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I am 50 years old white guy. I have had Diabetes for 3 years. I am slim but I smoke a lot too.

For the past 4 or 5 days I have felt like someone kicked me in the right ribs it is so sore and also I get a feeling like My stomach is empty, like that starving feeling even though I am eating ok.

Today I woke up and had a very bad bubbly rash on my lower chest and on my right hand side where my ribs have been hurting.

I saw a doctor and he said I have "Shingles Virus" and thought maybe i have HIV or something. I have been tested every 6 months more less for the work I do traveling to other countries and just recently as well and I am fine.

He said that "shinglers" can cause a lot of pain and prescribed me the proper anti-virus, plus some narcotic pain killers and some cream for the rash. I have been Googling shinglers and all the sites say pain but I cannot find out if my pain is a symptom?

Has anyone heard or can tell me if this is normal? I just feel like my ribs have been kicked and have a constant empty sore feeling in my belly. It is not easy to sleep or relax and they say that the medicine takes a while to take effect. It really suck so I'm hoping someone can shed some light on my pain for me.

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Shingles is cause by the chicken pox virus; it stays dormant in the spinal nerves and flares up when your system immunity or resistance is low; common to develop in diabetes.

The pain is due to the fact that the virus is in the nerve system and pain can continue long after the rash is gone. (postherpetic neuralgia).

You may need to consider having the vaccine (Zostavax)..

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Shingles is cause by the chicken pox virus; it stays dormant in the spinal nerves and flares up when your system immunity or resistance is low; common to develop in diabetes.

The pain is due to the fact that the virus is in the nerve system and pain can continue long after the rash is gone. (postherpetic neuralgia).

You may need to consider having the vaccine (Zostavax)..

Yes and shingles also potentially causes Pleurisy when in the chest region which is an inflammation of the sac that surrounds the lungs thus a feeling of soreness which will take some months to go away after the rash has subsided.. Do NOT SCRATCH the blisters as the fluid inside will spread the rash, they itch but scratching it does not give you relief anyways, it just burns.. When you begin to heal an aloe skin lotion does wonders for healing the scars as without treatment they will heal like burns and besides being very unsightly they'll have little to no feeling on the surface as the nerve endings are permanently damaged. Keep it moist with the lotion as that will keep the blisters from drying and cracking with a coating of ooze which is even more painful and causes more scarring when it breaks open repeatedly..

When I was young I had a rare and severe outbreak by the time it was taken seriously and we used Aloe Vera hand lotion and it worked a charm and even surprised the doctor with it's results I've virtually no scars or loss of feeling and I had an extensive outbreak covering approximately 75% of my chest and back area..

Some topical sore muscle creams are recommended to reduce the itching and jabbing, needle like pain the rash causes which is the inflamed nerve endings firing off.. If it's rather localized in a small area an antiviral cream like Acyclovir can help to reduce the infection time too. Many times another infection can fire off the shingles so a possible course of wide spectrum antibiotics might be in order though it won't help with the actual shingles outbreak it will address any other infections that might be lowering your resistance and take plenty of vitamin C and such..

Good luck, I hope this helps as they/it are/is no picnic but get them under control now as if the blisters get really large and spread like mine did it's pure agony...


Shingles is cause by the chicken pox virus; it stays dormant in the spinal nerves and flares up when your system immunity or resistance is low; common to develop in diabetes.

The pain is due to the fact that the virus is in the nerve system and pain can continue long after the rash is gone. (postherpetic neuralgia).

You may need to consider having the vaccine (Zostavax)..

Shingles is cause by the chicken pox virus; it stays dormant in the spinal nerves and flares up when your system immunity or resistance is low; common to develop in diabetes.

The pain is due to the fact that the virus is in the nerve system and pain can continue long after the rash is gone. (postherpetic neuralgia).

You may need to consider having the vaccine (Zostavax)..

Yes Like I say I already know I have it and have Googles everything about it. I know all about the chicken pox etc. etc. But what I am asking is like I said before. every doctor and Google search says "pain" I was asking if the pain I mentioned is normal. Again right side of body ribs pain like I have been punched or kicked and that empty starving feeling in my belly.


Shingles is cause by the chicken pox virus; it stays dormant in the spinal nerves and flares up when your system immunity or resistance is low; common to develop in diabetes.

