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Blasts Rattle Bangkok As Israel Accuses Iran

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I'm jumping in here without reading all the posts; has it been established what the Iranians were doing:

Were they assembling and selling explosive devices?

Were they buying explosive devices?

If it were a terrorist action, what or who was the target?

Was it in-house fighting between themselves?

Again, sorry if the above points have been clarified. IMHO though, it may be terrorist related to some extent at some stage, but what has happened wasn't planned; complete and utter <snip>

Surprised there hasn't been someone answering this, I'm still (more) confused as to what happened. Reason I asked earlier who or what the target was is that you don't usually do rehearsals with live material (Page 3 of the Terrorist's Handbook) and as far as I'm aware there were no known targets in the area of the second (and third (?)) detonation.

A lot of people on this thread have made their minds up already, but what are the facts; such a variation on the press releases that it doesn't make sense.

There is no need for fanciful conspiracy theories because the M.O. has been previously established. No one wanted to believe that the Russians would send a Bulgarian to London to assassinate a dissident by using a poison pellet fired from an umbrella. No one wanted to believe the Taliban were prparing poison gas attacks until the videos of Taliban testing the gas on dogs were publicized. No one wanted to believe that Al Qaeda beheaded kidnap victims until the terrorists posted the videos and too credit. In this case, the Iranian agents were assembling their bombs and fortunately had a mishap. How can anyone deny that the people named were implicated? How does one explain away the explosive tossing iranian now legless, or the Iranian arrested while attempting to flee to the safe haven of Malaysia?

Thanks for the reply, much clearer now. There were no fanciful conspiracy theories from me, just questions. I can now see that previous events lead to what happened in Bangkok.

Think you'll find that the Bulgarian was killed from a needle in the umbrella and not from a fired projectile. Nothing to back that up with except memory, so if I'm wrong, sorry.

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It is ok for Israel to use a terror group to kill Iranian scientist, but no ok for some other Iranian group to retaliate against Israel

Huh? So you don't mind that Iranians are detonating grenades or other explosives in the capital city of this country???

At this time it has not been established that Israel was implicated in the death of the Iranian military personnel (and yes the nuclear personnel were members of the iranian Republican Guard which is sworn to the destruction of Israel). The incidents you refer to did not involve entering Thailand and attempting to murder Thai nationals, nor did it involve detonating explosives in a public area near an elementary school. The Iranian operation in Thailand was fortunately inept and it is no wonder that Iranian facilities will sometimes go kaboom, as it is quite possible that these wackos are oblivious to caution and planning.

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Good point! And even bombers can sometimes survive their own bombs. I feel safer now.

I see an opportunity here, (But not one I'll take up myself)

Forget the horses and football pools, how about laying bets on seeing who kills more this year, the van/mimi-bus drivers, or Iranian bombers. Or should we include all Muslims with explosives? What's the count so far? .. if we include the mad-arse seperatists in the South. ...

Indeed. Before everyone starts panicking and thinking with their brainstem it is worth remembering that you are more likely to die in a traffic accident than by a terrorist - by many orders of magnitude.


Thitima denied the incidents were acts of terrorism, saying: "This is not sabotage or related to the travel advisories issued [after last month's terrorism scare] by many countries. Police now know where the [suspect is].

"Intelligence analysis said [the suspects] were arguing with one another, and the incidents are being treated as normal crimes."

are they for real?

C4 and houses exploding is normal for crimes in most locals in their experience. Of course my guess is the perps were arguing about which and what and where to blow up with the bombs and the argument got out of hand. If I get 88 virgins for every infidle then I want a body count, some others may want a building to make a statement; I'd guess it was the virgin thing they were arguing about when the whole plan went TITs up.

I think it was the virgin thing to do ... omg clap2.gif

Does it promise that they're female? giggle.gif


Thitima denied the incidents were acts of terrorism, saying: "This is not sabotage or related to the travel advisories issued [after last month's terrorism scare] by many countries. Police now know where the [suspect is].

"Intelligence analysis said [the suspects] were arguing with one another, and the incidents are being treated as normal crimes."

are they for real?

C4 and houses exploding is normal for crimes in most locals in their experience. Of course my guess is the perps were arguing about which and what and where to blow up with the bombs and the argument got out of hand. If I get 88 virgins for every infidle then I want a body count, some others may want a building to make a statement; I'd guess it was the virgin thing they were arguing about when the whole plan went TITs up.

