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Pet Nappers


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More likely that the pet was either 'hurt' in an accident, or just got adopted by someone else.

I have a friend who lost their dog and he came back after three years. Now and again the dog still 'disappears' to its other owner!

Have you spoken to the dog rescue people?

More 'exotic' pets do sometimes get stolen - but not for the table. I had a well trained German Shepherd. Lots of Thais asked me if they could have my dog. I always said "yes - and he costs at least 500 baht a day to feed - then there are the vet's bills and up to 6 walks a day. Rain or shine". No one ever took my dog.

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Pet meat trade?

I think you'd be very hard pressed to find any place, even a secret one, that serves dog meat in Samui.

I'm not talking about places that serve dog/cat meat on Samui.

I mean pets being stolen here, smuggled and sold to restaurants in Vietnam and China.

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More likely that the pet was either 'hurt' in an accident, or just got adopted by someone else.

I have a friend who lost their dog and he came back after three years. Now and again the dog still 'disappears' to its other owner!

Have you spoken to the dog rescue people?

More 'exotic' pets do sometimes get stolen - but not for the table. I had a well trained German Shepherd. Lots of Thais asked me if they could have my dog. I always said "yes - and he costs at least 500 baht a day to feed - then there are the vet's bills and up to 6 walks a day. Rain or shine". No one ever took my dog.

I had a sheperd too, got bitten by a cobra in 1999. Very brave dog she was, trying to defend me.

But this one is about a cat. And yes, I've asked Brigitte from dog and cat rescue.

She could'nt help, but said there are people nicking animals on the island.

So, I'm just trying to find out, if there are any others who lost their pets.

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More likely that the pet was either 'hurt' in an accident, or just got adopted by someone else.

I have a friend who lost their dog and he came back after three years. Now and again the dog still 'disappears' to its other owner!

Have you spoken to the dog rescue people?

More 'exotic' pets do sometimes get stolen - but not for the table. I had a well trained German Shepherd. Lots of Thais asked me if they could have my dog. I always said "yes - and he costs at least 500 baht a day to feed - then there are the vet's bills and up to 6 walks a day. Rain or shine". No one ever took my dog.

I had a sheperd too. Got bitten by a cobra, trying to defend me. Very brave dog.

But this is about a cat. And yes, I've asked Brigitte from dog and cat rescue.

She couldn't help, but said there are definately people nicking animals here.

Just trying to find out, if there are others with a similar case.

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Pet meat trade?

I think you'd be very hard pressed to find any place, even a secret one, that serves dog meat in Samui.

I'm not talking about places that serve dog/cat meat on Samui.

I mean pets being stolen here, smuggled and sold to restaurants in Vietnam and China.

yes this makes perfect sense.

if you are trying to make it as complicated and expensive as possible that is. where do you come up with this stuff? is there a weekly world news for samui that i haven't seen yet? is the mayor really a robot sent here to encourage mortals to eat magic mushrooms in order to open pathways to communicate with our ancestors on another planet?

stay tuned for next weeks eye opening story...

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Ever considered how dangerous the roads are for motorbikes on this island? Now throw a cat into the equation, plus snakes and any other natural enemy they may have, not to forget construction workers that are poorly paid and probably eat anything that can move (where did all the squirrels on this island go?). Those are just a few possibilities. We had two cats never return back home, I attribute this to one of the before mentioned cases. Maybe they found a new place where they prefer it???

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Crack team expands operations from duck snatching

(Koh Samui) - Following the mysterious disappearance of Quimsby the renowned "beach duck" from a local resort two weeks ago, "Boots," a four-year old Maltese Golden Crested cat has gone missing from the home of an expat business owner, raising the possibility that a local triad of "cuisine thieves" are at work on the once peaceful holiday island.

"I have been in shock," said Boots' owner, who asked to be called only "Beng" for fear that the thieves might return. "Boots was taken over two years ago but now, after extensive therapy, I have the courage to come forward and talk about this horrible tragedy."

Beng has been fearful since he also owns several tropical fish as well, one of which he terms, "A find specimen I affectionately call Alcibiades after the Athenian statesman and Peloponnesian War strategist. If I were to lose Al....well, I don't know what I would do. He's been like a brother to me."

Seeing that the case was too big for local constabulary, seasoned investigators from Bangkok were called into the case. Special Master Sergeant 1st Class (จ่าสิบเอก พิเศษ) Akkarat Chaisurivirat -- or Rat, as he prefers -- concluded, "This is a clear case, very clear in fact and I can say right now, and you can quote me on this, that the case is clear." According to SMS Rat, the cat was nabbed from near Beng's house, secreted to a secret location where it was given a mild narcotic to calm it. SMS Rat suggests catnip might have been the agent, but is not prepared to rule out copious amounts of ice cream or even Valium. From there, clues indicate that Boots was taken by a series of jetski relays across the Gulf of Thailand to the smugglers island of Phu Quoc, where the cat was thrown together with other cats taken from around Thailand and Cambodia. In the Vietnamese smugglers' den, this process is called, "con mèo trong chiếc mũ," or "Cats in the hat."

SMS Rat picks up the story: “From there the cats are taken to the mainland of Vietnam where they are separated into grades according to color, branded and then sent on to their final destinations – often Hong Kong or Finland. Once they’ve left Thai territorial waters, it’s pretty much out of our hands. We may be able, however, to contact the Interpol Cat Watch Group for help.”

However, not everyone follows the “Cat in the hat” story. Some ascribe the disappearance to more down-to-earth causes. “All cats, as well as some humans who have the right ancestor-tuning are able to activate their cosmic DNA, which opens for cats at Indigo Type 8 level, which is a full two levels higher than for humans,” said Devon Cleavature, a master of Blue Flame Khundaray Primal Energy Fields and a champion Indian thumb wrestler who gives power-learning seminars at The Bra Sat Sia Resort. “It could well be that this particular cat simply transmogrified into the chakra that it was destined to be, and that could be anything from an invisible thread woven into the Spandex of a yoga singlet to the tooth of a dolphin on its own journey of enlightenment 10,000 miles away.”

Asked about the connection between the disappearance of the cat and that of the duck, SMS Rat said, “Clearly there must be a connection as it all involved foul play.”

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