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Lampang Monk Disrobed After Being Discovered In Bed With Woman

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Quite right Thailand man. I was just making the point that a baht millionaire isn't wealthy by our standards, more making reference to the comment that there were a lot of millionaire monks in Chiang Mai.

As for a 10 million baht house, that is a LOT of money for a monk, or probably most people in Thailand, and even for many of the retired foreigners living in Thailand.

I think his conduct may be called, in religious terms (though Buddhism isn't strictly a religion), perversion of the doctrine.

I see. Yes, I agree. This perversion of religion/doctrine is pervasive in almost every country as I'm aware. And it doesn't merely exist; it's often endemic. (Just for contrast, for example, the Catholic Church both historically and presently. Or the mega wealthy Christian Churches in the US. You want to find the richest organization in many US communities? Look for the church...)

It's a human condition, greed, and, alas, despite the many masses holding up these human beings as being above normal human weaknesses and possessing some other-worldly powers of wisdom and truth, these religious leaders are often no better than petty criminals, but, of course, one would need to look past the facade.

I hate religion. Back up. I hate the practice (poor practice) of it.

Sadly for me, I left one ultra religious 1st world country for an arguably even more religious 3rd world country. It has not been an improvement in that regard.

At least here they don't seem to have an expansionist ideology, or wish to push their own moral code onto others. As an ex-shiftworker I was so often woken from daytime sleep (despite a "make love elsewhere" sign on the door) that I resorted to answering their knock in the nude. Admittedly not a pretty sight, but effective.

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I am never going to understand why any religion would ask a man or woman to exist without having sex. It is natural and we were made to do it. If we were not intended to have sex we would not have been born with the parts or the urges.

I agree with you on this point to a large extent, the imposition of celibacy in the Catholic Church was never part of the original dogma, and was only introduced a round 1200. I personally think that the option should be given to those in religious orders to take a vowel of celibacy if they wish, just as some orders of priests and religious take vowels of poverty. There is a certain degree of piety to abstain from all worldly things whether that be sex, cigarettes or some other pleasure. In the case of sex this should not be an imposition but a choice, otherwise as sense of moral superiority can creep in-- which in and of itself can prove to be pretty dangerous as it puts distance between the religious and those who follow them.


This monk makes us all look bad. But of course it happens. The Buddha always cautioned his monks about their dealings with women, saying that women were the #1 problem monks will have in their practice. This Phra Kru isn't the first and most definitly won't be the last to fall due to lust.

I am a bit of a purist, so prefer my monks to be free of worldly entanglements, like: Women, cigarettes, cellphones, computers, TVs, betel and all other prohibited pleasures.

However, I too, have watched the Monk on TV chew betel and seen them smoke cigarettes and visit the bank.

The bank is always interesting, because, althought no one says anything, their faces betray their feelings.

He did so well with donations that he was able to construct a golden teak wood accommodation for himself with a budget of 10 million baht.

Oh,embezzling donations for own enrichement is classified as doing well these days?

In my time it was considered fraud.

No wonder why there are so many temples in Thailand. Everyone wants "money for nothing and chicks for free."

I should also say there are other cases where temples build schools for the poorer children, hospitals for the homeless, animal shelter for the strays.


I should also say there are other cases where temples build schools for the poorer children, hospitals for the homeless, animal shelter for the strays.

I'm sure there are, but I'm yet to see one.

The temples around these parts are full to the brim of men avoiding jail-time, young boys on their almost compulsory 15 day skive, or those who want everything handed to them literally on a plate using the minimum effort.


One would think that the villagers would be a little outraged over the 10 million baht mansion. Too often I see people giving their pitance to very obviously wealthy priest, monk, rabbi or pastor. Personally, if I see a person with a $3,000 suit or a 10 million baht mansion I say you don't need my 100 Baht.


I have a lot of time for Buddhism, but like catholicism, it is absurd that both expect male priests/monks to remain celibate (or is that "sell a bit"?), and both feign shock when it isn't so. The only way to fix the problem is to throw open the doors and free monks and priests to marry. It would seem a better solution than having them sneaking round like teenagers, climbing through windows to 'asssist' their flock, laying each other, altar boys, novice monks, soi dogs, etc.

Ah, yes. Will the church then accept gay marriage to accomodate the perceived majority?

Priests and the Pope in the Catholic church were allowed to marry and have families until Pope Alexander. Later the church decided that they must be unmarried (celibate) so that their property would revert to the church and not their family on their death.

Purely a business/money decision.


I have a lot of time for Buddhism, but like catholicism, it is absurd that both expect male priests/monks to remain celibate (or is that "sell a bit"?), and both feign shock when it isn't so. The only way to fix the problem is to throw open the doors and free monks and priests to marry. It would seem a better solution than having them sneaking round like teenagers, climbing through windows to 'asssist' their flock, laying each other, altar boys, novice monks, soi dogs, etc.

Ah, yes. Will the church then accept gay marriage to accomodate the perceived majority?

Priests and the Pope in the Catholic church were allowed to marry and have families until Pope Alexander. Later the church decided that they must be unmarried (celibate) so that their property would revert to the church and not their family on their death.

Purely a business/money decision.

I thought it was around 306 AD which is about 1100 years before Alexander but I could be wrong. Do you have a link for your opinion.


I have a lot of time for Buddhism, but like catholicism, it is absurd that both expect male priests/monks to remain celibate (or is that "sell a bit"?), and both feign shock when it isn't so. The only way to fix the problem is to throw open the doors and free monks and priests to marry. It would seem a better solution than having them sneaking round like teenagers, climbing through windows to 'asssist' their flock, laying each other, altar boys, novice monks, soi dogs, etc.

Ah, yes. Will the church then accept gay marriage to accomodate the perceived majority?

Priests and the Pope in the Catholic church were allowed to marry and have families until Pope Alexander. Later the church decided that they must be unmarried (celibate) so that their property would revert to the church and not their family on their death.

Purely a business/money decision.

A good point.

Which is not the case in Buddhism. Celibacy in Buddhism is a rule for the monks laid down by the Buddha based on the situation in the Sangha and the practice of the monks.


wasn't he already disrobed?

Yes according to our Vinaua ( Monks rules) when a Bhikkhu penetrates the orrafic of woman,man,animal to the extent of a sesame sead he is automaticly disrobed. But as in this case, so many will cover it up (remain silent) to others.

Really??? Penetrates to the extent of a sesame seed??? Just that much???

So presumably HJs and facials are ok.

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