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Chalerm Seeks Speedy Killing Of Drug Convicts


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Does chalerm seek to out do mr T?

Human Rights Watch has branded ousted Thai prime minister “a human rights abuser of the worst kind”

Thaksin’s human rights violations.

Thaksin presided over extrajudicial killings during the notorious “war on drugs”. HRW says 2,500 people were killed during one three-month period at the start of 2003.

Thaksin told the Thai military to employ any means to suppress an insurgency in the south of Thailand.

Thaksin Suppressed the Thai media.

Edited by z12
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and this came from Thaksin i take it !

you cant convict a man/women of a crime with a half hearted investigation and then kill them within 60 days, how many innocent people set up will lose thier lives?

If a person is found with vast amounts of Yabba/Ice in their possession then why not a speedy execution ?

1) Because they haven't killed anybody

2) Because the death penalty is evil

Drug dealing and drug-taking should be decriminalised and replaced by government-controlled and taxed supplies. The taxes would pay for addiction, rehab and advice centres. That is the only reasonable way forward. Drugs have always been with us; drugs will always be with us. Their trade and use have to be controlled and monitored sensibly, not attacked by the security forces as if the traders and users were some enemy army.

Totally agree. I think rather than ask why not a speedy execution, you should be asking why execution at all?

US prohibition anyone? By making a substance illegal you are creating a lucrative underground market, criminalising millions of people and wasting $billions trying to stop it's trade and use. It's just plain stupid. This is all a game that makes the players in control very rich while the general populace bear the brunt of the problems.

How long have substances like opium, cocaine and pot been around for? Why is it that only when made illegal are these suddenly a scourge on society?

What would happen if coffee was made illegal tomorrow? Would people stop drinking it? No, they would become vulnerable to exploitation by the powers that be, while the controlling coffee growers, importers and distributors make deals with the same powers that be to ensure that the supply continues and they all get very wealthy...

Legalise it, tax it, control it... free up $billions worldwide, improve healthcare, education etc. Does anyone remember (or has researched) why pot was originally made illegal and by whom??? It certainly wasn't out of motivation for the good of the world...

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and this came from Thaksin i take it !

you cant convict a man/women of a crime with a half hearted investigation and then kill them within 60 days, how many innocent people set up will lose thier lives?

Nobody says that innocent people are going to be killed. If somebody gets caught with drugs - he/she is guilty .

I bet there are many framed innocents that would disagree.

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If a person is found with vast amounts of Yabba/Ice in their possession then why not a speedy execution ?

If they were really found with it.

Keep in mind, it is nothing for the police to plant such drugs on people (their competitors in the drug / prostitution trade), and have them killed to get them out of the way. And don't think for a second this doesn't or hasn't happened.

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and this came from Thaksin i take it !

you cant convict a man/women of a crime with a half hearted investigation and then kill them within 60 days, how many innocent people set up will lose thier lives?

Nobody says that innocent people are going to be killed. If somebody gets caught with drugs - he/she is guilty ... easy. 10 days should be more than enough.

Ever heard of a "set up"???

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I like all the coments about Chalerm. But it makes no difference to him. He has proven that he is above the law buy getting rid of all the witnesses before his sons court case. He was lucky the military didn't get him during the coupe a few yers ago. The military wanted him dead, but he was able to escape to Singapor by boat. Now Thailand is paying heavely for the military missing him.

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and this came from Thaksin i take it !

you cant convict a man/women of a crime with a half hearted investigation and then kill them within 60 days, how many innocent people set up will lose thier lives?

If a person is found with vast amounts of Yabba/Ice in their possession then why not a speedy execution ?

1) Because they haven't killed anybody

2) Because the death penalty is evil

Drug dealing and drug-taking should be decriminalised and replaced by government-controlled and taxed supplies. The taxes would pay for addiction, rehab and advice centres. That is the only reasonable way forward. Drugs have always been with us; drugs will always be with us. Their trade and use have to be controlled and monitored sensibly, not attacked by the security forces as if the traders and users were some enemy army.

I agree. I'm tired of dodgy underground drug deals and having to keep my drug taking a secret.

It will be much better to buy an ounce of Coke from 7/11 and line it up on a table inside the club or just shoot a speedball or 2 at my table instead of having to subject myself to disgusting bathrooms. Have you seen the toilets inside the clubs? Nasty.