I think it was the virgin thing to do ... omg clap2.gif

Does it promise that they're female? giggle.gif

It is my understandinhg they are not human, but are piglettes.


It is ok for Israel to use a terror group to kill Iranian scientist, but no ok for some other Iranian group to retaliate against Israel

Huh? So you don't mind that Iranians are detonating grenades or other explosives in the capital city of this country???

At this time it has not been established that Israel was implicated in the death of the Iranian military personnel (and yes the nuclear personnel were members of the iranian Republican Guard which is sworn to the destruction of Israel). The incidents you refer to did not involve entering Thailand and attempting to murder Thai nationals, nor did it involve detonating explosives in a public area near an elementary school. The Iranian operation in Thailand was fortunately inept and it is no wonder that Iranian facilities will sometimes go kaboom, as it is quite possible that these wackos are oblivious to caution and planning.

Tread carefully GK, you are in danger of being added to the Christmas card lists of some who have always believed that you are an agent of revolution whose purpose is the destruction of the social order of all decent societies


Also, in the case Iran is developing nuclear weapons they are in their right to do so. What a double standards that US, Israel, etc can have this kind of shit but Iran cannot.

I believe that the leadership of Iran has vowed to destroy Israel and wipe it off the map. I don't recall any other country possessing nuclear arms noting such intents relative to another country. Ya just got to accept that not all is kawaii cute in the world.


Also, in the case Iran is developing nuclear weapons they are in their right to do so. What a double standards that US, Israel, etc can have this kind of shit but Iran cannot.

I believe that the leadership of Iran has vowed to destroy Israel and wipe it off the map. I don't recall any other country possessing nuclear arms noting such intents relative to another country. Ya just got to accept that not all is kawaii cute in the world.

Before a Iran apologist gets his panties in a twist, I'd like to clarify the oft repeated position of the Iranian regime (which is very similar to Hamas and Hezbollah). They have not said they want to literally obliterate the land of Israel. That wouldn't be much of a prize and also so many Arabs and Muslims live in Israel or nearby. What they HAVE been clear about is their intention to destroy the "Zionist" Jewish state of Israel. In other words, they want all of the land back in the hands of Arabs and there to be no country of Israel at all; rather a larger Palestine controlled by Arabs. I don't have any specific quotes from Iran about what they would do with the Jewish people there precisely, but you can understand Israelis don't welcome this kind of Iranian victory. The majority sentiment among the Palestinian people who would be taking over all the land in such an event is that the Jews should either "go back where they came from" or be killed because they feel all of the land was stolen.

Also, in the case Iran is developing nuclear weapons they are in their right to do so. What a double standards that US, Israel, etc can have this kind of shit but Iran cannot.

I believe that the leadership of Iran has vowed to destroy Israel and wipe it off the map. I don't recall any other country possessing nuclear arms noting such intents relative to another country. Ya just got to accept that not all is kawaii cute in the world.

Before a Iran apologist gets his panties in a twist, I'd like to clarify the oft repeated position of the Iranian regime (which is very similar to Hamas and Hezbollah). They have not said they want to literally obliterate the land of Israel. That wouldn't be much of a prize and also so many Arabs and Muslims live in Israel or nearby. What they HAVE been clear about is their intention to destroy the "Zionist" Jewish state of Israel. In other words, they want all of the land back in the hands of Arabs and there to be no country of Israel at all; rather a larger Palestine controlled by Arabs. I don't have any specific quotes from Iran about what they would do with the Jewish people there precisely, but you can understand Israelis don't welcome this kind of Iranian victory. The majority sentiment among the Palestinian people who would be taking over all the land in such an event is that the Jews should either "go back where they came from" or be killed because they feel all of the land was stolen.

quoting them, you are not seeing the BIG picture. They don't just want the Jewish Holy land, for now they also want southern Thailand, southern Philippines, parts of Russia, more parts of Europe, more parts of Africa and eventually the rest of the world as well, hence the BIG picture. You got to love totalitarian ideologies. Our way or no way.


Also, in the case Iran is developing nuclear weapons they are in their right to do so. What a double standards that US, Israel, etc can have this kind of shit but Iran cannot.

