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Options For A Cambodian

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My Cambodian GF has been utilizing tourist visas to stay with me. I am trying to find a solution that requires less travelling maintenance to keep up, cost is less of an issue.

The first and most obvious is an ED visa for language.

What I am curious about are options with employment ?? I know Burmese stay long term here as employed at low costs, as housemaids etc, is there a way I can legalize her stay by 'employing' her ?? Based on Language skills or something ?? Can I do this as a non corporate / private citizen ??

Is there any changes i the near term around the ASEAN free movement of labor scene.

Any angles or solutions to make this smooth.

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The ED visa dovetails as she doesnt speak Thai yet, however I tend to travel a lot and this creates problems as the ED visa is done in 90 day extensions and I presume I need to then get re-entry permits every time (each 90 days !!) and travel fitting around a schedule for teaching / lessons for an ED certified school is all just an all around hassle.

I would far prefer to pay a private tutor to come to home visit a few times a week, to solve the language issues.. and keep the visa / residency side as a totally separate issue.

I would love to know whats required around legalizing employment, as only the social contribs would need to be actually paid, the wages / salary aspect can just go through paperwork. If its viable to have a burmese mae baan legally who makes probably less than 10k a month including salary, it has to be a solid option, costing at most a couple of k a month ??

Even better is I may just be able to contract the whole process out to a lawyer / book keeping company as I want as little workload as possible. Let them do the paperwork and give me a bill and her a valid visa and ability to fly in and out so I dont have to concern myself with 90 day language inspections, day counting, etc.

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Employmend is a possibility, they need less minimum income for an extension of stay fom immigration. But if you plan to employ her yourself, a cheaper option might be an ED-visa. Remember that the possibilities are not limited to Thai language.

Where can I get the information on the courses approved by the Ministry of Education that would qualify a Cambodian for an Ed visa?

I want to help a lady who is one of the many victims of the terrible years under the Khmer Rouge and lost her parents and most of her family. She is a hard working woman and had to forego education in order to survive during that dark episode in her country. She is fluent in Thai and English. I would like to help her along the lines of learning Thai cuisine or anything related to the culinary arts because she is good at it. She is also a natural, self-taught hairdresser and styles hair perfectly. I would like to know where I can get that information in order to contact the schools that qualify for an ED Visa. I want to get that info first to let her choose the course that appeals to her the most.

I thank you ahead of time for your kind attention to this message.


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