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My First Laos Visa Trip, Vientiane. Anything I Should Know?

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Hello, i am off to Lao and Vientiane end of the month and was wondering if there is anything i need to know about this trip and tourist visa?

I have been to the Thai consulate before in Vientiane, but that was over 3 years ago !

My plan is to arrive in Lao around mid morning Monday 27th, wonder off to the consulate, put my paperwork? in, not sure 100% what i need yet, then trudge round looking for a cheap guesthouse with wi-fi......im assuming i will get my (British) passport back the following afternoon? then 'hightail' it back to Nongkhai for a night.

Now this is my plan......are there any rather large holes in this plan?

i may get my Lao visa before i leave home (Chiang Mai) so i can go across the border by local bus and not get held up at the border, waiting for the Lao visa ($30 ?)

I have been here in Thailand on a non imm B, but the visa & the work finished and i now want a bit of R'n'R in Chiang Mai to assess my next move.

As always i look forward to your help and comments, funny or otherwise.

Cheers Kevin


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Be sure to arrive at the consulate before noon or you will have to wait until the next day to apply.

Is there a Lao consulate in CM? Do you have the address or contact info?

Actually you need to have all of your paperwork in before 11:00 am NOT 12:00.

Getting your Laos visa is a great idea.

The hotels haven't changed much since your last trip except that there are more now. Nice, new and most have WiFi.

Unless people live close to that boarder I can never understand why they go to Vientiane. Savannakhet is a MUCH nicer and easier going consulate.

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how are you traveling there ?

you can get the vientiene express from the udon thani city center bus station but you will need the laos visa b4 hand.

laos visa on arrival used to be 35$ although you maybe able to apply for the transit visa of 30$ ?

also if your prepared with filled in application form and photo copies of passport and 2 photos and money in hand i'm sure you can arrive after 11 and get it done. (find any hotel online for your address it laos).

i think vientiene is much the same and they have finished off the river front garden project and there's a new market also apparently, a couple of years ago it was a building site .

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Be sure to arrive at the consulate before noon or you will have to wait until the next day to apply.

Is there a Lao consulate in CM? Do you have the address or contact info?

There used to be a couple of agents for Lao visas on Ratchadamnoen Rd.Soi 5. Had Vietnamese visas from them before with no issues.

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Be sure to arrive at the consulate before noon or you will have to wait until the next day to apply.

Is there a Lao consulate in CM? Do you have the address or contact info?

I believe you can go to a travel agents and get your visa from them, its a bit more expensive but as i say it stops the hassle of getting on another bus or mini bus over the Lao side when going over.

Thanks for the noon tip, i was wondering about that, also forgot about the time diff?

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Be sure to arrive at the consulate before noon or you will have to wait until the next day to apply.

Is there a Lao consulate in CM? Do you have the address or contact info?

Actually you need to have all of your paperwork in before 11:00 am NOT 12:00.

Getting your Laos visa is a great idea.

The hotels haven't changed much since your last trip except that there are more now. Nice, new and most have WiFi.

Unless people live close to that boarder I can never understand why they go to Vientiane. Savannakhet is a MUCH nicer and easier going consulate.

Thanks alot for that, i nearly went to Savannakhet for work, heard its pretty good there?

thanks again.

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how are you traveling there ?

you can get the vientiene express from the udon thani city center bus station but you will need the laos visa b4 hand.

laos visa on arrival used to be 35$ although you maybe able to apply for the transit visa of 30$ ?

also if your prepared with filled in application form and photo copies of passport and 2 photos and money in hand i'm sure you can arrive after 11 and get it done. (find any hotel online for your address it laos).

i think vientiene is much the same and they have finished off the river front garden project and there's a new market also apparently, a couple of years ago it was a building site .

Do they still accept Thai money in the consulate or has it got to be Lao kip? im looking at bus to Nongkhai then local bus across the border hence the buying of the Lao visa here in CM

Thanks for the tip, love Lao and so looking forward to this trip, well not the nightmare bus journey !

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i think it's baht only at the thai embassy.

it's cheaper to pay in dollas for the laos visa on arrival at 35$ (extra dolla after 4pm) instead of 1500 baht - saves you 400 baht.

you could get some kip at the border for spending money - things bit cheaper in kip - but you can't change it back in thailand.

so your getting the night bus from chiang mai to udon thani ? crakapon or something used to be the one but i think there's more choice now,

if your getting another bus to nong khai that can take a while and you maybe late for the embassy that same morning ?

it's a good idea to buy the return bus ticket if your sure of the return date - saves you getting back to the bus station too early and you don't want to end up on the second class bus back to chiang mai - maybe you can get the return ticket in chiang mai or if not can get in udon when you arrive.

i once chipped in with a group and we hired a guy to take us to the border saved a lot of time - udon to border 600 baht between 5 of us.

