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Iran Envoy Claims 'Zionist Regime' Behind Bangkok Blasts


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Not a false flag. They wouldn't attack their OWN ambassadors. Tin hattery only goes so far.

BTW, for anyone who has been following Israel's potential bombing plans. They DO NOT want the USA to be involved in the bombing, if there will be one. In fact, they CANCELED a major military exercise with the US that was coming up as part of a process of distancing themselves from the US (and to prepare a potential attack to do themselves).

Iran, if it is bombed, will have the CHOICE whether to retaliate against American targets. If they do, they are asking for full scale war with the USA. Their option. Odds are they won't take it.

Who will be attacking the american targets. Possibly another false flag just so the us can get involved. Theyre desperate so anything is possible. Infact its garuanteed to happen.

You are saying America wants a full blown war with Iran now? I don't agree. It may be inevitable, but the money isn't there and the burn out from Iraq and Afghanistan is palpable. Obama certainly doesn't need it to get reelected, he is way ahead in the polls now and a crisis with Iran would create an oil price panic derailing the frail economic recovery.

Not sure about full scale war but they want regime change and all of irans resources. Anyone who doesnt do as the US says/wants or anything that the US doesnt aprove then they will be invaded/toppled. History shows us this.

Both China and Russia went against USA wishes lately. When are the invasions due?

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The intelligence information of western country shows a belief that Iran is working hard and rapidly to develop the capability to create weaponized nukes in a short time. There isn't evidence they are working on building the bombs right now. To many, this isn't a big difference. If you have all the ingredients ready for the bomb building (nuclear plus the delivery technology) you are just about there. If I assemble the ingredients to cook a soup, I don't have soup, but I can have it in half an hour.

shows a belief , just a belief and no facts or evidence.

Couple of ifs there too.

So your now comparing Iran creating a nuke to you making some soup? wow in that case lets bomb em.

You're just playing semantic games now. What a bore. You know what I mean. There are intelligence reports and western governments have come to conclusions about them. If you're talking about a smoking gun, I would say no. Anyway, given the assumption they aren't even at the level yet of having the nuclear technology to make a nuke but are getting there, there wouldn't be a smoking gun yet anyway. The idea is to stop them from having this capability. Some want them to have this, and some don't.

Sorry i cant listen to you anymore. To many war mongers around here.

You have been trained to well

On that note i will have to leave but i'll leave you with this comment

A country whose population has been trained to accept the government’s word and to shun those who question it is a country without liberty in its future.

That's a kinda bleak point of view for the prospects of the Irani people.

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the uk for sure we need the US, just in case Argentina try to take the Falklands back, and now the UK and France have new military understanding, funnily since yesterday

Coincidental that Argentina has started its efforts to regain the Falklands just as the UK is busy with Iran. Also coincidental that Iran supports the Argentinian position and that Argentina has been a tacit supporter of Iran. This time around, if and when Argentina tries to screw around it will find that the UK will show less restraint then the last time. The UK has battle hardened troops that will make short work of the Argentinian faciast brigades.

.And should Iran and its ally Venezuala intervene as they threatened to do, the UK will teach them a lesson in good behaviour. I actually believe that Iran will attempt to divert attention away from its nuclear project by fomenting problems elsewhere. Considering that Afghani heroin is flooding Iran and the Iranian economy is in tatters, I don't know how much longer Iran can withstand the international sanctions, Although, India, China and to a certain degree Germany are going to have to stop their sanction busting activity.

Both as kid and an geriatric species you seem to be complete genius with youthful memory! you are a legend and keep it!

It seems the Global Moderator is part of the show with never deleting you rabid nonsense and the General Grants! And actually they delete anything that is usually contrary to your assertions, which evokes aversion!

Any body that is familiar with Islamic Iran and would know the whole things is a script from a bad terror story gone wrong, these people are more of bumbling clowns than even turds or terrorists.

Iran has few countries that trade with it, and Thailand is one of those countries be highly unlikely that it would make problem there, given that imports 90% of rice consumption from Thailand as well lot of goods of Western manufacture, rice is a staple died in Iran.

