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How To Keep Mosquitoes Away


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Having tried most of above methods with carying success over the decades here may I add 2 observations.

New Falangs do sem to attrct more bites a good friend always gets double the bites I do at same table etc when on tour.

I believe scent is part of the issue so avoiding all colognes aftershaves or scent for the ladies helps esp at the cocktal hour,loacl diet including aromatic spices dry chilis lemongrass etc seems to help not sure if residual on breath or other reason.

One drawback to the bat and any "hunting methods inclusing a ceiling well stocked with Gekkos may seem counter intuitive but is sadly true as part of Mendeleefs heriditary reversion to the mean in biology.


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Like me live in Glasgow........it has a 100% success rate when it comes to dodging mozzies.

I think the day of the mozzie is numbered though, there are several trial taking place which will neutralise the reproduction of this little pest, the big companies know that the first to provide workable solution will get a $billion return.

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BIG C has an advertisement for an orange light bulb, similar in shape to the new bulbs out now, coiled. They call it the mosquito repellent bulb. Wonder if it works?

When I sit outside, I turn on the 16mhz mosquito app thingy on my smart phone. Between 16 and 21 is the magic number for noise that they hate to be around in.

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