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Plans To Build Special Prison For Drug Traffickers

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Plans to Build Special Prison for Drug Traffickers

In the past decade, drug trafficking in Thailand has undoubtedly been on the rise. Of all the inmates in the country's overcrowded prisons, more than 60 percent of them are incarcerated on drug related charges. Time after time again, it is proven that these criminals do not stop their trading activities merely because they're behind bars. On the contrary, convicted drug dealers use networks within prison walls to continue their trade. An idea of a maximum security prison to house big time drug traffickers has now been floated.

Permanent Secretary of the Corrections Department Police Colonel Suchart Wongananttachai revealed that because the country's drug problem has multiplied, he has an idea to build maximum security prisons to especially house big time drug traffickers to separate them from other criminal offenders.

Police Colonel Suchart reasons that a specially designed prison with extreme security measures are needed to prevent the drug lords from entering Thai prisons and creating a new trafficking network among their new inmates. He said the new prisons should make it more difficult for them to gain access and communicate with the outside world.

The Corrections Department chief said there are currently 143 prisons separated into nine jurisdictions nationwide. He said, ideally, he would like to see at least one maximum security prison in each jurisdiction.

Police Colonel Suchart reasons that the government already spends tens of billions of baht in anti-drug measures every year. It should have no trouble paying for special correction facilities in order to seriously curb the problem. He said that on average, the cost of building a new prison is around 500 to 700 million baht. A special facility with customized security measures might cost a bit higher.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobumrung agrees that the drug trade is one of Thailand's largest problems. He said he is on the verge of cooperating with other ASEAN member states in forming a joint strategy to deal with the problem.

Translated from www.matichon.co.th


-- Tan Network 2012-01-23


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When will they understand that more prisons, more police, tougher laws etc will not help to win the war on drugs. Look at the US. They made the same experience and they have now the highest number of prisoners in the world, but the drug problem is rampant in the US.

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VERY scary.. MAXIMUM security for drug offenses? That's WAAAY overboard.. By no means am I trying to defend guilty persons but I don't think the punishment fits the crime... Sounds like they just want a way to scare/squeeze more money out of these people. Or just new places to hide people that piss them off or don't pay their tea $.. Or they need to face reality like California did with "Medicinal Cannabis" ..

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When will they understand that more prisons, more police, tougher laws etc will not help to win the war on drugs. Look at the US. They made the same experience and they have now the highest number of prisoners in the world, but the drug problem is rampant in the US.

because the cia are the ones supplying the drugs.

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VERY scary.. MAXIMUM security for drug offenses? That's WAAAY overboard.. By no means am I trying to defend guilty persons but I don't think the punishment fits the crime... Sounds like they just want a way to scare/squeeze more money out of these people. Or just new places to hide people that piss them off or don't pay their tea $.. Or they need to face reality like California did with "Medicinal Cannabis" ..

When you bare in mind it wasn't that long ago the (very popular) policy was just to shoot them it maybe isn't as overboard as you thinkwacko.png

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When will they understand that more prisons, more police, tougher laws etc will not help to win the war on drugs. Look at the US. They made the same experience and they have now the highest number of prisoners in the world, but the drug problem is rampant in the US.

Do Thai ever listen. Rarely

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People sell drugs because it is very very profitable. That incentive can be reduced if "proceeds of crime" legislation is applied harshly - and no prison guard wants to do a favour for an ex-drug dealer without the money to tempt him with.

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When will they understand that more prisons, more police, tougher laws etc will not help to win the war on drugs. Look at the US. They made the same experience and they have now the highest number of prisoners in the world, but the drug problem is rampant in the US.
because the cia are the ones supplying the drugs.

Since the US brought Prisons for profit in to play (private corporations running and profiting from the prisons) the number of people given jail sentences in the US has gone up 500%. Parole is no longer an issue for a private board considering if you have been rehabilitated, it is controlled by the companies who need a replacement prisoner before they can let another go, the longer the term the better.

The down fall of China was that the British Government, along with others, introduced Opium to the masses, reducing the population to nothing more than Junkies. It allowed the UK, US and major European countries to step in and reap the benefits and control the masses.

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It would appear that the drug trafficing is as bad here as it is in the U.S.A. with respect to Mexico. It is obvious that the major league plays still are able to conduct business right from their prison sells.

I think a death penalty send a very clear message about drug trafficing, no exceptions. If you are trafficing in drugs, no prison cell, a firing squad, end of story.

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