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Thai Girls 'Forced Into Sex Slavery' In Australia


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I too don't accept this story at face value.

Genuine students don't end up doing anything other than bending over books for long hours.

It makes a good story. Why let the truth get in the way of some titilation?

Good thoughts but very very naieve - no one wants a life of slavery but you only have to look at the Uni students here in Thailand that are "sponsored" through their Uni years by an older Thai & Farang gentleman - please take off the rose coloured glasses when reading such articles .

There is always a means to an end.


One of my wife’s work colleges went to Sydney on a student visa. She had to cough up with 200000 baht and then she was permitted into Australia as a student.

The University was part of a scam, where as although the girl was recorded as attending the University, these records are falsified or they only attend part time.

She now actually works for an escort agency in Sydney, which sends Thai girls to clients as outcalls. This practice is common all over Australia.

Perhaps with these girls the job just didn’t work out and the terms and conditions where they were under the impression that they were going to make their fortune did not transpire?

In most cases, these girls know exactly what’s involved prior to leaving Thailand; only sometimes the job does not meet their expectations.

Unfortunately the people that hire these girls end up paying the price under Australian law and the girls will just move on to another agency or brothal.

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Alternatively, Chinese-Cambodian arrested in Australia for forcing Thai girls into sex slavery

That was stated in the original story was there another story or link I missed

Exactly. For some, the headline is often ALL the story, and creates a lasting erroneous impression. It depends hugely on how it is written. "Thai girls 'forced into sex slavery' in Australia" reads like a blanket condemnation of Australian Society, rather than a report of a specific case in which the Australian authorities acted correctly againt some sleazebag. As is often the case with newspapers, the headline is attention-grabbing, but does not reflect the content of the following story. I am delighted the Australians arrested this dog.

I hope they arrested those perverted Aussies who were the customers as well.

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I really get fed up with the naivity of these people trafficking stories. Why is it in Chiang Mai the low class brothels are filled with Tai Yai and hilltribe girls? The answer is that the Thai girls have better pastures to go to. Pattaya is a life far more lucrative and even more lucrative than that is getting abroad. So many of these old wise girls in the likes of that beer bar on soi 5 sukkumvit try to use (what's the name, jockeys??) to get them a visa into the lucrative European cities where they make a fortune lying on their backs for 30 minute stints. Those who are not so independent minded have to rely on someone else who "knows the score". In reality Thais are not the downtrodden third world people that some people who have no experience of this country seem to imagine. Have a look at all the building work in Chiang Mai. They all look like Thais to tourists, but the vast majority are from Burma. The Thais are doing better stuff than that. And if you are a Thai hooker, the real big money is going to the big cities like London or Sydney. I knew of one girl (I knew her quite well) who went to England with her husband and usual story of betrayal. Then she gets into this "human trafficking" business with her cousin. But the story on the ground was quite different than the press liked to portray it. All her girls that came from her province in Isaan and they all knew her. Once they were in England they all sat and ate somtam together and did the usual Thai gossiping and bitching. No one was controlling anyone and the only worry the girls had was their visa. The News of The World got a hold of this story and it exposed up on the front page. It was a joke to read it when you knew the real story. These girls were all pissed about the News of the World's exposure to "save" them. I am not saying that all cases are like this, but I really do believe the vast majority are. What I am saying is that in the vast majority of cases this, this is all nothing less than a lifestyle choice and who has the right over anyone's personal decision in life? Many of these NGO's would be happy to see these girls saved, but for what? A life on a rice farm or doing some needlework?

Yes, spot on! I know of a similar 'major bust' in UK, were they decided that these poor Brazilian girls had been trafficked to England on the assumption that they would be working in a 'health club' - what absolute nonsense, I knew everyone involved and the stories that went to court were concocted by the police to secure a conviction. The girls were prompted to say they were held against their will. Complete B.S. they all used to party together with the Madam who was and had been friends with them all for years. The girls were offered incentives (flats paid for, benefits paid, cash returned to them that the police had seized and indefinite stay in UK) to coax them back from Brazil to give evidence.. after they had initially deported them by the way!!

These trafficking stories are rarely as we've seen depicted in TV dramas.