I believe that the leadership of Iran has vowed to destroy Israel and wipe it off the map. I don't recall any other country possessing nuclear arms noting such intents relative to another country. Ya just got to accept that not all is kawaii cute in the world.

Before a Iran apologist gets his panties in a twist, I'd like to clarify the oft repeated position of the Iranian regime (which is very similar to Hamas and Hezbollah). They have not said they want to literally obliterate the land of Israel. That wouldn't be much of a prize and also so many Arabs and Muslims live in Israel or nearby. What they HAVE been clear about is their intention to destroy the "Zionist" Jewish state of Israel. In other words, they want all of the land back in the hands of Arabs and there to be no country of Israel at all; rather a larger Palestine controlled by Arabs. I don't have any specific quotes from Iran about what they would do with the Jewish people there precisely, but you can understand Israelis don't welcome this kind of Iranian victory. The majority sentiment among the Palestinian people who would be taking over all the land in such an event is that the Jews should either "go back where they came from" or be killed because they feel all of the land was stolen.

quoting them, you are not seeing the BIG picture. They don't just want the Jewish Holy land, for now they also want southern Thailand, southern Philippines, parts of Russia, more parts of Europe, more parts of Africa and eventually the rest of the world as well, hence the BIG picture. You got to love totalitarian ideologies. Our way or no way.

I understand where you're coming from but if you go too far in painting the Iranian threat, you'll invite a repetitive drawn out "debate" on mistranslation issues. It's been done 100 times here already. Personally, I don't know how ambitious their regime is but I am pretty clear the international goal shared by much of the world to stop them from getting nukes is a worthy one.

Also, in the case Iran is developing nuclear weapons they are in their right to do so. What a double standards that US, Israel, etc can have this kind of shit but Iran cannot.

I believe that the leadership of Iran has vowed to destroy Israel and wipe it off the map. I don't recall any other country possessing nuclear arms noting such intents relative to another country. Ya just got to accept that not all is kawaii cute in the world.

Bit like India and Pakistan really. Who thought that one up and decided it would be safe to have such friendly countries side by side, both with nuclear power?

Bit off topic.




“Analysts, however, have noted that the recent attacks in India, Georgia and Thailand have all been amateurish and lend doubt to the operation of a high-tech terrorism wing.

"[They] lack the sophistication that would normally be expected from an operation executed by either Hezbollah or Iran's own external operations wing, the Quds Force," said Will Hartley, IHS Jane's head of terrorism and insurgency centre.”


Where are all the people that were bad mouthing the good ol US of A now? Thailand Auth need to address the higher ups and listen to other countries with Intelligence. Unreal ! The hero id this is the taxi driver who didnt stop. Outlaw all Iranian visitors period !

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I wonder if we all read the same news. Many posters talking about a terrorist attack, targeting civilians, etc

To me this is just a future operation that went wrong for them as one of the bombs suddenly exploded in the house, next one of the men losing his temper and attacking the taxi and the police.

The important thing here is to know where, how and from whom they obtained the C4 and grenades. It is unlikely they brought them from outside Thailand via airplane. It is scary that these kinds of explosives can be so easily obtained.

Anyway, police giving contradictory reports and saying this is going to be treated as a normal crime is unreal.

For the poster saying it is ok to murder Iranian scientists for making illegal nuclear weapons -> LOL. Israel calls itself the democratic and westernized country in the middle east. Any country that aspires to be like that just cannot kill foreign civilians or scientists. Also, in the case Iran is developing nuclear weapons they are in their right to do so. What a double standards that US, Israel, etc can have this kind of shit but Iran cannot.

BTW, Israel just say this is backed from Iran government with not a single proof. To me it looks like a bunch of amateurs who cannot even manipulate an explosive without detonating it on the house. So newbies that ones gets mad because no taxi would pick him up and he throws a second explosive. So noob he tries to blast police car and he blows his own legs. Fully amateurish

iran does not have the right to develop a nuclear bomb , why do you think they do ? .... they are breaking an agreement if they do , if you want to live in a world where a country like iran can openly threaten to kill isrealis and destroy isreal instead of seeking a diplomatic and peacful means by a country that stones women to death , and blinds prisoners for certain offences , not to mention the amputation of limbs, china , russia, and the west are against them producing the bomb ,......... they are arming syrian troops to kill civilians, and the taliban in afghanistan and iraq amongst others ,.... guess they are all wrong and should simply listen to you eh ??

