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Thai Gay Couple Sets World Record For Longest Kiss


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Loose lips sink ships!


Kissing offers many health benefits but may also transmit a small number of disease-causing agents such as bacteria and viruses. Colds, glandular fever (kissing disease), herpes infection, warts, hepatitis B and meningococcal disease may all be transmitted by kissing. However the risk of disease from kissing is small and kissing can be good for physical and mental health.


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I recall reading once that we retain biological markers (not sure of the details) of EVERY person we have kissed in our entire lives! shock1.gif

I think I need to rinse my mouth out! Yuk! Where's my minty-fresh Scope? ermm.gif

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Doing a 'longest kiss' stunt is a study in how long two people can withstand extreme annoyance. After a half minute, pressing lips together is a chore. Keeping lips pressed together for a lot longer is putting up with misery. A person can put his/her lips to a cow's face, an armpit or tree bark, or whatever ....for as long as possible, until it's too painful to continue. Is that something commendable?

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Yes, it's definitely good for tourism. More gay kissing marathons, please ...

And what kind of tourism would that be then?

The type of tourism that promotes fluff silly wierd things like kissing contests and beauty contests involving men who have been surgically and hormonally altered to look like pretty girls.

.....instead of wholesome outddoor activities.

Oh, almost forgot, there is an outdoor activitiy in Pattaya. It's called jetskiing. Yet there's a drawback. You rent the jetski, and then when you return to the beach - you get extorted by an armed group of local thugs for 30,000 baht. Shucks, doesn't sound like much fun after all.

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The title in the Nation: 'Couples Lock Lips for the Day of Love'

is ridiculous if looked at in a reasonable perspective.

Kissing contests have as much to do with love, as forcing oneself to stand at a security guard job for 48 hours. Kissing contests are about being able to endure extreme discomfort. Pattaya and the Ripley's Museum should be ashamed to be publisizing the toil, and the Nation newspaper should be embarassed for publishing it.

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The title in the Nation: 'Couples Lock Lips for the Day of Love'

is ridiculous if looked at in a reasonable perspective.

Kissing contests have as much to do with love, as forcing oneself to stand at a security guard job for 48 hours. Kissing contests are about being able to endure extreme discomfort. Pattaya and the Ripley's Museum should be ashamed to be publisizing the toil, and the Nation newspaper should be embarassed for publishing it.

lighten up, its just a little bit of fun, makes people smile, or do you suggest we all live a strict Sharia life style??

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Yes, it's definitely good for tourism. More gay kissing marathons, please ...

And what kind of tourism would that be then?

The type of tourism that promotes fluff silly wierd things like kissing contests and beauty contests involving men who have been surgically and hormonally altered to look like pretty girls.

.....instead of wholesome outddoor activities.

Oh, almost forgot, there is an outdoor activitiy in Pattaya. It's called jetskiing. Yet there's a drawback. You rent the jetski, and then when you return to the beach - you get extorted by an armed group of local thugs for 30,000 baht. Shucks, doesn't sound like much fun after all.

No one's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to visit.

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Yes, it's definitely good for tourism. More gay kissing marathons, please ...

And what kind of tourism would that be then?

The type of tourism that promotes fluff silly wierd things like kissing contests and beauty contests involving men who have been surgically and hormonally altered to look like pretty girls.

.....instead of wholesome outddoor activities.

The Hitler Jugend used to practice wholesome outdoor activities and look where it got them!

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