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Missing American From Cm....


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Missing American from CM

I was just contacted by a friend of a person that I don’t really know who has not checked in with his family and friends back in the US and they are concerned as it has been a week since they heard from him. His last communications seemed like he was quite depressed and was going into the mountains, but took his celphone and notebook and no word from him.

The info relayed to me was that he lived in the CM city center, name is Mark Meurs and he did a variety of 'health related" things. But his background was massage.

That is the only info that I have at this time and if anyone knows the whereabouts of him, please post on this forum or send me a PM.

Friends and family are concerned, any info will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance…….

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What investigations have you and his family done to find this guy?

It appears that his details are all over the Internet. His email addresses, phone numbers, Skype contacts and so on. Only need to do a Google search.


How long has he been unattainable?

Has anyone first done the obvious and tried to phone him, Skype, trace his online activities etc?

Perhaps he has no wish to be found or as is quite common in Thailand with farangs that are conducting some sorts of businesses here, got involved with the wrong crowd?

How are you involved? If I were to know of his whereabouts, which I do not, I would not send details to you anyway. Because without any clarification, how do we know what your intentions are for finding this guy?


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I have a friend missing too, tall black dude that always wears a hat, plays drums. He was leaving Pai for CNX and haven't heard from him since. Im going to check the Pai police station soon and i will also ask about your friend.

Anyone know if one station has the ability to check other stations via online database?

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Mark Meurs has deleted his facebook account, but he is on other social networking sites that list some of his friends and contacts.

Has anyone tried contacting these friends and contacts to inquire if any of them know of his whereabouts?

My guess is that Mark Meurs does not wish to be found, maybe for a multitude of reasons.

Well, Mr OP, the ball is in your court, enlighten us please? That`s if you wish to continue on this thread.

My advice is; if anyone does have knowledge of Mr Meurs whereabouts, is to not divulge anything for the time being, until it is confirmed exactly who these people are that are seeking him.


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Have you, or probably more to the point, his family, contacted the CM or other police?

Have you, or probably more to the point, his family, contacted his embassy to report him missing?

Seems to me that this should be done quickly.


- My guess (repeat guess) there is more chance of quickly finding someone if it's reported quickly.

- Is it perhaps possible, that the police, if you advise them late, will say 'why didn't you report this earlier' / or even say something like 'It's the law of Thailand that the police must be informed about missing persons within 48 hours, or something like that.

What about the organization he works for, do they have, because of his working relationship with them, some ideas where he may have gone. e.g. is he with a 'client' who specifically wants to discuss things in a remote / isolated setting.

Is his organization totally legitimate? Do you, OP, represent that organization?

And I agree with another poster, I would not be quick to give details of this guys whereabouts (If I had any details, which I don't) to the OP.

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