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Reliable Taser For Self-Defence. Where To Buy?


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Another post about caring guns and now Stun Guns,who are these people,

that they feel the need to carry self defense protection ,especially in Chiang Mai.

Over the years I have been to many dangerous places around the world,first

line of defense is your mouth,talk your way out of situations,then I already

look like a mugger,so that helps.

You are going to look stupid pulling out a stun gun ,when the other guy pulls a .45

But if it makes you feel like a big man to carry a weapon,so be it,but learn to use it,first

regards Worgeordie

Very much with you on this one, same as the gun thread..

Do any posters have an idea of how foolish it is to you a stun gun (apart from the risk that you can actually kill someone witha weak hear or a congenital defect, or by doing it too much).

Lets remember that police forces use these devices as an alternate means of non lethal force......not for self defence.

You are really unlikely to get a "taser" with projectile pins so the best you will get in CM is a stun gun. That means your up close and personal. As opposed to a knife being weilded by the other person (or perhaps yourself) which has a metre plus slash range. What that means is that you have to get past the slashing knife to be able to apply the stun (at which point you will probably have multiple slashes or stab wounds). It never ceases to suprise me how many young women carry knives or box cutters.....my money would be on them over a someone pulling stun gun.

Stun guns do not frighten anyone...knives do.

A stun gun is used to subdue (not defend). You have become the aggressor.

Absolutely no legitimate use in CM as at al, and many viable alternatives (keep your mouth shut and walk/run away being the best).

Criminals/thugs use stun guns to creep on unsuspecting victims, get close stun rob or otherwise acost....happy stalking.

Which leads us down the road of escalation. You have a stun gun, people get knives, then prowl/hunt in packs, then guns...might as well stayed in home country.

Edited by mamborobert
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I read from the UK press that the tasers issued to the police are safe due to high voltage and low amps, however the new breed of blackmarket ones are found to have high amps also (hope I got my volts and amps the right way round here) - the real worry is that such devices can easily kill and not just stun - don't know if anyone saw the article but the newer models look just like mobile phones, that in itself could be problematic I suppose if some p*sshead on a bender one night is carrying both and goes to answer the wrong one, game over!

They are classed as firearms in the UK now and you can get up to a 10 years stretch for using one, 5 years just for having one on your possession.

I'm sorry to say as a Brit, that certain areas of the UK, is one place I'd consider carrying one.mellow.png

And why are you hanging out in such areas?!

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Further, I have a lot of difficulty understanding why people need handguns or tasers in Chiang Mai or anyplace, really.

What are they thinking ?! Where are they going that such a weapon would be needed? They have a choice.

What makes them think they know how to use a handgun or a taser? Even aim it properly! An afternoon's training at some Texan gun shop and gun range?

Get real! Grow up! If Chiang Mai were "hostile territory," maybe you shouldn't venture in alone. But is it? Do you go places where you are not welcome? If you are in a questionable neighborhood or playing around with dubious types, hadn't you better keep better company ?! Or go with a crowd? Why are you there?

At home? Whaaaaaat?! Where do you live? Got a lock on the door? Are you smart when going about?

Chiang Mai is dangerous?! Where? Why are you there if you perceive a dangerous neighborhood? Give us a break! Carrying knives, firearms or tasers is arming yourself for trouble!

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A small plastic spray bottle with the hole slightly enlarged with a sewing needle (to make more of a stream than a mist,) and filled with a diluted mix of ammonia and water will do just as good a job, and can be claimed that the reason for carrying it was that you were doing your laundry and forgot it in your pocket. No charges of 'carrying a dangerous weapon with premeditation...' Non-lethal. Will work on dogs or people. Even on people too drugged out for a stun gun to put down. Just be sure to get the bottle that has the finger-shaped button so you spray in the correct direction.

How can you forget something like this in your pocket? blink.png


You must have rather large pockets to even consider putting something like that into it in the first place!

I guess the difference is in our definition of the word 'small.' Perhaps I should have been more specific for the needy...