The pain is due to the fact that the virus is in the nerve system and pain can continue long after the rash is gone. (postherpetic neuralgia).

You may need to consider having the vaccine (Zostavax)..

Shingles is cause by the chicken pox virus; it stays dormant in the spinal nerves and flares up when your system immunity or resistance is low; common to develop in diabetes.

The pain is due to the fact that the virus is in the nerve system and pain can continue long after the rash is gone. (postherpetic neuralgia).

You may need to consider having the vaccine (Zostavax)..

Yes Like I say I already know I have it and have Googles everything about it. I know all about the chicken pox etc. etc. But what I am asking is like I said before. every doctor and Google search says "pain" I was asking if the pain I mentioned is normal. Again right side of body ribs pain like I have been punched or kicked and that empty starving feeling in my belly.

Guessing you didn't read my post before this posting?


WarpSpeed: Actually I must have been writing as you were also and just read it now lol. Thanx for the info but all I can find is that people have "pain" involving scratching, itchiness and tingling. Still haven't read that anyone experiencing what I have. I don't have any of the above mentioned yet. Not itchy at all really.

I did read however that the nerve endings can cause different pains so I'm guessing that mine is rather unusual but seems to be par with the course.

Guess I will just keep my diabetes in control and take the pills and cream and hope it doesn't get worse.

Thanks to everyone for the help etc. It's always nice to know people care. jap.gif


Everything I've heard from those who've had shingles (2 close friends) says it's painful as hell. How bout that then?

FBN points out a link with diabetes; I've also heard that stress is implicated and (for similar reasons) immunodeficiency. If you haven't had recent bloodwork to check for STDs, tuberculosis, etc., this would be an excellent time to get an overall picture of how you're doing.


Everything I've heard from those who've had shingles (2 close friends) says it's painful as hell. How bout that then?

FBN points out a link with diabetes; I've also heard that stress is implicated and (for similar reasons) immunodeficiency. If you haven't had recent bloodwork to check for STDs, tuberculosis, etc., this would be an excellent time to get an overall picture of how you're doing.

What he said^ which in a sense follows on with what I said except you overlooked where I stated that shingles also comes along with Pleurisy in many/most cases that involve the chest area which is an inflammation of the pleura sac that lines the lungs, hence a soreness in your chest especially when you breathe deeply and that can also result in radiating pain in the abdomen since your lungs are located just above your abdomen..Google it....

Never mind here it is...



Everything I've heard from those who've had shingles (2 close friends) says it's painful as hell. How bout that then?

FBN points out a link with diabetes; I've also heard that stress is implicated and (for similar reasons) immunodeficiency. If you haven't had recent bloodwork to check for STDs, tuberculosis, etc., this would be an excellent time to get an overall picture of how you're doing.

I shared a house with a guy who had shingles in Managua in the 80s...there was no AC and he suffered with just a fan and no medication (there was a war and a US embargo)...never seen such pain and misery...and there was nothing that I could do to help...the poor guy was reduced to using herb poultices for his blisters...

I am alarmed to hear about the diabetes connection as I am diabetic and also have hypertension...shingles would cause a trauma that would really mess with your blood pressure...

I hope that the OP gets well soon...


Shingles is cause by the chicken pox virus; it stays dormant in the spinal nerves and flares up when your system immunity or resistance is low; common to develop in diabetes.

The pain is due to the fact that the virus is in the nerve system and pain can continue long after the rash is gone. (postherpetic neuralgia).

You may need to consider having the vaccine (Zostavax)..

Shingles is cause by the chicken pox virus; it stays dormant in the spinal nerves and flares up when your system immunity or resistance is low; common to develop in diabetes.

The pain is due to the fact that the virus is in the nerve system and pain can continue long after the rash is gone. (postherpetic neuralgia).

You may need to consider having the vaccine (Zostavax)..

Yes Like I say I already know I have it and have Googles everything about it. I know all about the chicken pox etc. etc. But what I am asking is like I said before. every doctor and Google search says "pain" I was asking if the pain I mentioned is normal. Again right side of body ribs pain like I have been punched or kicked and that empty starving feeling in my belly.

