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Everyone chooses to come to Thailand for a reason.Those that are classed as sex tourist are normally those that can"t function with the opposite sex in a normal enviorament, yet, they might be one of the nicest people you would ever want to meet. The ederly who are trying to recapture a bit of times gone by before they meet their maker. At their sfage in life it"s called companionship. Me, like some people came here for other reasons. Mine was anger issuses which I felt couldn"t be dealt with ejther within the surroundings or company that I kept,Many people bash Thai on their culture [ the more ignorant of those with an inferior complex call it behaviour] ] and to be honest I understand a lot of you grievances. But without the help of caring people in the past and most noticeable the Thai around me I wouldn"t be in the position I"m in. And that is raising my daughter by myself. Those families from Phuket {and there only five] are some of the most geniune people you"re ever likely meet. Many people look at their faults and adapt to the Thai way because it what they"ve been looking for. As in my case.[ Altough I still like a shandy] It"s called a comprimise within youself. Walk a mile in a man"s shoes is one of my most precious sayings.If your having problems with Thai people, leave the bar or change your behaviour to something that is more fitting to Thai culture and not a western one.Which, I believe is why your here in the first place. Thailand is not { or will never be } the remady to your ploblem but it"s a dam_n good sedative Take a hard look at yourself. How do you feel? Sort it out before it sorts you out or enjoy your new life/

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I wouldn't have thought Thailand was a good choice of place to come for those with 'anger management' issues.

Unless you are using Thailand as an unusual method of suicide.

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I feel the op is having a shitty time at present,chin up son it can only get better,I've had a crap day to this gout in my knee is not letting up.

I came to Thailand because it's cold in the UK this time of year,spoke to my brother earlier said its gonna be minus 10 by the end of the week.


One good reason: No time off where I come from(US). Which is why you never see many Americans here as tourists. We don't get vacations like the Europeans. I see they are overrepresented here.

Anyways, I'm happy now since I get to enjoy my life instead of just working.

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I wouldn't have thought Thailand was a good choice of place to come for those with 'anger management' issues.

Unless you are using Thailand as an unusual method of suicide.

I'm not sure that giving oneself a stroke is the best way to go.


One good reason: No time off where I come from(US). Which is why you never see many Americans here as tourists. We don't get vacations like the Europeans. I see they are overrepresented here.

Anyways, I'm happy now since I get to enjoy my life instead of just working.

A lot of expats though. smile.png


Some things in Thailand exceeded my expectations and others were a disappointment.

Like many I enjoy a good moan sometimes, helps the old blood pressure and relieves the pressures. But it doesn’t always mean when someone has a whinge that they are unhappy. Isn’t that what’s life’s all about? No such place as Utopia.

Life is what you make it and of course money helps although it`s not everything.

I think it`s just a case of common sense. Good planning for your future, making sure that you have enough funds and not to become involved with the wrong sorts here, be polite, except and adapt to Thai lifestyle and culture. These are the keys to happiness in Thailand I believe.

I came to Thailand to give it a try. I liked it and stayed. It`s that simple.


I wouldn't have thought Thailand was a good choice of place to come for those with 'anger management' issues.

Unless you are using Thailand as an unusual method of suicide.

I'm not sure that giving oneself a stroke is the best way to go.

Surely Thailand is the last place on earth where self-abuse is necessary? giggle.gif


No such place as Utopia.

Speak for yourself, I am surrounded by herds of unicorns bearing nubile tanned sloe eyed temptresses who ply me with ambrosia while satisfying my every whim.


I came to Thailand because a single Canadian friend asked me to visit him after my second marriage ended 15 years ago. I came for the intended 2 week holiday and it wasn't enough time, so I added another week. I've been coming ever since and it completely changed my life for the better.

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I came for two reasons, first it was becoming too expensive to live on my veteran's pension and it gets me away from the things that upset me, second my wife wanted to come back to Thailand to be near her family. I am much more relaxed here than in Australia, it never gets cold where I am now, the driving here can be a little hair raising at times but at least the drivers are not as aggressive and are more polite here.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com


No such place as Utopia.

Speak for yourself, I am surrounded by herds of unicorns bearing nubile tanned sloe eyed temptresses who ply me with ambrosia while satisfying my every whim.

The unicorns bearing nubile tanned sloe eyed temptresses who ply guys with ambrosia while satisfying their every whim, are running a bit scarce down my way.

Where I come from ambrosia was a rice pudding. Sounds fun to me, especially with jam on and with a cherry on top.


No such place as Utopia.

Speak for yourself, I am surrounded by herds of unicorns bearing nubile tanned sloe eyed temptresses who ply me with ambrosia while satisfying my every whim.

The unicorns bearing nubile tanned sloe eyed temptresses who ply guys with ambrosia while satisfying their every whim, are running a bit scarce down my way.

Where I come from ambrosia was a rice pudding. Sounds fun to me, especially with jam on and with a cherry on top.

Utopia's a big Thai 'massage' place up past Rama IX.

Personally, I prefer their custard

(sorry should have posted that in JT's 'tarts or tarts' thread)



I came here for a holiday ,then came back to roger as many ladies as i could ,eventually after a few years went into buisness ,met and married my wife ,we lived in the UK for many years ,i was bored working ,had enough money to live here in comfort ,so we came back with our son , i gave up rogering other ladies when i got married ,and found that i did not miss it (rogering the other ladies that is) now enjoy the quiet lifecoffee1.gif


I came here for a month holiday decided the place had promise came back for six months decided to call Thailand home went back to Canada sold my house got rid of every thing and came back for the duration.

I love the fact that every thing is different. Can't understand why people want to change it to be like where they come from.

Have a Thai wife and am enjoying my life.

One other thing it is close to many other countries and the cost of traveling is very low.


No such place as Utopia.

Speak for yourself, I am surrounded by herds of unicorns bearing nubile tanned sloe eyed temptresses who ply me with ambrosia while satisfying my every whim. :o

You haven't left Montagar yet? :o


No such place as Utopia.

Speak for yourself, I am surrounded by herds of unicorns bearing nubile tanned sloe eyed temptresses who ply me with ambrosia while satisfying my every whim. ohmy.png

You haven't left Montagar yet? ohmy.png

Ok, you got me, it's actually two dogs and a Mia who let's me drink if I behave myself and do the gardening...

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