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My Top Ten Reasons


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Yes I see that he has made some valid points and why anyone would take them personally is beyond me... Let me ask do you REALLY believe you own your property here? So tell me what your rights are if you're visa is revoked say tomorrow for no apparent reason and you're forced to leave? What about your business? Do you think somehow that you have any REAL rights to that either? Far too great a gamble for me to invest in a society that has no political stability and very little desire to open up it's policies and provide guarantees of your foreign rights here...

You don't need a visa to buy property in Thailand.

Ok so now your intentionally being difficult in splitting hairs or being obtuse so which is it before I respond?

Just pointing out the facts which you don't appear to know

I absolutely knew them but they were and are irrelevant, nothing more then splitting hairs...

Edited by WarpSpeed
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I have nothing but admiration for any moderator who implies that if you do not like it here, do not let the door hit you in the butt. biggrin.png

Just to make it clear: I am not a moderator on this particular forum, I just post my personal opinion here. And I don't speak for ThaiVisa at all. If they imposed an opinion on the mods, I think they'd run out of mods very quickly... smile.png

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Only need a guarantor? Sure! Know anyone who will do that for a complete stranger, they're just queuing up to offer their signatures, I mean are you for real?? I think your're trolling now.. Besides......... Ahhh never mind, waste of time and bandwidth trying to explain..

Ahhhh, so you don't have any Thai friends, that explains a lot.

Missing the point again are you? Not true and quite huge ASS/u/mption on your part, it's about principle and proving once again your only trolling.. JFYI I choose my FRIENDS very carefully and whether or not they can co-sign for me is not part of the criteria which is why those select few are still friends...

JFYI see post #93 for your edification..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Yeah but you referred to anyone who decides not to put up with this dump and finally pack it in (and I mean that literally I'd be glad to take a walk down my street to take some jpegs and post up said jpegs to illustrate it) as a failure which is patently wrong and demeaning in my point of view..

FYI Not everyone is a teacher some people actually have other aspirations in life and nothing to be vilified for..

My aspiration in life is to become angry and bitter and live in a foreign country I despise and spend 5000 posts moaning about it on the internet.


Yes incredibly funny that... No wonder you became a mod.. Says a lot about you really..

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Just pointing out the facts which you don't appear to know

I absolutely knew them but they were and are irrelevant, nothing more then splitting hairs...

What was actually irrelevant was you trying to link visas to property ownership.

Never did any such thing, you just managed once again to fall short on comprehension jerk.gif ..Couldn't find that troll icon so that'll have to do..

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Only need a guarantor? Sure! Know anyone who will do that for a complete stranger, they're just queuing up to offer their signatures, I mean are you for real?? I think your're trolling now.. Besides......... Ahhh never mind, waste of time and bandwidth trying to explain..

Ahhhh, so you don't have any Thai friends, that explains a lot.

Missing the point again are you? Not true and quite huge ASS/u/mption on your part, it's about principle and proving once again your only trolling.. JFYI I choose my FRIENDS very carefully and whether or not they can co-sign for me is not part of the criteria which is why those select few are still friends...

If you have Thai friends why would you think it necessary to ask a complete stranger to be a guarantor?

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My aspiration in life is to become angry and bitter and live in a foreign country I despise and spend 5000 posts moaning about it on the internet.


Yes incredibly funny that... No wonder you became a mod.. Says a lot about you really..

I'm not a mod on this particular forum but am wondering what you think my comment says about me. Please elaborate.

(I just hope you get why I found DP25's posting funny - I has to do with sarcasm, which is a kind of humour that doesn't have an emoticon on the internet.)

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What was actually irrelevant was you trying to link visas to property ownership.

Never did any such thing, you just managed once again to fall short on comprehension jerk.gif ..Couldn't find that troll icon so that'll have to do..

Seems like you forgot what you posted so I'll remind you.

Let me ask do you REALLY believe you own your property here? So tell me what your rights are if you're visa is revoked say tomorrow for no apparent reason and you're forced to leave?

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My aspiration in life is to become angry and bitter and live in a foreign country I despise and spend 5000 posts moaning about it on the internet.


Yes incredibly funny that... No wonder you became a mod.. Says a lot about you really..

I'm not a mod on this particular forum but am wondering what you think my comment says about me. Please elaborate.

(I just hope you get why I found DP25's posting funny - I has to do with sarcasm, which is a kind of humour that doesn't have an emoticon on the internet.)

I thought it was funny too! laugh.png

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What was actually irrelevant was you trying to link visas to property ownership.

Never did any such thing, you just managed once again to fall short on comprehension jerk.gif ..Couldn't find that troll icon so that'll have to do..

Seems like you forgot what you posted so I'll remind you.

Let me ask do you REALLY believe you own your property here? So tell me what your rights are if you're visa is revoked say tomorrow for no apparent reason and you're forced to leave?

Yep no forgetting that and it still says what you don't comprehend.. You never answered either what would you do? Basically YOU'D be F!@#$% so as I said you're trolling and splitting hairs and that'll be the end of that..