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Why Australia as well as U.S. will not legalize such a job like providing a sex services? I would add about legalizing of some drugs like pot. NO-oh, they prefer to have mafia in own countries that gets a lot of money from nonlegal businesses and to provide with dirty money those police and officers who are in charge. Corruption, this is the name. And after all anybody dare to bark at the corruption in Thailand? At least, prostitution is legal in the country. Sure, I believe there can be a ground for this story that a girl was forced, and not paid. Instead, she got on drugs and every day clients of the brothel were raping her.

What you suggest makes too much sense I'm afraid. I mean Prohibition was a massive success in America, right?

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There are hundreds of asian brothels in Sydney and they must be illegal, so how do they get away with it? Must be a mafia like Thailand

I'm not sure of the differences between the different states/territories, but in most of Australia this part of the sex industry has been decriminalized, as long as it's between consenting adults, the girls keep their medical tests up to date etc. Very sensible, right up there with Holland, Germany and much of the civilized world.

This helps take the organized crime aspect out, or at least the cops can focus their resources on the "bad apples" rather than hopelessly trying to eliminate something that has existed in every society, before "society" itself did.

Far as all those saying the girls knew full well that's pretty harsh, sure there are scams among normal people (johns and whores) all the time, but true trafficking (systematic organized fraud + kidnapping) does happen into every developed country, and it's probably safe to say the guy arrested was actually doing some evil stuff on a whole 'nother level.

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There are hundreds of asian brothels in Sydney and they must be illegal, so how do they get away with it? Must be a mafia like Thailand

I'm not sure of the differences between the different states/territories, but in most of Australia this part of the sex industry has been decriminalized, as long as it's between consenting adults, the girls keep their medical tests up to date etc. Very sensible, right up there with Holland, Germany and much of the civilized world.

This helps take the organized crime aspect out, or at least the cops can focus their resources on the "bad apples" rather than hopelessly trying to eliminate something that has existed in every society, before "society" itself did.

Far as all those saying the girls knew full well that's pretty harsh, sure there are scams among normal people (johns and whores) all the time, but true trafficking (systematic organized fraud + kidnapping) does happen into every developed country, and it's probably safe to say the guy arrested was actually doing some evil stuff on a whole 'nother level.

The status of the brothel employees is questionable as most of them are either illegal or students. The brothels have only been legalaized recently, yet have been around forever.

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Just got my copy of Saturdays Gold Coast newspaper, complete with a copy of the PARADISE Magazine and this subject has a 3 page spread

It seems a book has just been released written by 2 high standing Bond University Proffessors on the subject, it is there learned legal opinion that the Australian Immigration should accept prostitues from Thailand. Phillipines and Korea, and the right to apply for sex Visas to work in Australian Brothels, enter the country and work legally.

Quote: The Australian Embassy should give instructions on how to avoid debt bondage

They also say sex trafficking is a problem, but by magnifying the size of the problem, we only create moral panic, and this is just not justified

Well does this open Pandora's Box or not

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A lot has been said about the headline being an attention grabber misrepresenting the fact that it was a Chinese-Cambodian not an Australian that was arrested. But I would like to add that these were not GIRLS. In the original article http://www.afp.gov.au/media-centre/news/afp/2012/february/sydney-man-arrested-on-human-trafficking.aspx only WOMEN are mentioned...Girls would have to be under 18...there seems to be NO evidence they were. So the use of GIRLS is also a misrepresentation of the TRUTH.

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A lot has been said about the headline being an attention grabber misrepresenting the fact that it was a Chinese-Cambodian not an Australian that was arrested. But I would like to add that these were not GIRLS. In the original article http://www.afp.gov.a...rafficking.aspx only WOMEN are mentioned...Girls would have to be under 18...there seems to be NO evidence they were. So the use of GIRLS is also a misrepresentation of the TRUTH.

This article indicates that they were "believed to be under 18". http://www.theage.com.au/national/tipoff-leads-to-trio-of-young-thai-women-who-were-held-as-sex-slaves-20120202-1qvnu.html

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Trafficking of girls from Asia, particularly Thailand, is a problem in Australia and police said it was "abhorrent" for the victims

This is one of the reasons why it is more difficult for Thai women to get visa's to Australia. So many simply drop of the radar once in the country. Some the subject of human trafficking such as this and quite a few voluntarily go straight into the sex industry.

