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Have just got back from Centrelink Toowoomba after recieving this letter this morning, they made it clear in no uncertain terms, that if we leave australia for more than 13 weeks in a calendar year our aged pension would be cut to the lowest possible rate which would be for a married couple 411$ per fortnight which is 50% of our normal rate and after 12 months our house here in aus would be deemed an asset, and also any amount more than 1000$ in an australian bank account must be declared for deeming, I dont know how this will effect expat pensioners already living over seaspost-11182-0-10655400-1327368452_thumb.jpost-11182-0-12101400-1327368506_thumb.j


That cant be done legally....in roughly 1947 a law was passed that all Australians who are working would be taxed 7.5% on top of what they already paid, to cover the old aged pension upon retirement....a little know fact is that this has never been legally revoked, and everyone has been paying this 7.5%, and the government must pay ALL pensioners, no matter where they live...The government will never revoke this as they will have to reduce our already heavy taxes, by the 7.5% (this figure is approximate)...on top of this, then we were supposed to fund our own super, which most will know, dissappeared in charges and crashed stock markets.

Example...,the BOB HAWKE government passed a bill through parliment to allow pensioners( especially those who returned to Italy) to still receive their entitlement no matter where they lived in the world....

Senator O'chee in Queensland uncovered the fact that the Australian government was honoring Social Security Cheques cashed in the Phillipines to the value of $26 million, by Phillipinos who still lived in Australia, and working......He dissappeared from his seat shortly after on full super entitlements...

If the Australian Government stopped handing out the Tax money to dole bluggers (3rd generation so far) and giving it to anyone who claimed refugee status,

There would be ample funds to support the real Australians that built the country...and died for it.

Maybe the Australian Government should ask the Malaysian government to return the millions of debt owed to us...or is that not allowed to be talked about

Has anyone asked why the Australian government has been handing out millions to Indonesia each year, while pensioners live below the poverty line.

How much longer will people take to start saying whats required to keep Australia (and the aged pensioners) in a position of quality lifestyle.

I see the latest Prime minister just gave herself a $110K pay rise....wonderful hey?....to cover it they have found a way to take it off people who live outside Australia....."HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY""

  • Like 1

Thanks for that rant WeeGee. Of absolutely no help to the OP. See you slipped in the obligatory redneck chant of 'Real Australians' in there too. I suppose you are meaning the aborigines?

But if not, here is another tid bid of Australiana for you: "take a bex and have a good lie down"

Happy Australia day to you too.


The letter says the SUPPLEMENT will be reduced.

The pension itself MAY be reduced or stop.

Don't panic yet.....just make a call and speak to an actual person in Centrelink.....

Or Google "DSP Overseas", then visit their sister site for aged pensioners.


Nothing new here.

I fail to see why people get up in arms about this ruling. If you dont wish to return to Australia every 13 weeks then just dont go on the pension in the first place. The reason the rule is there is to stop rorting.

If people are so naive to think that the government supplied old age pension is not going to come with strings attached and not make provisions during their working life to be self funded in retirement then they really are delusional.

And if people think the rules are bad now wait for 10 or 15 so years when the money to pay everyone who is claiming is spread even thinner.

  • Like 1

Nothing new here.

I fail to see why people get up in arms about this ruling. If you dont wish to return to Australia every 13 weeks then just dont go on the pension in the first place. The reason the rule is there is to stop rorting.

If people are so naive to think that the government supplied old age pension is not going to come with strings attached and not make provisions during their working life to be self funded in retirement then they really are delusional.

And if people think the rules are bad now wait for 10 or 15 so years when the money to pay everyone who is claiming is spread even thinner.

As a 69 year old australian citizen with an unbroken 50 year employment record , have paid all my dues , I am partially self funded of which the australian govt taxes me and my wife 49cents on the dollar on our private pensions!! If we were not taxed so high we would not need a govt pension, we lived in thailand for 4 years and had no problems , now we have to ask permission to leave the country,at our interview this morning they told us that if we overstayed 13 week our pension would be stopped not reduced or cut stopped completely, by the way over the years I have paid over half a million dollars into different pensions and life insurances, the government see,s fit to penalise me for providing for our future , and being taxed at 49% just who is rorting who!!
  • Like 1

I trust you do not exepct the Australian politicians to pay for the illegal boatpeople they invite into the country. Centrelink bend over backwards to please these types.

