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To live and breath and still enjoy life in bangkock..i would say 2000 US is ok....that is if you have a steady gf....

If you are single better calculate from 4.000 to 8.000 us a month.....

happy times.. ;-)

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$4,000 a month+ ???

I dont know where the hel_l you got those numbers. My rent is 25,000 baht a month which I think is pretty expensive, I go out quite often for drinks, and eat at resturants everyday, buy nice things and I dont even spend anywhere near that.


And your username is ????

I could probably make ends meet on 80k if I tired really hard, moived into a small apartment etc.. I did before when I was married..

Single life or partying and playing around 3k USD is a normal figure to not think much about money..


Just because my username is poorfarang, doesnt mean im poor. Jeeez, I really wish I would have picked a different username now so I dont have to say that anymore.

Anyways, Im not rich but I fail to see how you need to be to live here comfortablly. When you talk about $4,000 a month you must be talking about these geezards who have to pay to get laid. , and do so often im guessing.

I dont have a car so im guessing this will be one difference in spending. I cant imagine having a car in bangkok though. Maybe to drive long distances but not to put around town in. A waste of gas and more importantly, time.

Rent is a huge deciding factor on how much you will spend here. I was looking at small 1 bedroom places further out for about 5-7000 baht a month. I ended up taking a nice 1 bedroom in the middle of town for 25000.


I think your income before moving to LOS has a big effect on how much you spend while your in LOS. For example most people doing an average 9-5 job in my home country(when i say average i mean not a high paid job like solicitor, doctor, bank manager etc) can and do live on around 1500-2000 euro a month. Now if i live on the same money in LOS or even less then my standard of living has improved greatly. Whereas someone earning 5,000 a euro a month would have been used to a much higher standard of living in my country and would probably need to spend a nice bit more than 1500 euro to better their current standard but not neccessarily the full 5,000 euro. I would definetely be happy earning 1500 and living in LOS but i would settle for 1000 euro and still be happy, certainly more happier than i am in my home country and i know from reading threads over the past few months that people can happily live on less in LOS depending on their lifestyle.

So i think it comes down to your current standard of living before moving to LOS, most people dont want to take a drop i the standard of living and some people can live happily without non neccessities such as owning a car or a house, or renting a posh apartment, or drinking 7 days a week, or renting a tg 6 days a week etc etc although some of them may be a neccesity to someone but not likely for someone on a lower budget.

Lastly seens this thread has nothing to do with Bangkok, 1500 euro can go a long way further in other places in Thailand than it would in Bangkok, if living in Bangkok is not a neccessity too.

Just because my username is poorfarang, doesnt mean im poor. Jeeez, I really wish I would have picked a different username now so I dont have to say that anymore.

Anyways, Im not rich but I fail to see how you need to be to live here comfortablly. When you talk about $4,000 a month you must be talking about these geezards who have to pay to get laid. , and do so often im guessing.

I dont have a car so im guessing this will be one difference in spending. I cant imagine having a car in bangkok though. Maybe to drive long distances but not to put around town in. A waste of gas and more importantly, time.

Rent is a huge deciding factor on how much you will spend here. I was looking at small 1 bedroom places further out for about 5-7000 baht a month. I ended up taking a nice 1 bedroom in the middle of town for 25000.

Sorry about the name dig but was mostly a joke..

As for paying to get laid well sure.. Closed down a gogo small and took 6 dancers off for a pool party last week.. Why not ?? I was not talking about me though as my villa alone is 70k per month before utils, maid, pool guy, gardener / handyman, etc.. I am in the 4k USD monthly spending bracket I guess but dont tend to think about it... The cost to live how I do here back in the west would be astronomical so its a saving for the quality of life.

Living here on 40k would be lean in Phuket or BKK (I mean whats left after house, UBC, Internet, medical, car / transport, and food bills, ?? No 'fun' budget at all).. For me that life would just be too dull.. I think 80k is the min acceptable budget to live fairly well between 80 - 120 life gets really nice..


I have the same situation well described from Bangkokstranger, LivinLOS lifestyle is an "advanced" point of arrival (even if i try to be not attracted from things that are too far from my possibilities, i don't esclude them in a second time of course :D ).

I am a beginner too, and there is a lot to do and to plan to realize one or more online businesses, but the most important thing is that it is possible to realize it, living in Los, and spend my life in the best place on this crazy world.

Everything begins from the little.

It needs time, i know, and my actual western living place and my job are the only way to realize all that.

Good luck to everyone! :o

Is that 70k a month renting or some kind of mortgage?

Thats renting.. I know it seems a lot but 500sqm 5 bed pool villa overlooking Patong bay.. When you actually crunch the numbers on the Villas for sale value the owner is getting a horrible rate of return.

I am not pretending that this is normal expenditure (or required) but prior to moving in here I was in a simple 15k per month house in a side soi for about 3 years so I do know how much normal life costs.. Of course this lifestyle back in Europe would require huge expenditure..

I can just about see how you could make ends meet for a simple life at 40k but any fun budget would require 60 - 80 IMHO.. Why live here if your denying yourself so much, I would just go and make some extra until I could enjoy life..


I agree that you need a bigger slice for an entertainment budget. Im thankful my tg comes from a wealthy family that insists on sending her cash every month. Shes also graduating from uni in about a month and will be going for her masters. This keeps her busy most of the week so we only really go out on the weekends which can save quit a bit of cash.

I look at myself spending 25,000 baht a month for my condo and dont like it. After my lease is finished im going to look into purchasing a place instead of wasting cash making someone else money by renting.


