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Vietnam Holiday


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Are you talking for yourself, or for others????

Both. I have been to Vietnam a lot and, for me, the negatives are worth putting up with, but I talk to tourists who have just come from there all the time and most of them say that they hated it. Several friends who come to Thailand every year went to Vietnam and planned on staying a month or so, but returned within a few days.

There are a lot of guys who have been coming to Thailand for years. Thailand is in their comfort zone. Get them out of Thailand and they are lost. Many of these guys have never been anywhere else than Thailand and have no desire to have a look "next door" to have something to compare Thailand with. Fair enough - each to their own.

Also, a lot of guys take their Thai missus over. There is no way the Thai missus is going to let him enjoy Vietnam. She wants to stay in Thailand where she is "big boss" in the relationship and near her family, so, she can't let her farang have a good time in Vietnam. I met up with one couple over there and his missus said, straight out, there is no way she could live in Vietnam. They had been there for 1 day. Mind you, she had no problem at all living in the UK while he was working and sending money back to Issan. smile.pngsmile.png Sure, Vietnam is not for everyone, but it's certainly in direct competition with Thailand now for the tourist dollar.

Down the track, there will be many who will find their comfort zone in Vietnam and would absolutely hate Phuket from the moment they walked out of the airport door, with the taxi debarcle. These are the tourist Thailand are losing. Tourist now have other options in the region and Vietnam is about 40% cheaper.

When you look at it, the same crap has been going on here for years. The tuk-tuks, jet skis, rising rents on bars which inflate food and drink prices, tea money, sick buffalos in Issan, time share etc etc etc etc. It really isn't going to change. That's why I questioned a previous post, "Has Thailand really matured as a tourist destination?"

Both have their negatives and positives. I like both places, BUT, I see more and more negatives and horror stories on Phuket than in Vietnam. Mean while, Vietnam is building their tourism industry, at a rapid rate, and introducing positive after positive.

You can pick up and read the PG just about any day of the week and there is another murder, motor vehicle accident causing death, serious assault, robbery or someone being scammed or extorted out of their life savings here (sorry - I mean, mediated out of their life savings) and they are just the ones reported.

I'm not as old as some on TV and have only been here a few years, compared to many others, but the change I have seen in my short time on the island has not been for the better.

When I say "mature destination" I was referring to the region, apologies. And mature doesn't necessarily mean good. It just means they've been doing it for a longer period.

You make some excellent observations. But in my mind Thailand is and will always remain a superior destination. Vietnam is growing in popularity due an interest in it's recent history and more importantly because it's significantly cheaper.

But the quality of development is poor. Danang being case in point. The Vietnam government is creating a Surfers Paradise type area along China beach. Which may not be a bad thing. But it could be anywhere in the world. They are following the Chinese thinking of building mega resorts with ajoining residential. Most of which have stalled due to lack of interest and a difficult business climate.

As Vietnam tourism develops I only wish they would look at their neighbours and learn from their mistakes. But unfortunately this isn't happening. I've seen beautiful traditional teak shop houses being demolished so a same size concrete, brass and glass monstrosity can take it's place.

Mafia, prostitution and rampant drug use hasn't taken hold yet. But wait and see. Wherever foreigners go these elements aren't far behind.

Vietnam has it's charms, but give me Thailand any day.

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Looking at the original post I dont think this thread was an excuse to start spreading more anti-Thailand/Phuket propaganda

No, the OP was asking about member's holiday experiences in Vietnam. Let's all stay on that topic, thank you.

Wishful thinking, no one has really recommended a hotel or special place they enjoyed

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I am going to Vietnam with my Thai Mia, luckily she works outside of Thailand and is more receptive to other cultures. We spend time traveling around Australia but for me its been there done that, so we usually stay and holliday in Thailand, but it has become increasingly more polluted, unfriendly and expensive. Samui was ok for a while then became too backpacker and loud for an older couple. Phuket was nice at first as well, I even have my name carved on the Big Buhda, but now its over priced, full of touts and with very polluted beaches. Next we went to Hau Hin, I liked it but the Mai hated it. We both like Samet and get cheap accomadation as relatives have a resort there but there isnt a lot to do. I love Ubon but it hasnt a beach. So last time we traveled to Phnom Penh. I liked it, they make a decent beer but the Mia says the people are dirty. Now we will try Vietnam.

Have you considered Langkawi in Malaysia? A beautiful tropical island that has been made tax free by the Malaysian Government to promote tourism, so, very affordable. Malaysia have one of the best set of laws and regulations that allow for foreign ownership of property in the region. The island is well serviced by Airasia and a large boat to Penang. The beaches are beautiful will small bars right on the sand. It's not on the backpacker trail and prositution is very minimal, so, you don't get the hoardes of sex tourist. Traffic is minimal. No touts to bother you. Obviously, climate is comparable to here. Malaysia give a 90 day visa on arival stamp. Most expats get the boat over to Haad Yai in Thailand and then back again. No need for 800,000 baht in the bank etc. The island has fast internet, ATM's and shopping centres. Despite being an Islamic nation, alcohol is readily available and the locals are friendly. Just something for you to consider.