Happy Australia Day


An interesting letter, I'd be curious to see where these "rules" are covered under the Social Security Act.

I suppose that the people who are grandfathered will be affected as well?


Hey guys....I am not on a pension and live off my super....retired a year ago. Worked bloody hard to earn it

But it really irks me when you hear about honest Australians being penalised to support the bludgers on our society back home....Yep i had to pay 47% also

I love being here and i hope the poor pensioners who live hear to have a way of life thats acceptable, can get through this....I certainly will stand up for them.

Isnt that the Australian way??

No tear jerking, thats what made me commment.....


NIGROY....be careful with the house situation....If you sell it somewheres in the tax department, there is a clause about this, that covers it....

from memory....and dont quote me...if you have no assets that ties you to Australia....YOU MAY NOT BE ENTITLED TO RECEIVE THE PENSION !!!!!

But if you do then you will pay tax on it......calculated at the Maximum rate....

I cant find the ruling on this at present, but i was sent a copy about 2 years ago when they decided to tax people working overseas.....


Let's keep the discussion specific to payments and entitlements for pensioners here

This is not the place to discuss debate or criticize Australian governments (past or present) policies.

'we allow the pension discyssion as it affects many of our members living here. But if u turn it into a political platform we will be forced to close the thread.

And yes definitely wish you all a happy Australia day :)


The reason the rule is there is to stop rorting.

This is not directed at you personally hagler, but I just don't see how - in the overall scheme of things - that people choosing to retire overseas is actually "rorting". Presumably if people are oz citizens and qualify for government support in all other regards then they should get it. Look at two people ... Sad Sam is clogging up the roads, using the parks, using medicare and various other public services in Australia - and getting the aged pension

... Clever Trevor is here in Thailand (using their roads, etc - thanks Samran, buddy jap.gif )... why should poor old Trevor be penalised for living frugally and in all other regards NOT being a burden on the already crowded, bitter and downtrodden hordes in Burke St, Pitt St, Queens Street, etc?

I would also point out that, as far as I am aware, no other forms of Oz gov't assistance are available to people beyond the 13 week limit, for example 'family assistance', veterans gold card benefits, etc. The aged pension was 'it' ... so it will be rather sad if this is in fact being further restricted ... doubly so given the pitiful state of most of the elder care facilities available there. This latter issue is being discussed in another current thread, and I can see considerable potential for Thailand to tap into this significant and growing demand ... though without access to the pension any future facilities would only cater to well-funded retirees


The reason the rule is there is to stop rorting.

This is not directed at you personally hagler, but I just don't see how - in the overall scheme of things - that people choosing to retire overseas is actually "rorting". Presumably if people are oz citizens and qualify for government support in all other regards then they should get it. Look at two people ... Sad Sam is clogging up the roads, using the parks, using medicare and various other public services in Australia - and getting the aged pension

... Clever Trevor is here in Thailand (using their roads, etc - thanks Samran, buddy jap.gif )... why should poor old Trevor be penalised for living frugally and in all other regards NOT being a burden on the already crowded, bitter and downtrodden hordes in Burke St, Pitt St, Queens Street, etc?

I would also point out that, as far as I am aware, no other forms of Oz gov't assistance are available to people beyond the 13 week limit, for example 'family assistance', veterans gold card benefits, etc. The aged pension was 'it' ... so it will be rather sad if this is in fact being further restricted ... doubly so given the pitiful state of most of the elder care facilities available there. This latter issue is being discussed in another current thread, and I can see considerable potential for Thailand to tap into this significant and growing demand ... though without access to the pension any future facilities would only cater to well-funded retirees

Thank you....thats what i was trying to say...with no political preferences.


this was not meant as a dig against anything political, purely that it was such a big shock to be informed that Centrelink seemed to be changing their guidelines once again, as I mentioned earlier it was purely the threat of losing the age pension after 13 weeks that I thought might affect australian retirees in thailand,


I trust you do not exepct the Australian politicians to pay for the illegal boatpeople they invite into the country. Centrelink bend over backwards to please these types.

Happy Australia Day

...and I trust you don't see the irony of migrants complaining about migrants on threads like this.


The reason the rule is there is to stop rorting.

