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Because of your link. It linked to an article about spam.... And the Turin Test of course.

I'm not a spammer in the traditional sense either, so please refrain from flaming me. I've never sent a spam e-mail in my entire life. I'm just tricking Google :o

Because of your link. It linked to an article about spam.... And the Turin Test of course.

I'm not a spammer in the traditional sense either, so please refrain from flaming me. I've never sent a spam e-mail in my entire life. I'm just tricking Google :o

This was obviously a comment made without reading the article.

The article is not about spam at all, it just says the spam programs are becoming more and more human in an attempt to trick people. Just as the program Simon written does but in a completely different context. They are just comparing the computer intelligence, just as they are comparing the computer intelligence in computer games that responds with a comment based on the actions of the player. That dosent mean that either Simons program or Computer developers programs are anything to do with spam, because spam is an unsolicited email to someone who hasnt made contact before whereas both Simons program and Computer Programs return a repsonse after interaction from a customer/player not before.

I think you took the article totally out of context and a newbie trying to do this to a member who has nearly a thousand posts. Dont forget the pople reading these posts could be the people replying to your posts in the future so whats the point in aggrivating someone that can offer you good advice in the future.

Because of your link. It linked to an article about spam.... And the Turin Test of course.

I'm not a spammer in the traditional sense either, so please refrain from flaming me. I've never sent a spam e-mail in my entire life. I'm just tricking Google

Where is he flaming you, i cant see even a hint of flaming on Simons part, in fact its seems to be the opposite?

Are you a spammer as well?

I'm not a mail spammer though, strictly search engine spammer. That's not as annoying as mail spamming... And it's not illegal anywhere.

Its illegal with google, thats why they have been kicking out your websites as youve already said. Its not as annoying as real spam, fair point, but it does dilute the real content when searching, making peoples jobs harder to find the site they want.

Heres a small clip of the article about what the program does and its nothing to do with spam:

Regular users of pornographic SMS chat may be shocked to find out that they are swapping dirty talk with machines rather than young women and men.

But it's a fair bet that they are because the Natachata chatbot, written by former rocket scientist Simon Luttrell, is so widely used by porn chat merchants.

At its busiest Natachata handles 15 messages per second. A typical "session" lasts about seven or eight messages and each SMS costs more than £1.

The program works hard to conceal its computer identity.

It does not work to a set script instead it compares incoming messages to a database of 100,000 sentences and works out what is being talked about.

It then crafts a response based on what is in the message, turns it into text slang, adds spelling mistakes and then sends it out.

It even adds a random delay to the return message because, if they were fired back too quickly, people would guess that they were computer-generated


Although some people may frown upon it because its used in the porn industry, its still an ingenious program.


Ok sorry to get off topic, but to be honest the thread has been on and off for the last 6pages at least :o . But i just want to add something to Thundsteuns earlier post for the benifit of other members. He links to a site in the post that funnily enough is about making money building a customer base and making sales from people through an opt in emailling list. Just taught the following info might be of use to people thinking of signing up for these Insider Secrets through marketingtips.com which his website that he posted in a previous post links to:

These are not all biased threads and there are many more if you want to google them, ill let you make up your own mind:






You got me there, I didn't read the article well enough. True.

However, you call me a scammer?

Read through those unbiased threads you posted. In one of them, people actually RECOMMEND his books and says he's got a lot of decent information! I agree to the post, that this guy wants to make money himself and don't care if others do, but he actually got some pretty damned good information about starting a home business in his course.

As you see, I actually did put my full name out there (It's now removed). That's because I actually have read his course myself and learned lots from it! It has all information needed to start your own internet business, and I was confident enough in it to stake my name and reputation on it... Until some ###### calls me a scammer!!!

Nice going!



I'm sorry I didn't read the article which was linked to carefully enough. I apologize deeply to Simon43 for that, I'm very sorry to having taken things out of context, it was not my intention to hurt a senior member in any way as you seems to be accusing me for. It was a mistake by me, I'll admit even a stupid one.

However, now you're doing the exact same thing yourself against me, Which makes it even more stupid in my opinion.