Hi yes I did a bit of Malaysian travel, I agree nice beaches and friendly people. But the at the risk of discriminating Based on Religion I like bacon for breakfast after sleeping late and wandering through town and having a beer with the locals. Theres just lots of little tiny things that annoy me. We were going to go to Egypt, (Mia wants to see the pyramids, me too), but not only is the revolt still on but theres a blanket ban on booze and pork, even in the resorts.

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The response about Vietnam has been very mixed, some people like and some do not

NamKangMan in post #30 recommended Langkawi in Malaysia and only had good things

to say about the place

I am only looking for our next holiday destination for when i get itchy feet again and

langkawi is certainly worth looking into, it certainly does not have to be Vietnam

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I am going to Vietnam with my Thai Mia, luckily she works outside of Thailand and is more receptive to other cultures. We spend time traveling around Australia but for me its been there done that, so we usually stay and holliday in Thailand, but it has become increasingly more polluted, unfriendly and expensive. Samui was ok for a while then became too backpacker and loud for an older couple. Phuket was nice at first as well, I even have my name carved on the Big Buhda, but now its over priced, full of touts and with very polluted beaches. Next we went to Hau Hin, I liked it but the Mai hated it. We both like Samet and get cheap accomadation as relatives have a resort there but there isnt a lot to do. I love Ubon but it hasnt a beach. So last time we traveled to Phnom Penh. I liked it, they make a decent beer but the Mia says the people are dirty. Now we will try Vietnam.

Have you considered Langkawi in Malaysia? A beautiful tropical island that has been made tax free by the Malaysian Government to promote tourism, so, very affordable. Malaysia have one of the best set of laws and regulations that allow for foreign ownership of property in the region. The island is well serviced by Airasia and a large boat to Penang. The beaches are beautiful will small bars right on the sand. It's not on the backpacker trail and prositution is very minimal, so, you don't get the hoardes of sex tourist. Traffic is minimal. No touts to bother you. Obviously, climate is comparable to here. Malaysia give a 90 day visa on arival stamp. Most expats get the boat over to Haad Yai in Thailand and then back again. No need for 800,000 baht in the bank etc. The island has fast internet, ATM's and shopping centres. Despite being an Islamic nation, alcohol is readily available and the locals are friendly. Just something for you to consider.

Hi yes I did a bit of Malaysian travel, I agree nice beaches and friendly people. But the at the risk of discriminating Based on Religion I like bacon for breakfast after sleeping late and wandering through town and having a beer with the locals. Theres just lots of little tiny things that annoy me. We were going to go to Egypt, (Mia wants to see the pyramids, me too), but not only is the revolt still on but theres a blanket ban on booze and pork, even in the resorts.

I have found you can get bacon in Muslim countries but it is made from beef not pork

tastes much the same to me

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actually you can get bacon in malaysia its just sould in non halal sections almost certainly by chinese...and its good

langkawi, wentt there 3 times last year its a great place not busy at all, great food the wet market in kuah town on the weekends is nice, plenty of bars if thats your thing, lots of motorsports etc best part is you dont gotta worry about people scamming you and for me i love how cheap the chocolate is

anyway back to vietnam im going for a week after my stay in phuket i heard they primarily use USD but should i bother getting the VND just so i dont get screwed by the hawkers or what?

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actually you can get bacon in malaysia its just sould in non halal sections almost certainly by chinese...and its good

langkawi, wentt there 3 times last year its a great place not busy at all, great food the wet market in kuah town on the weekends is nice, plenty of bars if thats your thing, lots of motorsports etc best part is you dont gotta worry about people scamming you and for me i love how cheap the chocolate is

anyway back to vietnam im going for a week after my stay in phuket i heard they primarily use USD but should i bother getting the VND just so i dont get screwed by the hawkers or what?

I had no problem getting pork in the times I have been there, not sure about bacon rashes though. Malaysia is a very moderate Muslim nation. I found them one of the most friendly people in the region. On many occassions the restaurant owner would sit down at your table after your meal and chat to you. This was great for picking up tips about the island.

You're not wrong about about not having to worry about all the scams, rip offs and touts like here. As I said, it's a nice break from all the BS here.