I am diabetic too, and also suffer from shingles, it affects the left side of my head and face, headaches worse than the most fierce migraine, also burning sensation under the skin, as soonas I feel the first bumps and blisters, I increase my level of zydol ,which dulls the pain down to a light roar,I usually get 3 or 4 shingles attacks a year,an important fact that many forget is that shingles are highly contagious to persons over the age of 50 as my mrs found out !!

WarpSpeed: Actually I must have been writing as you were also and just read it now lol. Thanx for the info but all I can find is that people have "pain" involving scratching, itchiness and tingling. Still haven't read that anyone experiencing what I have. I don't have any of the above mentioned yet. Not itchy at all really.

I did read however that the nerve endings can cause different pains so I'm guessing that mine is rather unusual but seems to be par with the course.

Guess I will just keep my diabetes in control and take the pills and cream and hope it doesn't get worse.

Thanks to everyone for the help etc. It's always nice to know people care. jap.gif

i had shingles, Yes it hurts. It is a deep almost to the bone pain not directly related to the rash.


Shingles is cause by the chicken pox virus; it stays dormant in the spinal nerves and flares up when your system immunity or resistance is low; common to develop in diabetes.

The pain is due to the fact that the virus is in the nerve system and pain can continue long after the rash is gone. (postherpetic neuralgia).

You may need to consider having the vaccine (Zostavax)..

Shingles is cause by the chicken pox virus; it stays dormant in the spinal nerves and flares up when your system immunity or resistance is low; common to develop in diabetes.

The pain is due to the fact that the virus is in the nerve system and pain can continue long after the rash is gone. (postherpetic neuralgia).

You may need to consider having the vaccine (Zostavax)..

Yes Like I say I already know I have it and have Googles everything about it. I know all about the chicken pox etc. etc. But what I am asking is like I said before. every doctor and Google search says "pain" I was asking if the pain I mentioned is normal. Again right side of body ribs pain like I have been punched or kicked and that empty starving feeling in my belly.

I am diabetic too, and also suffer from shingles, it affects the left side of my head and face, headaches worse than the most fierce migraine, also burning sensation under the skin, as soonas I feel the first bumps and blisters, I increase my level of zydol ,which dulls the pain down to a light roar,I usually get 3 or 4 shingles attacks a year,an important fact that many forget is that shingles are highly contagious to persons over the age of 50 as my mrs found out !!

My Mother gets shingles every now and then in the side of her face and head leading down her neck and she experiences the same sort of pain. Its very painful from what I gather.

I hope the OP is feeling better soon. :(


Hubby got the shingles vaccine last year at Chiang Mai Ram Hospital, so apparently it is available in some places in Thailand. Incidentally, it is recommended for everyone over age 60 who has already had chicken pox.

Also, you can get it multiple times, so don't think that having an attack gives you immunity. An acquaintence of mine is enduring her second bout now and still refuses to get the vaccine! Yes, it's expensive but I would think one episode would cause you to give up special treats for a month or so to be able to afford it!


I was diagnosed with Herpes Zosta (Shingles) in the right side of my face.

When you get it in the face it only affects one side but very painful.

My dermatologist prescribed a course of Acyclavir (anti-retroviral)

I was lucky and got cured.

Once you are cured of Shingles it will not return.

Good Luck to the OP


Shingles is cause by the chicken pox virus; it stays dormant in the spinal nerves and flares up when your system immunity or resistance is low; common to develop in diabetes.

The pain is due to the fact that the virus is in the nerve system and pain can continue long after the rash is gone. (postherpetic neuralgia).

You may need to consider having the vaccine (Zostavax)..

Shingles is cause by the chicken pox virus; it stays dormant in the spinal nerves and flares up when your system immunity or resistance is low; common to develop in diabetes.

The pain is due to the fact that the virus is in the nerve system and pain can continue long after the rash is gone. (postherpetic neuralgia).

You may need to consider having the vaccine (Zostavax)..

Yes Like I say I already know I have it and have Googles everything about it. I know all about the chicken pox etc. etc. But what I am asking is like I said before. every doctor and Google search says "pain" I was asking if the pain I mentioned is normal. Again right side of body ribs pain like I have been punched or kicked and that empty starving feeling in my belly.

