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Another Lewd Thai Music VDO Goes Viral


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What year is this?

Have I slept so much that I missed that Thailand has solved all these problems?

Drug Trafficking -----------Problem solved

Drug Abuse ----------------Problem solved

poverty ----------------------Problem solved

Corruption ------------------Problem solved

Southern Thailand --------Problem solved

Die due to AIDS ------------Problem solved

Reckless driving -----------Problem solved

Lewd Thai Music VDO ----Problem SOON solved

Yes, clearly they should solve all these problems first, as so many other countries have, before putting out this type of faux fairly extreme conservative based story that is designed to simply get people attention with a titillating news stories. It is just entertainment for readers, a way to take a break from serious news.

Edited by Nisa
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In my limited experience i have found that if the video is full of bikini clad girls etc, it's to generally distract the viewer from the fact the music is shit. If Thailand made better music, less offensive videos for the prudish censors to get worked up about. Simple

Yep - just seen the video - the song is utter crap

Edited by jonclark
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"If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all."

Clearly your mother didn't raise you right. You're not going to please anyone with that attitude. You'd be useless in Silom. You've clearly got some issues. No offence to your Mother, I'm sure she did her best. But she clearly failed at being an effective parent. She teach you to act in your best interests or something ridiculous like that? That's child abuse.

She should have raised you right. You should have been raised to please people; and then maybe you wouldn't be so unpleasant.

...and you are on what kind of meds?

I self-prescribe Bacardi. I don't need Middle Men standing between my pain and pain relief, DOC.

I personally find it insulting, when DOCTORS force me to endure their insulting caring (at exorbitant rates); because I understand psychiatrists are really sweet. They care so much, it's just a little insulting is all. Because I can Google search? And I can correctly spell the names of the placebos they prescribe me, which is - more - than they can manage. It's funny, really. I went in furious at being being the victim of insulting extortion, because I've been sleeping courtesy of Ambien for a decade now (which is more than I can say for the previous couple decades, of sleepless nights).

Pretty sure I don't need to be insulted, but then I realise they just care - so much - that they force me to pay them for the insult of a script that I can really write myself. I don't mean to brag.

I understand, they are concerned about controlling pain relievers like sleeping pills. After all, without their caring, why I could just buy a year's supply at once and put them out of a job. But because I'm lazy, I just bribe them instead. I pretty much have to, otherwise when I go in for my 150th Ambien script, I walk out with a script for placebos (also known as Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors). I have reported them to the police, of course. Because as everyone knows, SSRIs are the greatest criminal fraud in medical history - at least, the greatest the medical industry has conceded).

The source I'm quoting isn't the most reliable, of course. The American Medical Association aren't known for being a reliable source; for example, they've been ignoring the scandal for a quarter of a century.

True drug effects (an advantage of Anti-Depressant Medications over placebo) were nonexistent to negligible among depressed patients with mild, moderate, and even severe baseline symptoms...

When dealing with criminals, one is compelled to be ethical. So I bribe them not to damage my mental health. It's not an ideal situation, as I'm sure you can appreciate. They certainly don't appreciate getting taught a lesson about greed and exploitation; I only have to bribe them once. Then the criminals do whatever I tell them to do. They kind of have to, but then they shouldn't have been standing in the way of my ability to protect myself from them. No one comes out of that exchange feeling especially brilliant.

I'll admit, protecting myself from 'caring' creeps doesn't make me feel brilliant. I've been doing it my entire life. I was not immaculately conceived, you know. My mother was determined to make me a junkie, addicted to compliments and pleasing her; just like any mother who cares for her children's welfare. I didn't make my parents proud. They thought I did, but then they were taught a lesson about trying to coat-tail on the achievements of their children, when they told me how proud they were of me. It was funny, really. I had fun, because I didn't do it for them. I worked hard and achieved for me, in spite of them.

There's nothing wrong with me. I just can't stand creeps and their sleaze. Do you want to care for me, DOC? You want to prescribe me some drugs for my mental health? Perhaps you would like to - commit - me, to more intensive and specialised treatment, where I can get the professional medical assistance and caring that I require?


I'm crazy, though. I'd admit it. Creeps make me defend myself in survivalist instinctual ways, that can get very ugly but then I'm still alive so...

When can you pencil me in?

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Actually a very good song if you like this type of music. The video certainly does push the limits and although it has been years since I have watched MTV, my guess is this would go right up to the line of what is acceptable.

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I wonder if that shrink Dr Wollop that spouted all this nonsense is sniggering all the way to the soapy he most likely pops into of an evening when his Wife thinks he's at the driving range? How about this. The members of this forum collates the names of all the esteemed experts in the in the bastions of power here, invite them all for a magical mystery tour, stick them on a fleet of coashes and drives them around, film crew in tow, along Cowboy, Patpong, Nana, Ratchada, then off to Pattaya for a walk along walking street and through all the side avenues, with a late night picknip on the beach chatting with the ladyboys. In the morning, after a tour of the receptions of hotels to see the pond life asleep there from the nights cultural enrichment activities the night before, down to Phuket stopping in hui Hin for an eye opener.

