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MOTH BALLS !!I is the answer to gecko's....they dont like the smell.

I had quite a few in my kitchen ,one pair always inside a cupboard.

Bought a pack of mothballs placed them arround...Gecko's went away.

Be careful if you have a cat...they can die from mothball ingredients,,

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do the washing up, turn off the lights when dark to avoid attracting insects.

They only hang out where there is food. I find they are attracted to plates left out overnight and even beer and soda cans.

the number of times ive picked up an empty coke can and had a gecko run for its life is many

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Despite the lighthearted responses, and assuming you mean the small jinjok geckos, you're really not going to keep the little chaps out. They don't make that much mess unless you have millions. If you do have millions you need to remove their food source (mostly mozzies and small insects) and they will move on.

If you have the big tukgae (sp.) beasties you do need to remove them, carefully, they bite. Once again removing the food supply (bigger bugs) will discourage them from returning.

Depends on where you live Crossy, where I am I have quite a few of the large Toktaws - they don't go in the kitchen, they mainly stay outside, but these things can take care of a heck of a lot of pests!

Some of ours are pretty large - I am talking more than the length of my forearm - they don't come near me and I don't go near them - but I have seen one of these things eat one of those Jakep (the poisonous centipedes) like a piece of spaghetti - and the ceintipede was more than 8 inches long.

The little Jingjooks like you say will generally only go into the kitchen if there are insects and their shit can be a problem - (not as much as the toktaw - looks like a huge cat shit).

Best thing I have found is to make sure you have no little insects flying around inside your house, then at night, make sure you have a bright outside light and make sure you switch it on first - you can watch the action - they are fascinating things - I wouldn't be without them.

I have one Toktaw that is about 18" long - it has been around here for ages - it comes into my room where I have the computer - it watches me, I watch it - neither of has a problem, and it has never shit here once.

you have a most interesting grasp of thai phonetics and vocabulary.

perhaps stick with the english

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I highly apreciate my little guests in and around my house: Common House Gecko, chee chak, chi chak, chee chuck, tjitjak, jing-jok, จิ้งจก, (Hemidactylus frenatus), which need a bit more of (vacuum)cleaning but they keep lots of insects out, apart of the ants unfortunately bah.gif.

However they seems to get used to human food also as one or two are making their live easier in roaming around in the kitchen.............. I never was aware that the species are also eating bread as I saw once in a restaurant in Mae Sot.............. smile.png

The tokay gecko (Gekko gecko) is keeping them under control around the house as the golden tree snake, ornate flying snake (Chrysopelea ornata) does.

Since short they have another enemy inside the house: the Huntsman spider, giant crab spiders, wood spiders (Sparassidae, formerly Heteropodidae).

Their other garden-enemy can be the Oriental Garden Lizard, Gardenfence Lizard, Changeable Lizard.

As such everyone is keeping everything under control.....................thumbsup.gif

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Actually, they can be quite beneficial to your surroundings.

They're no harm, unlike other 4-legged vermin.

You will not keep them out, believe me.

Gecko's are good to have a round. They eat all of the nasty little things that like to bite/poison you.

If you were successful in eradicating your geckos, I guarantee with in a couple of weeks you would be overrun with nasty little creepy crawlies.

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MOTH BALLS !!I is the answer to gecko's....they dont like the smell.

I had quite a few in my kitchen ,one pair always inside a cupboard.

Bought a pack of mothballs placed them arround...Gecko's went away.

Be careful if you have a cat...they can die from mothball ingredients,,

Your thinking about bats my friend.
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Actually, they can be quite beneficial to your surroundings.

They're no harm, unlike other 4-legged vermin.

You will not keep them out, believe me.

Gecko's are good to have a round. They eat all of the nasty little things that like to bite/poison you.

If you were successful in eradicating your geckos, I guarantee with in a couple of weeks you would be overrun with nasty little creepy crawlies.

Which "nasty little creepy crawlies" are you thinking of?

I'm not asking to be combative, as I like gekkos and tookays and am genuinely curious. Do tookays eat centipedes? I wonder as I have a number of tookays and rarely see centipedes (not to be confused with millipedes).

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Actually, they can be quite beneficial to your surroundings.

They're no harm, unlike other 4-legged vermin.

You will not keep them out, believe me.

Gecko's are good to have a round. They eat all of the nasty little things that like to bite/poison you.

If you were successful in eradicating your geckos, I guarantee with in a couple of weeks you would be overrun with nasty little creepy crawlies.

Which "nasty little creepy crawlies" are you thinking of?