I am diabetic too, and also suffer from shingles, it affects the left side of my head and face, headaches worse than the most fierce migraine, also burning sensation under the skin, as soonas I feel the first bumps and blisters, I increase my level of zydol ,which dulls the pain down to a light roar,I usually get 3 or 4 shingles attacks a year,an important fact that many forget is that shingles are highly contagious to persons over the age of 50 as my mrs found out !!

My sympathies on your chronic shingles attack I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, weeelll maybe my worst enemy but you get the idea. I was very young (pre teen) when I contracted it or should say had my first attack and it left an indelible memory on me to this day as it did my mother who thought I was just faking for many days and just had prickly heat instead wanting to get out of school..

I've since had a few minor break outs when under stress and my immunity is low but I recognize it and jump right on it before fires off. I said "contracted" earlier and maybe I actually did as the doctor of the time told us it was just inherited not contagious but who knows maybe I did contract it thinking back there were several possible sources at the time...

I was in much the same situation as Tutsi Warriors friend in that I was sitting in class with no A/C in south Florida and heat and sweat was unbearable and painful. I remember like it was yesterday holding my arm out the window and holding my sleeve open as we drove to the doctor to let some semblance of cool air flow over the blisters, I had to get 4 shots for treatment and never batted an eye about them as they were never so welcome over the shingles pain..


Hubby got the shingles vaccine last year at Chiang Mai Ram Hospital, so apparently it is available in some places in Thailand. Incidentally, it is recommended for everyone over age 60 who has already had chicken pox.

Also, you can get it multiple times, so don't think that having an attack gives you immunity. An acquaintence of mine is enduring her second bout now and still refuses to get the vaccine! Yes, it's expensive but I would think one episode would cause you to give up special treats for a month or so to be able to afford it!

It never goes away technically, there is no cure only treatments, the virus lays dormant in the base of the spine and surfaces under times of extreme stress and immuno deficiency usually those 2 go hand in hand.

Man there's stubborn and then there's just plain pig headed. I'd jump at the chance for the vaccine at almost any cost reasonably speaking of course over one more occurrence of shingles.. Your friend must be into suffering.... sad.png That being said I did have a very serious outbreak though, I have been dealing with much smaller ones over the years without vaccinations but if I had another serious one not doubt I'd be getting a vaccine..

BTW there is also a danger of other illnesses with shingles as it is a form of herpes so therefore can also cause illnesses such as sclerosis of the liver and other related diseases later in life.. Something to look forward to sad.png ...

In my earlier post where I mentioned some athletic creams being some relief, it occurs to me that those creams must contain Capzasin-P as the primary ingredient to do any good....

Also I forgot to mention earlier that if you use any creams, aloe or athletic creams, use gloves even on yourself so as not to spread the blisters..


I was diagnosed with Herpes Zosta (Shingles) in the right side of my face.

When you get it in the face it only affects one side but very painful.

My dermatologist prescribed a course of Acyclavir (anti-retroviral)

I was lucky and got cured.

Once you are cured of Shingles it will not return.

Good Luck to the OP

Sorry no such thing as a "cure" if someone told you this, you were lied to..... If you assumed you're cured because of a remission and no recurrence since, chalk it up to better health and less stress but you're not "cured"...

It's like saying that because I have no recent symptoms of HIV because I took yada yada yada medicines then you'd be wrong there too and should still abstain from unprotected sex as the virus is just being contained within you but is still potentially contagious and active..


I had it about 10 years back with your symptoms. I was given a very expensive anti viral drug, so the doc said, and it cleared up.

Yes it does "clear up" but it NEVER goes away completely or is "cured", it is still dormant in the base of the spine. I had it over 40 years ago and got 4 shots of antibiotics and one of something else probably an anti viral of the time and only minor occasional break outs since so it will go away but is always present..


Well it seems that I might be better off then a lot of people then. Like I said I had that pain in my ribs like I was kicked and then that empty painful feeling in my tummy then the other day when I saw the rash that is exactly where the rashes were, on my ribs (side) and the lower part of my chest almost just between that and my Top side of my belly.

Seeing what other posters are saying about the pain, maybe mine isn't that bad after all as I still manage to get some sleep and can relax. First I was just taking some pain-killers from what I had lying around (ibophrofine 600mg etc.) and that allowed me to sleep. But the day I saw the rash, doctor pharmacist I started their pain killers (KLYZEN 25 {Diclofenac sodium25mg} and ULTRACET {35mg tramadol HCI + 25mg Paracetimol}) and it was bare-able last night and today.

