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Abhisit Queries 'Insensitive' Flood Party


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Abhisit queries 'insensitive' flood party

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has questioned why the government is organising a glitzy party to raise awareness on flood control, seen as being insensitive to the plight of the last year's disaster victims.

"I don't understand the government's true intentions on the party," he said yesterday in reference to the garden party at Government House, scheduled for Friday.

Abhisit said if the government wanted to hold a thank-you party for those involved in the flood relief, then the event should be moderate and without the lavishness.

"I think the planned glitzy celebration would hurt the feelings of a lot of people who were impacted by the government's mismanagement of the flooding," he said.

Several victims are still waiting to receive their compensation payments, hence this is not the time for the authorities to be partying, he added.

Commenting on the invitation for chief royal adviser General Prem Tinsulanonda to attend the party, he said he was not worried about the guest list but the justification for the event.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra defended the party as a gesture to boost the confidence in the country to carry out flood control measures.

Yingluck said she invited Prem to preside over the party in order to showcase that all key figures in society were united in supporting the flood-control commitment.

She confirmed Prem had accepted her invitation, confirming the upbeat support for shoring up confidence in the country's future.


-- The Nation 2012-02-08

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Some tangible action would prove the commitment. Talk is cheap, promises are just more hot air until they are fulfilled. Credibility is achieved through demonstrable performance not glitzy show. Point made? Get on with it! 3 months to go, if we're lucky...

We have a friend, with family, who lives in a community along the side of the Ping river in Chiang Mai city. The whole cummunity was completely under water for about 4 or 5 days. Massive damage.

When the water was rising, nobody from local or nation government appeared.

When the community was totally under water nobody from local or national government appeared.

Nobody from local or national government has ever appeared.

Their claims for compensation sidelined because they need the signature of a corrupt official who won't sign unless he's promised 50%.

They refuse to give in to his demands. Appeals to other officials ignored.

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I suppose quite a lot of sufferers of the flood, house, deaths, wages lost, trauma-will have salt rubbed in their wounds. This is simply not on when people are still waiting for the pittance of compensation offered. Disgusting, and total lack of feeling from the P.M.

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It'll be a venue where sexy Thai soap and pop stars can shake their perky asses and get new wealthy giks and recording contracts. Then most of the raised money will quietly disappear into the respective pockets of the behind the scenes individuals who need a new set of wheels.

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Some tangible action would prove the commitment. Talk is cheap, promises are just more hot air until they are fulfilled. Credibility is achieved through demonstrable performance not glitzy show. Point made? Get on with it! 3 months to go, if we're lucky...

"Three months to go" until what?

Edited by metisdead
30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording. Bold font removed.
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"......... impacted by the government's mismanagement of the flooding," he said."

Stating a totally unsupported conclusion, as if it is common knowledge.

"mismanagement" according to what standard?

I can also state with equal unsupported vigor, the exemplary way that Ms. Y and her Govt. handled the Flood disaster.

Just as credible.

I saw a bigger screw-up in Japan, with nuclear stuff happening all over the place, months after the event. What about Haiti, Myanmar, Pakistan, etc. etc.

On the surface, compared to those, Ms. Y and her hard work, empathy and leadership was exemplary.

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Some tangible action would prove the commitment. Talk is cheap, promises are just more hot air until they are fulfilled. Credibility is achieved through demonstrable performance not glitzy show. Point made? Get on with it! 3 months to go, if we're lucky...

"Three months to go" until what?

You really should try to keep up. Until the rainy season starts, according to some predictions. What did you think?

You really should try to keep up

I'm trying really hard, but its' not easy.

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What a load of frogs farts.

These low lifes did sweet f all for the most part, if anything they only increased ours and others suffering by holding the water back and left us inundated for 6 weeks.

I wonder if the Army will be invited as they were only crew I ever saw do anything constructive out our way.

Oh yeah, still waiting on my 20,000 grand compensation, though this will be a bit like the Lebanese beauty queen, Asif!

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Some tangible action would prove the commitment. Talk is cheap, promises are just more hot air until they are fulfilled. Credibility is achieved through demonstrable performance not glitzy show. Point made? Get on with it! 3 months to go, if we're lucky...

