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UN's Ban seeks Israel-Palestine peace talks during upcoming Middle East visit


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What happens sometimes is that Israel and the Hamas reach a sort of temporary truce or ceasefire, then another group (like the Islamic Jihad, which is independent of Hamas) fires a rocket, Israel shoots back, then the Hamas "got" to join in to keep it's reputation.

How very convenient. It just goes to demonstrate how patently unready and unfit the Palestinians are to assume the responsibilities of statehood. I don't doubt for a minute that different terrorist groups with different paymasters may act independently, but their aim is essentially the same, wipe Israel off the map; then as you observed they would no doubt turn to slaughtering one another in the peace of Dar es Salaam.

Yes, but then usually one can't choose with whom to make peace. You make peace with your enemies, and they aren't always nice or easy to trust. Such is life.

From the Palastinian side, btw, it could look somewhat the same: there's quite a gap between what the Israeli government stated position, and the actions of Jewish settlers in the West Bank (which aren't always addressed properly by the IDF).

As to turning on each other, probably. A lot of bad blood between them.

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Mr Ban would be better having a holiday, instead of wasting his time with this. Israel simply does not want peace, all they want is continual expansion of their 'territory", while at the same time restricting Palestinian food and water supplies.

Couldn't agree more with this statement.

Couldn't be less surprised. Go ahead and paint Israelis as the bad guys and the Palestinians as the good guys. Anyone with the slightest bit of objectivity knows its not that simple.

The Israelis are the bad guys, who is the stronger who is the weaker, if you kick and beat any animal and push into a corner, it will come at you snarling and biting, irsrael should just observe some human rights and show some dignity and respect, who`s land is it anyway? and how did the israelis get where they are?

Who's land is it? What do you mean by it? I reckon you are one of those Israel doesn't have a right to exist types. Where do you think the millions of Israeli Jews are supposed to go then? Yes, some could go back to Canada, etc. easily, but 75 percent are NATIVES. The majority of Palestinians don't accept that Israel is here to stay as the homeland of the Jewish people. Until they do, how can there be peace? Edited by Jingthing
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One off-topic post has been removed. Please stick to the current topic. We do not need a long, historical re-hash of the situation.

Most posters in this thread will be quite well aware of the history of all concerned groups.

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I'm sure of nothing of the sort.They are, at best, temporary political partners. Nothing more.

"Temporary", or not. they both represent the Palestinian Arabs and Hamas' hateful charter makes it impossible for any possibility of peace negotiations to be taken seriously.


I just think that as far as the current Israeli government is concerend, this is actually a relief.

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Mr Ban would be better having a holiday, instead of wasting his time with this. Israel simply does not want peace, all they want is continual expansion of their 'territory", while at the same time restricting Palestinian food and water supplies.

Sorry, but Israel has done everything possible to make peace with the Palestinians, but all Palestine will settle for is the complete destruction of Israel at all costs, Israel is the only place in the Middle East where Palestinians are allowed things such as citizenship, land ownership, healthcare, education and voting rights, no other nation in the area allows the Palestinians any of the above. But no matter what Israel does it is never enough.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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No i am not one of those people you( Mr Jingthing) suggested, i believe in live and let live, and everybody has civial rights,i see Israel has a problem with a growing, population, but they cannot just walk over and bully people into submision, i wonder how many crimes Israel has commited against human rights

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Mr Ban would be better having a holiday, instead of wasting his time with this. Israel simply does not want peace, all they want is continual expansion of their 'territory", while at the same time restricting Palestinian food and water supplies.

Couldn't agree more with this statement.

Couldn't be less surprised. Go ahead and paint Israelis as the bad guys and the Palestinians as the good guys. Anyone with the slightest bit of objectivity knows its not that simple.

No It's not that simple JT, lots to be done by both ends. The Israeli Gov hardly makes things easier for itself tho, and Israel is in a more powerful position than the Palestines to change things.

Israel doesn't do much for It's image when it keeps defying countess UN resolutions about building more settlements on the occupied land. It also refuses to apologise to Turkey about the boat raid a few years ago. The blockade of the Gaza strip, apart from being illegal is also a crime against humanity! Unless you're Israeli...Why should all the people of Palestine suffer because of some terrorists firing rockets.

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also refuses to apologise to Turkey about the boat raid a few years ago.

Are you for real? Why should Israel apologize for defending themselves from hired mercenaries that attacked their soldiers with steel bars and knives? By the way, the "people of Palestine" elected the terrorists that are firing the rockets to represent them..