Just started the "Acyclovir 200mg 5 times per day as of today and am applying the Topical cream.

I have also read 50+ or 60+ are more susceptible however I believe the 50+ zone now.

Also read there is no cure but only treatment and most likely will go away forever BUT can come back any time.

Yes low immunity system via HIV, Cancer etc does not help however I get regular blood tests and I'm ok that way. One very recent for work and included many results.

Sure people like me with diabetes are more susceptible as well seeing our livers are not perfect etc.

Also I have been stressed out a lot lately with no work, money getting low etc. but try to keep positive all the time however stress is there I'm sure.

The Vaccine is only to prevent getting shingles and NOT for after you already have it. They say that would be a waste of money.

I never heard of this until I had the rash and went to the Doc.

I have been here for 11 years and hate ac so I'm happy with just my fan. Ac plus going out into hot weather = colds.

The doctor did say looking at my feet and hands that I was lacking a good diet, blood flow and certain vitamins. Better start taking the ole health care up one more level.

This is a great forum to get opinions etc. as well as like I said I never heard of this before yesterday.

PS: I'm glad I dont have it on my face or head and feel bad for those of you that do/did. No itchiness for me too thank god.

Maybe time for me to take a trip back to Canada for awhile and get some proper health care, back into shape then back to the ole twisting Iron (work.)


Just got an email from a friend who lives in C. Mai re the Zostavax shot for shingles:

"I got the herpes zoster vaccine last year at Sriphat Hospital in CNX at $60."

Be nice if someone could go over there and confirm.

So, that's two possibilities in C. Mai, Sriphat and Chiang Mai Ram.

Check them both out, please.

To me, tho, seems strange that C. Mai would have the vaccine but can't find a place in Bangkok that does.



An elder sibling of mine has had Shingles (chronic) for about 15 years. Definite relationship with stress. If the the poster is a smoker, this also will lower resistance and weaken the immune system, increasing the chance of reoccurrence. Vitamin supplements may be of benefit, although cessation of smoking would be the optimum boost to the immune system


Well I'm almost finished the Acyclovir 5 day supply the doctor gave to me. I more pill left but no changes in my rash at all. Still has the bubbles and has not done what most people report (Crust up and then washes away and then disappears)

The pain is greater now like most of you have said before but now it is not only the rash area (front and side ribs) but now is all over my body and pain like you would not believe.

Any suggestions of how long did the people here who have had it did it take for your rash to go away. As I am diabetic it might take longer so should I buy another 5 day supply?


usually my attacks last from 7 to 10 days, anyone who has a blisters on the head or face , be very careful it can also lead to part or complete loss of sight


Well I can just go to Fascino and buy the Acyclovir 200mg over the counter. The doctor only gave me enough to get through 5 days so I just figured that was normal but then again TIT where nothing is normal. lol

Also the Acyclovir ant viral cream was just a very small tube that lasts 1 day so I have gone through 3 tubes so far and no change in the rash.

Does anyone feel I should just buy another 5 day supply plus more cream?

Sometimes the pain gets un bearable so I take a lot of pain killers to stop it so I can sleep but then when I wake up I am foggy brained, weak etc from the PK hangover.

I mean there only seems to be 1 treatment for this shingles flare up and that is the medicine I was prescribed so I don't think another trip to the doctor will do any good except pay him money just so he can tell me "yes buy more medicine"

I think I will just buy more and do another 5 days of pills & cream and hopefully the pain gets bearable enough that I don't need pain-killers.

I am diabetic so I have to try and function, eat etc. also.


7-10 days is the usual course of treatment.

If it really gets to be more than you can handle pain-wise you can get OTC a topical anesthetic which will provide temporary numbness. Brand names Liprikaine and Emla, the first one being locally made so cheaper.

Use it sparingly (i.e. not more than once a day and very thin coat of it) as there will be some systemic absorption which can cause adverse effects if the amount is significant. This drug is not meant for repeat applications, usually used to numb skin before painful procedures. Mavbe reserve for nighttime use so you can get to sleep...if the systemic painkillers aren't enough.

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