poorly and is a bad representative of her country because of her language skills.

Is there any positive stuff to say about her? Is your Thai GF from the northeast????? drunk.gif

My Thai wife and many of her Uni educated friends also say her Thai is not much better than her English

They also say she is not an Issan girl

she was brought up the keeper of Dark Maa

OOOOh the things Thai wives say

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^^ '....adds that she speaks Thai very poorly and is a bad representative of her country because of her language skills.'

How can that be, unless it's "Gam Muang" often spoken in the outer villages of CMai? Keeping alive a Thai dialect has a noble ring to it, I'd surmise.

Hmmm.... Didn't she also obtain, like her father, post-graduate academic degrees from stellar American colleges? Surely she had had to speak at least some English to graduate.

As an aside, I understand (anecdotally) that a notable CMai university teaches many of their MA(English) courses in Thai as so many of their would-be graduates have little comprehension of the English language.

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My Thai GF refers to Yingluck as my girlfriend because I like her. My Thai GF says all the usual negative stuff and adds that she speaks Thai very poorly and is a bad representative of her country because of her language skills.

Is there any positive stuff to say about her? Is your Thai GF from the northeast????? drunk.gif

My Thai wife and many of her Uni educated friends also say her Thai is not much better than her English

They also say she is not an Issan girl

she was brought up the keeper of Dark Maa

OOOOh the things Thai wives say

I think it is accepted among educated Thais that she does not speak Thai well. Nor is that because she is from CM and she certainly does not speak Issan in public at least I have never heard her.

Come on guys, I'm a Thai Visa poster and my GF speaks 5 languages, has two advanced degrees and a very important job. She is not very pretty though but neither am I nor is she very young.

I can forgive Yingluck's English because she attended college in Kentucky and there are a lot of people in Kentucky that I can't understand either. Kentucky is not famous for people with white teeth and the PM certainly has a nice smile.

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My Thai GF refers to Yingluck as my girlfriend because I like her. My Thai GF says all the usual negative stuff and adds that she speaks Thai very poorly and is a bad representative of her country because of her language skills.

Is there any positive stuff to say about her?

Well, the PM is very supportive of the local Burberry sales department.


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I can forgive Yingluck's English because she attended college in Kentucky and there are a lot of people in Kentucky that I can't understand either. Kentucky is not famous for people with white teeth and the PM certainly has a nice smile.

For good dental care, it helps to be a billionairess, of which Kentucky has very few.


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I think it is accepted among educated Thais that she does not speak Thai well.

Actually it's not.I have spoken to several Thai acquaintances (one lawyer, two businessman and one stockbroker) about the Prime Minister's "poor Thai" since this is a charge often made by middle class urbanites on the social media, often by people who cannot put an English sentence together with any accuracy.What they told me is that while nowhere as articulate as Abhisit she speaks Thai perfectly - as one would expect - though clearly with a Northern accent.

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Thida Thawornseth: 1/10 (you're fired! Go back to school)

Rosana Tositrakul: 7/10 (open your mind!)

Duangkamol Chotana: 7/10 (not bad at all)

Chalidaporn Songsamphan: 10/10 (you have a very analyitical view and do not need much words to tell your opinion: you have produced the best analysis!)

Edited by dude007
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What women say about Yingluck?

Wow, she is so powerful, yet managed to remain so pretty and sexy at her age.

You get the leaders that you deserve (in other words "that you vote for"). Being beautiful and sexy is not a prerequisite to be PM in this country, but apparently it helps... especially when your big brother is Taksin, searched for a crime for which he fled the country. So don't be surprised that the leadership is poor, non-performing, not conclusive and beyond standard: you Thais, just voted for this situation and that's all what you deserve and what you will get! A puppet on Taksin's string, making one mistake after another. Did you forget who exactly was in fact responsible for the deluge in BKK with wrong populist decisions from this novice in burberry outfit and her red-shirt and PT-crony-cabinet? Read the comments from Prof. Chaliporn Songsamphan and you get it right! Not so difficult to understand!

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MIT study suggests the positive influence of female politicians seems to take hold mostly in the second governing cycle in which women hold positions of power. In the first term in office, Duflo suggests, “voters tend to have a poor opinion of their leaders. … But in the second cycle, people’s opinions of what women can do have changed.”


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Her ineptness is staggeringly breathtaking - even by Thai standards. She hasn't got a clue about politics and cutting ribbons and pouting isn't going to solve Thailands problems, is it!!!!!

