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Changing Diet Due To High Uric Acid?


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All should have the brand name Zyloric (which when I used years ago was quite expensive for what should be cheap medication). Only larger places will have non branded version as is sold in very large bottles so most would not be able to turn over in time so do not stock.

I've asked for Zyloric and Allopurinol but they always say "mai mee" and try to give me Colcichine (spelling?) I've been to over 10 pharmacists now. I may just have to take a trip to Bangkok hospital and use the pharmacy there.

You've been unable to find allopurinol in pharmacies in Bangkok? I find that very hard tio believe.

Have you shown them the name written down (often they don't understand the way foreigners pronounce things)? And were this large pharmacies?

Shouldn't be a problem to get it at Fascino's or the other large pharmacies near it, nor at the pharmacies across from the hospital near Victory Minument, nor at the large pharmacy on Suk near Soi 2.

As for the pharmacies that tried to sell you colchicine, never go back to them.

I found it in the end but it was not Zyloric brand, some other brand. It was 30baht for 10 tablets which is not too bad. The pharmacists who tried to give me colchicine only offered me this when I was asking for the tablet and mentioned the word 'gout' to them. I sometimes think that half the pharmacists around here don't actually know what they're doing!

I'm currently having another attack of gout but I can't take anti-inflammatories due to my renal failure. Anyone have any good painkiller recommendations or ways to eliminate the pain? Also can I take Allopurinol whilst I'm having a gout attack? Sorry for all the questions!

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gout isn't necessarily due to alcohol intake. My Thai FIL does not drink alcohol at all, never has. Is in fact a teetotaller. But he has gout. He eats alot of seafood (not much meat really) and frankly, perspires more than most people. He works very hard doing physical work outside regularly and does not take in enough water. I suspect that is the true cause of both his kidney stones many years ago and now his gout.

My dad had gout many years ago and drank apple cider vinegar in hot water with some honey. He swears by cherries. Interestingly, it doesn't seem to be an old wives tale


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gout isn't necessarily due to alcohol intake. My Thai FIL does not drink alcohol at all, never has. Is in fact a teetotaller. But he has gout. He eats alot of seafood (not much meat really) and frankly, perspires more than most people. He works very hard doing physical work outside regularly and does not take in enough water. I suspect that is the true cause of both his kidney stones many years ago and now his gout.

My dad had gout many years ago and drank apple cider vinegar in hot water with some honey. He swears by cherries. Interestingly, it doesn't seem to be an old wives tale


Seafood especially mussles and prawns can be a nightmare for gout sufferers as can offal...........

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