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are you sure there's a bus from nong khai to vientiene ? that goes straight thru the border ?

I've heard that it exists, originates at NK bus terminal, but never took it myself. Also heard that they don't want to hang around while you wait for your Lao visa to be issued.

I've done the run lots of times, and always did:

tuktuk to border from hotel

bus from Thai side to Lao side (maybe 20b?)

taxi into town (200-300b ?)

All prices approximate, memory fades. Did it a few months ago and things are less chaotic now, such as "posted prices" for Thai tuktuk, a ticket counter for the bus to cross the bridge, and posted prices on the Lao side. I would think all costs (except for the bridge crossing bus) are negotiable.

There is also a public mini-bus from the Lao side into Vientiane, cheap, cramped, no big luggage (maybe if you have a big bag you can pay for an extra seat), but not recommended if you do not know you're way around town.

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i think it's baht only at the thai embassy.

it's cheaper to pay in dollas for the laos visa on arrival at 35$ (extra dolla after 4pm) instead of 1500 baht - saves you 400 baht.

you could get some kip at the border for spending money - things bit cheaper in kip - but you can't change it back in thailand.

so your getting the night bus from chiang mai to udon thani ? crakapon or something used to be the one but i think there's more choice now,

if your getting another bus to nong khai that can take a while and you maybe late for the embassy that same morning ?

it's a good idea to buy the return bus ticket if your sure of the return date - saves you getting back to the bus station too early and you don't want to end up on the second class bus back to chiang mai - maybe you can get the return ticket in chiang mai or if not can get in udon when you arrive.

i once chipped in with a group and we hired a guy to take us to the border saved a lot of time - udon to border 600 baht between 5 of us.

Cheers for the info, i have been told by a Thai friend that i can go direct to Nongkhai from CM, i will venture to the bus station early next week as i reckon that will entail a change of buses and bus stations in Udon.

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are you sure there's a bus from nong khai to vientiene ? that goes straight thru the border ?

Yes there is or was ! i might even take the train if im late, i have the train timetable on a foto somewhere, when i was in Lao for a year i used to take fotos of all the bus timetables where ever i went, because the internet was so crap!

Handy tip if you stay there !

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cheers guys for all your posts, extremely helpful as per normal. I wonder if Nongkhai has changed that much since i was last there over a year ago? there was a little girlie bar on the Mekhong road? cant remember the name of the street without google maps, i will be sitting in there for a few beers on the way back! freedom from the gf !!! 5555

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i think it's baht only at the thai embassy.

it's cheaper to pay in dollas for the laos visa on arrival at 35$ (extra dolla after 4pm) instead of 1500 baht - saves you 400 baht.

you could get some kip at the border for spending money - things bit cheaper in kip - but you can't change it back in thailand.

so your getting the night bus from chiang mai to udon thani ? crakapon or something used to be the one but i think there's more choice now,

if your getting another bus to nong khai that can take a while and you maybe late for the embassy that same morning ?

it's a good idea to buy the return bus ticket if your sure of the return date - saves you getting back to the bus station too early and you don't want to end up on the second class bus back to chiang mai - maybe you can get the return ticket in chiang mai or if not can get in udon when you arrive.

i once chipped in with a group and we hired a guy to take us to the border saved a lot of time - udon to border 600 baht between 5 of us.

Cheers for the info, i have been told by a Thai friend that i can go direct to Nongkhai from CM, i will venture to the bus station early next week as i reckon that will entail a change of buses and bus stations in Udon.

if your bus gets in late to udon (around 09:30) and you have to get the slow bus to nong khai maybe an idea to get a tuk tuk (100 baht) to the inner bus station instead or find someone to share a private transfer to the border - that's if your worried about getting to the embassy in plenty of time.

it's a bit of a gamble about buying your return bus ticket to CM in advance , but it's nice to know you have a good seat and don't have to rush around - what i did once was buy the return ticket at udon when i first arrived in the morning but i had a private transfer to the border so i knew i would make the embassy that morning.

maybe you can phone and reserve tickets ? maybe worth asking them.


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Actually you need to have all of your paperwork in before 11:00 am NOT 12:00.

Getting your Laos visa is a great idea.

The hotels haven't changed much since your last trip except that there are more now. Nice, new and most have WiFi.

Unless people live close to that boarder I can never understand why they go to Vientiane. Savannakhet is a MUCH nicer and easier going consulate.