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Also, in the case Iran is developing nuclear weapons they are in their right to do so. What a double standards that US, Israel, etc can have this kind of shit but Iran cannot.

I believe that the leadership of Iran has vowed to destroy Israel and wipe it off the map. I don't recall any other country possessing nuclear arms noting such intents relative to another country. Ya just got to accept that not all is kawaii cute in the world.

Bit like India and Pakistan really. Who thought that one up and decided it would be safe to have such friendly countries side by side, both with nuclear power?

Bit off topic.

errrr,.....the british.


Guess what, they are LYING. wink.png

Guess what, they are LYING. wink.png

What's that?

A gut feeling?

Or do you have some concrete information that the rest of the public doesn't?

Or is this just rationalization based on your own ethno-interest?

My guess is the latter.

Whatever the case, that's a glib statement to make when the region is on the brink of war.

Which brings us to the most salient of points:

The truth is that this incident, no matter where the planning or funding came from, is just another in a series of incidnets spanning decades, in which the powers in this region draw the rest of the world into their conflict.

We're all well beyond sick of it, and I can speak for legions of people when I state that these countries are all way more trouble than they are worth.

After all, what do Americans, or the rest of the west, get out of Israel? the answer is absolutely nothing. I mean, I know what Israel gets out of us. But how does Israel improve my quality of life? How does Israel warrant the gift of my tax dollars? We give and give and all we get is animosity from the other countries in the region, extended wars, and debt.

At this point, I don't care who is to blame. Israel, Iran, or other. Work it out in a way that doesn't effect me or anyone else, stop being both a financial and political burden, and exist quietly and peacefully. Or be ready to shoulder the burden of resentment and bile that comes from peaceful citizens in my country and throughout the world. To put it succinctly: you're the size of New Jersey and should have the political presence of such. Instead, we are supposed to give everything, including the possible fallout from nuclear war, for you. Why? What's the benefit to us? As I before stated, I don't care how it gets settled, but for every one of our children that dies in the region or at home in the future, it is on the heads of the sabre rattlers. It's especially unsettling when they cannot or will not fund the troop numbers or costs themselves. Where were Israeli troops in Iraq? Oh yeah, they weren't there. Some 'friends'. Get bent.

The same goes for every other country in the region, including Iran. But, currently, we give the most for Israel - for no readily discernable benefit to our lives. Oh yeah, our gift is that we get called "bigots" whenever we question the wisdom of blindly supporting a junta that gives us nothing in return but political disempowerment.

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It is ok for Israel to use a terror group to kill Iranian scientist, but no ok for some other Iranian group to retaliate against Israel

Nuclear scientist, IN IRAN! (And whether or not Israel had anything at all to do with it not established.) So no, NOT ok for "some other Iranian group to retaliate against Israel" IN BANGKOK, by putting under threat the lives of completely non-involved Thais & foreigners. Amazing that anyone would even try and pose this question.




“Analysts, however, have noted that the recent attacks in India, Georgia and Thailand have all been amateurish and lend doubt to the operation of a high-tech terrorism wing.

"[They] lack the sophistication that would normally be expected from an operation executed by either Hezbollah or Iran's own external operations wing, the Quds Force," said Will Hartley, IHS Jane's head of terrorism and insurgency centre.”

Yeah - terrorist bombers - the graduate students and cream of the crop of the Jihadist "School of Atrocity". At LEAST 2 years of intensive classroom training and field/practical exercises plus board orals and continuing education requirements I'm sure. No "amateurs" here! ROFL Has there EVER been a more expendable line of work?!


Bangkok Bombs: Israelis Say Design Similar to India, Georgia Bombs..

Source http://abcnews.go.co...24#.TzyppE5unNU

Exactly! I believe all three attacks were supposed to happen simultaneously but the Bangkok cell, for what ever reason, were behind schedule. This would have been a disaster for their mission because they lost the element of surprise plus the Israelis already knew the MO (a remotely detonated magnetic bomb attached to an embassy car). Having to rush the bomb building may have been the reason for the premature explosion, and with emotions running high, the reported arguing (without a bug I don't know how the authorities knew that).

Perhaps the trip to Pattaya was not part of their instructed itinerary.