My Boss wont be able to say anything because it will be legal, and I'm sure since he gives smokers 6 breaks a day, he wont mind me popping downstairs to smoke some crack at the entrance to the building. I am a considerate crack-smoker.

And when I do too much, I know that rehab will be at my disposal because my taxes pay for it. I hope they have Xbox there. Dont think I could do 4 weeks without my Xbox.

Maybe my drugs cost a little more, but I can afford it, and I will feel good inside knowing that because of the strides taken to allow me access to quality drugs and growing the addict tax base 100 fold, killing 10's of thousands of people in car wrecks, violent drug induced attacks and overdoses means that the poor, uneducated masses that were forced to swallow 40 condoms and made to transport the same drugs I enjoy, are safe from the Big Bosses that manipulated them.

Well done liberal bleeding hearts. You proved Darwin wrong.

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What is it with Thaksin governments and killing drug dealers?

It polls well and doesn't cost much to do.

My wife swears is it because of the problems his son had with drugs.

And i've heard the same many times before. My Thai woek colleagues confirm that it was said many times before.

A personal vendetta.

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they poison a whole community for the only reason of profit and the users are causing big problems with break-ins and robberies to fuel their bad habits... so why give 3 chances in the first place when cought red handed with more than, let's say 50 grams of harddrugs

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Drug dealers no matter how big or small are animals and need to be put down - human laws don't apply to them!

In a civilized country I would be all up for execution after a fair trail. Not so sure if it's right for Thailand.

Would you be prepared to pull the trigger?Thought not.
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What is it with Thaksin governments and killing drug dealers?

It polls well and doesn't cost much to do.

My wife swears is it because of the problems his son had with drugs.

It's not just your wife saying this. His son was using a lot of coke, speed and other BS. That's how all had started. Revenge for his brain damaged son.jap.gif

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and this came from Thaksin i take it !

you cant convict a man/women of a crime with a half hearted investigation and then kill them within 60 days, how many innocent people set up will lose thier lives?

If a person is found with vast amounts of Yabba/Ice in their possession then why not a speedy execution ?

Dealer A wants to "ice" dealer B and so A hires someone to take 10,001 tablets and hides it in dealer B's apartment and then informs to the police. Unfortunately, a mistake was made, and it was placed in your apartment. Get my drift? America's history of wrongful capital punishment is substantial. Greco and Carillo, and Saco and Venzetti are considered innocent today, but were executed.

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Typical, 'kill the messengers' thinking it will somehow solve anything. They can't possible be stupid enough to think that this would reduce drug related issues. This move would simply gain popularity among the intolerant/ignorant voters.

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The 'hang em high' brigade should be well pleased with Chalerm now, regardless of their political persuation.

The mules are the mugs and for sure a vital part of the drug distribution network. They do contribute to death and destruction. However I do not belive in the death penalty for these low order criminals.

I have no issue in executing the drug lords who live lavish lifestyles for them and their families with abundant wealth to buy the very best life has to offer. Private jets, superyachts and mansions galore are all on the shoping list.

There are 40,000, yes forty thousand!, dead in Mexico alone. Forty thousand who will never ever see the sun, breath or enjoy life again. When you bomb and butcher innocent children at a party, machine gun mourners at funnerals, feed your "enemies" (live) to tigers, tied down and fed to vultures, and torture and blow up innocents in their houses my sympathy for them and the continuance of their lives soon disappears. I am sure this also applies, with no douibt some variants, to the rest of this despicable sector of the criminal underworld in other parts of the world.

Take also into account the countless number of crimes and killings by the drug addicts to fuel their habit and you have a crime explosion and the slow, agonising destruction of far too many human beings. What about these? Is it right that they should be slowly executed, leading a sub human life, so the big boys can laugh spend millions at will?

No....if you are the main gu, you know the penalty then do not do the crime....it's your choice.

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and this came from Thaksin i take it !

you cant convict a man/women of a crime with a half hearted investigation and then kill them within 60 days, how many innocent people set up will lose thier lives?

If a person is found with vast amounts of Yabba/Ice in their possession then why not a speedy execution ?