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Mr Ban would be better having a holiday, instead of wasting his time with this. Israel simply does not want peace, all they want is continual expansion of their 'territory", while at the same time restricting Palestinian food and water supplies.

Couldn't agree more with this statement.

Couldn't be less surprised. Go ahead and paint Israelis as the bad guys and the Palestinians as the good guys. Anyone with the slightest bit of objectivity knows its not that simple.


Not sure what you would call this JT, a crime against humanity is the only words I can describe, read the last paragraph! Israel as an occupying power has an obligation to protect civilians and administer the territory for their benefit!! Sure building more homes for Israelis will be benefiting the Palestine's ?? You wonder why some people have such a dim view of Israel !

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Mr Ban would be better having a holiday, instead of wasting his time with this. Israel simply does not want peace, all they want is continual expansion of their 'territory", while at the same time restricting Palestinian food and water supplies.

Couldn't agree more with this statement.

Couldn't be less surprised. Go ahead and paint Israelis as the bad guys and the Palestinians as the good guys. Anyone with the slightest bit of objectivity knows its not that simple.


Not sure what you would call this JT, a crime against humanity is the only words I can describe

Israel demolishes houses to stop militant operations, to enforce building codes and regulations,and as a deterrent against terrorism in the occupied territories.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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They also demolish illegal Israeli buildings and settlements. wink.png

I suggest you read the article fully, children and families being displaced..surely the 1100 people displaced (half of them children) Can't all be terrorists! C'mon Ulysses, you can't honestly agree with this, It's sick and a crime.

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Mr Ban would be better having a holiday, instead of wasting his time with this. Israel simply does not want peace, all they want is continual expansion of their 'territory", while at the same time restricting Palestinian food and water supplies.

Couldn't agree more with this statement.

Couldn't be less surprised. Go ahead and paint Israelis as the bad guys and the Palestinians as the good guys. Anyone with the slightest bit of objectivity knows its not that simple.

No It's not that simple JT, lots to be done by both ends. The Israeli Gov hardly makes things easier for itself tho, and Israel is in a more powerful position than the Palestines to change things.

Israel doesn't do much for It's image when it keeps defying countess UN resolutions about building more settlements on the occupied land. It also refuses to apologise to Turkey about the boat raid a few years ago. The blockade of the Gaza strip, apart from being illegal is also a crime against humanity! Unless you're Israeli...Why should all the people of Palestine suffer because of some terrorists firing rockets.

The blocade of the Gaza strip is being enforced by Egypt as well. In theory, Egypt opening it's border pass would nulify the Israeli blocade. Apparently they also think it isn't a bright idea to give Hamas free access.

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They also demolish illegal Israeli buildings and settlements. wink.png

A bit. And after much debate, court proceedings and a lot of political give and take.

Not on the same scale or ease in which it is done vs. the Palestinians.

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It is true image and PR are not the highest priorities for the Israeli government. Knowing the history of Israel, the fact that they still exist means they are doing something right considering their rough neighborhood. Keep in mind the father of the Palestinian nationalist movement the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem ( relative of Yassar Arafat who called him a hero) was a virulent racist, an active Nazi collaborator living in Berlin and encouraging European countries to send their Jews to the death camps instead of letting them escape to Palestine.

Edited by Jingthing
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It is true image and PR are not the highest priorities for the Israeli government. Knowing the history of Israel, the fact that they still exist means they are doing something right considering their rough neighborhood. Keep in mind the father of the Palestinian nationalist movement the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem ( relative of Yassar Arafat who called him a hero) was a virulent racist, an active Nazi collaborator living in Berlin and encouraging European countries to send their Jews to the death camps instead of letting them escape to Palestine.

true there are exremists and radicals, on everyside the hope for the future and humanity is that hopefully we have learnt from your mistakes, and how can you rehash history, and i get blocked?

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Image is everything in this day and age. The internet has brought us all together, the free flow of news/info at the touch of a button. The current Israeli attitude of ( we're armed to the teeth and backed by the US) will only have a negative response from the Arab/Muslim world and will surely come back to bite Israel in the ass one day.

If on the other hand the Israeli's treated the 'innocent' Palestinians with a little respect and done more to facilitate a better standard of life then this would only pay dividends for Israel in the future and could possibly change the hostile view of some of It's neighbours, the current way the situation is being handled can only worsen things (in my opinion).

Of course Israel has the right to protect It's land and citizens, I just think it goes the wrong way of doing it. Maybe the international community should share some of the blame, maybe the if the UN took charge of the situation then things could be better, for both sides!