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Yes incredibly funny that... No wonder you became a mod.. Says a lot about you really..

I'm not a mod on this particular forum but am wondering what you think my comment says about me. Please elaborate.

(I just hope you get why I found DP25's posting funny - I has to do with sarcasm, which is a kind of humour that doesn't have an emoticon on the internet.)

Sarcasm is it? Do tell..... Mod by any other name in another other forum, you're still a mod regardless, enough said.....

I guess you managed to miss this reply then since you know so much about sarcasm?

Really? Well you must be very goal oriented then but surely you're not referring to me as I've only spent about 4000 of those posts doing that...


Pretty much already took the steam out of the post with that response which is why no one else made a silly acknowledgement until you came in days late and well behind the curve.. :cheesy:

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Yes incredibly funny that... No wonder you became a mod.. Says a lot about you really..

I'm not a mod on this particular forum but am wondering what you think my comment says about me. Please elaborate.

(I just hope you get why I found DP25's posting funny - I has to do with sarcasm, which is a kind of humour that doesn't have an emoticon on the internet.)

I thought it was funny too! laugh.png

Lemmings tend to do that..

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Seems like you forgot what you posted so I'll remind you.

Let me ask do you REALLY believe you own your property here? So tell me what your rights are if you're visa is revoked say tomorrow for no apparent reason and you're forced to leave?

Yep no forgetting that and it still says what you don't comprehend.. You never answered either what would you do? Basically YOU'D be F!@#$% so as I said you're trolling and splitting hairs and that'll be the end of that..

I'd get a tourist visa, simple.

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1. I do own my car, Chopper and a small motorbike; don’t wanna come up with owning my wife

2. I always had a proper visa, Non-0 or Non-B. A work permit was never a problem for me in ten years of stay.

3. I love my job as kids give me more than money can buy. Some of them love me more than they love their parents.

4. I never paid more than a Thai, except in tourist areas like Pattaya. But also Thais have to pay more.

Thais pay more for bar girls than foreigners.

5. If you’d like to watch porn, update yourself how to watch hamster porn and more.

6. I can speak Thai, so there’s no such a thing. I believe all farlang should learn the language if they want to live here.

7. Corruption is everywhere, but you can’t bribe a cop driving drunk to keep your license in Europe.

8. Most politicians all around the world should be rice farmers, not just here.

9. If you don’t like it here and you can’t afford it here, go to a neighboring country.

10. I never had the feeling that I’m not welcome here. People here treat you the way you’re treating them, as everywhere around the world.

11. The only reason for me to leave Thailand would be, because there are so many weird people from other countries.
jap.gif Edited by sirchai
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Hi Guys,

really nice answers, i thank everybody, who standing loyalty to Thailand.

I love the country and the peoples here.

Sorry for my bad english, i am a native german speaker. :-)

But I do think you can speak some German, right? It's pretty easy: people who don't like this country should go back home to realize what they had here..............jap.gif

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Hi Guys,

really nice answers, i thank everybody, who standing loyalty to Thailand.

I love the country and the peoples here.

Sorry for my bad english, i am a native german speaker. :-)

But I do think you can speak some German, right? It's pretty easy: people who don't like this country should go back home to realize what they had here..............jap.gif


I like it

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1) I have been here for just over 11 years and speak Thai fluent (hence the reason I challenged the "Midas-muffler-man's Thai)

2) I haven't lived just in tourist areas and have been in places like Sakon Nakhon, saw a Thai pay 25 baht for an item then was told 30 baht for the same item. Even when I spoke Lao/Esaan back at them and told them I just saw a Thai pay 25 they didn't blink an eye and still waited for the extra 5 baht. It's not the money that is the issue.

3) To the posters who make statements like "How much did the Kathoye take you for," I'm sorry if that is the life you live here however I do not. Sure the first year I was out all the time getting girls and going to bars now it's maybe 2 or 3 times per year when people visit so NO I wasn't burned by a bar girl etc.

4) I have had a Thai drivers license since the first year I was here so yeah 11 years and I have NEVER got any discounts with it. hahah That is a myth that you people seem to get from these posts. Ever tried that at the big palace in Bkk? Water-falls, Parks & Temples Thai's get in for free but we have to pay 200 baht in many places. In Canada if they charged tourists $20.00 to see a river or a Beaver dam_n and NOT the locals you think the Japanese, Thai's etc. would like that too?

5) NO we are NOT welcome here. We are "put up with." and thats it. When you can get off an airplane in a third world country, walk to the counter and give them $25.00 for a 1 years Business visa THAT is being welcomed. Farangs have not been welcomed here since after the Americans set foot here. Only your wallet is welcomed.

I am not "bitter" towards Thai's and do not mix with "Bar People" and I have GREAT respect for "The Big Guy" however these were just my 10 reasons why I'm ready for a change.

Probably best stay in Thailand. With your attitude you'll be unpopular, unemployable and unhappy wherever you go.

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