In another thread there were several people, among them one who claims to having done internet marketing for 20 years who wrote it's worth every single dollar and highly recommended everybody to read it.

In another one of the threads you posted, the guys posting there hadn't even read his course. Still they were talking crap about it. I do however agree that his salesletters is an insult to normal, intelligent people. That doesn't mean that his course is bad though!

The one thread about the scam: There are ways of doing what he mentions in the post totally legit and unfortunately there are no ways for anyone else except the owner of the affiliate program to know whether it's a scam or not. This method mentioned is highly used among affiliate marketers, and it's the easiest way to see if one particular advertisement is profitable or not. Whether marketingtips.com do it legal or not I don't know.

Ok sorry to get off topic, but to be honest the thread has been on and off for the last 6pages at least :o . But i just want to add something to Thundsteuns earlier post for the benifit of other members. He links to a site in the post that funnily enough is about making money building a customer base and making sales from people through an opt in emailling list. Just taught the following info might be of use to people thinking of signing up for these Insider Secrets through marketingtips.com which his website that he posted in a previous post links to:

These are not all biased threads and there are many more if you want to google them, ill let you make up your own mind:




Whoops.... The double-posting was a result of bad internet connection. Sorry about that.

It's not a new way to scam people.

However, you call me a scammer?

Until some ###### calls me a scammer

Im confused, where do i refer to you as a scammer?

Read through those unbiased threads you posted. In one of them, people actually RECOMMEND his books and says he's got a lot of decent information

I know this, the majority are biased but this is consistent throughout any of the forums i have googled, im not saying there is not decent info in them courses, i just posted links to them forums. You can contact the people individually on them forums to debate this if youd like. My actual words were:

These are not all biased threads and there are many more if you want to google them, ill let you make up your own mind

I have no problem with you at all, and i never referred to you as a scammer, i took the information from googles 1st 2 pages doing a search on the keywords marketingtips.com

The only reason i posted them links was to share other peoples views about a product you endorsed through your website which you linked to in this thread. Do you not think people are entitled to know this before they hand out $190+. Why would i post the one which praised the ebook if was being biased, i would have just have left that out. If you can find a link to a forum where the majority of the posts praises the ebook in the first 2 pages of google for the same keywords "marketingtips.com" then go ahead and post the link but i didnt spot any, maybe i missed it.

This is the whole point of a forum to discuss different opinions, im have not said anything to say that this product is bad or good, ive kept my opinions to myself, ive just posted the links to information about the product you endorse via your website, its not my fault that other people expressed bad opinions about this product on other forums as its not my fault that a minority of the comments were good ones. All the best of luck with your website and please dont send me any more pm's.


Sorry I am wearing my tin foil hat..

Nothing got through here.. 100% safe..

Check out my new biz. http://www.stopabductions.com/


i have to say i was sceptical until i seen the testimonials, ive been having trouble with this kind of thing for years. Ive bought 2, one is a back up and i should have them next Tuesday and ill let you know if they work.

I have one question though, considering these aliens use telephatic abilities to affect my brain, should they not consider a motorcycle type helmet instead of the current hat type helmet as the telephatic waves might get through my nostrils or something???


hm, something has gone terribly off-topic here but i'm too tired to read through it all at 3:30am.

I agree with you rainman (late here too: 6.26 am and after 2 hours i have to go to my 9/19 job).

What do you think about thai language involved in an online business (like translations)?

Does the thailand-forbidden-job-list-for-foreigners include online businesses too or is it an unruled matter? :o

Any good suggestion from Sunbelt?


well there is always money to be made with adwords and adsense!

after 1.5 years, i've 120 automated sites each costing about $150 to set-up, some making about $10/m, some about $250/m, and they have nothing to do with sex or gambling.

takes about 12 hours a week of my time and we're launching 2-4 sites every week, my goal is 500 sites making about $250/m. admit have a webmaster partner who gets a small cut and his staff spend total about 15-20 hrs per week on my sites, submitting, updating etc. all done from los, but sites hosted from my servers elsewhere. here is an example: http://www.ezinejet.com/weddings/Articles/Wedding_Rings.php btw not my site for obvious reasons, but simular to one of my sites!

op and bolognamare, you are on the right track, but and others note, there is also plenty of other ways to make money on the net!

op and bolognamare, you are on the right track, but and others note, there is also plenty of other ways to make money on the net!