For Vietnam, take US dollars. There are plenty of money exchange places and most gold shops will change US for Vietnamese Dong as well. Also, your ATM card will work over there, no problem. Use the larger US notes notes for larger purchases. Eg. accommodation. Keep a mixute of US dollars and Vietnamese Dong on you because many things like a beer etc will be less than $1US, so, you will need to pay in Dong. If you pay in US, on most occassions, you will be given change in Dong. Upon leaving Vietnam, change all your Dong, no matter what the exchange rate, because you can not change it outside of the country. Where are you going in Vietnam?

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hanoi, ha long bay, perfume pagoda and tum cok or something like that

woulda liked to see the beaches etc but a beach is a beach ...and phuket as plenty of those, ill get some dong lol

I'm not a huge fan of Hanoi. The north is vastly different to the south. Whilst it's more traditional, the streets are smaller and there is more of a chaotic feel to the place. Great fun for a short time, but I couldn't live there. Having said that, I don't like big cities anywhere. The south, HCMC, had western influence all throughout the war. It has a different "vibe" than Hanoi. It's just me, I prefer the south. When in Hanoi, for something different, check out the water puppet theatre. It's a good show. Make sure you get the little booklet explaining what each scene is about.

Ha Long Bay is spectacular. The water truly is emerald green. Do yourself a favour and take the longer cruise. You will not regret it. Also, take plenty of memory for your camera. You will be snapping away at the beauty of Ha Long Bay and the little everyday things being done by the locals. You will see some funny things.

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The Mia's friend is sales manager at the Sea Sand Sun Resort & Spa 5 star resort in Pattaya. She has offered us a mates rate deal, 1 nights accomadation in a basic room, dinner on the beach plus birthday cake for a grand total of 5,000 baht. I will let you know how that compares to Vietnam.

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hanoi, ha long bay, perfume pagoda and tum cok or something like that

woulda liked to see the beaches etc but a beach is a beach ...and phuket as plenty of those, ill get some dong lol

Personally i like having a holiday where the hotel fronts onto a nice clean beach

We stopped in one at Ko Samui and it was great walking from your room straight

onto a clean beach relaxing on a deck chair and having the hotel staff there to look

after you

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hey peter, i love waking up on the beach aswell, but im 27 and just traveling throught S.E. asia, i live in KL but i dont work, just blowing the money ive saved in the last few years, ive been here over a year though and ill be here for another year or more, so i cant get everything i want ;(

anyway if theres any food i should try in vietnam(ill be based out of hanoi the whole trip) let me know, i think the pho is the same noodle the chinese call kow teow? ill try that but not sure about anything else, i eat vietnamese food here but dunno how it compares to there

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Off to Vung Tau on Saturday. Very happy.

Because Vung Tua reminds you of Karon. Nice enough place, shitty beach, I like the town centre. All the big developments out of town are deserted, ghost towns.

I'm only ever there a night, or two. No, it doesn't remind me of Karon. Can't think of a single bar that I really like in Kata-Karon, but, there are several in Vung Tau.

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Off to Vung Tau on Saturday. Very happy.

Because Vung Tua reminds you of Karon. Nice enough place, shitty beach, I like the town centre. All the big developments out of town are deserted, ghost towns.

What's wrong with "Back Beach?" Nice beach with bars all along, just off the sand. It gets windy, but that's when all the kite surfers come out so you can sit and have a beer and watch them. The water is clean and, at night, all the street food vendors come out along the beach road.

This place is right across the road from the beach and bars.


I've near stayed there, probably a bit out of my price range, but not for the rich Russians.

I like to go to Back Beach on a Sunday, when the weather is good. All the Vietnamese families head to this beach. There's a great atmosphere with everybody happy and friendly.

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Off to Vung Tau on Saturday. Very happy.

Because Vung Tua reminds you of Karon. Nice enough place, shitty beach, I like the town centre. All the big developments out of town are deserted, ghost towns.

I'm only ever there a night, or two. No, it doesn't remind me of Karon. Can't think of a single bar that I really like in Kata-Karon, but, there are several in Vung Tau.

What bars do you go to KB?

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Red Parrot, VTV9, Rex Hotel and many I can't remember the names of. I like to bar hop.

I know The Rex and The Parrot. I don't know VTV9. Where is it? Is it on the corner with all the girly bars, across from MK Bar?

I googled for it and ended up finding this handy website.


I like Offshore Bar No. 1.

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I have a Road map that shows a ferry service leaving from

Satun in Thailand going to Langkawi, Has anyone one used

this ferry and is it a car ferry or just passengers, you

could drive there in one day

Yeah there is a ferry but I have never used it and don't know anyone that has. It looks cool though, stops at pretty much all the andaman islands...it's like a hop on/hop off boat.


Not sure what this has to do with Vietnam though

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I have a Road map that shows a ferry service leaving from

Satun in Thailand going to Langkawi, Has anyone one used

this ferry and is it a car ferry or just passengers, you

could drive there in one day

Yeah there is a ferry but I have never used it and don't know anyone that has. It looks cool though, stops at pretty much all the andaman islands...it's like a hop on/hop off boat.