Viewers can play a drinking game watching the tapes where every time it is obvious that one of the esteemed upholder of morals who have pretended mock outrage is clearly known by one of the owners of the establishments, you take a small sip of beer. Everyone will be drunk in an hour of the bus hitting Ratchada.

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Anybody have a link to the video?


Band wins, political hanks lose.

They might beg to differ, privately. Smirking in private, refusing to be drawn into a discussion on it in public. They won't lower themselves by responding to questions of 'incompetence'. They know their Rights. They have the right to remain silent, and keep on making the same 'mistakes' over and over.

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I know it's a long word to type, but would anybody mind if we stayed with 'VIDEO' instead of VDO?

Thanks! I always wanted to say that. "VDO" is so 80's (as well as "going viral" is so 00's, I mean who except marketing pushers even uses this term anymore?).

Now if members here could only also stop writing "video's", "Thai's" and generally putting their apostrophes (not "apostrophe's") where they don't belong... ^_________^

ADD: If you Google M-Leg and use image search, you'll see much better what they can't show in the video. Not office safe, just saying ;-)

Edited by orosee
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so funny in a country where sex trade is one of the major business for decades . thats what we call a hypocrit sociaty ...it doesnt disturb us when we make money but it does when our kids are concern. With access to internet nowadays , teenagers have more choices than just a music VDO. Ridiculous ... there are more important issues .

...but it doesn't bother us, that we send our daughters whoring for their families!

(and by "we" I mean Thailand in total!)

Good grief, I'm not actually bi-polar. I just didn't realise you posted the comment I was concurring with; albeit via an especially thick spread of satire.

Had I realised, I would have assumed my satire wasn't laid on thick enough. I merely saw "Doc" and a reference to "meds" and when that happens, I become the noblest of bulls alive.


If indeed, as I presume, you mistook my satire for disagreeing with you - when I was actually 100% concurring with your very accurate and insightful comment; then the error is mine. In failing at the attempt of communicating, effectively. I'm either an especially brilliant satirist, or an especially retarded one. Because people misinterpret my satire, consistently.

Or maybe I just live in Thailand, without speaking Thai; and then we are both victims - of a government which cares enough to protect the populace from the language of inevitability. Misunderstandings are bound to arise, from that kind of 'caring'.

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attention-deficiency complex - is this an example of Thai psychiatrists and their education level. If it is I'm so happy that I'm reasonably sane. He equates ADC/ADHE with attention seeking and peer approval with this disorder. I'm sure most of us are aware that ADHD has nothing to do with seeking attention and/or approval, it is the inability to concentrate, be restful and interact with your peers.

Please never let me be ill in Thailand!!!

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I just wonder if anyone really is outraged by this here. I mean really outraged, not for the public, but factually thinking this is a scandal. I seriously doubt it.

I am fuming with rage....coffee1.gif

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ahahaha the face on the guy in the pic

Like you'd do any better? Those cowards! They're ganging up on him; poor kid doesn't stand a chance. 2 on 1, and one gets the sense more are about to pile in at any moment. I imagine a gang-rape is about to go down. I've imagined it going down a few ways, actually. Poor bastard.

...but it doesn't bother us, that we send our daughters whoring for their families!

(and by "we" I mean Thailand in total!)

Come on, dude. That's a cheap shot. Do you have any idea how much their parents have done for them? It's the least they can do.

Also, with every Aunt in the country bed-ridden...what are they supposed to do? Concentrate on physics and algebra, and try not to think about how they're KILLING their loved ones?

I think their pimps have earned the chance to put their feet up, don't you? You'd have them work right into their 30's? You should go back to where you came from, if your just going to be rude and culturally insensitive. You could offend a lot of people with that sort of uncultured impropriety. Perhaps the proprietors, if you're not careful.

"If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all."

Clearly your mother didn't raise you right. You're not going to please anyone with that attitude. You'd be useless in Silom. You've clearly got some issues. No offence to your Mother, I'm sure she did her best. But she clearly failed at being an effective parent. She teach you to act in your best interests or something ridiculous like that? That's child abuse.

She should have raised you right. You should have been raised to please people; and then maybe you wouldn't be so unpleasant.

...and you are on what kind of meds?

That other guy's hilarious. You should look up the word "irony"...it will help you communicate with people are are being "ironic".

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shouldn't those girls be wearing numbers?

My respect for those girls has been greatly enhanced. I'm 100% serious.

I'm beyond impressed, almost to the point of disbelief; their sheer courage and ability to survive in an industry not (historically) known for it's sensitivity. Clearly, they weren't blessed with anything near Equal Opportunity (genetically); and yet they're clearly thriving. They deserve respect, they've got mine.

Many girls in their position would take the easy way in. But then I'm sure I'm not the only one creeped out by all the 'caring' sisters. A cute little girl arriving in the big smoke, could find herself with 100 sisters, if she's not careful. You can choose your friends, but family just impose themselves onto you. All that 'caring'. When my sisters suddenly take an interest in my welfare, I know they've been making really smart financial decisions with loan sharks again.

When they start 'worrying' about me, I get awfully worried. I know another 5-figure invoice is incoming....

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