I'm not asking to be combative, as I like gekkos and tookays and am genuinely curious. Do tookays eat centipedes? I wonder as I have a number of tookays and rarely see centipedes (not to be confused with millipedes).

We are during this season overcrowded with centipeds but I have not seen it, but......... they seems

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Keeping jingkos at bay is akin to to attempting the same with ants.

They just are.

Eaxactly - you simply cannot - I had them completely ruin a printer I had - they laid eggs in the mechanism, and once they are hatched - they are smaller than your little finger and can easily get under the smallest crack under any door - cut off the food supply is you only hope, we have three cars that hang around here, but they will never sort these little guys out, they are far too quick.

Same problem: two printers now

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Actually, they can be quite beneficial to your surroundings.

They're no harm, unlike other 4-legged vermin.

You will not keep them out, believe me.

Gecko's are good to have a round. They eat all of the nasty little things that like to bite/poison you.

If you were successful in eradicating your geckos, I guarantee with in a couple of weeks you would be overrun with nasty little creepy crawlies.

Which "nasty little creepy crawlies" are you thinking of?

I'm not asking to be combative, as I like gekkos and tookays and am genuinely curious. Do tookays eat centipedes? I wonder as I have a number of tookays and rarely see centipedes (not to be confused with millipedes).

We are during this season overcrowded with centipeds but I have not seen it, but......... they seems


Looks like that was a tookay eating a centipede to me! A bit odd though as the centipedes I have seen have been bigger.

Edited by F1fanatic
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To get rid of the small lizards ... get a big one !

We locked a big gecko in our bedroom for two weeks when we went abroad, he probably got in a day when we left a window open. When we came back he was waiting for us right in front of the door, just above the window. We got a little bit of trouble to get him out of the house (they bite and they have small but sharp teeth !) but the bedroom was totally free of insects, spiders and small lizards.

When a Tockay Gecko bites you (self-defence!) don't try to pull him off but simply keep your hand under water and he releases!

Edited by mistitikimikis
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its no problem for me . I lay awake at night watching the Snakes catch the Tukgae who chase the jinjuks. and then there is the odd rat or two.. These are the joys of living in the Jungle. Spiders as big as diner plates, then there is the leaches, Hotels are for mam-by pambys, Only joking, just keep the place clean, and block all small holes, they do a good job of eating the small biting insects but as you say they leave deposits around.

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Despite the lighthearted responses, and assuming you mean the small jinjok geckos, you're really not going to keep the little chaps out. They don't make that much mess unless you have millions. If you do have millions you need to remove their food source (mostly mozzies and small insects) and they will move on.

If you have the big tukgae (sp.) beasties you do need to remove them, carefully, they bite. Once again removing the food supply (bigger bugs) will discourage them from returning.

Well my wife can keep them out for at least 2 weeks (than she need 1 week to catch the new one).

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To get rid of the small lizards ... get a big one !

We locked a big gecko in our bedroom for two weeks when we went abroad, he probably got in a day when we left a window open. When we came back he was waiting for us right in front of the door, just above the window. We got a little bit of trouble to get him out of the house (they bite and they have small but sharp teeth !) but the bedroom was totally free of insects, spiders and small lizards.

When a Tockay Gecko bites you (self-defence!) don't try to pull him off but simply keep your hand under water and he releases!

I got told that some people in Germany who breed them call them the Rotweiler of lizards, as the like to bite the finger.

When they bite (thanks for the idea with water, I would cut its head off, so your solution is much better). you can get nasty infections from it.....

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Actually, they can be quite beneficial to your surroundings.

They're no harm, unlike other 4-legged vermin.

Except they crap every where.

agreed. Am referring to the big ones, not the little benign ones. Their poop is large and sticks to tile - and bad smell.

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5555 a guy asks about geckos and we get a pissing contest....

the guy that said mothballs has the best solution..heard from bungalow owner.... he throws a handful in the attics of the bungalows and seems to work.

Lots of 'em in our house the biggest pain is when they piss on me when I am in bed reading..never on the wifes side of the bed???

They are fun to watch sometimes approaching a massive insect then changing their mind lol

Got so many other bugs and ants and stuff...just not an issue...don't have screens.... windows open all the time anyways.

Last night when the wife was away had a bloody bat flying around the bedroom for a bout 15mins before leaving whence it came...

Anyone come across those little black beetles with two circular flaps out front for feelers...they burn like someone stuck a cigarette on your skin and actually leave burn marks...little b...s!!! Then there is another big black beetle that give you an electric shock.....it's a jungle out there..well mostly..should really fire up the brush cutter.......

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