Iran Qods forces are trained in the CHOLIMA, that is in the North Korean Special forces, these are them troops that chase General Douglas down the Korean peninsular and now how throw a grenade, with out shearing their own legs,

The woman in question, with the passport photo displayed in few media outlet Leila Rohani, does not resemble the woman that lived at the address of the house that has was damaged by the explosion.

In the last Lebanon was it was the Iranian Qods force that conduct the war against Israel and not the Lebanese riffraffs of Hizbollah fame, they successfully suppered the Israeli battle ship's electronic counter measure and hit it with locally manufactured missile, not to mention downing few sophisticate drones!

It that these people are nothing but bunch low level clown there is no doubt no go there and have look :


you will see these three men, with prostitutes and drinking alcohol, in Pattaya , just few days before the attack, now take look and see if these guys look anything like religious zealots of fanatical Qods forces or just bunch jigolos/pimps.

Having said that, one should know that Iranian regime is a pernicious regime and nasty one at that, and yes of course it has been involved in terrorism and most reprehensible human rights violation, especially against its own people that have fled the country, and the sooner it is removed the better for every one, the world community and in particular Iran and Iranian people! However; this one is highly unlikely to be their work! And also the one in India, , India pays them in gold for their lousy oil, why should they shit in their own nest?

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Interesting points. And you still remember the Korean War. Anyway, how would these guys get the idea that assassinating people in a friendly state was a good idea? Did they think it up in a vacuum?

the uk for sure we need the US, just in case Argentina try to take the Falklands back, and now the UK and France have new military understanding, funnily since yesterday

Coincidental that Argentina has started its efforts to regain the Falklands just as the UK is busy with Iran. Also coincidental that Iran supports the Argentinian position and that Argentina has been a tacit supporter of Iran. This time around, if and when Argentina tries to screw around it will find that the UK will show less restraint then the last time. The UK has battle hardened troops that will make short work of the Argentinian faciast brigades.

.And should Iran and its ally Venezuala intervene as they threatened to do, the UK will teach them a lesson in good behaviour. I actually believe that Iran will attempt to divert attention away from its nuclear project by fomenting problems elsewhere. Considering that Afghani heroin is flooding Iran and the Iranian economy is in tatters, I don't know how much longer Iran can withstand the international sanctions, Although, India, China and to a certain degree Germany are going to have to stop their sanction busting activity.

Both as kid and an geriatric species you seem to be complete genius with youthful memory! you are a legend and keep it!

It seems the Global Moderator is part of the show with never deleting you rabid nonsense and the General Grants! And actually they delete anything that is usually contrary to your assertions, which evokes aversion!

Any body that is familiar with Islamic Iran and would know the whole things is a script from a bad terror story gone wrong, these people are more of bumbling clowns than even turds or terrorists.

Iran has few countries that trade with it, and Thailand is one of those countries be highly unlikely that it would make problem there, given that imports 90% of rice consumption from Thailand as well lot of goods of Western manufacture, rice is a staple died in Iran.

Iran Qods forces are trained in the CHOLIMA, that is in the North Korean Special forces, these are them troops that chase General Douglas down the Korean peninsular and now how throw a grenade, with out shearing their own legs,

The woman in question, with the passport photo displayed in few media outlet Leila Rohani, does not resemble the woman that lived at the address of the house that has was damaged by the explosion.

In the last Lebanon was it was the Iranian Qods force that conduct the war against Israel and not the Lebanese riffraffs of Hizbollah fame, they successfully suppered the Israeli battle ship's electronic counter measure and hit it with locally manufactured missile, not to mention downing few sophisticate drones!

It that these people are nothing but bunch low level clown there is no doubt no go there and have look :


you will see these three men, with prostitutes and drinking alcohol, in Pattaya , just few days before the attack, now take look and see if these guys look anything like religious zealots of fanatical Qods forces or just bunch jigolos/pimps.

Having said that, one should know that Iranian regime is a pernicious regime and nasty one at that, and yes of course it has been involved in terrorism and most reprehensible human rights violation, especially against its own people that have fled the country, and the sooner it is removed the better for every one, the world community and in particular Iran and Iranian people! However; this one is highly unlikely to be their work! And also the one in India, , India pays them in gold for their lousy oil, why should they shit in their own nest?