I gave my paperwork in at the Thai Embassy in Vientiane at 1130AM last week, I wasn't the last person to be processed, no problems with my double entry tourist visa.

I wouldn't recommend leaving it that late though.

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he maybe lucky with that 10:30 bus and just gets there in time ? guess it takes 10 mins and he'll be in laos another 30 - 40 to vientiene and then a quick motorbike or tuk tuk to the embassy.

if he downloads the application form off the internet and fills it in well before he goes and has photos and money organised , handing in the application only takes a few minutes,

so even if they switch off the ticket machine and stop handing out application forms he'll be ok, he can always say he lost his ticket - that happened to me once and i just handed mine in at the end.

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are you sure there's a bus from nong khai to vientiene ? that goes straight thru the border ?

I've heard that it exists, originates at NK bus terminal, but never took it myself. Also heard that they don't want to hang around while you wait for your Lao visa to be issued.

I've done the run lots of times, and always did:

tuktuk to border from hotel

bus from Thai side to Lao side (maybe 20b?)

taxi into town (200-300b ?)

All prices approximate, memory fades. Did it a few months ago and things are less chaotic now, such as "posted prices" for Thai tuktuk, a ticket counter for the bus to cross the bridge, and posted prices on the Lao side. I would think all costs (except for the bridge crossing bus) are negotiable.

There is also a public mini-bus from the Lao side into Vientiane, cheap, cramped, no big luggage (maybe if you have a big bag you can pay for an extra seat), but not recommended if you do not know you're way around town.

That was my experience as well but you can hire free lance guys for about B1500 to take you from the Lao border to a hotel, take you to the thai embassy for application, pick you up in the morning for the second day at the embassy, and when you are finished they will take you back to the border. A lot less hassle and they help fast track you through the long lines and they assist you with the application to avoid something you may have overlooked.

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Guys, im looking for somewhere to stay in Vientiane and the main thing i need is really good internet, dont mind paying extra to get this, anyone have any recommendations where there is really stable internet? Also looking to pamper the girlfriend for Valentines day while im there, any suggestions like a nice Spa or something like that? Where would be a nice place for Dinner Valentines night too?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers guys for your help, here's what im doing, bus CM to UDon, fastest way to border, fastest way to Thai consulate (cant spell consulate without spelling late) find a guesthouse, drink copious amounts of Beer Laos, get visa and wander into Udonthani "Irish Clock" for a night of....pleasure? and fly back on the 9.25am flight (2190 baht) back to CM.....job done !

meanwhile back in the real world......lets see, this is my plan, and i will update when i get back.

thanks again Kevin

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Cheers guys for your help, here's what im doing, bus CM to UDon, fastest way to border, fastest way to Thai consulate (cant spell consulate without spelling late) find a guesthouse, drink copious amounts of Beer Laos, get visa and wander into Udonthani "Irish Clock" for a night of....pleasure? and fly back on the 9.25am flight (2190 baht) back to CM.....job done !

meanwhile back in the real world......lets see, this is my plan, and i will update when i get back.

thanks again Kevin

do you know that the visa isn't processed the same day, you apply in the morning and collect the next day in the afternoon,

you may need to get a private transfer from udon bus station to the border to get to the embassy that same morning.

good luck,

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Just go to any travel agent in CM and buy a return visa run mini-bus ticket. I paid 1,700 baht: I was picked up at my apartment and taken to Aya Services (the transportation company) for a 7:00 pm departure. Over night trip, stopping at their facility around 5:30 am, in NongKhai where they supply coffee and egg sandwiches (I ate three, they were pretty good) upstairs. Then downstairs to a fill out your Lao visa form session. Very helpful bunch, even had a glue stick to stick your pic on your freshly filled out Loa visa form. Then, around 7:30 am, back on the bus and on to Thai immigration for exit. The driver they send you with takes care of all kinds of little passport glitches, he’s very experienced in this. After exiting Thailand the same bus and driver takes you to the Lao side. The driver lLeads the folks from his bus to the correct window (no line up on either end, they are connected here), put in your form, wait ten minutes, get your passport with Lao tourist visa. Back on the bus and off to the Thai Embassy (Consul Services) building, arriving around 8:15. Smooth as glass.

