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Koh Samui Loses Out To ........

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Last year, Koh Samui was number 3 on the list by the New York Times of the Top 45 Places to visit, but it has now been replaced by .. Myanmar !,


Koh Samui, let alone anywhere in Thailand isn't even mentioned this year !, yet Thailand's neigbours are all appearing in the list !

Edited by Boater
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...yet Thailand's neigbours are all appearing in the list !

The list only mentions Halong Bay, Vietnam and Koh Rong, Cambodia from SE Asia.

The list is not a "best of"; rather what destinations are interesting this year....or, more to the point, what some editor put together via suggestions from other editors and reporters. I mean Chattanooga? How random is that?

I feel sad that Myanmar is getting such "go to" press of late. There are not many countries that can boast of good people, interesting sites and fair prices without the downfalls of loads of tourists. I suppose if you have never been, go now before it is spoiled (or changed).

Compare Luang Prabang, Laos 20 years ago and now. Still a nice place, but now institutionalized for tourists.

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