You can purchase lipstick-size refillable plastic bottles with pump tops in the travel section of most department stores or in airport shops. People used them for perfume, mouth freshener, eye-glass cleaner, or, in this case, spot cleaning of laundry items. Chiang Mai Plastic sells a huge variety of styles and colors, to say nothing of size. Pocket sized to match your pockets, right?

using just the ammonia (which is already diluted) from bathroom cleaners would be deadly to cornea. further diluted ammonia is still pretty damaging to cornea, so if anyone decide to go this route, please use it as a last resort.

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The more I read this post, the more I am convinced it is the path to disaster.

I cannot see the need in CM for ANY of the weaponry suggested, and foresee three possible outcomes:

The first is a Crocodile Dundee moment".... if you have not seen that cinematographical masterpiece, a shaky criminal pulls out a knife and threatens our hero Mr Dundee, who says "You call that a knife?". He in turn pulls out a much larger knife and says "THIS is a knife" and crim tries to run. Put yourself in the place of the former character, with whatever you choose to carry: the rest I leave to your imagination.

The second is you are picked up by BiB for carrying, and face a charge.

Thirdly, you succeed in injuring (or worse) your perceived assailant. You are picked up by BiB and spend your holidays for the next few years at the Bangkok Hilton. Whatever happens, in a farang vs Thai dispute, your chances of success are going to be very very slim, according to percieved wisdom in TV.

Forget the idea of getting "tooled up". Tasers / stun devices can kill all too easily. Ammonia can blind, or if breathed in can cause fatal reactions. Assess the outcome for you........

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Won't be long and we will have a thread on where to get a bullet proof vest.

I personally think many of these people will find all their answers in the Hospital on the South West corner of the moat.

The vest is classed as a weapon of war in Thailand, and so requires written permission from the Defence Ministry. So you won't be getting one from anywhere.

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The more I read this post, the more I am convinced it is the path to disaster.

I cannot see the need in CM for ANY of the weaponry suggested, and foresee three possible outcomes:.

You forgot the fourth one; he carries a weapon for the rest of his life and it never leaves his pocket.

I keep re-reading the original post, and can't seem to find a request made by the OP for lectures or eventualities, much less psychological evaluations. Why do so many people feel the need to play 'parent?' I have a feeling that the OP is old enough to evaluate the outcome of the use of weapons. You and I may feel that there is no need for them but obviously the OP disagrees and wants to carry one. It's not our place to judge him or tell him otherwise, much less call him names for wanting to do something. He asked for certain information. Give him the information requested or don't. No need to play Hall Monitor.

Next, people will be reminding him not to run with scissors.

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The more I read this post, the more I am convinced it is the path to disaster.

I cannot see the need in CM for ANY of the weaponry suggested, and foresee three possible outcomes:.

You forgot the fourth one; he carries a weapon for the rest of his life and it never leaves his pocket.

I keep re-reading the original post, and can't seem to find a request made by the OP for lectures or eventualities, much less psychological evaluations. Why do so many people feel the need to play 'parent?' I have a feeling that the OP is old enough to evaluate the outcome of the use of weapons. You and I may feel that there is no need for them but obviously the OP disagrees and wants to carry one. It's not our place to judge him or tell him otherwise, much less call him names for wanting to do something. He asked for certain information. Give him the information requested or don't. No need to play Hall Monitor.

Next, people will be reminding him not to run with scissors.

What utter drivel.

Actions have consequences and what the Op proposes can lead to escalation and that has consequences for the wider community......which includes me. This is CM not Dodge.

There are many other solutions to his perceived or actual need....including removing yourself from the threat.

If something posted irks people then of course they can comment or ignore it. But surely one of the major ideas of a forum is the free exchange of differing points of view.

This is not a free speech argument. Neither is it an parental/nany state argument

A person carrying a non lethal (arguable) means of subduing someone is not the same as running with scissors. If the Op wants to run with scissors thats his choice, where he runs with scissors where I frequent it affects me and mine.

If the Op wanted a gun, automatic rifle, or a taser or a stun gun there is a DUTY to voice that this is folly. This is how societal norms are maintained and society keeps itself in check. I would hope that we would for example all condemn someone who wants to wear Nazi memorabillia is public (as opposed ot wear a stun gun in public). This is free speech in action.

It is not a right to reply it is an obligation placed upon you as being a citizen. If someone wants to voice something that is their perfect right...it is also a right to respond.

Your post condemns itself with its own words, you want to excercise your right and consider posts in opposition or adversely commenting on the original post as being some judgmental/parental thing.