She should butt out and clear off and do something useful like........well anything else!! A major cabinet reshuffle doesn't suggest that it has been a successful 5 months to me - I want someone to tell me one thing she has done well, although this will be an almost impossible task, I realise that!!!giggle.gif.

Well she has managed to piss you off rather well!

Edited by JAG
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I think it is accepted among educated Thais that she does not speak Thai well.

Actually it's not.I have spoken to several Thai acquaintances (one lawyer, two businessman and one stockbroker) about the Prime Minister's "poor Thai" since this is a charge often made by middle class urbanites on the social media, often by people who cannot put an English sentence together with any accuracy.What they told me is that while nowhere as articulate as Abhisit she speaks Thai perfectly - as one would expect - though clearly with a Northern accent.

Yes that is what I hear. The Northern accent would be gone had she studied Thai more studiously in college. I don't imagine all Thai people from the North speak with a noticeable accent. The same with people from Issan not all have that Lao accent. Thai spoken correctly is not done with an Issan or Northern accent and it is not a comment made just by Bangkok socialites.

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Yes that is what I hear. The Northern accent would be gone had she studied Thai more studiously in college. I don't imagine all Thai people from the North speak with a noticeable accent. The same with people from Issan not all have that Lao accent. Thai spoken correctly is not done with an Issan or Northern accent and it is not a comment made just by Bangkok socialites.

Rubbish.An accent is neither here nor there and has nothing to do with speaking Thai or any other language correctly.

In England before the age of railways and the rise of the public school system the great aristocrats around the country all spoke with strong regional accents.

Your reference to Bangkok socialites is puzzling:I doubt the real Thai upper class could care less about Yingluck's accent.The stupidity and bile on the social media about this alleged failing comes mainly from the new rich middle class nervous about political change.

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Yes that is what I hear. The Northern accent would be gone had she studied Thai more studiously in college. I don't imagine all Thai people from the North speak with a noticeable accent. The same with people from Issan not all have that Lao accent. Thai spoken correctly is not done with an Issan or Northern accent and it is not a comment made just by Bangkok socialites.

Rubbish.An accent is neither here nor there and has nothing to do with speaking Thai or any other language correctly.

In England before the age of railways and the rise of the public school system the great aristocrats around the country all spoke with strong regional accents.

Your reference to Bangkok socialites is puzzling:I doubt the real Thai upper class could care less about Yingluck's accent.The stupidity and bile on the social media about this alleged failing comes mainly from the new rich middle class nervous about political change.

So, to summarise the prevalent view on TV, the Prime Minister is totally inept, incapable of nought but buying Burberry shoes, can hardly cut ribbons, is a total puppet of her brother, cannot speak her own language and therefore is presumably hardly capable of communicating with Thai people, has no worthwhile or relevant work experience, nearly drowned most of the country through her ineptitude, screwed up the terrorism thing ( I was thinking of a different adjective there), has a worthless degree from a presumably worthless American university, speaks ( when she is allowed ) with the wrong accent, has neither brains nor ideas ( back to puppet master ) and is totally 100% corrupt............

She probably also has a driver, because she lacks the skills required.

Looks like we are doomed would you not agree ??

My Mother was closely related to the Pope.

Edited by philw
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Yes that is what I hear. The Northern accent would be gone had she studied Thai more studiously in college. I don't imagine all Thai people from the North speak with a noticeable accent. The same with people from Issan not all have that Lao accent. Thai spoken correctly is not done with an Issan or Northern accent and it is not a comment made just by Bangkok socialites.

Rubbish.An accent is neither here nor there and has nothing to do with speaking Thai or any other language correctly.

In England before the age of railways and the rise of the public school system the great aristocrats around the country all spoke with strong regional accents.

Your reference to Bangkok socialites is puzzling:I doubt the real Thai upper class could care less about Yingluck's accent.The stupidity and bile on the social media about this alleged failing comes mainly from the new rich middle class nervous about political change.

Rubbish is rather a strong invective.

My grandmother was English and spoke English like the Queen speaks English when reading a royal pronouncement. And from listening to the Queen speak from an early age I gather she always spoke that way as did my grandmother.

I was sent from my Midwestern home to study at an Eastern prep school to make sure I would speak correct English. My daughters born in Texas were also sent East to get rid of the Texas twang and speak like a proper lady. Now the only time they speak Texas is when they go home to see the family or make party jokes.

Language is a sign of status and always has been in my experience. I can adjust my English to go unnoticed in most parts of Canada and the US with the exception of the Southern states. When I speak in public I say laugh instead of laff. And aunt instead of ant. Abhisit speaks perfect Thai as Yingluck should but doesn't. I don't think your argument about regional accents holds water because I know women from CM who also speak perfect Thai as does Yingluck's older brother.