You have been way too vague and cryptic discussing your ideas about what the site is to do.. To be honest I am guessing its something to do with gambling but no real idea what about.. I find it hard to understand what your saying as you appear to talk in riddles..

Anyway as other posts mentioned any sites that are blocked by the Thai gov here can be accessed using proxies or very very easily by installing Ghost Surf Platinum Pro.

You have been way too vague and cryptic discussing your ideas about what the site is to do.. To be honest I am guessing its something to do with gambling but no real idea what about.. I find it hard to understand what your saying as you appear to talk in riddles..

Anyway as other posts mentioned any sites that are blocked by the Thai gov here can be accessed using proxies or very very easily by installing Ghost Surf Platinum Pro.

Thanks LivinLOS :D

I'm still posting from the moon where i dislike everything around me, i need time to solve my mind mazes... :o


I have made hundreds of thousands of dollars playing online poker, grinding it out.

for me to win this money, other people have to be losing it, so if you are gonna learn poker: Great, just dont convince yourself that you are smarter then the next guy and will be a winner, although everyone thinks highly of themselves, which of course, keeps them coming back for more, and my pockets thick.

  • 2 weeks later...
For those wanting to make money online, it isn't really all that hard. Just like in reality, you've got the option to buy or to build.

If you've got a bit saved up, it's very easy to buy a website or two for about what it nets in one year to a year and a half - 80-100% return.

So if you need $2000/mo to live on, it will cost you ~$24000-$30000. Not a bad return at all. These deals come up all the time - last week I had the opportunity to buy a poker affiliate revenue stream.

Second option is to build. This will be the harder, but potentially more rewarding.

And if i'd like to sell a website? :o

Does it exist something like ebay? :D

Thanks in advance for every suggestion! :D



tell them Jay from oklahoma sent you

it is trading the forex market if you can follow rules you can make a good to more than decent living as long as you have an internet connection.

And if i'd like to sell a website? :o

If you're buying, someone is selling. So when you go to sell, why not just go to the same place??

Does it exist something like ebay? :D

Thanks in advance for every suggestion! :D

Yes, it does.



What kind of website are you selling? I might be interested.

Does it get any traffic? If so from where?

Does it make any money? If so from where?

What is the age / pagerank / of the domain / site

Is it DMOZ listed? Listed in Google/yahoo?

How much time does it take to run?

More details!

If you're buying, someone is selling. So when you go to sell, why not just go to the same place??

Does it exist something like ebay?

Yes, it does.

It's not necessary buying first to sell... :D

"Yes it does" so..... no suggested links? :D

Thanks Jeremiahnewton! :D

Poorfarang how much could you ask for a golden eggs chicken? :o


If you're buying, someone is selling. So when you go to sell, why not just go to the same place??

Does it exist something like ebay?

Yes, it does.

It's not necessary buying first to sell... :D

"Yes it does" so..... no suggested links? :D

Thanks Jeremiahnewton! :D

Poorfarang how much could you ask for a golden eggs chicken? :o


Is English your primary language?

Yes or No?

I agree with Poorfarang, you are wasting member's time by posting in riddles.


Is English your primary language?

Yes or No?

I agree with Poorfarang, you are wasting member's time by posting in riddles.

English is my secondary language.

Yesterday moderators deleted one of my clear thread (with a good reason) so better riddles than nothing. :D

I can excange informations by PM and SSL email, without revealing my project of course (i need it to change my life in a better way and expat in LOS).

When i will feel safe i will probably share more and clearer infos with other good dreamers like you, be sure of that! :D

Thanks again Oldredeyes you gave me the little fire to realize my best dream.

I hope one day to thank you directly, better in Los. :o

If i can give to you a suggestion, read well this thread from the first post (financial markets bets apart), stop looking TV for one month at all and just take a look first to these movies (and to the director's interviews) :




than look in this order at :

2001 Space Odyssey


Apocalypse Now Redux

Fear and loathing in Las Vegas

Fight Club


Then things will change in a better way, trust me! :D

Then start reading :

1. The Economist

2. Business Week

And a main thing : DON'T BE EVIL!!!! :D

bolognamare: your hovercraft is full of eels ..... :o

Yep! :D

Another suggestion, print the posts, they could be not available in future... and save a paper copy of your best ideas, favourites links, and emails.

Backup your hard disk once a month on a removable one.

Protect your privacy as much as possible and use a good antivirus, a firewall without exceptions (the XP one works well), and two anti spyware like Ad-aware and Spybot (freeware).

And delete cookies first to buy anything online (try to visit "the-most-important-website-that-sells-fly-tickets-at-the-lowest-price.com" and check how prices change after deleting the cookies during the second visit...).

"Only paranoids survive" who told that?

Look to Business Week of middle of January 2006, this number is a must, it will give you a LOT of ideas!

I can assure you! :D

You forgot about the garlic necklace to keep those ###### warewolves away.

I have not a prove but i suspect that the garlic necklace could be useful for auctions too.

I'm talking about the automatic offer where the user makes his highest one in advance to prevent its opponents offers.

The auction admin could reach the highest offer (and commission) simply making offers with a false opponent. :D

I had this suspect with little auctions about stupid things that i couldn't suppose can interest to anybody, may be i'm really paranoid.. :o


Just for curiosity, is my english so bad? :D


Feel free to cut down on the bolding, and use of smileys.

I'll try... i have learnt it by myself (without speaking practice). :o

I hope to be understood at least (riddles apart).

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