Sort of judgemental and parental to do that don't you think.

Edited by mamborobert
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Actions have consequences and what the Op proposes can lead to escalation and that has consequences for the wider community......which includes me. This is CM not Dodge. There are many other solutions to his perceived or actual need....including removing yourself from the threat.

IIf something posted irks people then of course they can comment or ignore it. But surely one of the major ideas of a forum is the free exchange of differing points of view.

A person carrying a non lethal (arguable) means of subduing someone is not the same as running with scissors. If the Op wants to run with scissors thats his choice, where he runs with scissors where I frequent it affects me and mine.

Your solution is that he should leave so you will be safe. OK. That's one solution. But he wasn't asking for your advice on this. He wasn't asking for your point of view about his choice of solutions.He wasn't asking for points of view about how to deal with his problem. He was asking specific questions, which you didn't answer. Instead, you chose to ignore what he was asking about so you could give us your point of view. You decided to be his mommy and tell him how to behave.

If he were talking about using a firearm, I could almost agree with your paranoia. There would be a real threat to innocent bystanders hundreds, if not thousands of meters away in all directions. But that's NOT what he was talking about, was it? It was something with a radius as long as his arm, and perhaps a meter more. Hardly a weapon of mass destruction. Don't worry. I think you're going to be safe.


there is a DUTY to voice that this is folly. This is free speech in action.

Please give me a moment to stand up and salute. Why don't you join the Volunteer Tourist Police? Do your DUTY to help protect you and yours. Perhaps you might consider helping to protect others as well. That would certainly be more effective than making a post here.

It is not a right to reply it is an obligation placed upon you as being a citizen.

I can almost hear the music playing in the background... Roll the cameras, CB!

Sort of judgemental and parental to do that don't you think.

Absolutely! And see how you respond to it? It's probably how the OP felt about your original post.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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My my my......selective quoting without addressing the substantive issue.......

Read what a forum is...then bush up on your Voltaire

The issue was that you did not address the OP's question. Instead, you turned the thread into a soapbox for your own personal views. Speeches about duty and about citizenship do not answer the OP's question. They are speeches about how YOU relate to the situation. And while yes, you certainly do have the right to free speech, words are just words unless you stand behind them and take action. Do you REALLY feel that you need to do your duty and protect the innocent? Then do it. Don't just talk about it. But before you do, why not answer the OP's original question?

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Again...read what a forum is.

This thread has had ranged from pit bulls to amperage not sure how relevant they are to the Op's question either.

Likewise amonia solutions and pictures of tanksrolleyes.gif

Please calm down......

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Again...read what a forum is.

This thread has had ranged from pit bulls to amperage not sure how relevant they are to the Op's question either.

Likewise amonia solutions and pictures of tanksrolleyes.gif

Please calm down......

You must admit a tank could be bloody handy for getting around town ... no need to flash h/lights to get ppl to move over! tongue.pngw00t.gif And a stun gun walking stick (ZAP Cane) would keep soi dogs, beggars and unruly kids at bay! cheesy.gif


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The more I read this post, the more I am convinced it is the path to disaster.

I cannot see the need in CM for ANY of the weaponry suggested, and foresee three possible outcomes:.

You forgot the fourth one; he carries a weapon for the rest of his life and it never leaves his pocket.

I keep re-reading the original post, and can't seem to find a request made by the OP for lectures or eventualities, much less psychological evaluations. Why do so many people feel the need to play 'parent?' I have a feeling that the OP is old enough to evaluate the outcome of the use of weapons. You and I may feel that there is no need for them but obviously the OP disagrees and wants to carry one. It's not our place to judge him or tell him otherwise, much less call him names for wanting to do something. He asked for certain information. Give him the information requested or don't. No need to play Hall Monitor.

Next, people will be reminding him not to run with scissors.

What utter drivel.

Actions have consequences and what the Op proposes can lead to escalation and that has consequences for the wider community......which includes me. This is CM not Dodge.

There are many other solutions to his perceived or actual need....including removing yourself from the threat.

If something posted irks people then of course they can comment or ignore it. But surely one of the major ideas of a forum is the free exchange of differing points of view.

