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Five Killed In Crash Resulting From Drive-By Shooting In Bangkok


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The idea that people fight honorably man to man in the west unlike those cowardly depraved Thais is laughable. Getting bottled or jacked with a knife is very common in the U.K. nightlife scene. In the U.S. random violence is far more common and bar brawls usually end up in drive bys too with guns involved. It's the same wherever you go when you have groups of young men amped on alcohol and testosterone.

If you started to fight one of the locals in a small U.S. town you'd probably get jumped too more often than not.

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The idea that people fight honorably man to man in the west unlike those cowardly depraved Thais is laughable. Getting bottled or jacked with a knife is very common in the U.K. nightlife scene. In the U.S. random violence is far more common and bar brawls usually end up in drive bys too with guns involved. It's the same wherever you go when you have groups of young men amped on alcohol and testosterone.

If you started to fight one of the locals in a small U.S. town you'd probably get jumped too more often than not.

So now Bangkok is a redneck small town, that is good to know.

The UK violence is usually from those no go zone neighborhoods where the police do not even go.

Same in the USA where gangs like the bloods and the crips fight each other with such tactics.

In most cases it is them attacking each other, there own.

Both are hardly representative of either countries population as a whole, just representative of those ethnic groups that belong to those gangs.

Edited by z12
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QUIETMAN......do you live here? Have you ever fought a thai man from patani or yala down south.? Probably not. If you had he would of knocked your head of with one hit

Having spent time in both those provinces and seen locals squaring up to each other I can confirm that they don`t breed a man there that is harder than your average Thai.

Well said Roj - back in the late sixties, early seventies we had a 'orientation booklet' showing an obvious american pointing at a group of poor Isan villagers commenting "Look at these people, they don't care f they live or die" With an SF Soldier telling them "Yeah, go over there and try to kill one of them" says it all...........{:>)

That's an interesting insight. Why would you want to kill a poor isan villager?

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The idea that people fight honorably man to man in the west unlike those cowardly depraved Thais is laughable. Getting bottled or jacked with a knife is very common in the U.K. nightlife scene. In the U.S. random violence is far more common and bar brawls usually end up in drive bys too with guns involved. It's the same wherever you go when you have groups of young men amped on alcohol and testosterone.

If you started to fight one of the locals in a small U.S. town you'd probably get jumped too more often than not.

So now Bangkok is a redneck small town, that is good to know.

The UK violence is usually from those no go zone neighborhoods where the police do not even go.

Same in the USA where gangs like the bloods and the crips fight each other with such tactics.

In most cases it is them attacking each other, there own.

Both are hardly representative of either countries population as a whole, just representative of those ethnic groups that belong to those gangs.

Pure nonsense. Street brawls happen even in "civilized" white middle class college towns all the time especially when alcohol and sports are involved.

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The idea that people fight honorably man to man in the west unlike those cowardly depraved Thais is laughable. Getting bottled or jacked with a knife is very common in the U.K. nightlife scene. In the U.S. random violence is far more common and bar brawls usually end up in drive bys too with guns involved. It's the same wherever you go when you have groups of young men amped on alcohol and testosterone.

If you started to fight one of the locals in a small U.S. town you'd probably get jumped too more often than not.

So now Bangkok is a redneck small town, that is good to know.

The UK violence is usually from those no go zone neighborhoods where the police do not even go.

Same in the USA where gangs like the bloods and the crips fight each other with such tactics.

In most cases it is them attacking each other, there own.

Both are hardly representative of either countries population as a whole, just representative of those ethnic groups that belong to those gangs.

Pure nonsense. Street brawls happen even in "civilized" white middle class college towns all the time especially when alcohol and sports are involved.

Rare sporting event fights are just that, rare, not the norm.

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The idea that people fight honorably man to man in the west unlike those cowardly depraved Thais is laughable. Getting bottled or jacked with a knife is very common in the U.K. nightlife scene. In the U.S. random violence is far more common and bar brawls usually end up in drive bys too with guns involved. It's the same wherever you go when you have groups of young men amped on alcohol and testosterone.

If you started to fight one of the locals in a small U.S. town you'd probably get jumped too more often than not.

So now Bangkok is a redneck small town, that is good to know.

The UK violence is usually from those no go zone neighborhoods where the police do not even go.

Same in the USA where gangs like the bloods and the crips fight each other with such tactics.

In most cases it is them attacking each other, there own.

Both are hardly representative of either countries population as a whole, just representative of those ethnic groups that belong to those gangs.

Pure nonsense. Street brawls happen even in "civilized" white middle class college towns all the time especially when alcohol and sports are involved.

Rare sporting event fights are just that, rare, not the norm.

Your idea that fights in the west are almost always man to man honorable masculine displays is just laughable either way. I've seen more situations where people got jumped outside of a U.S. frat bar than similar situations in Thailand.