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Image is everything in this day and age. The internet has brought us all together, the free flow of news/info at the touch of a button. The current Israeli attitude of ( we're armed to the teeth and backed by the US) will only have a negative response from the Arab/Muslim world and will surely come back to bite Israel in the ass one day.

If on the other hand the Israeli's treated the 'innocent' Palestinians with a little respect and done more to facilitate a better standard of life then this would only pay dividends for Israel in the future and could possibly change the hostile view of some of It's neighbours, the current way the situation is being handled can only worsen things (in my opinion).

Of course Israel has the right to protect It's land and citizens, I just think it goes the wrong way of doing it. Maybe the international community should share some of the blame, maybe the if the UN took charge of the situation then things could be better, for both sides!

very wise words, but at the momment i see the UN as a toothless dog, without the US and its contributions, the Un would fall apart,

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They also demolish illegal Israeli buildings and settlements. wink.png

A bit. And after much debate, court proceedings and a lot of political give and take.

Not on the same scale or ease in which it is done vs. the Palestinians.

In 2011 more illegal Israeli buildings were demolished than Palestinian ones, the facts can be quite surprising when you strip away the biased propaganda.

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They also demolish illegal Israeli buildings and settlements. wink.png

I suggest you read the article fully, children and families being displaced..surely the 1100 people displaced (half of them children) Can't all be terrorists! C'mon Ulysses, you can't honestly agree with this, It's sick and a crime.

I already read it and did some research. Other than helping terrorists,, they are building without permits which is illegal pretty much anywhere.

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also refuses to apologise to Turkey about the boat raid a few years ago.

Are you for real? Why should Israel apologize for defending themselves from hired mercenaries that attacked their soldiers with steel bars and knives? By the way, the "people of Palestine" elected the terrorists that are firing the rockets to represent them..

The spin is tasty this morning.

Misrepresentation of an occurrence does not get much better that.

Just curious, how can you elect terrorists ??, Ah, forgot, it just happened here.

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Huh? The settlements excuse is a rather new one, but Israel would be happy to "stop" at the same time and they are willing to sign a peace treaty to guarantee it. However, the Palestinians Arabs have refused to sign over and over again.

Well it is a bit different that "Happy To Stop" & actually stopping.

To tell you the truth I am surprised that one or the other cannot just be the bigger person.

It would have the side benefit of garnering world support.

You would think the side with the 20 plus point average IQ advantage would take the lead on this but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.

I think you are overlooking the result of the unilateral pullback from Gaza, any 20 points IQ advantage would quickly evaporate if the Israelis expected any different without cast iron guarantees. As Einstein once said, to keep on repeating the same behaviour and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

Was it Einstein that said, If you build a million dollar house in a thousand dollar neighborhood, you will never get along with your neighbors?

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I have always felt that the settlers pose more of an irritant to the Israeli leadership than the Palestinians ever could. It is not an easy job and I would not want to be responsible for trying to fix it. You throw in the extreme religous who pose yet another problem and you have what amounts to the impossible.

Many of the difficulties that befall the Palestinians are a direct result of trying to appease the settlers and the orthodox Nobody is going to be happy whatever the result. The government has actually had to pass laws restricting the wearing of holocaust uniforms by the orthodox. That sounds rediculous but it is taking up a lot of time and resources that could be put to much better use.

Many of us goyim talk on behalf of the Palestinians not so much in a good or bad perspective but they are seldom if ever willing or able to speak for themselves and the other side seems by comparrison to be quite vocal. Just a natural human response by a person with no dog in the fight. Of course, I can only speak for myself and I do have my anti-semitic moments. Frankly, the Palestinians and I expect Arabs in general give up a lot of IQ points on average to the Ashkenazi Jews who control and speak for Israel. It is very easy for a non-Jew to side with the underdog. But I expect that none of us consider the Palestinians to be without sin or are in any way capable of planning and operating a sophisticated democratic government.

To me the Palestinians are just so easy to manipulate. I would like to think that critical thinkers can see through some of the media reports on this crazyness. Understanding coi bono, you would never consider firing rockets into the desert as a meaningful tactic with only a revenge motive. It just does not make sense. The actual damage done is next to nothing. The retaliation by the Israelis results in a greater than 10-1 kill rate. Not a good deal by any standard. The Palestinians of Gaza gain nothing; and suffer 10-1 losses of life not to mention all of the damage to their property; the real damage is the expansion of settlements on the West Bank. It is a crazy arrangement and I for one simply can't believe people would really fall for this.

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