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Chances are they were recruited by a Thai lady back in Thailand.

Of course.. it's all the "Thais" fault... gotta love TV members and their obvious love for all things Thai.

Read it for yourself.

"agents are usually local people or relatives and friends of local people"

The trafficking of Thai women into Japan for sex services is well organized under the control of Japanese and Thai agents, linked to the criminal world of both countries. The agents in Thailand will organize everything, including passport, visa, air tickets and basic Japanese language training. The agents in Thailand earn income by selling women to agents in Japan, and the agents in Japan make a profit by imposing a debt on women.

Recruiting women and girls for prostitution was fiercely competitive. In the rural regions, agents are usually local people or relatives and friends of local people who recruit directly from the villages.


and from another poster on thaivisa

It is almost a monthly occurence up in Chiang Mai that kids are abducted. It used to be a lot more frequent a few years ago, (In my village many parents wouldn't even let there kids out on the street - They were terrified of those minibuses with the blacked out windows, as there was so much fear of them stealing kids) and it is well known that a lot of these kids end up maimed and put out to beg! (and admittedly - some were even sold by their own parents!) By the way, I have a ten year old for sale at the moment - he is a PITA, and eats me out of house and home plus the electric bills for his computer and PS3 are busting the bank - going cheap! Any offers?


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I hope they arrested those perverted Aussies who were the customers as well.

The brothel is in Sydney? Correct me if I'm wrong, but brothels can operate legal in NSW right?

I'm not a brothel visitor, but if it was a legal premise then are they still 'perverted' if it's goverment approved?

Premises have to be permitted, they apply for this through government and have to meet certain requirements.

Many do not do this and operate in the shadows, these are classed as illegal.

Which this property was in the article I do not know.

This place was a legal brothel, with some girls working of thier own free will, then you have those being forced to do it in the same place. This incident probably would have gone undetected if it was for the 3 girls contacting the Salvation Army, who then contacted the police. On the legal side the girls are paid a certain wage, can come and go as they please and the establisment pays taxes on earning. The underside with the ilegals the operator takes all the profits, pays no taxes and forces the girls to perform up to 15 times per day. The sex slaves are never kept in the one brothel for to long and are constantly moved around the city and interstate.

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Why Australia as well as U.S. will not legalize such a job like providing a sex services? I would add about legalizing of some drugs like pot. NO-oh, they prefer to have mafia in own countries that gets a lot of money from nonlegal businesses and to provide with dirty money those police and officers who are in charge. Corruption, this is the name. And after all anybody dare to bark at the corruption in Thailand? At least, prostitution is legal in the country. Sure, I believe there can be a ground for this story that a girl was forced, and not paid. Instead, she got on drugs and every day clients of the brothel were raping her.

Prostitution is NOT legal in Thailand. Prostitution is legal in registered brothels in Australia. Street prostution is ilegal in Australia.

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Why Australia as well as U.S. will not legalize such a job like providing a sex services? I would add about legalizing of some drugs like pot. NO-oh, they prefer to have mafia in own countries that gets a lot of money from nonlegal businesses and to provide with dirty money those police and officers who are in charge. Corruption, this is the name. And after all anybody dare to bark at the corruption in Thailand? At least, prostitution is legal in the country. Sure, I believe there can be a ground for this story that a girl was forced, and not paid. Instead, she got on drugs and every day clients of the brothel were raping her.

Prostitution is NOT legal in Thailand. Prostitution is legal in registered brothels in Australia. Street prostution is ilegal in Australia.

I'd add to that that prostitution is legal in certain counties is the USA as well (registered brothels I believe).

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Why Australia as well as U.S. will not legalize such a job like providing a sex services? I would add about legalizing of some drugs like pot. NO-oh, they prefer to have mafia in own countries that gets a lot of money from nonlegal businesses and to provide with dirty money those police and officers who are in charge. Corruption, this is the name. And after all anybody dare to bark at the corruption in Thailand? At least, prostitution is legal in the country. Sure, I believe there can be a ground for this story that a girl was forced, and not paid. Instead, she got on drugs and every day clients of the brothel were raping her.

Prostitution is NOT legal in Thailand. Prostitution is legal in registered brothels in Australia. Street prostution is ilegal in Australia.