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Yes that is what I hear. The Northern accent would be gone had she studied Thai more studiously in college. I don't imagine all Thai people from the North speak with a noticeable accent. The same with people from Issan not all have that Lao accent. Thai spoken correctly is not done with an Issan or Northern accent and it is not a comment made just by Bangkok socialites.

Rubbish.An accent is neither here nor there and has nothing to do with speaking Thai or any other language correctly.

In England before the age of railways and the rise of the public school system the great aristocrats around the country all spoke with strong regional accents.

Your reference to Bangkok socialites is puzzling:I doubt the real Thai upper class could care less about Yingluck's accent.The stupidity and bile on the social media about this alleged failing comes mainly from the new rich middle class nervous about political change.

So, to summarise the prevalent view on TV, the Prime Minister is totally inept, incapable of nought but buying Burberry shoes, can hardly cut ribbons, is a total puppet of her brother, cannot speak her own language and therefore is presumably hardly capable of communicating with Thai people, has no worthwhile or relevant work experience, nearly drowned most of the country through her ineptitude, screwed up the terrorism thing ( I was thinking of a different adjective there), has a worthless degree from a presumably worthless American university, speaks ( when she is allowed ) with the wrong accent, has neither brains nor ideas ( back to puppet master ) and is totally 100% corrupt............

She probably also has a driver, because she lacks the skills required.

Looks like we are doomed would you not agree ??

My Mother was closely related to the Pope.

I wouldn't say it is a worthless university.

Kentucky State University Web ranking 3366

Harvard 3

Oxford 19

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Is this really Sooooo important ???? Bangkok speaks Thai a certain way but nobody else in Thailand does ... so what...? They manage to understand each other //// I have 3 employees and each of them speaks a different kind of Thai ... one is CM Thai , the other is Lanna Thai and the other is more of a Burma type Thai but amazingly enough they can MANAGE to understand each other... so what is this rubbish of Elite Bangkok Thai being the CORRECT AND ONLY WAY to speak Thai ... ! Rubbish!!annoyed.gif

Yes that is what I hear. The Northern accent would be gone had she studied Thai more studiously in college. I don't imagine all Thai people from the North speak with a noticeable accent. The same with people from Issan not all have that Lao accent. Thai spoken correctly is not done with an Issan or Northern accent and it is not a comment made just by Bangkok socialites.

Rubbish.An accent is neither here nor there and has nothing to do with speaking Thai or any other language correctly.

In England before the age of railways and the rise of the public school system the great aristocrats around the country all spoke with strong regional accents.

Your reference to Bangkok socialites is puzzling:I doubt the real Thai upper class could care less about Yingluck's accent.The stupidity and bile on the social media about this alleged failing comes mainly from the new rich middle class nervous about political change.

Rubbish is rather a strong invective.

My grandmother was English and spoke English like the Queen speaks English when reading a royal pronouncement. And from listening to the Queen speak from an early age I gather she always spoke that way as did my grandmother.

I was sent from my Midwestern home to study at an Eastern prep school to make sure I would speak correct English. My daughters born in Texas were also sent East to get rid of the Texas twang and speak like a proper lady. Now the only time they speak Texas is when they go home to see the family or make party jokes.

Language is a sign of status and always has been in my experience. I can adjust my English to go unnoticed in most parts of Canada and the US with the exception of the Southern states. When I speak in public I say laugh instead of laff. And aunt instead of ant. Abhisit speaks perfect Thai as Yingluck should but doesn't. I don't think your argument about regional accents holds water because I know women from CM who also speak perfect Thai as does Yingluck's older brother.

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This is an incredibly poor article because of the people chosen to be interviewed ... which was a shame because this article could have been so much more.

A balanced view isn't about getting people with known ideological views to comment on a theme. 1 + 1 = 0 (1 red + 1 yellow = zero political insight)

Of course the Red shirt would support and the Yellow shirt would 'bag' her performance.

The Nation would, of course, take a neutral stance so not to upset either political party and hence any future revenue.

The one true voice was left to the University political science lecturer ... who was neutral again, and has to be given her public position.

After reading this I was left with the feeling of ... why did The Nation' bother ?


A waste of time. Should have stood on a corner in different city's and asked the first five women that pass. That would have given us a fairer idea. Those four were predictable.

I really believe the Nation goes out of it's way to give us nonsense. And when they do hit a real story they manage to screw it up.

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