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Ambush Brit Fights For Life In Hua Hin


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Ambush Brit fights for life

A 'Flying Sporran Inquiry' Hua Hin

Justine Ayling and her husband Paul took their 12-yr-old son to Thailand for a new life and to be close to Paul’s retired parents.

They designed and built their own luxury home and enjoyed the balmy weather and beautiful beaches of Hua Hin, 160 miles south of Bangkok. Close by were Paul’s parents Anita and Michael, and Paul’s brother Stephen also ran a successful building business there.

But what they did not know was that in this Royal city, where the revered King of Thailand Bumiphol Adulyadej keeps his Summer Palace called ‘Far from worries’ murders and attacks on foreigners are far from rare, particularly when business is involved.


But in keeping with the city’s royal image, it is claimed, the authorities have not exactly been pulling out all stops on some horrific attacks in the town…and that appears also to involve capping investigations.

Today Paul Ayling, 48, a carpenter and kitchen fitter is in a coma from which he may never recover. Justine is trying sell their £430,000 pool villa to get back home. Her memories are bitter. The family are divided.

Paul and Justine were already planning their return home last December. Paul had decided Hua Hin was a place for retirees, not for him. Having sold his car Paul and Justine had just taken their Scott to private school on their small step-through Honda Fina motorbike last November and were returning home when two men stepped out into the road, one with a wooden club.


Happier days in Thorpe Bay, Kent

The first went behind [more..]

Full story, video: http://www.andrew-dr...ory.php?sid=503

-- andrew-drummond.com 2012-02-01


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This is old news and inaccurate. According to Paul's mother Anita, the attack took place on 21 November, not in December.

Of course, and very unfortunately, Paul wasn't wearing a helmet and it was hitting his head on the concrete road as a result of the attack that fractured his skull, not a blow to the head by his assailant who reportedly was armed with a tree branch, not a club per se.

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Puzzled as to why a carpenter would hire a Thai do do carpentry work in his own home? Why did he wait till the work was complete before raising the issue - shoddy work to the trained eye is well visible before work is complete. Seems a lot more to this stpry than is being reported.

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Sadly Hua Hin is no longer the place to consider far too many murders there now as with all Thai towns that grow with foreigners the crime follows..anyone who puts almost half a million pounds into a house here must be delusional or just crazy

Hope this story turns out positive but sadly it looks like it wont; like many I would be surprised if they leave with any of the 430,000 GBP

Thailand is no game and it gets very serious if you cant handle it

You know I dont usually post on messabe boards, especially where Thailand is concerned mostly because responding to silly posts are a waste of time.

However for my first (I think) post to this forum, I have a question.

You say that "Thailand is no game, and it gets very serious if you cant handle it" how would "You" have handled this diffrently?

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Thought you were only allowed to publish parts from any publisher.....first few paras and then a link to the site.....supposedly the accepted way.

So why the 'this publisher' dig ??

We have different deals and terms with different publishers. Back on topic, please.
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I spent a few months in Hua Hin and loved it but I was introduced to the underbelly and it sent me cold.

Even one of the Police chiefs offering to lend me his gun for an afternoon if i wanted to frighten somebody. But he said please don't shoot it i have to account for the bullets.

Totally crazy place I even feel safer in Pattaya, I hope Paul recovers to some kind of semblance of a normal life.

Anywhere else Mafia is a hidden secret organisation only going after those that really deserve it. But in Thailand it's just over a bit of face or a few baht and they openly brag about being connected or part of a Mafia.

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I feel sory for the chap and his family but - while in no way condoning the assault - he was warned very specifically that unless he paid he would be in trouble; Thailand is a place where you take that warning very seriously .... and for Baht 12,000.- it was crazy not to take the hint.


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I was thinking of buying a property n live in thailand when i made my first visit here.This site helped me a lot for coming to a conclusion that my own country is better n i should not risk my money in this country.I am 30y n now iwould prefer to ocassionally come here for a couple of months ad be sure to be aleart before geting into any deal rather than getting into an argument.Use public transport as much as i can.My condolence with the family.

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