I'd add to that that prostitution is legal in certain counties is the USA as well (registered brothels I believe).

only in certain counties in the state of Nevada, USA (registered brothels I believe)

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Just got my copy of Saturdays Gold Coast newspaper, complete with a copy of the PARADISE Magazine and this subject has a 3 page spread

It seems a book has just been released written by 2 high standing Bond University Proffessors on the subject, it is there learned legal opinion that the Australian Immigration should accept prostitues from Thailand. Phillipines and Korea, and the right to apply for sex Visas to work in Australian Brothels, enter the country and work legally.

Quote: The Australian Embassy should give instructions on how to avoid debt bondage

They also say sex trafficking is a problem, but by magnifying the size of the problem, we only create moral panic, and this is just not justified

Well does this open Pandora's Box or not

This has been my opinion for some time.

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This place was a legal brothel, with some girls working of thier own free will, then you have those being forced to do it in the same place. This incident probably would have gone undetected if it was for the 3 girls contacting the Salvation Army, who then contacted the police. On the legal side the girls are paid a certain wage, can come and go as they please and the establisment pays taxes on earning. The underside with the ilegals the operator takes all the profits, pays no taxes and forces the girls to perform up to 15 times per day. The sex slaves are never kept in the one brothel for to long and are constantly moved around the city and interstate.

I find it hard to believe that a legal premise would mix this type of action.

Based on you saying it was a legal premises...then I would be leaning towards the girls spinning a yarn now to suit their own purposes.

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This place was a legal brothel, with some girls working of thier own free will, then you have those being forced to do it in the same place. This incident probably would have gone undetected if it was for the 3 girls contacting the Salvation Army, who then contacted the police. On the legal side the girls are paid a certain wage, can come and go as they please and the establisment pays taxes on earning. The underside with the ilegals the operator takes all the profits, pays no taxes and forces the girls to perform up to 15 times per day. The sex slaves are never kept in the one brothel for to long and are constantly moved around the city and interstate.

I find it hard to believe that a legal premise would mix this type of action.

Based on you saying it was a legal premises...then I would be leaning towards the girls spinning a yarn now to suit their own purposes.

Trying not to 'lose face', one might think.

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This appears to be a photo of the business location, as posted on the business' website.

Quite a charming setting. Reminds one kinda of ... a jail???


C'mon John the picture was in your phone.

Hopefully this is where a woman can earn between $5,000 to $8,000 plus a week and find true and longlasting love.

How did the girls in the OP get there visa's?

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Been in thailand 23 years, really have seen the ins and outs of the girlfriend, girlfriend from a bar, girlfriend for sale, girl for rent, sex by financial persuasion, and clean cut prostitution, (there really are a variety of formats for males to enjoy here, certainly less than half fits into the later profile) , I have discussed with thousands of girls, hundreds with personal os experience, dozens with links to set-up organised work abroard, some of whom can arrange your prepaid working holiday (as a prostitute) within weeks, I would like to say that in my opinion; almost NO girl, almost never at all has gone to work in such circumstances without prior knowledge of the type of work they will be doing. Some may certainly have been mislead to visulize a work environment much different than the situation they met, they may not have expected to have as many as ten costomers a day and may not have expected to be as tightly confined as was the case, they may often have been mistreated and abused, certainly financially as the share process is very unbalanced considering how hard they work. On the other hand, they often make a lot of money and envy the girls who are able to attract more that ten costomers a day, they can bring home millions of baht each year, some girls more than two million. Others take a terrible 6-8 months to pay off the debt incurred by being sponsored to come to work(often more than a million baht, inclusive) then are free to return and do so emptyhanded.

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And to add ; the trafficer, the pimps need to be scorged from this earth, dealt with by harsh terms, though consideration to the making of thier terrible charracters needs to understood . . . what is it that failed them in thier growth through society that led them to this horrible way of making a living . . . As for the girls; they most likely had a terrible background to lead them this far, certainly lacking opportunity and or guidance, the Thais are nice folk, often quite simple and honest, but easily misled by atractive offers of wealth and opportunity . . . And as for the supply and demand idea, can't really blame the costomers . . . not when the girls are as cute , as wonderfully fun and sexy , as hot and (sometimes) saucy , as true to love, lust, or friendship, as tbese lovely Thai girls are . . . !!!!

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