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What did you learn today on ThaiVisa?

I learned to stay out of trashy bars and stay away from big groups of real drunk people in Thailand, the USA and the UK.

Seems this "random" violence isn't so random in where it chooses to break out....

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Funny how there are always those quick to label those who participate in 'fights to the death' (along with suicide bombers and kamikaze pilots) cowards. Misguided and unappreciative of life perhaps, but hardly cowards. It seems like those quick to label are more fearful themselves of getting caught up in these types of situations.


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Funny how there are always those quick to label those who participate in 'fights to the death' (along with suicide bombers and kamikaze pilots) cowards. Misguided and unappreciative of life perhaps, but hardly cowards. It seems like those quick to label are more fearful themselves of getting caught up in these types of situations.


kamikaze pilots were master race zombies,,,

Cheech and Chong comedy routine in which the World War II commander of a Japanese kamikaze squadron briefly reviews the day's battle plan for his troops.

"Today," he exhorts, "you will take your kamikaze airplane high into the sky, over the Yankee aircraft carrier, then take the kamikaze plane down, crashing on the deck, killing yourself and all aboard. Before we have the ceremonial sake toast, are there any questions?"

A hand rises tentatively in the back of the crowd: "Honorable general-san: Are you out of your f'ng mind?"

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Funny how there are always those quick to label those who participate in 'fights to the death' (along with suicide bombers and kamikaze pilots) cowards. Misguided and unappreciative of life perhaps, but hardly cowards. It seems like those quick to label are more fearful themselves of getting caught up in these types of situations.


Suicide MURDERERS are the worst kind of cowards.

Targeting civilians is a cowardly act, always has been, always will be.

The clerics tell you to be suicide murderers, but tell me has any of them been one?

Give me ONE name, just ONE, of a cleric that has been a suicide MURDERER?


thought so

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The idea that people fight honorably man to man in the west unlike those cowardly depraved Thais is laughable. Getting bottled or jacked with a knife is very common in the U.K. nightlife scene. In the U.S. random violence is far more common and bar brawls usually end up in drive bys too with guns involved. It's the same wherever you go when you have groups of young men amped on alcohol and testosterone.

If you started to fight one of the locals in a small U.S. town you'd probably get jumped too more often than not.

So now Bangkok is a redneck small town, that is good to know.

The UK violence is usually from those no go zone neighborhoods where the police do not even go.

Same in the USA where gangs like the bloods and the crips fight each other with such tactics.

In most cases it is them attacking each other, there own.

Both are hardly representative of either countries population as a whole, just representative of those ethnic groups that belong to those gangs.

Take a look at the UK national newspapers, you will find plenty of reports where innocent people were attacked and killed. No way is it confined to thugs fighting amongst themselves in no-go zones; or are shops and town centres no-go zones for ordinary citizens - and Oxford Street a few weeks ago, for crying out loud!

Sorry mods, if this topic is veering off-topic, just thought it deserved an answer.

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ah......... the famous thai temper and loss of face.

what ever happened to talking it out or a good ol fist fight. winner is the one still standing

havent met a thai man yet who would stand and fight. even if they do and get beaten, they go get a gun.

cowards the lot of them and this incident reinforces that. angry.png

What an idiotic comment! I rarely hear of fights in my homeland, UK, being settled by Marquess of Queensberry rules - rather it is a man or a gang which dishes out punishment with a gun or a knife, or maybe beats a lone man to death. "Haven't met a Thai man yet who would stand and fight" Good grief man, how many Thai men have you challenged to a fight?

The Quietman - Champion of the Thai Visa Forum!

Well said. Its also idiotic to under estimate Thai men. I've seen a few Farangs try to box with Thai bouncers at various night spots and they usually come off worse because they just see a small guy and dont realise how efficiently somebody trained in Muay Thai can drop a guy with a kick to the Achilles tendon. Personally I've never had a Thai man try to fight me but in UK random violence can descend on you for no reason in any large town or city centre. I feel much safer in Thailand

And that explains them fighting in packs then how?

Is it a refection of their character or their lack of character?

Are you referring to Thais or Brits?

The Thais that I've seen fighting Farangs were fighting one on one. In UK packs more often than not in my personal experience.

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And that explains them fighting in packs then how?

Is it a refection of their character or their lack of character?

Are you referring to Thais or Brits?

The Thais that I've seen fighting Farangs were fighting one on one. In UK packs more often than not in my personal experience.

Then you are the only one. All the posters here have said that is all they have seen.

There are also youtube videos of gangs of them beating on old farangs.

Not to mention the recent altercation in phuket where a hotel manager bar hopping with jeremy renner' friends got beat, stabbed and axed by a gang of Thais and he was Thai as well.