This is not a free speech argument. Neither is it an parental/nany state argument

A person carrying a non lethal (arguable) means of subduing someone is not the same as running with scissors. If the Op wants to run with scissors thats his choice, where he runs with scissors where I frequent it affects me and mine.

If the Op wanted a gun, automatic rifle, or a taser or a stun gun there is a DUTY to voice that this is folly. This is how societal norms are maintained and society keeps itself in check. I would hope that we would for example all condemn someone who wants to wear Nazi memorabillia is public (as opposed ot wear a stun gun in public). This is free speech in action.

It is not a right to reply it is an obligation placed upon you as being a citizen. If someone wants to voice something that is their perfect right...it is also a right to respond.

Your post condemns itself with its own words, you want to excercise your right and consider posts in opposition or adversely commenting on the original post as being some judgmental/parental thing.

Sort of judgemental and parental to do that don't you think.

Alarm about people carrying deadly weapons and expressing concern are indeed judgmental. It is called good judgment.

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People keep saying that the OP's question was not addressed....So here we go....

Question ... where to buy?

Answer.... I do not know, nor do I feel a need to know, this is because I think it is not advisable because (please read subsequent posts for the reasoning behind my answer)

I am quite surprised at your responses, FolkGuitar (this is NOT a personal attack). I have had great respect for your usually well-considered arguments, but this time, with all due respect, I feel you have derailed a bit.

We clearly have some widely differing opinions on a topic that CAN affect us all, as the prospect of escalation is quite realistic. But lets debate it without turning it into a replay of the gunfight at the OK corral.

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People keep saying that the OP's question was not addressed....So here we go....

Question ... where to buy?

Answer.... I do not know, nor do I feel a need to know, this is because I think it is not advisable because (please read subsequent posts for the reasoning behind my answer)

So it's still unanswered, with a personal opinion that it's inadvisable.

I am quite surprised at your responses, FolkGuitar (this is NOT a personal attack). I have had great respect for your usually well-considered arguments, but this time, with all due respect, I feel you have derailed a bit.

We clearly have some widely differing opinions on a topic that CAN affect us all, as the prospect of escalation is quite realistic. But lets debate it without turning it into a replay of the gunfight at the OK corral.

You're correct. We can. I never said that it was a good idea to carry a taser. In fact, I intimated that it was inadvisable as it would be considered premeditation and carrying a dangerous weapon.

I suggested, if he wanted to carry a weapon, an alternative that would not be considered as such, and yet still protect him. I also did NOT suggest that he needed one, nor did I suggest that he didn't. We don't have any idea if the OP has or hasn't a legitimate need to carry a weapon. While it's true that if he did, he could leave town, but again, we don't know if that is an option for him. We simply do not know all the facts. As far as escalation goes... when was the last time you saw it happen, yet I'm sure you've seen adults get into fights... probably about one in the past 10-20 years? Most people haven't been in a fight since junior high school. Escalation is the least of our worries.

This goes hand in glove with the thread about 'Is Chiang Mai Dangerous.' We know that most of us do not feel threatened when walking around Chiang Mai. Yet at the same time, we know that there is a need for a police department and that violence does occur from time to time. Are we ignoring something to which we should be paying attention? I doubt it. We all lead different lives. Most of us feel safe so we don't worry about the violence that does occur. And we know that it does occur, just not to us... If the OP feels more comfortable carrying a weapon, it certainly doesn't make me feel more uncomfortable. I'm not going to lose sleep worrying that his carrying a weapon is going to have any effect on the lives of those around him. Even most cops never draw their weapons during their entire career, and they are involved with the 'bad side' of life on a daily basis. Why would I think the OP would? The sky really isn't falling.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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Or is it a Rambo alert we're talking about ?! ermm.gif

It could very well be. We just don't have any information one way or the other. He may be a paranoid or he may have justification. He may want to think that he's Rambo or perhaps he's been threatened once too often. We simply do not know.

All we have is the OP's original question.

I remember this fellow I knew back in the day, a small unassuming, pleasant looking fellow who wouldn't make an aggressive move on anyone. But people were always starting up with him. I saw him sitting in his car waiting for the light to change, not talking, not looking at anything in particular, and some pedestrian crossing the street in front of him suddenly turned and started screaming at him, calling him all sorts of names and threatening to drag him out the car's window! I saw this. This guy did absolutely nothing to upset the pedestrian. Nothing. And this sort of thing happened to him all the time. I have no idea why. I knew the guy and he really was totally inoffensive and non-aggressive. But this stuff happened to him all the time. He was a shit-magnet.