Not sure what this has to do with Vietnam though

Pedestrians only on that ferry.

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I have a Road map that shows a ferry service leaving from

Satun in Thailand going to Langkawi, Has anyone one used

this ferry and is it a car ferry or just passengers, you

could drive there in one day

Yeah there is a ferry but I have never used it and don't know anyone that has. It looks cool though, stops at pretty much all the andaman islands...it's like a hop on/hop off boat.


Not sure what this has to do with Vietnam though

Very mixed response about Vietnam on this topic

People who have mentioned Langkawi have only good things to say about it

Since we are not interested in bars it sounds like it will be our next holiday destination

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Very mixed response about Vietnam on this topic

People who have mentioned Langkawi have only good things to say about it

Since we are not interested in bars it sounds like it will be our next holiday destination

Vietnam has many many nice places, both for the nightlife, and for natural beauty and to relax. Langkawi is just one very small part of Malaysia. Posts on Vietnam were very general. Posts about Langkawi were very specific. Langkawi is very nice, but Vietnam has similar places. If you can, on different holidays, why not check out a variety of places? Believe me, there is more to South East Asia than just Thailand, which most seem to think is the be all and end all, yet they will never have anywhere to compare it to. At least you are willing to have a look around.

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Very mixed response about Vietnam on this topic

People who have mentioned Langkawi have only good things to say about it

Since we are not interested in bars it sounds like it will be our next holiday destination

Vietnam has many many nice places, both for the nightlife, and for natural beauty and to relax. Langkawi is just one very small part of Malaysia. Posts on Vietnam were very general. Posts about Langkawi were very specific. Langkawi is very nice, but Vietnam has similar places. If you can, on different holidays, why not check out a variety of places? Believe me, there is more to South East Asia than just Thailand, which most seem to think is the be all and end all, yet they will never have anywhere to compare it to. At least you are willing to have a look around.

Always like to see new things and places mate, recently returned from a holiday in South Africa and Zambia

Have not holidayed in the countries adjoining Thailand yet but have had holidays in most other Asian destinations

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Looking at the original post I dont think this thread was an excuse to start spreading more anti-Thailand/Phuket propaganda

No, the OP was asking about member's holiday experiences in Vietnam. Let's all stay on that topic, thank you.

Wishful thinking, no one has really recommended a hotel or special place they enjoyed

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We have just finished a14 day holiday in vietnam, in saigon and Vungtau, we always use the 3to 4 star hotel Elegant on Bui Thi Xuan, large clean rooms and facilities, great inclusive breakfastbuffet, pleasant ever smiling and very helpful staff at 35$ australian a night a great bargain, as I mentioned in an earlier thread,the one occasion we did not use Vitasun taxis we got mugged!!another lesson learned, to compare thailand with vietnam is a joke, vietnam is way behind thailand as far as tourism and inyour face touts,prostitution and crime are concerned, in one of the best indian restaurants in Saigon(mumtaz)king prawn madras for the wife,pilau rice chicken vindaloo for me, to drink 3bottles of heineken ,for the mrs 2 glasses of fresh pressed orange juice, choice of free naan,roti, or bahji,s total cost 20 bucks australian,Vetasun taxis are the cheapest way to get about anywhere in vietnam, HCMC airport to city centre hotel 8dollars australian, city centre to my fishing hut near vungtau(112kms each way) 70 dollars return, while I am fishing my wife stays at the 6 star Anoasis Resort north of Vungtau, monday to thursday 70backs a night for a 65 sq metre airconditioned immaculate bungalow amongst acres of cultivated gardens, great inexpensive bars and restaurant, ahuge swimming pool and your own private invalid accessible beach,as far as comparing vungtau to phuket on the seafront there are 11 bars over a distance 4kms, no touts, hookers, only1 australian owned motorcycle hire, afew of the bars are and restaurants are ausssie owned or managed, as in any harbour town , there are brothels and bargirls if you know where to look, the single off shore workers seem to be the main customers!! the only taxi mayhem is at the ferry terminal where taxis gather to meet the half hourly ferries,the vietnamese do not treat you as walking ATMs, I must admit some are very aggressive, as my wife and I have lived in thailand and experienced all that is good and also the bad as well,we look forward to our vietnam jaunts, at least as disabled pensioners in vietnam we dont get overcharged by everyone for wheelchair access which we occasionally need, as far as thailand is concerned we got rid of our rosecoloured glasses over 20 years ago, vietnam has still a long way to go to catch up with thailand and its tourism industry,we still visit thailand but why as pensioners go to phuket or pattaya, if I want to sit in a traffic jam , Toowoomba is only 30 minutes away
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