This is not directed at you personally hagler, but I just don't see how - in the overall scheme of things - that people choosing to retire overseas is actually "rorting". Presumably if people are oz citizens and qualify for government support in all other regards then they should get it. Look at two people ... Sad Sam is clogging up the roads, using the parks, using medicare and various other public services in Australia - and getting the aged pension

... Clever Trevor is here in Thailand (using their roads, etc - thanks Samran, buddy jap.gif )... why should poor old Trevor be penalised for living frugally and in all other regards NOT being a burden on the already crowded, bitter and downtrodden hordes in Burke St, Pitt St, Queens Street, etc?

I would also point out that, as far as I am aware, no other forms of Oz gov't assistance are available to people beyond the 13 week limit, for example 'family assistance', veterans gold card benefits, etc. The aged pension was 'it' ... so it will be rather sad if this is in fact being further restricted ... doubly so given the pitiful state of most of the elder care facilities available there. This latter issue is being discussed in another current thread, and I can see considerable potential for Thailand to tap into this significant and growing demand ... though without access to the pension any future facilities would only cater to well-funded retirees

It would be interesting to conduct a study on the true cost of supporting a pension domestically versus the cost of paying full pensions to O/S retirees. You would think that the latter would be the better option in most situations.


Australians who have worked and paid taxes are entitled to their pension regardless of wherever they live as far as i am concerned.

What i am opposed to though is Thai/filipino girls marrying all these farang pensioners and living off their entitlements like it its their own !

When a farang dies the Aust gov should immediately cut off his pension.,if they dont already.

Most,if not all girls who marry old farangs have never paid taxes so why should we look after them. Unfortunately Australia is governed by the lowest form of blue collar working class rubbish....ALP......The Labor PM Comrade Gillard talks like a trade union delegate in a bar brawl.

When John Howard was PM we had a good immigration policy. Labor PM Rudd threw it out to appease the left and immigration lawyers looking for a new income stream.

  • Like 1

Australians who have worked and paid taxes are entitled to their pension regardless of wherever they live as far as i am concerned.

What i am opposed to though is Thai/filipino girls marrying all these farang pensioners and living off their entitlements like it its their own !

When a farang dies the Aust gov should immediately cut off his pension.,if they dont already.

Most,if not all girls who marry old farangs have never paid taxes so why should we look after them. Unfortunately Australia is governed by the lowest form of blue collar working class rubbish....ALP......The Labor PM Comrade Gillard talks like a trade union delegate in a bar brawl.

When John Howard was PM we had a good immigration policy. Labor PM Rudd threw it out to appease the left and immigration lawyers looking for a new income stream.

Are you saying that the payouts to foriegn brides that you talk about are the responsibility of the current government?

Or are you just welding together two totally seperate paragraphs and hoping that people will link the two in their heads?

I'd also like to know how immigration policy was changed. I'm talking about immigration policy, not refugee policy... Perhaps Thailand should institute the same?

  • Like 1

I trust you do not exepct the Australian politicians to pay for the illegal boatpeople they invite into the country. Centrelink bend over backwards to please these types.

Happy Australia Day

...and I trust you don't see the irony of migrants complaining about migrants on threads like this.

They never do...


Hey guys....I am not on a pension and live off my super....retired a year ago. Worked bloody hard to earn it

But it really irks me when you hear about honest Australians being penalised to support the bludgers on our society back home....Yep i had to pay 47% also

I love being here and i hope the poor pensioners who live hear to have a way of life thats acceptable, can get through this....I certainly will stand up for them.

Isnt that the Australian way??

No tear jerking, thats what made me commment.....

I also set myself up over many years, in Australia, to have some income in retirement outside of the government based pension stuff, although of course part of my income taxes supports the old age pension and surely, in theory, I have some entitlement, but as we all know, the Aust. government (all previous governments) will not accept that argument.

Here's another angle, I am also a Vietnam veteran. Years back I contacted Veterans Affairs to check if I was entitled to a war veters pension. The answer - no, because you have chosen to now live outside of Australia, no further discussion. I've checked again several times over the years. Nothing has changed, the answer is still no.

I do have health problems which can be traced back to Vietnam, I've applied several times for the 'top-up' (sorry I can't put my hands on the right term), again the answer is no, and in one phone call the officer told me I would need to prove that I was psychologically disturbed.

I recently say an article which indicated that those people living outside of Australia, who chose to return to live in Oz full time, would have to prove they have been resident again in Oz for a clear two years before any application would be considered.

I'm not always a full fan of US policies, but at least they do look after their war veterans.


