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Are You Cold?


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Two years ago when I came to Bangkok I thought the heat was going to kill me. These days I'm wearing a sweater half the time.

How do our bodies change after being in a hot climate for such a long time. Scientifically, I mean.

I had one friend say something about "thinning blood" but I have no idea how one's blood might thin, or if blood even thins.... :o

Has your body acclimated?

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Get cold sometimes, check the temperature and can't believe it. No one should be cold when it's 25 Celcius, especially if they're from the UK. :o

The best thing is when you pick up friends or family from the airport and they are literally sweating buckets within minutes whilst you talk about how chilly it is that day. :D

BTW mods, better moved to general topics coz all of Thailand is pretty ###### hot, not just BKK? :D

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There definitely is climate acclamation, unfortunately it's not a fast process.

I'm from a cold climate and have no problem with it, so was my sister. She's been living in a hotter climate. She doesn't even break a sweat now where I'm sweating profusely when I visit.

I've heard about changes in circulation, heat rejection, etc, but I think these are slow processes and take quite sometime before they come into effect.

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This is the best time of the year, climate wise, for me. The odd time it is a bit nippy, I love it and bask in the cool. I actually dread the humidity and heat, when it arrives in month or so. When I came as a tourist, I couldn't get enough of it, looking for a bronzy. Now I keep well out of it. Even on the beach, I stay in the shade. Still beats the uK though. :o

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It is a different type of heat to home - dont know what it is but it does feel different. Maybe its just our minds playing tricks or the different level of humidity.

Mind you still have to laugh at the thais who are going around in sweaters while I think, ooh this is lovely. Not too hot and not too cold. Just like my porridge :o

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I had one friend say something about "thinning blood" but I have no idea how one's blood might thin, or if blood even thins.... blink.gif

Has your body acclimated?

Yes my body has changed - on the back of a bike last night I was shaking and not because of the crazy drivers :D

I went to Australia 4 months ago and was bitterly cold in Brisbane.

At least in Scotland, where I'm going next week, it is warm for the time of year 10C :o

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I had one friend say something about "thinning blood" but I have no idea how one's blood might thin, or if blood even thins.... blink.gif

Has your body acclimated?

Yes my body has changed - on the back of a bike last night I was shaking and not because of the crazy drivers :D

I went to Australia 4 months ago and was bitterly cold in Brisbane.

At least in Scotland, where I'm going next week, it is warm for the time of year 10C :o

Four months ago it was winter in Oz so naturally it was cold. Now it is summer at we have had 44 degree days....hot stuff

I spent November in Krabi, absolutely beautiful weather and funny enough now I am home I can handle the long hot summer days of Oz.

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Blooming frozen. Daughter is wearing a vest to school as well as a cardigan. I would say though that the mornings (5.30ish) are perishing but as the day goes on it becomes warmer. Nice though to have a break from the relentless heat and humidity. Our maid told me that it is colder now because it rained on the King's birthday. Not sure of the connection but she seemed certain!

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I can't comment on the temperature at the moment, but it does plummet

from time to time.

The NE monsoon brings cold air from China.

When I arrived in mid 80's I never thought I would need a jumper again, but I did end up buying one in Hua Hin a couple of years later.

It is rare to need it in Thailand, but it is still in my draw and is useful

when travelling overseas.

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About 3 years living in Asia now and still sweating when it is a bit hotter then 25 degrees Celsius. Did some research on the net and it seems that it could be sort of a desease that you only can cure by either Botox injections somewhere in/near the armpit or cutting some nerves.

I guess I just have to live with it.


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My heart pumps purple pi55 for you guys................moaning at being cold at 25 degrees :D The only thing you should be moaning about, is the strap snapping on your Flip-Flops :o

Is this just to rub it in for those of us still stuck in climates of 0 degrees. Still, not long now and i'll be back moaning about how hot it is :D:D Oh happy days

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What can you do for not sweat so much?

- reduce bodywight

- don't drink cofee

- dont drink alcoholica

- don't eat spicy

- stay out of the sun

- after take a shower (best allways cold) rest for 15 min

- don't use "cooling" kosmetica

- wear flip flops, short trousers, not shoes,socks and blue jeans

- be cool, move slowly

- wear sunglasses

- allow your body everyday to sweat willingly, do exercise

- don"t believe that in tropical climate you have to drink a lot


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What can you do for not sweat so much?


- don't eat spicy



First of all it is -10 C here in the US. A pox on you all.

I disagree with Patex above but really have no evidence for my opinion so I'm going to throw it out there. I've been told by friends that diet has a great deal to do with perceptions of atmospheric temperature. I've been told that garlic helps you acclimate to both the climate and also to mosquitos. Does it thin your blood? Does it alter your lymph system in some way? Or am I just off an no one else has ever hear this before?

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I am cold right now. 8 inches of snow on the ground and 14F. Winter Fcking Wonderland!

That must be so pretty!

I love snow It's beautiful! Nice to wear a scarf and play around in the snow annnnd make snow angels until you are sooooo numb you can cuddle up and get warm with a loved one :D

Huh? :o

I guess it's pretty. I mean yeah it is but after years of it and having to shovel it and drive in it, "IT" just plain sucks. My daughter likes it, but she hasn't gotten up an hour early to give herself enough time to heat up the car and scrap off all the white crap so she won't be late. Yeah, I guess snow is cool when you don't have to go anywhere and you have the time to play in it, but otherwise....


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I am cold right now. 8 inches of snow on the ground and 14F. Winter Fcking Wonderland!

That must be so pretty!

I love snow It's beautiful! Nice to wear a scarf and play around in the snow annnnd make snow angels until you are sooooo numb you can cuddle up and get warm with a loved one :D

Huh? :o

I guess it's pretty. I mean yeah it is but after years of it and having to shovel it and drive in it, "IT" just plain sucks. My daughter likes it, but she hasn't gotten up an hour early to give herself enough time to heat up the car and scrap off all the white crap so she won't be late. Yeah, I guess snow is cool when you don't have to go anywhere and you have the time to play in it, but otherwise....


Hey don't be so negative! You know it wouldn't hurt to place a smile on that face of yours! I always try to smile as much as I can to people because a smile goes a very long way, it's infectious too and passes the nice thought on :D

Next time you see someone smile ! Oh and I think everyone is beautiful when they smile.

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My heart pumps purple pi55 for you guys................moaning at being cold at 25 degrees  :D The only thing you should be moaning about, is the strap snapping on your Flip-Flops  :o

Is this just to rub it in for those of us still stuck in climates of 0 degrees. Still, not long now and i'll be back moaning about how hot it is  :D  :D  Oh happy days

It's ok for you, you still have Man U- OOPs ! :D

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