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the uk for sure we need the US, just in case Argentina try to take the Falklands back, and now the UK and France have new military understanding, funnily since yesterday

Coincidental that Argentina has started its efforts to regain the Falklands just as the UK is busy with Iran. Also coincidental that Iran supports the Argentinian position and that Argentina has been a tacit supporter of Iran. This time around, if and when Argentina tries to screw around it will find that the UK will show less restraint then the last time. The UK has battle hardened troops that will make short work of the Argentinian faciast brigades.

.And should Iran and its ally Venezuala intervene as they threatened to do, the UK will teach them a lesson in good behaviour. I actually believe that Iran will attempt to divert attention away from its nuclear project by fomenting problems elsewhere. Considering that Afghani heroin is flooding Iran and the Iranian economy is in tatters, I don't know how much longer Iran can withstand the international sanctions, Although, India, China and to a certain degree Germany are going to have to stop their sanction busting activity.

Both as kid and an geriatric species you seem to be complete genius with youthful memory! you are a legend and keep it!

Geriatrickid is a genius indeed and very clued in on politics and history. Kudos to him for explaining how Argentina and the Falklands fit into the Iranian plot.

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The old axiom seems to apply here;

If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and walks like a duck, most likely it IS a duck.

Persian duck. Excellent with pinot grigio.

Prefer Peking Duck myself. With a nice Pommard.

Gotta corner the Hoisin market in Bangkok.

We have a few Geopoliticalgeniuskids here figuring it all out absolutely.

Versus the few here making relatively logical connections,

that fit a pattern, more than a conspiracy,

as rebuttal to ill conceived obstinacies.

Versus the preponderance of absolutists wearing biases like Sargents Stripes,

and blathering the most ill advised theories caged from thin air,

or decades of paranoic dreams in darkened corners.

It actually can be quite fun to watch the jagged pieces being haphazardly fit together

as if they made a chessboard, when they really resemble a Jesters Motley.


there are still a few inquiring minds open to many ways of seeing a situation.

Edited by animatic
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Posted Today, 17:09

Interesting points. And you still remember the Korean War. Anyway, how would these guys get the idea that assassinating people in a friendly state was a good idea? Did they think it up in a vacuum?

According to Iranian exiles, the passport these people used , including the woman involved , have been issued on the same date, while the woman has been living in Thailand for a long time,and the one picked up in Malaysia, is a frequent visitor to Thailand as well, these people seem to be coming from the Gulf state, that is they been residing there! out of 9 IRA commander 7 were British M6, the world of intelligence is murky and Iran is in deep shit! exiles are of opinion that some one is trying to to shut down the few rat holes that have been left open for the mullahs to operate from! I was born long after Korea war, know it from history, since you are such a reasonable man with your big ears and a no doubt a brain that is created for genuine thinking , if any one talks about Queen Victoria or Caesar , does not mean that person had to live in the period! Get a life !

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The relevance of the Korean War was hard to understand, in relation to the current training of Iranian operatives, but i supposed you must have had some first-hand knowledge. It seems not. Anyway, a minor misunderstanding. I lived through the Korean War (1950-1953) although I was only an infant. And I have a life, thanks. In fact, if you need one, I may be able to help out, for a reasonable annual rental. DYK that the use of bold is poor netiquette? It reads like shouting. Cheers.

Posted Today, 17:09

Interesting points. And you still remember the Korean War. Anyway, how would these guys get the idea that assassinating people in a friendly state was a good idea? Did they think it up in a vacuum?

According to Iranian exiles, the passport these people used , including the woman involved , have been issued on the same date, while the woman has been living in Thailand for a long time,and the one picked up in Malaysia, is a frequent visitor to Thailand as well, these people seem to be coming from the Gulf state, that is they been residing there! out of 9 IRA commander 7 were British M6, the world of intelligence is murky and Iran is in deep shit! exiles are of opinion that some one is trying to to shut down the few rat holes that have been left open for the mullahs to operate from! I was born long after Korea war, know it from history, since you are such a reasonable man with your big ears and a no doubt a brain that is created for genuine thinking , if any one talks about Queen Victoria or Caesar , does not mean that person had to live in the period! Get a life !