Hey guys....I am not on a pension and live off my super....retired a year ago. Worked bloody hard to earn it

But it really irks me when you hear about honest Australians being penalised to support the bludgers on our society back home....Yep i had to pay 47% also

I love being here and i hope the poor pensioners who live hear to have a way of life thats acceptable, can get through this....I certainly will stand up for them.

Isnt that the Australian way??

No tear jerking, thats what made me commment.....

I also set myself up over many years, in Australia, to have some income in retirement outside of the government based pension stuff, although of course part of my income taxes supports the old age pension and surely, in theory, I have some entitlement, but as we all know, the Aust. government (all previous governments) will not accept that argument.

Here's another angle, I am also a Vietnam veteran. Years back I contacted Veterans Affairs to check if I was entitled to a war veters pension. The answer - no, because you have chosen to now live outside of Australia, no further discussion. I've checked again several times over the years. Nothing has changed, the answer is still no.

I do have health problems which can be traced back to Vietnam, I've applied several times for the 'top-up' (sorry I can't put my hands on the right term), again the answer is no, and in one phone call the officer told me I would need to prove that I was psychologically disturbed.

I recently say an article which indicated that those people living outside of Australia, who chose to return to live in Oz full time, would have to prove they have been resident again in Oz for a clear two years before any application would be considered.

I'm not always a full fan of US policies, but at least they do look after their war veterans.

Did you get your war related illness or ailment diagnosed and registered with veterans affairs before you left australia, there is not a lot they can do for you at the end of a telephone, why not contact the Vietnam Vets assoc. ? they are so well organised they can help in no end of ways, I am a 90% disabled war veteran ,and without the help of Vets I would not be here to offer my help today!!
  • 2 weeks later...

Australians who have worked and paid taxes are entitled to their pension regardless of wherever they live as far as i am concerned.

What i am opposed to though is Thai/filipino girls marrying all these farang pensioners and living off their entitlements like it its their own !

When a farang dies the Aust gov should immediately cut off his pension.,if they dont already.

Most,if not all girls who marry old farangs have never paid taxes so why should we look after them. Unfortunately Australia is governed by the lowest form of blue collar working class rubbish....ALP......The Labor PM Comrade Gillard talks like a trade union delegate in a bar brawl.

When John Howard was PM we had a good immigration policy. Labor PM Rudd threw it out to appease the left and immigration lawyers looking for a new income stream.

Are you saying that the payouts to foriegn brides that you talk about are the responsibility of the current government?

Or are you just welding together two totally seperate paragraphs and hoping that people will link the two in their heads?

I'd also like to know how immigration policy was changed. I'm talking about immigration policy, not refugee policy... Perhaps Thailand should institute the same?

To anybody who cares,Google up the term fabian society .Learn it's meaning,then find all the big wigs in the fabian society in Australia are bigwigs in the ALP,Accept Malcom Fraser.That is your answer to how Australia has become what it is today.Crucify achievers and reward parasites.What a shame,thats why I left.I had enough.

Nothing new here.

I fail to see why people get up in arms about this ruling. If you dont wish to return to Australia every 13 weeks then just dont go on the pension in the first place. The reason the rule is there is to stop rorting.

If people are so naive to think that the government supplied old age pension is not going to come with strings attached and not make provisions during their working life to be self funded in retirement then they really are delusional.

And if people think the rules are bad now wait for 10 or 15 so years when the money to pay everyone who is claiming is spread even thinner.

As a 69 year old australian citizen with an unbroken 50 year employment record , have paid all my dues , I am partially self funded of which the australian govt taxes me and my wife 49cents on the dollar on our private pensions!! If we were not taxed so high we would not need a govt pension, we lived in thailand for 4 years and had no problems , now we have to ask permission to leave the country,at our interview this morning they told us that if we overstayed 13 week our pension would be stopped not reduced or cut stopped completely, by the way over the years I have paid over half a million dollars into different pensions and life insurances, the government see,s fit to penalise me for providing for our future , and being taxed at 49% just who is rorting who!!

crucify achievers and reward parasites,that 's Australia.Fabian society.Also in 1997 the number of government (taxpayer )funded jobs passed the number of productive jobs,and it's a lot worse now.There is your answer.Australia needs a lot of money to fund all it's government departments.That's the only way to keep the unemployment numbers down.Somebody has to pay.Achievers pay.I call Australia "mudgards coz it's all shiny on the top and all bullshit underneath

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