If this is what really happened then this event would be considered a targeted assassination rather than a terrorist event. I doubt that the explosives were meant to kill innocent Thais. Iran gets enough bad press as it is, so it would be strategically stupid to mass murder a large number of Thais even if it meant hitting a spot predominantly frequented by foreigners.


All three attacks failed to kill their targets and the one in Bangkok created a gory viral video of instant Karma that won't soon be forgotten. No wonder Iran is blaming Israel. Their assassination proxies are basically incompetent.


We'll probably never know how "officially sponsored" these Iranians were, nor where did they get the explosives and grenades from (diplomatic bag?)

It's only speculation but I suspect that they had a mishap whilst manufacturing quantities of homemade explosive - C4 (plastic explosive) is often used as part of the detonation chain for large scale vehicle born bombs. Having had an accident, then I suspect they panicked, and that led to them running around lobbing grenades at taxis and policemen. If they had succeeded in manufacturing a large bomb, then I am afraid somewhere in Bangkok, probably where a lot of Israelis congregate, would have been hit, and many slaughtered.

The only people who have a clear idea of what happened, and who was responsible for all this, apart from the perpetrators, are probably the Israelis. They are rather good at this sort of intelligence work, because the lives of their citizens, and Jews in general all around the world, depend on them being good at it. They will ignore the comic opera elements of the Thai security services. Those they trust they will talk to. If they need to then they will sort it out themselves. That is what they do. For some reason they take people threatening to wipe them out seriously, after all, 70 years ago it happened in Europe. The threat is still there, but now it is global..


this is not a normal crime ...too much explosives for that ...and yes grenades do bounce back if they hit something before going off ..a grenade is a dangerous weapon for all concerned in the wrong hands ...did anyone else pick up on the .....he tried to cut his throat with sharp glass but was stopped.... this guy has been trained to do this .... he had an agenda and obviously was very focused remember the red guard in japan years back ....a young girl was arrested and she bit off her own tongue in a suicide attempt these people r nutters ....thailand is concerned about tourism but im sure a lot is going on bahind closed doors thank goodness no kids at the school were hurt


All three attacks failed to kill their targets and the one in Bangkok created a gory viral video of instant Karma that won't soon be forgotten. No wonder Iran is blaming Israel. Their assassination proxies are basically incompetent.

Jingthing, have you seen the movie Four Lions?


After all, what do Americans, or the rest of the west, get out of Israel? the answer is absolutely nothing.

In the sciences,Jews have won 22 % of all the Nobel Prizes ever awarded. Most of the money Israel receives from the US is directly invested into the US weapons industry which in turn creates hundreds of thousands of American jobs. Much of the high tech weaponry in the US came from Israel.

If you're worried about your tax dollars going to waste perhaps you should ask, what kind of returns are you getting from the billions invested in the Egyptians, Palestinians, and Pakistanis?


After all, what do Americans, or the rest of the west, get out of Israel? the answer is absolutely nothing.

In the sciences,Jews have won 22 % of all the Nobel Prizes ever awarded. Most of the money Israel receives from the US is directly invested into the US weapons industry which in turn creates hundreds of thousands of American jobs. Much of the high tech weaponry in the US came from Israel.

If you're worried about your tax dollars going to waste perhaps you should ask, what kind of returns are you getting from the billions invested in the Egyptians, Palestinians, and Pakistanis?

In the case of Pakistan, your money is being well spent keeping a nuke arsenal from falling into the hands of radical islamacists.


Does it promise that they're female? giggle.gif

There are also young boys with white pearly skin, if you are so inclined.

I'm more inclined to believe that they would be a nice size herd of goats.


After all, what do Americans, or the rest of the west, get out of Israel? the answer is absolutely nothing.

In the sciences,Jews have won 22 % of all the Nobel Prizes ever awarded. Most of the money Israel receives from the US is directly invested into the US weapons industry which in turn creates hundreds of thousands of American jobs. Much of the high tech weaponry in the US came from Israel.

If you're worried about your tax dollars going to waste perhaps you should ask, what kind of returns are you getting from the billions invested in the Egyptians, Palestinians, and Pakistanis?

In the case of Pakistan, your money is being well spent keeping a nuke arsenal from falling into the hands of radical islamacists.

Please google A.Q. Khan, and then reconsider this post.

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