Well posted, i like your style, where are u from? :D

I prefer 10 online businesses for a 300$/each income, may be i'll need more time to set them up, but i enjoy too much uneasy and new things (like many players)! :D

At the end of mars i will start with the first one (very excited to see it in the first ten results of Google), i'm still doing the last tests (80% ended) and I'm still evaluating all the legal sides (90% ended). 100% risk free is my main goal.

I think that internet is still at 0,01% of its potential, we have a wonderful opportunity to change this weird/amazing world (and satisfy our little life expectations of course). :o

A friend of mine earns 40,000 baht a month from a TEACHING website.

I have seen some of them on sale last summer (a bit expensive.. :o), with "virtual frequency certificates" too... well the main thing is learning a language, even if my favourite way is a "full immersion" with a native lady, while and after love jokings... (french-style)

I prefer Subbuteo

Great game, sadly I have not heard of too many in the Professional League. I worked with a guy who was the runner up world champion over 10 years ago, made a living as a computer programmer. Funny guy though, die hard Leeds fan, I wish I had his number to call him to ask about Leeds :o

You need to find something people want, then sell it, easy it sounds, hard to find.


Sorry I am wearing my tin foil hat..

Nothing got through here.. 100% safe..

Check out my new biz. http://www.stopabductions.com/


So 80s and old hat! lol :D

so let me get that right. a tin foil hat is going to stop aliens that were able to travel billions of miles through spacea dn probably have a technology far more advanced than us? :o that's almost as bad as the aliens in 'Signs' that can't find out how to open a door. :D

See thats what they want you to think...

Get one before its too late !!

I hear ya...!! :D

*legs it out of the door towards the shop*

totster :o

  • 2 months later...

Please tell me thats not what had you so concerned about for months ???

Might want to run a spell checker over the text..

Good luck with it but with a 10% and a monthly fee for membership I cant see myself being a member..

well there is always money to be made with adwords and adsense!

after 1.5 years, i've 120 automated sites each costing about $150 to set-up, some making about $10/m, some about $250/m, and they have nothing to do with sex or gambling.

takes about 12 hours a week of my time and we're launching 2-4 sites every week, my goal is 500 sites making about $250/m. admit have a webmaster partner who gets a small cut and his staff spend total about 15-20 hrs per week on my sites, submitting, updating etc. all done from los, but sites hosted from my servers elsewhere. here is an example: http://www.ezinejet.com/weddings/Articles/Wedding_Rings.php btw not my site for obvious reasons, but simular to one of my sites!

MFA (mad for adsense) springs to mind.


well there is always money to be made with adwords and adsense!

after 1.5 years, i've 120 automated sites each costing about $150 to set-up, some making about $10/m, some about $250/m, and they have nothing to do with sex or gambling.

takes about 12 hours a week of my time and we're launching 2-4 sites every week, my goal is 500 sites making about $250/m. admit have a webmaster partner who gets a small cut and his staff spend total about 15-20 hrs per week on my sites, submitting, updating etc. all done from los, but sites hosted from my servers elsewhere. here is an example: http://www.ezinejet.com/weddings/Articles/Wedding_Rings.php btw not my site for obvious reasons, but simular to one of my sites!

MFA (mad for adsense) springs to mind.

Is that good or bad?

BTW, congrats on getting to 2K. :o


well there is always money to be made with adwords and adsense!

after 1.5 years, i've 120 automated sites each costing about $150 to set-up, some making about $10/m, some about $250/m, and they have nothing to do with sex or gambling.

takes about 12 hours a week of my time and we're launching 2-4 sites every week, my goal is 500 sites making about $250/m. admit have a webmaster partner who gets a small cut and his staff spend total about 15-20 hrs per week on my sites, submitting, updating etc. all done from los, but sites hosted from my servers elsewhere. here is an example: http://www.ezinejet.com/weddings/Articles/Wedding_Rings.php btw not my site for obvious reasons, but simular to one of my sites!