You must lead a charmed rainbow colored glasses life.

So if you have not seen it, it is not happening, which is little comfort to the victims.

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And that explains them fighting in packs then how?

Is it a refection of their character or their lack of character?

Are you referring to Thais or Brits?

The Thais that I've seen fighting Farangs were fighting one on one. In UK packs more often than not in my personal experience.

Then you are the only one. All the posters here have said that is all they have seen.

There are also youtube videos of gangs of them beating on old farangs.

Not to mention the recent altercation in phuket where a hotel manager bar hopping with jeremy renner' friends got beat, stabbed and axed by a gang of Thais and he was Thai as well.

You must lead a charmed rainbow colored glasses life.

So if you have not seen it, it is not happening, which is little comfort to the victims.

Not All the posters are saying the same thing. I have never said that Thais don't fight in cowardly mobs just that I have seen something different. I avoid trouble and groups of drunken men.Common sense rather than having a charmed life. I admit that my glasses may be a bit rose tinted but a lot of posters seem to possess sh?t tinted glasses looking for any reason to slag off the country and/or the people by making generalised statements citing few if any statements of fact Life must be miserable for some people. I like living here and if it shows I don't care. Its not perfect but nowhere is. I don't want to spend my time focussing on the negative aspects of life here but I don't say that if I haven't seen it its not happening.

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If they ones chasing the fleeing car knew that it was legal for everyone to have firearm for protection in their car they would have been less enthusiastic in firing upon and chasing the car in question.

Once again the firearm laws help the criminals and not the innocent.

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If they ones chasing the fleeing car knew that it was legal for everyone to have firearm for protection in their car they would have been less enthusiastic in firing upon and chasing the car in question.

Once again the firearm laws help the criminals and not the innocent.

Freedom Isn't Free - Have You Done Your Part?

- P E N I S M I G H T I E R -

Totally off topic. Love your signature (second line), but I'm confused on where the space(s) go?

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Let's see...

The pub is supposed to close at 1 am... but it's allowed to stay open until 2 am... But on this occasion, these folks are leaving the pub (perhaps at closing time) around 4 am.... Good job, police guys....

And then, 10 folks in one pickup truck, four in the cab and six in the back, driving around at 4 am in morning after a night of drinking.... Guess it's safe to say no seatbelts for the six folks in the bed of the pickup, most of them now dead.

And the one guy who initially turned himself in, from among the sedan occupants, turns out to be wanted for attempted murder in some different case... Glad to see the police once again being pro-active... The normal SOP seems to be never to actually go out and arrest anyone... but simply to sit in the police station and wait for the wanted folks to turn themselves in.

Ekrin ,, smells like type gang man , wanted for murder before, and was still walking free. Connections with Police ? Hope the journalist follow up on this case and see where this Ekrin is walking in the next weeks ..

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If they ones chasing the fleeing car knew that it was legal for everyone to have firearm for protection in their car they would have been less enthusiastic in firing upon and chasing the car in question.

Once again the firearm laws help the criminals and not the innocent.

Is it legal in Thailand for everyone to have firearm protection in their car? I'd love it if you could point out the pertaining law.

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If they ones chasing the fleeing car knew that it was legal for everyone to have firearm for protection in their car they would have been less enthusiastic in firing upon and chasing the car in question.

Once again the firearm laws help the criminals and not the innocent.

Is it legal in Thailand for everyone to have firearm protection in their car? I'd love it if you could point out the pertaining law.

It is not, that was the point. If it was - and therefor people had it - the people chasing them would have thought twice about 'getting a gun' to chase them, since the chased people would have been able to fire back.

Criminals usually hate people being on equal footing.

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In the span of a week in this area we have had.....

Motorbike guys in a shoot up leaving a few dead.

A big fire at a factory nearby.

And this latest news.

Connection-all happened less than a kilometre apart, all happened around the same time of the night.

Learnings: don't go to 711 at 4am after watching football.

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The idea that people fight honorably man to man in the west unlike those cowardly depraved Thais is laughable. Getting bottled or jacked with a knife is very common in the U.K. nightlife scene. In the U.S. random violence is far more common and bar brawls usually end up in drive bys too with guns involved. It's the same wherever you go when you have groups of young men amped on alcohol and testosterone.

If you started to fight one of the locals in a small U.S. town you'd probably get jumped too more often than not.

Try the outskirts of Glasgow Liverpool Manchester etc etc on a Saturday night the gunfight at the OK Coral was a pinic in comparison to some of the happening that have taken place over the year. The gangs of the late 60's and 70's around Glasgow like The Toi, The Fleet and dozens of spin offs rampaging in their hundreds brandishing bottles, stanley knives, bayonets slashing innocent kids just for the hell of it. or a dozen or so maniacs a using some guys head as a football.