When is she going to wake up and realize the world is not as short in the thinking department as she is.

Abhist made one gigantic under statement when he said

Several victims are still waiting to receive their compensation payments.

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"......... impacted by the government's mismanagement of the flooding," he said."

Stating a totally unsupported conclusion, as if it is common knowledge.

"mismanagement" according to what standard?

I can also state with equal unsupported vigor, the exemplary way that Ms. Y and her Govt. handled the Flood disaster.

Just as credible.

I saw a bigger screw-up in Japan, with nuclear stuff happening all over the place, months after the event. What about Haiti, Myanmar, Pakistan, etc. etc.

On the surface, compared to those, Ms. Y and her hard work, empathy and leadership was exemplary.

Japan was hit by tsunami with less than an hour notice. The "nuclear stuff happening" was a continuation of that event.

Thailand (particularly Bangkok) was hit by floods with a month or more notice. FROC head quarters being flooded out twice and a large amount of donated goods being flooded clearly supports the conclusion of "the government's mismanagement of the flooding".

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I would suggest that it was far more insensitive to oversee the promotion of certain individuals in the RTA in gratitude of their sterling work in killing their own people.

And you go on about bringing up Thaksin??? rolleyes.gif

I think it's a valid comparison by bringing to peoples attention that perhaps Abhisit is not the best person to judge "insensitivity".

Thats how the MO of several of the abhisit supporters on here goes, isn't it - as you implied by your reply? What's OK for one should be OK for another, don't want double standards here do we? wai.gif

You as usual are confused Abhist is not throwing a party for show. He is merely pointing out the inattentiveness and incentivenesss of it to the hundreds of thousands still suffering from the flood.

Are you implying that Abhist should hold a party to show off the governments gratitude to the help they turned down. Dutch the US Navy.

Edited by hellodolly
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CalgaryII, I would be interested to know just how many of the protesters were indeed taxpayers, not that being a taxpayer has any bearing on the issue. I would have thought that simply being a Thai would be sufficient qualification to protest.

What would be even more interesting is seeing how many of the protesters were paid and when they got routed out were cheated out of their pay.

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Reading a few posts here is almost like seeing history being rewritten while we are watching. "peaceful protesters, not terrorists', Ghandi Tshirts, PTV shoutcasts.

Anyway, the OP is on doubts regarding the timing of a 'thank you for helping when some had hardly a meter of water running through their livingroom' party for foreigners. Friday 5PM at Government House as well. Lots of cars with CD license plates. Better go home early

Edited by rubl
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Thailand (particularly Bangkok) was hit by floods with a month or more notice. FROC head quarters being flooded out twice and a large amount of donated goods being flooded clearly supports the conclusion of "the government's mismanagement of the flooding".

If perfection is the standard, yes Ms. Y. and company may have mishandled some things.

If Abhi's and Co. handling of the disaster had they been in power was the standard, Ms. Y. and Co, performed admirably.

Her hard work, engagement and empathy so far outdistanced Abhi's abilities in that regard, thank God we had Ms. Y.

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If Abhi's and Co. handling of the disaster had they been in power was the standard, Ms. Y. and Co, performed admirably.

When a certain party c.s. was not in power and therefor didn't handle the disaster, anything compared to nothing might be deemed positive. For instance Ms Yingluck looked very 'na lak' at times, a truly remarkable feat when wading through water. Especially the Science Minister deserves a special mention, it was a mighty sight to see those ships wipe up the waters. It's a pity Dept. PM Chalerm wasn't on the forefront, but then he was studying the finer details of law for his draft reconciliation paper. And of course our dear Minister of StrangeForeign Affairs, office flooded and still able to issue a brand new pasport AND have it delivered within less than two days. No small feat indeed.

After all this praise of the government back to the party on friday. Somehow I didn't get an invitation. A real pity, I could have given TV members a first hand report of all the good deeds praised by a thankful Thai government.

Edited by rubl
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Several off topic posts and replies have been removed. Discussion of Abhisit queries insensitive flood party would be on topic while discussion of the 2010 red shirt demonstrations would be another topic altogether.