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This question is for those who claim that Iran is behind the bombings.

Why did they use Iranian passports? Could Iranian MISIRI not buy / make fake passports from other countries?

They did not know that one of their bombs was going to blow up and did not intend to get caught.

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The difficulty with dealing with any subject related to Iran is that it is a country which at a very minimum will turn a blind eye toward unconventional activities against its enemies. My guess is that someone fairly high up in the food chain was involved in these activities, but even if they weren't, there has certainly been tacit approval by lack of action against those that perpetrate these activities.

These activities are not cheap. Follow the money.

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This question is for those who claim that Iran is behind the bombings.

Why did they use Iranian passports? Could Iranian MISIRI not buy / make fake passports from other countries?

Seems a trivial question and absurd if you think that fact proves that some Iranian faction or proxy was not behind this. In any case, the series of related bombing incidents in Thailand, Georgia, and India were on the whole, very unsuccessful. The only Israeli target hit was in India. Supposing it had been a massive success. The reaction in Iran may possibly have been different.
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This question is for those who claim that Iran is behind the bombings.

Why did they use Iranian passports? Could Iranian MISIRI not buy / make fake passports from other countries?

They did not know that one of their bombs was going to blow up and did not intend to get caught.

A spy or agent always think worst case scenario.

They can be caught. They can die

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This question is for those who claim that Iran is behind the bombings.

Why did they use Iranian passports? Could Iranian MISIRI not buy / make fake passports from other countries?

They did not know that one of their bombs was going to blow up and did not intend to get caught.

A spy or agent always think worst case scenario.

They can be caught. They can die

Not to mention even Thailands passport controls are improving beyond many forgers abilities.

Partly because the forgers can't hack the computer systems.

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ok, would you care to expand on that?

This question is for those who claim that Iran is behind the bombings.

Why did they use Iranian passports? Could Iranian MISIRI not buy / make fake passports from other countries?

They did not know that one of their bombs was going to blow up and did not intend to get caught.

A spy or agent always think worst case scenario.

They can be caught. They can die

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In fairness, the Iranian passports don't prove the bombers were on orders from the Iranian government (or Iranian power fractions or Iran proxies) directly, but it also doesn't prove that they weren't either. That's why I feel obsessing over the passports is trivial and pointless. Its a detail, we know it, it proves nothing.

As far as those claiming the orders came from the "Zionist regime" instead of the Perzianist regimeTM, sorry, I can't see Israelis bombing Israeli diplomats. I know some of you can.

Edited by Jingthing
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This question is for those who claim that Iran is behind the bombings.

Why did they use Iranian passports? Could Iranian MISIRI not buy / make fake passports from other countries?

Seems a trivial question and absurd if you think that fact proves that some Iranian faction or proxy was not behind this. In any case, the series of related bombing incidents in Thailand, Georgia, and India were on the whole, very unsuccessful. The only Israeli target hit was in India. Supposing it had been a massive success. The reaction in Iran may possibly have been different.

I do not call your posts for trivial and absurd, even though they may be. You must show the same respect for my questions and posts that I show for your questions and contributions.wai.gif

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I do not call your posts for trivial and absurd, even though they may be. You must show the same respect for my questions and posts that I show for your questions and contributions.wai.gif

Please PM me about such trivial personal matters in future. I doubt internet readers all over the world are interested in your respect issues. Edited by Jingthing
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Does anybody read anything into the fact that two Iranian warships passed through the Suez canal into the Med and have now docked in Syria,

Things continue to heat up. Iran and Syria being close allies, with both regimes under heavy international pressure. Hardly surprising but definitely troubling.
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Does anybody read anything into the fact that two Iranian warships passed through the Suez canal into the Med and have now docked in Syria,

Things continue to heat up. Iran and Syria being close allies, with both regimes under heavy international pressure. Hardly surprising but definitely troubling.

black pawn to C5 ?

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