Perhaps the OP is this same sort of fellow, and tired of it. Who knows? We certainly don't. All we know is that he came here with a question.

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Oh dear, time to grow up me thinks, this thread is almost taking me back to being five years old and playing soldiers outside the school yard. Anyone remember? Arguing about who's plastic toy gun was more powerful: "You're dead!" - "No, You're dead".tongue.png

Of course, I always preferred playing cowboys and Indiansrolleyes.gif

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Oh dear, time to grow up me thinks, this thread is almost taking me back to being five years old and playing soldiers outside the school yard. Anyone remember? Arguing about who's plastic toy gun was more powerful: "You're dead!" - "No, You're dead".tongue.png

Of course, I always preferred playing cowboys and Indiansrolleyes.gif

Which side were you on?

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Or is it a Rambo alert we're talking about ?! ermm.gif

It could very well be. We just don't have any information one way or the other. He may be a paranoid or he may have justification. He may want to think that he's Rambo or perhaps he's been threatened once too often. We simply do not know.

All we have is the OP's original question.

I remember this fellow I knew back in the day, a small unassuming, pleasant looking fellow who wouldn't make an aggressive move on anyone. But people were always starting up with him. I saw him sitting in his car waiting for the light to change, not talking, not looking at anything in particular, and some pedestrian crossing the street in front of him suddenly turned and started screaming at him, calling him all sorts of names and threatening to drag him out the car's window! I saw this. This guy did absolutely nothing to upset the pedestrian. Nothing. And this sort of thing happened to him all the time. I have no idea why. I knew the guy and he really was totally inoffensive and non-aggressive. But this stuff happened to him all the time. He was a shit-magnet.

Perhaps the OP is this same sort of fellow, and tired of it. Who knows? We certainly don't. All we know is that he came here with a question.

I take your point. Rather odd, however! Did he have really bad BO? laugh.png

Seriously, though, that's really rather bizarre. I believe that there's been some comedian who made a perpetually-persectued "poor soul" the center of his act, but I can't recall who it was.

You are correct, the guy asked a simple question, and people have expanded considerably on it in responding. As "they" say, that's what happens on forums. Are you really surprised that someone who wants to arm himself doesn't arouse various concerns?

Consider those who feel it is their god-given (in America, "constitutional right!") to arm themselves with handguns and other weapons which can be concealed. Then, there are those who are just neurotic (possibly paranoid) with fear. And I suppose there are a few "victims," such as the fellow you have described. Maybe there really are those who are too short in a certain place and feel the weapon makes up for it! You are right. There are all types. But some things come to mind.

One of the popular "gun rights" slogans is that "Guns don't kill; people do." Well, yes, that's true; but is patently simplistic. The mere presence or availability of guns (or hand weapons, generally) certainly makes their misuse easier. And, psychologically, according to increasing research there is apparently a sort of increased atavistic "trigger happiness" in having a weapon handy. Neve mind just being drunk and losing self-control.

The other thing that comes to mind (right now) is that there are very serious concerns about proper and effective use of such firearms, especially under extreme circumstances. A mugger? They work by surprise. Does one walk down the soi like some Dodge City cowboy or Crocodile Dunndee? Such fantasy! A burglar? The burglar may be armed, too, and feel cornered enough to use it. A real psychopath? How many of those are around?

And then, there is the matter of being trained and able to use a hand weapon properly! That can be either a joke or a tragedy! Too many silly movies movies stimulating Rambo-like or macho fantasies. Get real, people!

I've been around weapons, long and short arms. Was trained to use them. Had to use them. Could actually shoot straight (most of the time). Was in the military. Now, I believe that short arms --- handguns, knives, tasers (amateurs) -- are really problematic.

What do I suggest to keep safe? Basic strategy: tactical avoidance of trouble, such as avoiding stupid situations and locks on the door. Mugger? Yes, there are muggers. Give them your wallet. Get "street smart." Just get smart!