1) Because they haven't killed anybody

2) Because the death penalty is evil

Drug dealing and drug-taking should be decriminalised and replaced by government-controlled and taxed supplies. The taxes would pay for addiction, rehab and advice centres. That is the only reasonable way forward. Drugs have always been with us; drugs will always be with us. Their trade and use have to be controlled and monitored sensibly, not attacked by the security forces as if the traders and users were some enemy army.

Wish I lived in your world!Who pays the taxes for this? The addicts? They resort to crime to feed their habits, I don't think resorting to crime to pay their taxes would make that alright.

No, it would be the working people who pay for this. Why not make it free issue to the addicts who can prove they have an addiction to a particular drug? It would only cost the tax payer a little bit more to do this.

Smell the roses my friend.

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and this came from Thaksin i take it !

you cant convict a man/women of a crime with a half hearted investigation and then kill them within 60 days, how many innocent people set up will lose thier lives?

If a person is found with vast amounts of Yabba/Ice in their possession then why not a speedy execution ?

1) Because they haven't killed anybody

2) Because the death penalty is evil

Drug dealing and drug-taking should be decriminalised and replaced by government-controlled and taxed supplies. The taxes would pay for addiction, rehab and advice centres. That is the only reasonable way forward. Drugs have always been with us; drugs will always be with us. Their trade and use have to be controlled and monitored sensibly, not attacked by the security forces as if the traders and users were some enemy army.

I agree. I'm tired of dodgy underground drug deals and having to keep my drug taking a secret.

It will be much better to buy an ounce of Coke from 7/11 and line it up on a table inside the club or just shoot a speedball or 2 at my table instead of having to subject myself to disgusting bathrooms. Have you seen the toilets inside the clubs? Nasty.

My Boss wont be able to say anything because it will be legal, and I'm sure since he gives smokers 6 breaks a day, he wont mind me popping downstairs to smoke some crack at the entrance to the building. I am a considerate crack-smoker.

And when I do too much, I know that rehab will be at my disposal because my taxes pay for it. I hope they have Xbox there. Dont think I could do 4 weeks without my Xbox.

Maybe my drugs cost a little more, but I can afford it, and I will feel good inside knowing that because of the strides taken to allow me access to quality drugs and growing the addict tax base 100 fold, killing 10's of thousands of people in car wrecks, violent drug induced attacks and overdoses means that the poor, uneducated masses that were forced to swallow 40 condoms and made to transport the same drugs I enjoy, are safe from the Big Bosses that manipulated them.

Well done liberal bleeding hearts. You proved Darwin wrong.

DLock, that is the best post on this thread! Don't do drugs myself, but may give it a shot; I'm sure my boss will understand as well. Get it on my CV too, when it becomes legalized it may be a requirement for tax purposes.

Did Darwin disagree with this? Shame on him!

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Killing them quicker should really help serve as a deterrent. jerk.gif We know already that criminals weigh the penalty of their crime greatly before committing them .. surely anyone dealing drugs only does it because they know they will only serve 20 to 30 years (or life) in a Thai prison as opposed to be executed. Clearly they are not thinking simply in terms of not getting caught because anybody is happy to serve 20+ years in prison to make a few bucks. But now that executions will move quicker and shave 1 or 2 years off their time on death row, certainly many will now rethink if it is worth it to sell drugs.

What drugs are you on Nisa? Your logic is seriously flawed, a speedier death penalty isnt a deterent. Drug mules dont. "weigh the penalty of their crime greatly before committing them". They only concider the potential profits and they believe that they will get away with it. Why else would they do it?

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and this came from Thaksin i take it !

you cant convict a man/women of a crime with a half hearted investigation and then kill them within 60 days, how many innocent people set up will lose thier lives?

If a person is found with vast amounts of Yabba/Ice in their possession then why not a speedy execution ?

1) Because they haven't killed anybody

2) Because the death penalty is evil

Drug dealing and drug-taking should be decriminalised and replaced by government-controlled and taxed supplies. The taxes would pay for addiction, rehab and advice centres. That is the only reasonable way forward. Drugs have always been with us; drugs will always be with us. Their trade and use have to be controlled and monitored sensibly, not attacked by the security forces as if the traders and users were some enemy army.

A nice rosy picture,which will never work,what Country will destabilise their Country,by legalising Hard Drugs? and escalating the Cancer /Enemy within?