MFA (mad for adsense) springs to mind.

Is that good or bad?

BTW, congrats on getting to 2K. :o

Cheers Udon.

MFA sites have swamped the web. They are basically mini-sites with a few links on each page and loads of Adsense ads that don't really present the user with any useful information. The site is Made For Adsense in the sense that the ultimate goal is to get people to click the ads as opposed to the ads complementing the site and helping the user in any way. Many webmasters of MFA sites also use Adwords, spreading their ads webwide, and this perhaps eventually causes users to become ad-blind after clicking through to these MFA sites and getting peed off with the whole situation.

Google, et al, will no doubt develop an algorithm to do away with these sites from the SERPs (search engine results pages), or at least hold them back or penalise them in some way in the rankings as they basically tarnish their good name when people can't find what they want when searching. Then again, you could also argue that search engines operating these PPC programmes (like adwords) actually thrive from these types of sites as they are throwing lots of money their way.

Good or Bad? From the sense of the user, if there's nothing of merit in visiting a site from the results pages of the search engines, this will get on peoples' nerves as they will forever be clicking ads to try and find the info they're after - which is a great senario for these MFA sites. If they at least write some relevant content to help the user and then place some ads to make some cash, even though they're not selling a product, then that's fair enough, but these sites that employ underhand (black hat) techniques, like keyword-stuffing and spamming, to draw people into their <deleted> sites are the bane of the internet!

Not saying the guy above is doing this, as the example of someone elses site he has put up there does contain a modicum of content, but someone with hundreds of sites generally is doing this.


well there is always money to be made with adwords and adsense!

after 1.5 years, i've 120 automated sites each costing about $150 to set-up, some making about $10/m, some about $250/m, and they have nothing to do with sex or gambling.

takes about 12 hours a week of my time and we're launching 2-4 sites every week, my goal is 500 sites making about $250/m. admit have a webmaster partner who gets a small cut and his staff spend total about 15-20 hrs per week on my sites, submitting, updating etc. all done from los, but sites hosted from my servers elsewhere. here is an example: http://www.ezinejet.com/weddings/Articles/Wedding_Rings.php btw not my site for obvious reasons, but simular to one of my sites!

MFA (mad for adsense) springs to mind.

Is that good or bad?

BTW, congrats on getting to 2K. :o

Cheers Udon.

MFA sites have swamped the web. They are basically mini-sites with a few links on each page and loads of Adsense ads that don't really present the user with any useful information. The site is Made For Adsense in the sense that the ultimate goal is to get people to click the ads as opposed to the ads complementing the site and helping the user in any way. Many webmasters of MFA sites also use Adwords, spreading their ads webwide, and this perhaps eventually causes users to become ad-blind after clicking through to these MFA sites and getting peed off with the whole situation.

Google, et al, will no doubt develop an algorithm to do away with these sites from the SERPs (search engine results pages), or at least hold them back or penalise them in some way in the rankings as they basically tarnish their good name when people can't find what they want when searching. Then again, you could also argue that search engines operating these PPC programmes (like adwords) actually thrive from these types of sites as they are throwing lots of money their way.

Good or Bad? From the sense of the user, if there's nothing of merit in visiting a site from the results pages of the search engines, this will get on peoples' nerves as they will forever be clicking ads to try and find the info they're after - which is a great senario for these MFA sites. If they at least write some relevant content to help the user and then place some ads to make some cash, even though they're not selling a product, then that's fair enough, but these sites that employ underhand (black hat) techniques, like keyword-stuffing and spamming, to draw people into their <deleted> sites are the bane of the internet!

Not saying the guy above is doing this, as the example of someone elses site he has put up there does contain a modicum of content, but someone with hundreds of sites generally is doing this.

This is already a serious problem on many search terms. Wonder how long G will allow this still, my impression is it must already be doing great harm to their reputation. I'm really surprised they have allowed it to continue for so long, sure it increases their revenue dramatically, but in the long term loss of loyalty must be serious. But then again, they seem to focus purely on short-term shareholder satisfaction these days.....

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