Sure Thais can be violent but for anyone from the civilized USA or UK to write on here how violent and cowardly Thais are is a joke

This is a huge country it's massive and the news that hit's Thai Visa every couple of days does not reflect an overall picture of Thailand or Thais, nor is it meant to. It is just a small section of news nothing more

Thailand is so large you could fill the forum 10 times over with bits of news that would make it look like the most dangerous country in the world when in reality it doesn't even come close.

Some of the comparable figures are mind blowing

Compared to the UK it's a paradise,

For starters the uk violent crime figures are 4 times that of the United States per head of population.

There are 10 times more crimes take place in the UK than there is in Thailand and they've had coups here by the dozen.

We all hate to see or hear of people dying but no one should use this incident to try and make Thailand look like this awful place to live.

When you have 65 million people to play with someone somewhere is going to pull out a gun or a knife and let rip every day of the week.

In the USA and America it's more like every 5 mins.

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ah......... the famous thai temper and loss of face.

what ever happened to talking it out or a good ol fist fight. winner is the one still standing

havent met a thai man yet who would stand and fight. even if they do and get beaten, they go get a gun.

cowards the lot of them and this incident reinforces that. angry.png

That is so TRUE! been in and out of Thailand for the past forty years and it just seems that Thai men have no guts without a gun in their hand!and when their drunk! they are disgusting!
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If they ones chasing the fleeing car knew that it was legal for everyone to have firearm for protection in their car they would have been less enthusiastic in firing upon and chasing the car in question.

Once again the firearm laws help the criminals and not the innocent.

Is it legal in Thailand for everyone to have firearm protection in their car? I'd love it if you could point out the pertaining law.

It is not, that was the point. If it was - and therefor people had it - the people chasing them would have thought twice about 'getting a gun' to chase them, since the chased people would have been able to fire back.

Criminals usually hate people being on equal footing.

That's not how it works in the real world. Look at the Philippines as an example. It's easy to obtain weapons but robbery, violent crime, and kidnapping happens all the time. An armed society is a polite society only if you have citizens who have some concept of social law and respect for what that entails.

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If they ones chasing the fleeing car knew that it was legal for everyone to have firearm for protection in their car they would have been less enthusiastic in firing upon and chasing the car in question.

Once again the firearm laws help the criminals and not the innocent.

Is it legal in Thailand for everyone to have firearm protection in their car? I'd love it if you could point out the pertaining law.

It is not, that was the point. If it was - and therefor people had it - the people chasing them would have thought twice about 'getting a gun' to chase them, since the chased people would have been able to fire back.

Criminals usually hate people being on equal footing.

That's not how it works in the real world. Look at the Philippines as an example. It's easy to obtain weapons but robbery, violent crime, and kidnapping happens all the time. An armed society is a polite society only if you have citizens who have some concept of social law and respect for what that entails.

Well, true, if you have a broken nation throwing in a bunch of weapons in the mix will do neither good nor bad - the nation will remain broken. (I would however be able to defend myself.)

But if you have a reasonably well-behaved nation, removing guns isn't going to make it an utopia...the criminals will keep carrying them.

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Car Chase Suspects Turn Themselves in

Two suspects from a group of teenagers who caused riots in a car chase have turned themselves to the police.

Five people were killed in the Ratchaburana District of Bangkok.

Yesterday, two more suspects, identified as Waroot Paladej and Saksit Wannapahoon turned themselves to the Ratchaburana police station, saying they were among the passengers of the chasing car.

The two suspects conceded that when a pub brawl broke out, their group decided to chase their rival group and shoot at them, causing their vehicle to lose control and crash at a tree during their efforts to flee.

Consequently, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Police Major General Winai Thongsong brought the two suspects along with the other three suspects that belonged to the same gang and were arrested earlier to a press conference.

The three suspects were identified as Ekarin Nilbai, Pongthep Pongpaew and Sutthinan Kangwarnproa.

Police said the vicious incident occurred on the late night of January 20, saying that the two groups of late-night pub goers had a dispute at the X-Zyte Pub on Rama III Road.

After that, when the first group had left the pub, the other group, using a car with the license plate 1959, chased them at dangerous speeds to Mahai Sawan intersection on Ratchada-Tha Phra Road.

The suspects conceded that Saksit and Weerayuth Charoenmuang fired at the chased car and caused 3 people to die instantly.

Two other passengers succumbed to their injuries at a hospital.

Initially, the police charged Waroot Paladej who drove the car and took part in the shooting with attempted murder.

Saksit who shot at the car is charged with illegally carrying firearms, firing guns in public and attempted murder.

In the meantime, the police have yet press a charge against the other three suspects.

Nevertheless, Waroot have yet turned himself to the police. Officers expressed confidence that he would be arrested soon.


-- Tan Network 2012-01-24


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