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Thaksin: Successful Reconciliation Will Bring Thailand More Prosperity


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Thaksin: Successful Reconciliation Will Bring Thailand More Prosperity

NONTHABURI: -- Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra made a phone-in to red-shirt supporters, saying the ongoing conflict is easy to solve and Thailand can become a happier and wealthier nation if reconciliation is achieved.

At a Chinese banquet organized at Nonthaburi Provincial Hall presided by Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit, Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives Nuttawut Saikuer.

Nuttawut delivered his speech titled 'Politics is Everyone's Business' to the guests, including a number of red-shirt supporters.

He said Thai politics over the past five years have been characterized by conflicts, starting from the yellow-shirt group going out in protest against the government and giving flowers to soldiers who staged the coup.

Then the coup leader ran in election and was elected as MP, which was unprecedented.

Nuttawut pointed out that some people are now thinking that politics is the sharing of power among certain group of people and the idea might give rise to further conflicts.

He called on all Thais to be sensible and help solve the ongoing conflict by a peaceful means.

Reports revealed that self-exiled former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra phoned in to red-shirt supporters that he has not seen them for a long time and he wants to come back home.

Thaksin also gave a blessing to his supporters on the occasion of New Year and told them to be patient as they will become wealthier soon.

The ex-premier said Thailand can be a wealthy nation once its people stop fighting against each other over trivial matters.

He is confident that if reconciliation is achieved, all conflicts will be happily resolved and he can be reunited with his supporters.


-- Tan Network 2012-01-30


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In so many words, the bottom line is that he is saying he wants to weasel out of the conviction, along with all other cases against him. Reconciliation begins when he respects justice. But he can't escape being the cunning, greedy weasel he is. God forbid he ever returns or it'll be back to the same old, same old.

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Why don't papers refer to him as Wanted Criminal Fugitive Thaksin Shinawatra?

Probably because they wish to sell newspapers, and (away from Thai Visa) it seems that most of the Thai people don't think of him in those terms.

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So, the most divisive figure in Thai history says he wants reconciliation (on his terms) while saying he misses his Red Shirt supporters and wants to come home. It's enough to make me weep.

It has been said ad nauseum on this forum that this man is free to come home at any dam_n time he wants. No problem.

There is an airport waiting for his private jet to land and thousands will flock to kneel before him.

The only problem is that this character has no courage to face his accusers. No backbone. Basically he is scared to 'come home'.

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Why don't papers refer to him as Wanted Criminal Fugitive Thaksin Shinawatra?

Probably because they wish to sell newspapers, and (away from Thai Visa) it seems that most of the Thai people don't think of him in those terms.

48% of those who voted is not MOST Thais.

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Thaksin also gave a blessing to his supporters on the occasion of New Year and told them to be patient as they will become wealthier soon.

Soon? How soon? The six months is due now.


I recall that something like in 6 month everyone will be rich.

OK maybe I was not meant as Farang.....need to check if my wife is rich by now.

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"Ongoing conflict"??

I thought someone just said that the political situation in Thailand was stable?

and that it was a great place to invest in.


Only the mountain tops are a good place to invest in. Next January after Flood Number 2 they will sell well.

Another good investment is transport business, all that Western and Japanese companies which leave the country needs a transport out.

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Why don't papers refer to him as Wanted Criminal Fugitive Thaksin Shinawatra?

Probably because they wish to sell newspapers, and (away from Thai Visa) it seems that most of the Thai people don't think of him in those terms.

Do understand Khun Thaksin is not for democracy.


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who cares hell be back and his old ways will be back poor will stay poor rich stay rich only question is will he be able to turn Thailand into his own state Mugabwie style. he will try thats for sure and then maybe if Thailand is lucky the army can take over. If not and he gets his way me and my family will be long gone since it will happen gradually over 5-10 years or maybe the thugs and thieves they all are will take to disposing of each other. His supporters and Thais will get what they deserve although those not sop naive will also probably suffer.

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So, the most divisive figure in Thai history says he wants reconciliation (on his terms) while saying he misses his Red Shirt supporters and wants to come home. It's enough to make me weep.

It has been said ad nauseum on this forum that this man is free to come home at any dam_n time he wants. No problem.

There is an airport waiting for his private jet to land and thousands will flock to kneel before him.

The only problem is that this character has no courage to face his accusers. No backbone. Basically he is scared to 'come home'.

So you are telling me that if you had millions and millions of dollars and was free to roam the world as you please and make more millions and millions of dollars, live a life of luxury, that you wouldn't do that, you would come home and spend a couple of years in jail.

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As a public service I'd like to remind or educate people on what "reconciliation" means to Thaksin and his Red Shirts, it means: we do things our way and you shut up, or else...

That's the problem. In a country of over 60 million, 1 million or so want everything and everybody else to get nothing.

You can always tell when Taksin is feeding out B.S. He is either talking or typing. Other than that he is truthful about everything.

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When Thaksin says, "I miss you" and "I want to go home", and "I'll make you rich", he is up to his crooked manipulating self again. He probably wants the Red Shirts to demonstrate for his return, to beat up and intimidate all of the judges, etc.

Excuse me while I cry about Thaksin's predicament ... crying.gif

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As always in LOS, reconciliation = letting the bad guys off when they can't do it any other way, eg. running away, hiding, intimidating witnesses, killing witnesses, bribing judges, getting a pardon etc.

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So, the most divisive figure in Thai history says he wants reconciliation (on his terms) while saying he misses his Red Shirt supporters and wants to come home. It's enough to make me weep.

It has been said ad nauseum on this forum that this man is free to come home at any dam_n time he wants. No problem.

There is an airport waiting for his private jet to land and thousands will flock to kneel before him.

The only problem is that this character has no courage to face his accusers. No backbone. Basically he is scared to 'come home'.

So you are telling me that if you had millions and millions of dollars and was free to roam the world as you please and make more millions and millions of dollars, live a life of luxury, that you wouldn't do that, you would come home and spend a couple of years in jail.

No, that's not what I am telling you. I am sure most readers know what I meant. He has lived as a mega rich fugitive in a variety of places since he fled in 2008. He has continued to be a lightning rod in Thai politics ever since,at huge cost to Thai society.

The problem is he makes people (those that he can fool) believe that he is being prevented from returning to this country.

As things stand at the moment, with his sister as P.M. and his best mate, Chalerm in charge of just about everything else, I doubt he would spend more than 5 minutes in a cell if he returned. But there is a darker side, he doesn't know how safe he would be if he did return. Many people have a score to settle with Mr Thaksin & he knows it.

It's a shame in a way, that he won't just quietly go away and enjoy his gains at leisure somewhere else, and leave his sister to run the Thai Concordia ship of state in the direction she knows best.wai.gif

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This bandit Taskin keeps cropping up, now thats a worry.angry.png

Perhaps Deputy-PM Super-Chalerm might be tasked with cracking-down upon fugitive Thais, who've run away overseas to escape justice, after he gets done with eradicating drugs & corruption in Thailand ? laugh.pngcool.png

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Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra made a phone-in to red-shirt supporters, saying the ongoing conflict is easy to solve and Thailand can become a happier and wealthier nation if reconciliation is achieved.

Actually what was said in reality was

"Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra made a phone-in to red-shirt supporters, saying the ongoing conflict is easy to solve and Thaksin can become a happier and wealthier exonerated bail jumper person if reconciliation is achieved".

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