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and this came from Thaksin i take it !

you cant convict a man/women of a crime with a half hearted investigation and then kill them within 60 days, how many innocent people set up will lose thier lives?

If a person is found with vast amounts of Yabba/Ice in their possession then why not a speedy execution ?

1) Because they haven't killed anybody

2) Because the death penalty is evil

Drug dealing and drug-taking should be decriminalised and replaced by government-controlled and taxed supplies. The taxes would pay for addiction, rehab and advice centres. That is the only reasonable way forward. Drugs have always been with us; drugs will always be with us. Their trade and use have to be controlled and monitored sensibly, not attacked by the security forces as if the traders and users were some enemy army.

A nice rosy picture,which will never work,what Country will destabilise their Country,by legalising Hard Drugs? and escalating the Cancer /Enemy within?

No, governments much prefer spending vast amounts of their budget, our tax money and a majority of their public servants fighting the war on drugs and incarcerating a large percentage of their population. All for substances which pharamacrtical companies are free to produce, doctors are free to prescribe, pharmacists are free to distribute and patients are free to take. For example 25 million children in the USA are regularly taking the same crystal meth that Charlem wants Thai dealer killed for selling and drug users killed for using.

Edited by waza
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What I would like to know is how many people actually die from taking illicit drugs as oppose to those who die from taking prescription drugs?

As the medical establishment is the 3rd biggest killer in the US and the 9th biggest by accidental death it must take some beating!

According to the following site: http://www.naturalnews.com/009278.html 783,936 people per year in USA, from what the report terms 'Conventional Medical Mistakes' 106, 000 of these are due to Prescription drugs. See the Death by Medicine Report, some experts estimate that it may be as high as 200,000 as some adverse effects of medication are not taken into account.

By the way Guatamala has said that it is considering legalising illicit drugs, see today's Bangkok Post. The truth rarely comes out, just an opinionated position continually propagated in the Media for whatever reason. Hence the continuing US led campaign on drugs.

Here is a link to a New Yorker magazine article about Portugal's decriminalization of drugs.


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Its been a while now, I can't remember-was Chalerm Thaksin's "Killer-in-Chief" when he (Thaksin) had some 2600+ "drug dealers" summarily killed without benefit of trial, or in many cases, even arrest? Despite 2600+ murders, the flow of drugs did not slow in any significant way. Could that have been because the real kingpins of the dope biz were funneling fair shares of the profits to those upstream, perhaps including Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai cohorts?

Most of the murdered were subsistence level "dealers" selling a few dozen hits of Yaba weekly to feed themselves and their families. The real culprits walked scott-free, as they will if this new Chalerm "Brainstorm" gets any traction. Come on guys, get the F--- off it!

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Killing them quicker should really help serve as a deterrent. jerk.gif We know already that criminals weigh the penalty of their crime greatly before committing them .. surely anyone dealing drugs only does it because they know they will only serve 20 to 30 years (or life) in a Thai prison as opposed to be executed. Clearly they are not thinking simply in terms of not getting caught because anybody is happy to serve 20+ years in prison to make a few bucks. But now that executions will move quicker and shave 1 or 2 years off their time on death row, certainly many will now rethink if it is worth it to sell drugs.

Not a single country in the whole <deleted>..in world can give evidence for that killing people is preventing crimes.

This is barbaric acts that should place the rulers of these third class countries in a cell in Hague.

It will definitely prevent him or her from doing it again. I believe they have a choice here also, lethal injection or single shot 30 cal.

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Killing them quicker should really help serve as a deterrent. jerk.gif We know already that criminals weigh the penalty of their crime greatly before committing them .. surely anyone dealing drugs only does it because they know they will only serve 20 to 30 years (or life) in a Thai prison as opposed to be executed. Clearly they are not thinking simply in terms of not getting caught because anybody is happy to serve 20+ years in prison to make a few bucks. But now that executions will move quicker and shave 1 or 2 years off their time on death row, certainly many will now rethink if it is worth it to sell drugs.

What drugs are you on Nisa? Your logic is seriously flawed, a speedier death penalty isnt a deterent. Drug mules dont. "weigh the penalty of their crime greatly before committing them". They only concider the potential profits and they believe that they will get away with it. Why else would they do it?

Obviously not as good as the ones you are taking that have rendered your ability to recognize over the top sarcasm ... even when a jerk.gif is included.

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