When replying to a quoted post, do not make changes to the fonts of the quoted post.

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Thailand (particularly Bangkok) was hit by floods with a month or more notice. FROC head quarters being flooded out twice and a large amount of donated goods being flooded clearly supports the conclusion of "the government's mismanagement of the flooding".

If perfection is the standard, yes Ms. Y. and company may have mishandled some things.

If Abhi's and Co. handling of the disaster had they been in power was the standard, Ms. Y. and Co, performed admirably.

Her hard work, engagement and empathy so far outdistanced Abhi's abilities in that regard, thank God we had Ms. Y.

As someone who truly suffered in the floods unlike yourself, my only comment would be to say that the only reason we have that useless wretch of a woman to completely mismanage the situation was because the military lost the courage to stay in power after heroically tossing her criminal brother out on his ass.

Here's to hoping they will repeat that service to this country again with this useless clone of a woman.

Your support of the horrible job she did is truly nauseating to me. Perhaps you would care to give me the 500k in damage that was caused to my house due largely to her mismanagement and that of the BMA?

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"......... impacted by the government's mismanagement of the flooding," he said."

Stating a totally unsupported conclusion, as if it is common knowledge.

"mismanagement" according to what standard?

I can also state with equal unsupported vigor, the exemplary way that Ms. Y and her Govt. handled the Flood disaster.

Just as credible.

I saw a bigger screw-up in Japan, with nuclear stuff happening all over the place, months after the event. What about Haiti, Myanmar, Pakistan, etc. etc.

On the surface, compared to those, Ms. Y and her hard work, empathy and leadership was exemplary.

Where the hell have you been during the flood? And where do you gather your information? Baseball cards?

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"......... impacted by the government's mismanagement of the flooding," he said."

Stating a totally unsupported conclusion, as if it is common knowledge.

"mismanagement" according to what standard?

I can also state with equal unsupported vigor, the exemplary way that Ms. Y and her Govt. handled the Flood disaster.

Just as credible.

I saw a bigger screw-up in Japan, with nuclear stuff happening all over the place, months after the event. What about Haiti, Myanmar, Pakistan, etc. etc.

On the surface, compared to those, Ms. Y and her hard work, empathy and leadership was exemplary.

They handled the floods so well, they want to do it again.

Government's water discharges causes Ayutthaya flood: Agriculture Ministry

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"......... impacted by the government's mismanagement of the flooding," he said."

Stating a totally unsupported conclusion, as if it is common knowledge.

"mismanagement" according to what standard?

I can also state with equal unsupported vigor, the exemplary way that Ms. Y and her Govt. handled the Flood disaster.

Just as credible.

I saw a bigger screw-up in Japan, with nuclear stuff happening all over the place, months after the event. What about Haiti, Myanmar, Pakistan, etc. etc.

On the surface, compared to those, Ms. Y and her hard work, empathy and leadership was exemplary.

They handled the floods so well, they want to do it again.

Government's water discharges causes Ayutthaya flood: Agriculture Ministry

Reliable sources say that Ministry is full of experienced agricultural flooding experts.

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"......... impacted by the government's mismanagement of the flooding," he said."

Stating a totally unsupported conclusion, as if it is common knowledge.

"mismanagement" according to what standard?

I can also state with equal unsupported vigor, the exemplary way that Ms. Y and her Govt. handled the Flood disaster.

Just as credible.

I saw a bigger screw-up in Japan, with nuclear stuff happening all over the place, months after the event. What about Haiti, Myanmar, Pakistan, etc. etc.

On the surface, compared to those, Ms. Y and her hard work, empathy and leadership was exemplary.

Let me suggest : According to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for major dams operations. Maybe not, because there was no sign Thailand had one. So the conclusion probably was drawn based on failure of the executives to provide meaningful SOP.

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Some tangible action would prove the commitment. Talk is cheap, promises are just more hot air until they are fulfilled. Credibility is achieved through demonstrable performance not glitzy show. Point made? Get on with it! 3 months to go, if we're lucky...

"Three months to go" until what?

More flooding...hahahahahahaaaa

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