The above not the most sophisticated argument, but I hope it does.

And while I am at it, if you must drink, take it easy, and don't drink and drive !!!! (But that's another thread!)

If guns or drinking are your thing, your personal rights are not being challenged, but your potential for stepping on the rights of others and their safety is increased (as well as your own).

Sorry. No proofing this screed. Have to rush away! Hungry!

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I remember this fellow I knew back in the day, a small unassuming, pleasant looking fellow who wouldn't make an aggressive move on anyone. But people were always starting up with him.

Bernard Goetz?

No, Goetz was carrying a weapon. This fellow never did. He was far too mild-mannered. He did, however, become very proficient in Aikido, and at the time I moved from that region, was able to stop most of the people who were beating on him. He didn't seriously hurt them. He just stopped them from hurting him. That was all that was needed.

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I take your point. Rather odd, however! Did he have really bad BO? laugh.png

Seriously, though, that's really rather bizarre.

It was very bizarre! The guy was nice as nice could be, but no matter where he went someone always started in on him.

You are correct, the guy asked a simple question, and people have expanded considerably on it in responding. As "they" say, that's what happens on forums. Are you really surprised that someone who wants to arm himself doesn't arouse various concerns?


The other thing that comes to mind (right now) is that there are very serious concerns about proper and effective use of such firearms, especially under extreme circumstances. A mugger? They work by surprise. Does one walk down the soi like some Dodge City cowboy or Crocodile Dunndee? Such fantasy! A burglar? The burglar may be armed, too, and feel cornered enough to use it. A real psychopath? How many of those are around?

And then, there is the matter of being trained and able to use a hand weapon properly! That can be either a joke or a tragedy! Too many silly movies movies stimulating Rambo-like or macho fantasies. Get real, people!

No, I'm not surprised at the responses. This is ThaiVisa and I've been around for a lot of years and seen the same posters behave in the same ways. And I quite agree with your ideas about the use of weapons. Unless a weapon is in your hand at the time you need it, it does no good at all. And unless one is trained to use it, and use it under strained circumstances, it's just as useless. We advise women to walk to their cars even in well lighted shopping malls at night holding their keys protruding from between their fingers, or in States where it is legal, to carry their can of mace in their hands not in their purse. After being trained in its use. Having it in pocket or purse does no good at all.

As I said in another thread, the way to stay safe is to use common sense. But that only makes us as safe as the situation allows. It doesn't take into consideration outside problems that the OP may or may not have. After all, someone does get victimized now and again.

But it could never happen to us.

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I take your point. Rather odd, however! Did he have really bad BO? laugh.png

Seriously, though, that's really rather bizarre.

It was very bizarre! The guy was nice as nice could be, but no matter where he went someone always started in on him.

You are correct, the guy asked a simple question, and people have expanded considerably on it in responding. As "they" say, that's what happens on forums. Are you really surprised that someone who wants to arm himself doesn't arouse various concerns?


The other thing that comes to mind (right now) is that there are very serious concerns about proper and effective use of such firearms, especially under extreme circumstances. A mugger? They work by surprise. Does one walk down the soi like some Dodge City cowboy or Crocodile Dunndee? Such fantasy! A burglar? The burglar may be armed, too, and feel cornered enough to use it. A real psychopath? How many of those are around?

And then, there is the matter of being trained and able to use a hand weapon properly! That can be either a joke or a tragedy! Too many silly movies movies stimulating Rambo-like or macho fantasies. Get real, people!

No, I'm not surprised at the responses. This is ThaiVisa and I've been around for a lot of years and seen the same posters behave in the same ways. And I quite agree with your ideas about the use of weapons. Unless a weapon is in your hand at the time you need it, it does no good at all. And unless one is trained to use it, and use it under strained circumstances, it's just as useless. We advise women to walk to their cars even in well lighted shopping malls at night holding their keys protruding from between their fingers, or in States where it is legal, to carry their can of mace in their hands not in their purse. After being trained in its use. Having it in pocket or purse does no good at all.

As I said in another thread, the way to stay safe is to use common sense. But that only makes us as safe as the situation allows. It doesn't take into consideration outside problems that the OP may or may not have. After all, someone does get victimized now and again.

But it could never happen to us.

+1 Ah, you have a sense of irony!

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