Alternately, you can buy a one way ticket in CM for the outbound service and buy your return ticket at a little place between the Douang Deuane Hotel (where I stayed, 750 baht including breakfast, balcony etc) and the Riverside Hotel (you can find the hotel addresses on Agoda’s website,) a one way ticket from Vientiane to CM by mini-bus is 900 baht or a VIP bus for 1,300 baht. The bar somebody mentioned might have been the Roof Top. That place is about 500 metres north along the river road, it’s on the 4th floor of a building right across the street from the new outdoor market. Cool place: large Lao 13,000 kip (about 50 baht) BTW - I got a fair exchange (1 baht - 259 kip) at a bank about 300 metres south on the river road.


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Just go to any travel agent in CM and buy a return visa run mini-bus ticket. I paid 1,700 baht: I was picked up at my apartment and taken to Aya Services (the transportation company) for a 7:00 pm departure. Over night trip, stopping at their facility around 5:30 am, in NongKhai where they supply coffee and egg sandwiches (I ate three, they were pretty good) upstairs. Then downstairs to a fill out your Lao visa form session. Very helpful bunch, even had a glue stick to stick your pic on your freshly filled out Loa visa form. Then, around 7:30 am, back on the bus and on to Thai immigration for exit. The driver they send you with takes care of all kinds of little passport glitches, he’s very experienced in this. After exiting Thailand the same bus and driver takes you to the Lao side. The driver lLeads the folks from his bus to the correct window (no line up on either end, they are connected here), put in your form, wait ten minutes, get your passport with Lao tourist visa. Back on the bus and off to the Thai Embassy (Consul Services) building, arriving around 8:15. Smooth as glass.

Alternately, you can buy a one way ticket in CM for the outbound service and buy your return ticket at a little place between the Douang Deuane Hotel (where I stayed, 750 baht including breakfast, balcony etc) and the Riverside Hotel (you can find the hotel addresses on Agoda’s website,) a one way ticket from Vientiane to CM by mini-bus is 900 baht or a VIP bus for 1,300 baht. The bar somebody mentioned might have been the Roof Top. That place is about 500 metres north along the river road, it’s on the 4th floor of a building right across the street from the new outdoor market. Cool place: large Lao 13,000 kip (about 50 baht) BTW - I got a fair exchange (1 baht - 259 kip) at a bank about 300 metres south on the river road.


Fantastic info, for the record, the bar is called 'Bor pen Jang' (mai pen rai) one 3 litre jug of Beer Lao 60,000 kip.

I went with one of the mini bus drivers on the Lao side, costs 150 baht each (4 of us) he took us to the embassy, and sat outside waiting for us (3 hours !) then took us to a hotel not far from the Consulate. good service.

I returned via Udonthani, staying overnight in the 'City Lodge' 500 baht good size rooms and flew back to Chiang Mai next morning with Nokair @ 9.15 cost 2190 baht.

My trip to Lao was on a VIP bus departing CM 8pm and we arrived in Udon at 6am, transfered to a bus to Nongkhai from the same bus station for 35 baht!

next time fly fly fly ! i hate the buses !

Thanks chap, great post ! very helpful.

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  • 9 months later...

This thread is months old at this time, but still handy if you are doing the trip to Vientane.

After i look at all the things you must do and pay for when you go on your own way, it seems a lot of work.

With time refrains you must be running from every point to another...hope to make good time for the opening of embassy in Vientane

Also the time you need to travel..all the different legs of the journey, from border to vientane , to hotel and back ect ect

must barter and haggle with tuk tuk driver and hawker wanting money..every stage you go bah.gif

then you must find hotel and do all again the next morning and line up to collect visabah.gif

Seems like it all is a big headache!!

I can see a visa run service that offers all this...it priced at around baht6 000, from what i can see, including room and some food and visa fees i think

I would like to ask anyone here who has done this trip by themself?? how much they spend?

It seems very hard to do all this for much less than 6000? and then the hassle and stress of running about..BUT it is nice to take your time and do it your own way if you have time and money

What are your opinion?? go yourself or take the van trip? Sound to me like van trip is better option at the moment

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here's the cheapest you can do it realistically : :

1800 baht for return bus cm to udon thani (20:30)

35 baht for bus to nong khai,

40 baht tuk tuk to border,

15 baht bus accross bridge,

35 $ loas visa on arrival,

150 baht taxi to embassy,

double tourist visa 2000 baht,

walk to hotel,

hotel 60,000 kip,

walk to embassy to collect visa,

walk to bus station,

bus vientiane to udon city center 22,000 kip (14:00, 15:00 or 16:30)

tuk tuk to outer bus station 100 baht,

i take the night bus now because i can sleep ok on it and i know i can make the embassy before it closes, if it's your first time maybe better to fly to udon thani and get the transfer for 200 baht to the border,

coming back is quite easy if you already have a bus ticket back to chiang mai you can take your time.

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